The localization and distribution of brain-stem afferent neurons to the cat abducens nucleus has been examined by high-affinity uptake and retrograde transport of 3H-glycine. Injections of 3H-glycine selectively labeled (by autoradiography) only neurons located predominantly in the ipsilateral medial vestibular and contralateral prepositus hypoglossi nuclei, and in the contralateral dorsomedial reticular formation, the latter corresponding to the location of inhibitory burst neurons. The specificity of uptake and retrograde transport of 3H-glycine was indicated by the absence of labeling of the dorsomedial medullary reticular neurons ipsilateral and in close proximity to the injection site, where local uptake by diffusion could have occurred. The selectivity of uptake and transport was demonstrated by the absence of retrograde labeling following injections of 3H-GABA or 3H-leucine into the abducens nucleus. The immunohistochemical localization of glycine and GABA revealed a differential distribution of the 2 inhibitory neurotransmitter candidates in the extraocular motor nuclei. Glycine-immunoreactive staining of synaptic endings in the abducens nucleus was dense with a widespread soma-dendritic distribution but was sparse in the trochlear and oculomotor nuclei. By contrast, GABA-immunoreactive staining within the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei was associated with synaptic endings that were particularly prominent on the somata of motoneurons. GABA- immunoreactive staining in the abducens nucleus, however, was sparse. These differences between glycine- and GABA-immunoreactive staining in the extraocular motor nuclei were correlated with differences in the immunoreactivity of axons in the descending (glycine) and ascending (GABA) limbs of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Glycine- immunoreactive neurons, furthermore, were observed in the same locations as neurons that were labeled autoradiographically by retrograde transport of 3H-glycine from the abducens nucleus. Electrophysiological recordings from abducens motoneurons and internuclear neurons revealed a marked reduction in the slow positivity of the orthodromic extracellular potential elicited by ipsilateral vestibular nerve stimulation following systemic administration of strychnine, an antagonist of glycine. Intracellular recordings demonstrated that the vestibular-evoked disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in abducens neurons were effectively blocked by strychnine but were unaffected by picrotoxin, an antagonist of GABA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)