Serotonergic projections are widespread in the developing neocortex, but their functions are obscure. The effects of 5-HT3 receptor agonists on cortical circuit response properties were studied in slices of ferret primary visual cortex using high-speed optical imaging of voltage-sensitive dye signals and whole-cell patch-clamp recording. Activation of the 5-HT3receptor decreased the amplitude and lateral extent of excitation throughout postnatal development. This effect peaks after eye opening, which indicates a function for serotonergic modulation of circuit responses during the period of refinement of cortical connections. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from single neurons revealed that synaptic responses evoked by white matter stimulation were reduced by 5-HT3 receptor agonists, whereas the frequency of spontaneous GABAergic synaptic currents was enhanced dramatically. This indicates that the modulation of spontaneous synaptic activity by fast-acting serotonin receptors is reflected in an inhibition of the circuit response, in line with the notion of background synaptic activity altering the spatiotemporal integration properties of cortical cells by changing their membrane potential and their electrotonic structure. These mechanisms may regulate the response properties of intrinsic circuits in both the adult and developing neocortex.
Keywords: neocortex, development, optical recording, serotonin, 5-HT3 receptor, ferret, spontaneous activity, synaptic current, GABAergic synapses, inhibition
During the developmental period before the onset of sensory function, intrinsically generated spontaneous activity is crucial to the differentiation of neocortical circuitry (for review, see Goodman and Shatz, 1993; Katz and Shatz, 1996). In the visual system this activity may originate in the retina (Feller et al., 1996; Weliky and Katz, 1997), the lateral geniculate nucleus, and/or the cortex itself (Ruthazer and Stryker, 1996). Intracortical synaptic activity may also be regulated by inputs from brain regions outside the primary visual pathway.
Neuromodulatory brainstem afferents innervate the mammalian neocortex very early during development (DeLima and Singer, 1986; D’Amato et al., 1987; Gu et al., 1990; Henderson, 1991; Voigt and De Lima, 1991b). These inputs have been implicated in the regulation of ocular dominance plasticity (Kasamatsu and Pettigrew, 1976; Bear and Singer, 1986;Imamura and Kasamatsu, 1989; Gu and Singer, 1995) and the development of thalamocortical projection patterns (Cases et al., 1996), but effects on developing neocortical circuits are not well understood. The fast-acting receptors for modulatory transmitters, such as the ionotropic serotonin 5-HT3 receptor, may structure neuronal activity in close temporal correlation with other inputs and thus play a role during activity-dependent stages of circuit formation and refinement. One function of this receptor class is modulatory: by regulating the release of GABA (Kawa, 1994), neuronal activity patterns can be altered. In addition, the 5-HT3 receptor directly mediates fast excitatory synaptic transmission in some CNS structures (Sugita et al., 1992; Roerig and Katz, 1997). Thus serotonergic afferents to the neocortex may serve both as a source of spontaneous synaptic activity, especially in early development before the maturation of thalamocortical inputs, and as a regulator of synaptic activity mediated by other neurotransmitters.
Synaptic background activity may influence integrative properties in neocortical pyramidal cells by altering both their electrotonic structure and their resting membrane potential (Bernander et al., 1991). If neuromodulators change the frequency of synaptic background activity or the excitation/inhibition ratio, integrative properties such as coincidence detection could be significantly altered. Neuromodulators could thereby regulate spatiotemporal integration in both mature and developing circuits. To investigate whether serotonin 5-HT3 receptors modulate cortical circuit behavior at critical stages during visual system development, we analyzed the effects of receptor selective ligands on cortical circuit response properties. Because optical recording of voltage-sensitive dye signals represents an adequate approach to measure the spatiotemporal modulation of circuit behavior (Nelson and Katz, 1995), this technique was used to monitor network level effects and single-cell patch-clamp paradigms to elucidate the underlying cellular mechanisms. We found that activation of fast, ionotropic serotonin receptors has a prominent inhibitory effect on cortical circuit responses, probably resulting from an increase in GABAergic synaptic activity.
