We have received several communications about a photograph that appeared in this article by Raymond Hoffenberg (22-29 December, pp 1478-80). We published what we thought was a 1967 photograph of Christiaan Barnard explaining heart transplantation. However, some readers have told us that the photograph shows Marius Barnard, Christiaan's brother. Hoffenberg himself was at first sure that it was Christiaan but now thinks it may indeed be Marius. The picture agency that supplied the picture has no information other than that it is Christiaan.
. 2002 Feb 23;324(7335):465.
Christiaan Barnard: his first transplants and their impact on concepts of death
Copyright © 2002, BMJ
This corrects the article "Christiaan Barnard: his first transplants and their impact on concepts of death" in volume 323 on page 1478.