Figure 7. FST overexpression delays pro-sensory cell cycle exit.
Timed mated pregnant dames received dox beginning at E11.5, followed by a single injection of EdU at E13.5. At E18.5, FST transgenic (R26-FST) embryos and their control (wild type or single transgenic) littermates were harvested and analyzed for EdU incorporation (red). (A) Shown are cross-sections through the base, mid and apical turn of control and FST overexpressing cochlear tissue. Atoh1-GFP transgene expression (GFP, green) marks inner hair cells (IHC, white arrowhead) and outer hair cells (OHC, white bar). SOX2 immunostaining (magenta) marks supporting cells including inner phalangeal cells (IPH), pillar cells (PC) and Deiters’ cells (DC) marked by white arrows. Ectopic inner hair cells are marked by red arrowheads. Scale bar, 50 µm. (B–E) Graphed are the percentage of EdU positive outer hair cells (OHC) and inner hair cells (IHC) that were observed within the base, mid and apex of control (Ctrl) and FST overexpressing (FST) cochlear whole mounts. Data expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 4 animals per group, *p≤0.05, **p<0.01, student’s t-test).