Animals and dissection. Postnatal ferrets (P6–P57; Marshall Farms, New Rose, NY) were deeply anesthetized with Nembutal (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and decapitated. Coronal slices (400–500 μm thickness) of primary visual cortex were prepared using a Vibratome (Ted Pella, Redding, CA). Dissections were made in sucrose–artificial CSF (ACSF) [composed of (in mm): 248 sucrose, 5 KCl, 5.3 KH2PO4, 1.3 MgSO4, 3.2 CaCl2, 10 dextrose, 25 NaHCO3, and 1 kynurenic acid] (Aghajanian and Rasmussen, 1989) oxygenated with a mixture of 95% O2/5% CO2, pH 7.4, chilled to 4°C. Slices were maintained in an interface chamber at a temperature of 33°C and in an atmosphere of 95% CO2/5% O2 as described previously (Durack and Katz, 1996). Sucrose–ACSF was replaced with standard ACSF, composed of (in mm): 125 NaCl, 5 KCl, 5.3 KH2PO4, 1.3 MgSO4, 3.2 CaCl2, 10 dextrose, and 25 NaHCO3, after 1 hr. For patch-clamp and optical recording, individual slices were transferred to a recording chamber and continuously superfused with ACSF at room temperature.
Optical recording. For optical recording of synaptic responses, the ACSF in the interface storage chamber was replaced by a 100 μm solution of the voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye RH461 (N-(3-trimethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(4-(p-diethylaminophenyl)butadienyl) pyridinium dibromide (Grinvald et al., 1987) in standard ACSF for 30–45 min. Although RH 461 was designed primarily for intracellular injection (Grinvald et al., 1987), we did not observe a difference in signal quality between RH 461 and the more expensive RH 795 (Grinvald et al., 1994) in extracellularly stained cortical slices. Individual slices were transferred to a glass-bottomed recording chamber mounted on the stage of a Zeiss IM 35 inverted microscope. Optical recordings were made using a 12 × 12 photodiode array linked to 128 sample-and-hold amplifiers (Grinvald et al., 1994). Only the 100 centermost photodiodes were used. The photodiode array was attached to the side port of the microscope, and recordings were made through a 10× objective (Wild Fluotar, 0.4 NA). The total imaged area was 1100 × 1100 mm. The preparation was illuminated by a 150 W tungsten-halogen bulb, driven at 16.5 V instead of its rated voltage of 15 V for maximum light by a stable DC power source (Kepco ATE 75, 15m). Incident and fluorescent light was filtered using an XF40 filter set (excitation wavelength 560 nm, emission wavelength 600 nm, dichroic split at 590 nm; Omega Optical, Brattleboro, VT). The fluorescence time course was not corrected for light scattering. However, because the light scattering signal is caused by stimulus-induced activity as well, our main findings should not be affected by it even if we did not purely measure fluorescence changes induced by changes in transmembrane voltage. Slices were stimulated via a bipolar electrode (pulse duration, 100 msec; stimulation strength, 6 V; frequency, 0.04 Hz) placed at the white matter/layer 6 boundary or intracortically, usually within layer 4. To reduce fatigue of synaptic responses in young cortical tissue as well as bleaching artifacts, an intertrial interval of 25 sec was used. A total of 100 traces covering an area of 1100 × 1100 μm were recorded during each trial. To isolate the different synaptic or nonsynaptic components, the average of the last 10 trials of a recording period after addition of an antagonist were subtracted from the average of the last 10 trials of the previous condition. Receptor agonists and antagonists were bath-applied. The 5-HT3 receptor agonist M-109 and serotonin were applied in the presence of the antioxidant sodium metabisulfite (100 μmNa2S2O5), which when applied alone did not change neuronal response properties. The antioxidant was added to ensure stable serotonin and M-109 concentrations because both compounds are prone to oxidation when exposed to light. The nonspecific decrease of the optically recorded synaptic responses caused by dye washout and fatigue of synaptic terminals (“rundown”) was determined by subtraction of responses recorded after 20–40 min of continuous acquisition from the responses recorded during the first 10 min of the experiment. In the slices included in this study, the time course of the nonspecific signal decline was very slow and did not show a peak during the first 20 msec of the recording, when most of the isolated synaptic responses reached their maximal amplitude. Thus we do not expect a significant contamination of our signals from this source. The amplified fluorescence signals were digitized at a sampling frequency of 2 kHz using a custom-designed LabVIEW Virtual Instrument. Alignment of optical recording data with laminar boundaries was guided by video