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. 2019 Jun 17;14(6):e0213953. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213953

Integrating genome-wide association and eQTLs studies identifies the genes associated with age at menarche and age at natural menopause

Gang Wang 1, Jian Lv 2, Xiaoxin Qiu 3, Yujun An 4,*
Editor: Dylan Glubb5
PMCID: PMC6576755  PMID: 31206546



An early onset of menarche and, later, menopause are well-established risk factors for the development of breast cancer and endometrial cancer. Although the largest GWASs have identified 389 independent signals for age at menarche (AAM) and 44 regions for age at menopause (ANM), GWAS can only identify the associations between variants and traits. The aim of this study was to identify genes whose expression levels were associated with AAM or ANM due to pleiotropy or causality by integrating GWAS data with genome-wide expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) data. We also aimed to identify the pleiotropic genes that influenced both phenotypes.


We employed GWAS data of AAM and ANM and genome-wide eQTL data from whole blood. The summary data-based Mendelian randomization method was used to prioritize the associated genes for further study. The colocalization analysis was used to identify the pleiotropic genes associated with both phenotypes.


We identified 31 genes whose expression was associated with AAM and 24 genes whose expression was associated with ANM due to pleiotropy or causality. Two pleiotropic genes were identified to be associated with both phenotypes.


The results point out the most possible genes which were responsible for the association. Our study prioritizes the associated genes for further functional mechanistic study of AAM and ANM and illustrates the benefit of integrating different omics data into the study of complex traits.


Menarche is the first menstrual cycle and signals the possibility of fertility. An early onset of menarche is associated with risks for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and all-cause mortality [1]. Menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menses due to the loss of ovarian follicular activity. Younger age at natural menopause (ANM) is associated with low risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, but higher risks of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes [1]. A Mendelian randomization study has found that later ANM causally increased the risk of breast cancer [2]. These two traits also mark the beginning and the end of a woman’s reproductive life [3].

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are capable of identifying the association between target phenotypes and millions of genetic variants. GWAS of age at menarche (AAM) identified 106 loci containing 389 independent signals [4]. GWAS of ANM has successfully identified dozens of significantly associated loci [2, 5, 6]. Most of these loci encode proteins that appear to be involved in DNA repair, immune response and breast cancer processes [2, 5]. However, GWAS can only identify those SNPs strongly associated with the target phenotypes, without pinpointing the target genes and the underlying biological mechanism. For example, the largest GWAS of ANM identified 44 loci containing at least one common variant significantly associated with ANM [2]. However, the significant SNPs in 21 loci were annotated to more than one gene in each locus. It suggested that the specific causal genes remain mostly unidentified.

A large number of genetic variants influences the target phenotypes by causal regulatory effect rather than directly influencing the structure of the protein [7]. Expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL), which is a genetic variant influencing a target gene’s expression, is often used to explain the underlying biological mechanism of significant SNPs identified by GWAS. Previous studies have suggested that in the significant loci, those SNPs which were also eQTLs were more likely to be functional SNPs [8]. Zhu et al. proposed a summary-based Mendelian randomization (SMR) analysis to combine GWAS and eQTL data into a single analysis [7]. SMR integrates GWAS and eQTL data identified from the whole blood tissue to identify potential functionally relevant genes at the significant loci identified in GWAS. Previous studies have shown that whole blood can be a proxy of relevant tissues for various phenotypes and diseases [7, 9].

In this study, we identified genes whose expression levels were associated with AAM or ANM due to pleiotropy or causality, by integrating ANM GWAS data with eQTL data. We conducted a colocalization analysis to identify significant SNPs causally associated with both phenotypes.

Materials and methods

AAM GWAS summary dataset

The largest AAM GWAS meta-analysis contained data from ReproGen consortium studies UK Biobank and 23andMe study. Using the 1000 Genomes Project–imputed genotype data in up to ~370,000 European women, 389 independent signals (P < 5 × 10−8) were identified for age at menarche [4]. The summary data were downloaded from the following website (

