Comprehensive analysis of survival-associated genes in the neutrophil and dendritic cell sets. (a) Of the 306 genes in the expression modules of neutrophils and dendritic cell sets, 173 were significant in survival analyzes. (b) Upset plot of the interactions among six groups of the DNMT system (DNMTs cna mRNA, mRNA expression of genes significantly affected by the copy-number alterations of DNMTs; DNMTs cna methy, promoter DNA methylation of genes significantly affected by copy-number alterations of DNMTs; DNMTs exp mRNA, mRNA expression of genes significantly correlated to mRNA expression of DNMTs; DNMTs exp methy, promoter DNA methylation of genes significantly correlated to mRNA expression of DNMTs; DNMTs mut mRNA, mRNA expression of genes significantly affected by somatic mutations in DNMTs; DNMTs mut methy, promoter DNA methylation of genes significantly affected by somatic mutations in DNMTs). Boxplots of DNA methylation among significant, NS, and other module groups in normal adjacent tissue (c) and CRC (d). The star indicates statistical differences based on the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. (e). Boxplots of the mRNA expression comparison between significant and NS groups in lymph node and colon.