images of living slices showing the area recorded from and by cresyl violet-stained sections. Overlays of fluorescence data and video images were created using Adobe Photoshop. Laminar sorting of fluorescence traces based on the position of the photodiode array was performed using a custom-designed LabVIEW Virtual Instrument. Trace data from slices of each age group were pooled according to the laminar location of the recording site, which was determined by aligning the optical traces to cresyl violet-stained sections. To compare different recording conditions, maximum amplitudes of the optical signals were integrated over the first 10 msec after stimulus onset. To correct for differences in response amplitude caused by varying distances from the stimulus position, the amplitude of the inhibitory effect (as determined by subtracting the signals recorded in the presence of an agonist from the control condition) was plotted against the control amplitude for each trace, and the slope of the linear regression was calculated. Increasing slope values indicate larger effects (see Fig.5). Slopes were averaged among slices for each age group.
Electrophysiology. Electrophysiological recordings were performed using standard whole-cell patch-clamp methods (Blanton et al., 1989). The intracellular solution consisted of 110 mmd-gluconic acid, 110 mm CsOH, 11 mmEGTA, 10 mm CsCl, 1 mmMgCl2, 1 mm CaCl2, 10 mm HEPES, 1.8 mm GTP, 3 mm ATP, pH 7.2, and contained 0.5% N-(2-aminoethyl)biotinamide (Neurobiotin, Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR). Unless specified otherwise, the holding potential was −60 mV. Recordings were filtered at 1 kHz, digitized at 2.5–4.0 kHz using an Axopatch 1D amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA) and a TL-1 analog-to-digital converter in conjunction with pClamp 5.5.1 software (Axon Instruments). The frequency of spontaneous synaptic currents was determined from 1–6 min continuous recordings. Synaptic currents were electrically evoked via a bipolar stimulation electrode positioned at the layer 6/white matter border (pulse duration, 100 msec; amplitude, 130–600 mA). The slice was stimulated at a frequency of 0.1 Hz. Five to twenty-eight synaptic responses were averaged for further analysis. Slices were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, for subsequent histological processing of neurobiotin-filled cells. Labeled cells were visualized by standard immunoperoxidase staining techniques.
The results of our experiments are presented in three major sections. We first analyze the composition of the voltage-sensitive dye signal to facilitate understanding of the mechanisms of the neuromodulator actions described subsequently. We then demonstrate that activation of 5-HT3 receptors reduces response amplitudes and changes in the time course of optical responses. In the third section, results from patch-clamp recordings address the cellular mechanisms underlying the optically observed alterations in circuit response properties.
Components of the optically recorded signal
The optical signal integrates depolarizing and hyperpolarizing responses from a group of neurons. To be able to assign effects of serotonin receptor activation to inhibitory or excitatory, mono- or polysynaptic or action potential components, we first pharmacologically isolated synaptic and nonsynaptic components of the optically recorded response. This allowed us to understand which parts of the cortical synaptic circuitry are modulated. Figure1 shows the pharmacologically isolated components of the optical signals recorded by a single photodiode close to the stimulation site in slices from a young (P15) and a more mature animal (P40). Maximal amplitudes of the fluorescence signal increased considerably with age. At each developmental stage the fast initial peak response was dominated by a large, TTX-sensitive component that persisted in the presence of antagonists to GABAA, glutamate, serotonin, and acetylcholine receptors (antagonist concentrations used 50 μm picrotoxin, 20 μmd-APV, 50 μm CNQX, 20 nm3-tropanyl-indole-3-carboxylate-methiodide (ICS) 205–930, 100 μm dihydro-β-erythroidine, 3 μm TTX). This potential therefore represents presynaptic action potentials. A similar contribution of presynaptic action potentials to the optically recorded signal has been observed in rat visual cortex (Tanifuji et al., 1996). The action potential component was observed close to the stimulation electrode and also at all recording sites in all layers, which differs from previous reports showing a spike contribution only in the lower part of layer 6 (Albowitz and Kuhnt, 1993; Tanifuji et al., 1996). This probably arises from differences in stimulation strength and the absence of inhibition in our experiments.