ANM GWAS summary dataset

The largest-scale GWAS meta-analysis summary data of ANM was used in this study [2]. The GWAS meta-analysis conducted with a total sample of 69,360 individuals of European descent from 21 studies identified 44 significant loci. SNPs with the minor allele frequency (MAF) no less than 0.01 and the imputation quality larger than 0.4 were included in the meta-analysis. The summary data were downloaded from the following website (

eQTL dataset

Because the Westra eQTL data [9] had a low coverage of human genes (5,967), in this study we used the Consortium for the Architecture of Gene Expression (CAGE) eQTL data which contained 11,829 unique probes to perform the SMR test [10]. The CAGE study was performed to investigate the genetic architecture of gene expression in peripheral blood in 2,765 European individuals [10]. We set the p-value threshold to be 5×10−8 to select the top associated eQTL for the SMR test. After removing those probes where the p-value of the top eQTL was larger than 5×10−8, there were 8,144 probes left in the eQTL summary data. The binary summary data can be downloaded from

Genetic correlation

We used stratified linkage disequilibrium score regression (LDSC) to estimate the genetic correlation between AAM and ANM using GWAS summary statistics [11].

SMR analysis

The method of SMR was fully described in the previous paper [7]. In this study, the phenotypic trait is the outcome (Y), gene expression is the exposure (X), and the top cis-eQTL that is strongly associated with gene expression is used as the instrumental variable (Z). SMR method assumes that the eQTL has an effect on the trait through the gene expression. In brief, there were three models including causality (Z - > X - > Y), pleiotropy (Z - > X and Z - > Y) and linkage (Z1 - > X, Z2 - > Y, and Z1 and Z2 are two variants in linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the cis-eQTL region). Since the SMR analysis assumes that the instrument (top cis-eQTL) has a strong effect on the exposure (gene’s expression level), only probes with at least one cis-eQTL at PeQTL (a p-value from the eQTL study indicating the significance of the eQTL associated with the gene expression) smaller than 5×10−8 in the cis-eQTL region were included in the eQTL summary data (hg19) [7]. We excluded cis-eQTL with MAF < 0.01 and cis-eQTL in the MHC region because of the complexity of LD patterns in this region [7]. In this study, we tried to identify those genes with causal or pleiotropic effect on AAM or ANM.

To distinguish the causality and pleiotropy models from the linkage model, we conducted the heterogeneity in dependent instruments (HEIDI) test [7]. The HEIDI test considers the pattern of associations using all the SNPs that are significantly associated with gene expression (eQTLs) in the cis-eQTL region (±500kb from the center of the gene probe). The null hypothesis is that there is a single variant affecting trait and gene expression (pleiotropy or causality). The alternative hypothesis is that gene expression and trait are affected by two distinct variants. Under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium (LD), bXY (the effect of the gene expression on the trait) estimated at the top associated cis-eQTL (bXY(top)) will be equal to that estimated at any of the cis-SNPs in LD that is associated with gene expression. If we define di = bXY(i)−bXY(top), with bXY(i) being the bXY value of the i-th cis-eQTL, then it is equal to test whether di = 0. If the number of significant eQTL (excluding the top cis-eQTL) in the cis-eQTL region is m, then we can have a normal vector zd(i) = {zd(1),zd(2),…,zd(m)}, where zd(i)=divar(di). To test against di = 0, we can use the HEIDI test statistic THEIDI = zdIzdT, with zdT being the transposed vector of zd, and I being an identity matrix, as it is estimated as THEIDI=imzd(i)2 [7]. SNPs in the cis-eQTL region with a PeQTL > 1.6 × 10−3 (equivalent to χ2 < 10) were removed to avoid weak instrumental variables according to the original paper [7]. We used PHEIDI > 0.05 to exclude those genes belonging to the linkage model [7]. The SMR software was downloaded from

It was impossible to give a causal conclusion based on only one instrumental variable. In Mendelian randomization studies, multiple uncorrelated instrumental variables (for example, the trans-eQTLs and/or uncorrelated cis-eQTLs) were needed to identify the causality. However, multiple uncorrelated instrumental variables (IVs) were not available in the CAGE eQTL data. In this study, we did not distinguish the causality model from the pleiotropy model.

Colocalization analysis

Colocalization analysis was used to identify the genetic variants affecting both phenotypes. The method was detailed in the previous paper [12]. In brief, the method based on a hierarchical Bayesian model which can be used to find the region containing a variant that influences both phenotypes. According to the previous paper, there were four models that a given genomic region either 1) contains a genetic variant that influences the first trait, 2) contains a genetic variant that influences the second trait, 3) contains a genetic variant that influences both traits, or 4) contains both a genetic variant that influences the first trait and a separate genetic variant that influences the second trait [12]. It estimated the posterior probability of each model. The threshold of posterior probability equal to 0.9 was used to control the false discovery rate at level 0.1 [12].


