Two-dimensional maps of orientation and direction preference were made in area 18 of the cat's visual cortex using multiple electrode penetrations 150–300 micron apart. The maps were then analyzed by autocorrelation and Fourier transformation. The power spectrum of the orientation map was sharply peaked below the theoretical cutoff frequency for the sampling function (the pattern of electrode penetrations) used to obtain the map. This suggested that it would be possible to interpolate orientation values between the sample points in the cortex. This was done and the resulting fine-grain maps of orientation preference were studied. Empirical testing showed that the interpolated orientation values were accurate to within +/- 30 degrees. Study of the fine-grain maps showed that iso-orientation domains for broad orientation ranges (0 degrees-90 degrees) were branching bands running from an anterolateral to a posteromedial direction across the surface of the cortex with a periodicity of 1.25 +/- 0.13 mm. Domains for smaller orientation ranges (0 degrees-30 degrees) were periodically spaced, but somewhat irregularly shaped patches. The orientation maps contained numerous point singularities where orientation changed discontinuously. These were spaced about 750 micron apart and most were surrounded by a single 180 degrees cycle of orientations. Autocorrelation analysis of the maps of preferred direction revealed local clustering that extended over a distance of 250–300 micron, but spectral analysis failed to reveal any evidence of periodicity. The absence of periodicity was probably due to a relatively large number of 180 degrees reversals in the map of direction preference, which do not affect the continuity of the orientation map and are not sufficiently numerous to destroy local continuity in the direction map. It is shown that the direction map, if it is to be as continuous as possible, must nevertheless contain lines across which direction preference reverses by 180 degrees. These lines run from one orientation singularity to another. Evidence that the direction map approaches this degree of continuity is presented.