The synaptic component of the voltage-sensitive dye signal, which increased with postnatal age, was largely blocked by glutamate and GABAA receptor antagonists (Fig. 1). Early and late excitatory components could be resolved in the synaptic fraction of the optical signal, presumably reflecting mono- and polysynaptic responses, respectively. The early excitatory response was dominated by an AMPA receptor-mediated component, whereas the late excitatory component was predominantly NMDA receptor-mediated. The relative contribution of NMDA and non-NMDA receptor-mediated components, however, varied considerably between slices. In several slices from older animals (<35 d), an early hyperpolarizing, picrotoxin-sensitive component could be isolated close to the stimulation site, which probably reflects direct or monosynaptic activation of GABAergic interneurons. In summary, this analysis shows that the fluorescence signal roughly reflects the sequence of synaptic potentials known from intracellular recordings from neocortical neurons in response to afferent stimulation (Thompson et al., 1995). Changing the stimulus strength mostly affected response amplitudes rather than response patterns, once the threshold for action potential generation in the circuit was reached. Because changing the stimulus strength did not seem to provide us with much additional information, we have not systematically recorded at different stimulus strength in every experiment.
Activation of serotonin 5-HT3 receptors reduces the amplitude of cortical responses to afferent stimulation
To investigate the effect of ionotropic serotonin receptor activation on circuit response properties, we imaged fluorescence changes in response to electrical stimulation either at the white matter/layer 6 boundary or in layer 4. At all ages (P13–P56) bath application of the selective 5-HT3 receptor agonist 2-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine maleate (100 μm M-109) reversibly reduced the amplitude of optically recorded responses in 85% of the tested slices (27 of 30) (Figs.2, 3). Preapplication of the selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist 3-tropanyl-indole-3-carboxylate hydrochloride (10–20 nm ICS 205–930; n = 8) (Fig. 3B) blocked these effects. At all ages circuit depression by 5-HT3 receptor activation was strongest when the stimulation electrode was placed in layer 4 (Fig.3E). In several experiments we have observed a different laminar distribution of absolute versus relative changes in response amplitudes after application of serotonergic agonists (Figs. 2, 6). Absolute changes tended to be largest in layers 4–6, whereas relative changes seemed to be more prominent in layers 2/3. At this point we do not know whether the absolute or relative change in response amplitudes induced by serotonergic agonists is the more relevant factor in terms of its effect on the function of the cortical circuit. We have therefore restricted the representation of our results to an illustration of the absolute changes.
Analysis of isolated synaptic response components showed that activation of the 5-HT3 receptor system resulted in a general reduction in cortical excitability. Cortical neurons normally generate a polysynaptic, NMDA receptor-mediated EPSP after afferent stimulation (Sutor and Hablitz, 1989). To determine the effect of 5-HT3 receptor activation on the AMPA or NMDA receptor-mediated response components we tested the effects of 5-HT3 receptor agonists in the presence of CNQX (50 μm) or d-APV (20 μm). Bath application of d-APV (20 μm) reduced both early and late excitatory components of the voltage-sensitive dye signal, consistent with a contribution of NMDA receptors to both mono- and polysynaptic response components (n = 4 slices). The 5-HT3 receptor agonist M-109 strongly suppressed the remaining AMPA receptor-mediated response component.
