To study the role of the lateral lemniscus as a link in the ascending auditory pathway, injections of neuronal tracers were placed in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) and in the inferior colliculus of the bat Eptesicus fuscus. To correlate the anatomical results with tonotopic organization, the characteristic frequency of cells at each injection site was determined electrophysiologically. Pathways from AVCN diverge to 3 major targets in the lateral lemniscus, the intermediate nucleus and 2 divisions of the ventral nucleus (VNLL). Projections from these 3 nuclei then converge at the inferior colliculus. One cell group is particularly notable for its cytoarchitectural appearance. It is referred to here as the columnar area of VNLL because its cells are organized as a tightly packed matrix of columns and rows. The connections of the columnar area are organized in sheets that are precisely related to the tonotopic organization of both AVCN and the inferior colliculus. Sheets of cells in the dorsal part of the columnar area receive projections from low-frequency parts of AVCN and project to low-frequency parts of the inferior colliculus. These sheets of connections occupy successively more ventral locations as the tonotopic focus of the injection site increases in frequency. The entire range of frequencies audible to the bat is systematically represented along the dorsal-ventral dimension of the columnar area. Because each column is only 20–30 cells in height, frequency representation must be compressed in this dimension. Within the columnar area there is an overrepresentation of frequencies between 25 and 50 kHz, which corresponds roughly to the range of the FM echo- location call in Eptesicus. The connections of the other nuclei of the lateral lemniscus are not as precisely related to the tonotopic organization of the system as are those of the columnar area.