CNQX (50 μm) reduced the early excitatory component, whereas the late, slower excitatory component was unaffected or even increased (n = 5 slices) (Fig.4). Blocking the AMPA component of the early, excitatory response often revealed an early inhibitory component (Fig. 4B). This was most prominent close to the stimulating electrode and probably represents direct depolarization or monosynaptic activation of local interneurons. M-109 reduced both the early hyperpolarizing component and the NMDA component of the optically recorded response. The results of these experiments demonstrate that 5-HT3 receptor activation reduces both mono- and polysynaptic NMDA and AMPA components and even the GABAergic, hyperpolarizing component of the electrically evoked response (Fig. 4). This suggests a general inhibitory mechanism rather than a selective effect on any receptor subsystem.
The inhibitory effect of 5-HT3 receptor activation had no obvious laminar specificity at any age. To test for developmental changes in the magnitude of the modulatory effect, data from all layers were pooled for each age group (Fig. 5). Layer 1 responses were omitted because of their small amplitude and the resulting low signal-to-noise ratio. The inhibitory action of the 5-HT3 receptor agonist M-109 increased significantly between P35 and P40, i.e., during the period immediately after eye opening (p < 0.001; one-way ANOVA) (Fig.5).
Effects of serotonin and 5-HT1B receptor ligands on voltage-sensitive dye signals
Serotonin activates not only 5-HT3 receptors but also G-protein-coupled receptors, which themselves might alter responses. We thus next tested the effects of serotonin itself. Bath application of serotonin (100 μm) reversibly suppressed responses to afferent stimulation at the layer 6/white matter boundary in 60% of the tested slices (7 of 12, P29–P34) (Figs.6, 7). In the remaining slices serotonin had no effect. The inhibitory effect was partially blocked (60–70%) by the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ICS 205–930 (20 nm) in all tested slices (n = 4). Thus a significant proportion of the effect of serotonin on circuit response properties is mediated by the 5-HT3 receptor system.
A presynaptic inhibitory effect of serotonin on both thalamocortical and intracortical synaptic transmission mediated by the G-protein-coupled 5-HT1B receptor has previously been described in rat cortical slices (Read et al., 1994; Rhoades et al., 1994). To test whether this second, presumably slower acting inhibitory system also operates in the ferret cortex we used the selective 5-HT1B receptor agonist CGS-12066A (100 μm). 5-HT1B receptor activation slightly reduced response amplitudes in one of eight tested slices, had no effect in two slices, and enhanced the early peak response, whereas it depressed the late excitatory component in six of nine tested slices (Fig. 7) (age of animals P29–P35). The agonist had no effect on the presence of the 5-HT1 receptor antagonist methiotepin (10 μm). Thus the 5-HT3 and 5-HT1B receptor systems do not simply represent two inhibitory mechanisms acting on a different time scale, as we initially expected, but show a more complex pattern of effects on circuit activation.
Serotonergic agonists change the time course of cortical circuit activation
The results presented thus far demonstrated that the 5-HT3 receptor agonist M-109 (100 μm) reduced peak amplitudes of the optically recorded cortical response to afferent stimulation. Because the integration of subcortical and intracortical inputs also depends on the time course of signal propagation, we next compared the temporal properties of the circuit response under control conditions and in the presence of the agonist (Fig.8). In most cases (23 of 30 tested slices) the time to response peak was unchanged or slightly faster (0.89 ± SD; 0.35 msec; n = 23) compared with control conditions (Fig. 8A,B). The signal decay, however, was considerably prolonged (2.8 ± 0.4 msec;n = 23) throughout all age groups (Fig.8A,B). This effect was more prominent when the cortex was stimulated in layer 4 as compared with layer 6 (Fig.8B). The time course effects can probably be explained by a reduced and slower activation of polysynaptic connections under conditions of enhanced intracortical inhibition. A similar alteration of the time course of the cortical response was observed in the presence of serotonin, but the effect was less prominent (2.2 ± 0.86 msec prolongation of signal decay;n = 4). The 5-HT1B agonist CGS-12066A, on the other hand, accelerated both rise and decay of the circuit response (data not shown). Thus stimulation of different serotonin receptors differentially modulates the time course of intracortical activation.
Enhanced GABAergic activity keeps the average membrane potential of cortical neurons at more hyperpolarized levels, thereby raising the threshold for action potential generation. This should result in a lower probability for polysynaptic activation and thus in a spatial sharpening of the circuit response. In 56% of the tested slices (15 of 27), a comparison of normalized maximum amplitude plots showed that 5-HT3 receptor activation reduced both the activation of the upper cortical layers and the intralaminar lateral spread of excitation after stimulation of the white matter or lower layer 4 (Fig.8E,F). Figure 8E,F show intrinsically normalized plots; i.e., the amplitude information is discarded to isolate temporal and spatial changes in the circuit response after M-109 application. The spatial focusing is therefore real and does not simply reflect a reduction in response amplitude. The reason for the spatial focusing being present in only 56% of the tested slices might be attributable to the variability in the magnitude of the M-109 effect in general. The increase in inhibitory activity might not always be sufficient to spatially restrict the responsive area. Because we did not vary considerably the stimulation strength between slices of one age group, we can exclude the possibility that the spatial focusing effect is the result of responses representing different points on the stimulus saturation curve.
Cellular mechanisms of 5-HT3receptor activation
The experiments outlined above demonstrate that activation of serotonin 5-HT3 receptors results in a net suppression of circuit activation after electrical stimulation. On a cellular level the underlying mechanism appears to be an increase in GABAergic network activity. To analyze this modulatory property of the serotonergic system, single-cell patch-clamp recordings were made in slices from animals aged between P21 and P43. A physiological chloride gradient was used to distinguish between excitatory (recorded at −60 mV) and inhibitory (recorded at −20 or 0 mV) synaptic currents. The strength of electrical stimulation was chosen to match the optical recording data, and the stimulation electrode was positioned at the layer 6/white matter boundary.
Activation of 5-HT3 receptors by bath application of M-109 (100 μm) significantly (p < 0.05; paired t test) reduced the peak amplitude of evoked EPSCs by 58.5% ± 8.1% (n = 8) (Fig.9A). Evoked IPSCs were also significantly reduced by 53.3% ± 3.4% (p < 012; paired t test; n = 5) (Fig.9C). Preapplication of the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ICS 205–930 (10–20 nm; n = 7) prevented these effects (Fig. 9B,D). Our cell sample included layers 2/3 pyramidal cells (n = 9), layer 5 pyramidal cells (n = 5), layer 6 pyramidal neurons (n = 3), and layer 4 spiny stellate cells (n = 4) and aspiny stellate cells (n = 1). The single-cell data support the results from the optical recording experiments: 5-HT3 receptor activation depresses synaptic responses evoked by electrical stimulation.
An inhibition of a circuit response can be generated by various cellular mechanisms. Because the 5-HT3 receptor regulates GABA release from hippocampal interneurons (Kawa, 1994), we next examined the effects of 5-HT3 receptor agonists on the frequencies of spontaneous synaptic currents. Under control conditions, the mean frequency of spontaneous outward synaptic currents recorded at −20 mV was 10.1 Hz ± 1.2 Hz (n = 16). In half of the cells tested (n = 16), M-109 (100 μm) induced a large increase in the frequency of spontaneous postsynaptic currents (PSCs) (p < 0.001; paired ttest; mean 220.8% ± 56.7%; n = 8) (Fig.10). These events reversed near −30 mV and were abolished by picrotoxin (50 μm) or bicuculline (20–50 μm) (Fig. 10). An increase in the frequency of glutamatergic events or both glutamatergic and GABAergic PSCs was observed in only one cell each. The increased GABAergic synaptic activity was completely suppressed by preapplication of ICS 205–930 (n = 6). The 5-HT3 receptor-induced increase in synaptic activity was reversible but lasted for at least 3–5 min and in some cases for >20 min (mean 12.4 ± 7.8 min;n = 8).
To determine whether the increase in spontaneous synaptic activity induced by 5-HT3 receptor agonists involved presynaptic regulation of transmitter release or mainly represented action potential-evoked activity, we applied M-109 (100 μm) in the presence of TTX (3 μm). Under this condition no increase in the frequency of spontaneous GABAergic events was observed (n = 13). Thus the increase in excitability of the GABAergic network by activation of serotonin 5-HT3receptors requires action potential activity, presumably in interneurons. A recent study has shown that 5-HT3 receptors are expressed by different subpopulations of GABAergic neurons, including cholecystokinin-, calbindin-, and calretinin-containing cells in rat cortex (Morales and Bloom, 1997).
The single-cell data presented above argue strongly in favor of a GABAergic mechanism underlying serotonergic suppression of cortical circuit responses. We next tested whether GABAB receptors might contribute to these effects. Preapplication of the GABAB receptor antagonist 2-OH-saclophen (300 μm) antagonized the inhibition of optically recorded circuit activation induced by 5-HT3 receptor stimulation (30–80%; n = 6 slices) (Fig.11). This indicates a contribution of GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition in addition to the GABAA receptor-mediated effects.
To test whether the effects of external agonist application were not altered by RH 461, we made single-cell patch-clamp recordings in dye-stained slices and filled the recorded cells with neurobiotin. In this preparation 5-HT3 receptor activation still enhanced GABAergic synaptic activity in 54.5% of the tested cells (mean frequency increase 180 ± 67%; n = 6), comparable to the effect in unstained slices. The recorded cells (nine pyramidal cells and two spiny stellate cells) also showed normal morphology.
The serotonergic projection is a major modulatory input system to the neocortex. By regulating neuronal activity patterns, synaptic plasticity, and neuronal differentiation (Chubakov et al., 1986; Gu and Singer, 1995; Cases et al., 1996; Yan et al., 1997), serotonin may play an important role during circuit development. Because spontaneous synaptic activity plays a particularly important role in shaping neuronal circuits, serotonergic modulation of intrinsic activity may represent an important mechanism regulating circuit response properties in both the adult and developing cortex. These effects can be mediated by various serotonin receptors, which are broadly subdivided into the G-protein-coupled receptors and the ionotropic 5-HT3receptor. In this study we investigated the effects of the 5-HT3 receptor, which accounts for a large part of the effects of the serotonin on cortical circuit response properties during postnatal development of the ferret visual cortex. Both optical recording and patch-clamp experiments reveal a net inhibitory effect of serotonin 5-HT3 receptor stimulation on evoked synaptic responses. Optical recording provides a faithful measure of the spatiotemporal properties of neuronal activity on a circuit level (Grinvald et al., 1982, 1994; Albowitz and Kuhnt, 1993; Sutor et al., 1994; Nelson and Katz, 1995; Jackson and Scharfman, 1996; Tanifuji et al., 1996). The depression of circuit activation revealed by optical recording peaked between P32–P35 and P40–P45, which corresponds to the period of axonal cluster refinement and maturation of orientation tuning in the supragranular layers (Chapman and Stryker, 1993; Dalva and Katz, 1994; Nelson and Katz, 1995; Durack and Katz, 1996; Ruthazer and Stryker, 1996). The main mechanism underlying the circuit inhibition is likely to be activation of the GABAergic network, because on a single-cell level the predominant effect of receptor selective agonists was to increase the frequency of spontaneous GABAergic synaptic currents. This circuit effect of fast, ligand-gated serotonin receptors may represent a mechanism to modulate intracortical processing.
Ionotropic serotonin receptors modulate synaptic background activity
Spontaneous activity plays a crucial role during the periods of circuit formation that precede the maturation of sensory inputs. Afferents from the brainstem or the basal forebrain might be involved in activity-dependent stages of cortical circuit formation by providing a source of synaptic activity and/or by regulating intracortical synaptic background activity. Spontaneous synaptic background activity alters neuronal integration properties by changing the average membrane potential and the electrotonic structure of the postsynaptic neurons (Bernander et al., 1991), which may shape activity patterns arising in the thalamocortical pathway.
Activation of 5-HT3 receptors increased the frequency of GABAergic synaptic currents in the developing ferret visual cortex. In the hippocampus, 5-HT3 receptors are preferentially located on interneurons where their activation increases GABAergic network activity (Kawa, 1994; McMahon and Kauer, 1995). Our results indicate that a similar mechanism might operate in the neocortex. The expression of 5-HT3 receptors in neocortical neurons, especially in subpopulations of GABAergic interneurons, has been demonstrated (Tecott et al., 1993; Morales and Bloom, 1997).
An inhibitory action of the serotonergic system on thalamocortical and intracortical synaptic transmission has been observed previously in rat cortical slices (Read et al., 1994; Rhoades et al., 1994). These effects, however, were caused by a presynaptic, 5-HT1B receptor-mediated inhibition. We thus expected 5-HT1B receptor activation to also result in circuit inhibition. However, in our optical recording experiments, 5-HT1B receptor agonists increased circuit excitability. The net effect of the transmitter serotonin itself, however, was a depression of circuit activity. This is in line with our finding that most of the serotonin effect on circuit responses was mediated by 5-HT3 receptors. Serotonin (5-HT) not only acts on the 5-HT3 receptor but also on various G-protein-coupled receptors. Activation of these receptors might have a different effect on the cortical circuit response than 5-HT3 receptor activation, as we indeed show for the 5-HT1 receptor. We are therefore not surprised that the inhibitory effect of serotonin is smaller or not present in the same proportion of tested slices as the M-109 effect. We interpret our findings as the result of simultaneous activation of inhibitory and excitatory pathways by the transmitter serotonin as opposed to an exclusively inhibitory effect of 5-HT3 receptor activation. It also underscores the necessity for circuit level assays to understand the effects of neuromodulators on cortical activity patterns.
Fast versus slow neuromodulator effects
How do the effects of the fast, ionotropic receptor types on circuit excitability reported here relate to known actions of the serotonergic system on cortical circuit function? The serotonin 5-HT3 receptor represents a fast acting system that is prone to desensitization. Its effect on cortical circuit activity patterns is thus very likely to be under much tighter temporal control than the effects of the slower acting, G-protein-coupled serotonin receptors. If activation of these receptors slightly precedes or temporally coincides with thalamic activation, the specific input encounters a cortical network that shows higher, predominantly GABAergic, synaptic background activity as compared with conditions when serotonergic inputs are silent. Because the overall consequence of this seems to be a reduction in circuit excitability, it might make the cortical substrate more selective, allowing only the strongest inputs to significantly activate the cortical circuitry. In this case, increased synaptic background activity would serve as a mechanism to enhance signal-to-noise ratios. Consistent with this, stimulation of the raphe nuclei reduces background spiking activity and evoked responses in rat prefrontal cortex (Mantz et al., 1990) and kitten visual cortex (Raevskii, 1981). The involvement of 5-HT3receptors in these effects, however, has not yet been investigated. In the hippocampus, the 5-HT3 receptor-mediated increase in GABAergic network activity (Kawa, 1994) leads to decreased excitability of pyramidal cells and reduced long-term potentiation induction (Staubli and Xu, 1995; Reznic and Staubli, 1997). Our results indicate the presence of similar mechanisms in the neocortex.
In summary, our study shows an inhibitory effect of synaptic background activity induced by fast-acting serotonin-gated receptors on incoming afferent activation. Modulation of stimulus-driven responses by ongoing activity in cortical networks has been observed (Arieli et al., 1995,1996) and may be involved in cortical computation. Our results suggest that serotonergic afferents from the raphe nuclei could pattern intracortical activity in a way that strongly affects the intracortical processing of synaptic inputs. The involvement of the fast, desensitizing receptor types indicates the capacity for tight temporal correlations between input systems. Because the strength of these mechanisms changes during postnatal development, they may play a role not only in mature cortical processing but also during circuit development.
This work was supported by National Institute of Health Grant EY07690 (L.C.K.) and a Human Frontier Science Program postdoctoral fellowship (B.R.). We thank Darin Nelson for providing the acquisition and analysis software for optical recording experiments and for many helpful discussions as well as critical comments on this manuscript. We also thank Scott Douglas for excellent technical assistance.
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Birgit Roerig, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center, Box 3209, Durham, NC 27710.
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