The genetic correlation between AAM and ANM was 0.0079 (p-value = 0.0032). The genome-wide significant level for SMR analysis was Psmr < 6.14×10−6 (0.05/8,144, Bonferroni test). We identified 98 gene-trait associations with Psmr < 6.14×10−6. After the application of the HEIDI test, this reduced to 54 gene-trait associations (PHEIDI > 0.05). Those genes which did not pass the HEIDI test may be associated with AAM or ANM due to linkage.

We identified 31 genes associated with AAM (Table 1) and 24 genes associated with ANM due to pleiotropy or causality (Table 2). Three (ATP1B3, NAAA, and GRTP1) among of the 31 genes associated with AAM can be considered as novel genes, i.e. no previously identified SNP reported as genome-wide significant in the primary GWAS paper in the cis-eQTL region of the probes (Fig 1). Among the 24 genes associated with ANM, seven genes (MSH6, TLK1, SYCP2L, BRCA1, PGAP3, DIDO1, and DDX17) were previously annotated to be responsible for the association based on distance, biological function, eQTL effect and non-synonymous SNP in high LD. We also identified 6 new genes (AK125462, MSL2, CLSTN3, TRAPPC2L, DDX5, and CPNE1) where there was no significant SNP (p < 5×10−8) in the cis-eQTL region of the probes (Fig 2). C17orf46 was the only gene identified to be associated with both phenotypes.

Table 1. Genes identified by SMR analysis for AAM.

probeID Chr Gene topSNP topSNP_bp p_GWAS p_eQTL b_SMR p_SMR p_HEIDI Genea Genec
ILMN_1869109 1 NUCKS1 rs823094 205689807 4.83E-08 3.39E-38 -0.064 8.24E-07 0.24 NUCKS1 NUCKS1/ RAB7L1/ PM20D1
ILMN_1765061 2 OXER1 rs12617390 42985395 1.25E-07 4.61E-31 0.073 2.45E-06 0.46 OXER1 OXER1
ILMN_1659854 2 PRPF40A rs7592669 153550668 7.80E-12 2.08E-10 0.16 3.75E-06 0.98 PRPF40A NA
ILMN_1783304 3 ATP1B3 rs2115935 141616198 0.5 3.82E-23 -0.010 3.82E-23 1.00 NEWb NA
ILMN_1732452 3 MAPKAPK3 rs13096264 50678280 3.26E-10 5.31E-47 -0.070 1.37E-08 1.00 DOCK3 MAPKAPK3
ILMN_1752631 3 CGGBP1 rs9814057 88214472 4.67E-09 1.86E-107 -0.043 2.75E-08 0.98 C3orf38 CGGBP1
ILMN_1744471 3 ZNF654 rs7653652 88189341 3.56E-09 8.55E-79 -0.050 3.17E-08 0.95 C3orf38 CGGBP1
ILMN_2285568 4 NAAA rs4859572 76857388 0.5 1.90E-146 0.0040 1.90E-146 0.51 NEWb NA
ILMN_1749409 6 HLA-F rs3870968 29647149 1.16E-09 4.51E-37 0.073 6.40E-08 0.09 HCG4 NA
ILMN_1697309 7 NCF1 rs2267812 74138121 1.87E-13 8.72E-42 -0.088 1.54E-10 0.13 GTF2I NA
ILMN_2112988 7 NCF1C rs2267812 74138121 1.87E-13 2.41E-31 -0.10 7.10E-10 0.16 GTF2I NA
ILMN_2083333 7 PMS2L5 rs3846966 74113141 3.23E-12 3.35E-22 -0.11 2.10E-08 0.09 GTF2I NA
ILMN_1788384 9 C9orf5 rs12686736 111888739 1.45E-14 1.59E-74 -0.062 2.24E-12 0.13 TMEM245 TMEM245
ILMN_2191929 9 C9orf6 rs874864 111728718 5.66E-13 6.02E-24 0.11 6.09E-09 0.11 TMEM245 TMEM245
ILMN_2163306 9 FAM120A rs1055710 96214928 1.35E-08 2.83E-15 0.12 5.46E-06 0.86 FAM120A NA
ILMN_2377829 10 NANOS1 rs671736 120811073 4.38E-08 3.49E-88 -0.043 2.37E-07 0.16 EIF3A NANOS1
ILMN_1665964 11 GAB2 rs901105 77924607 3.51E-13 8.11E-13 0.16 3.99E-07 0.78 GAB2 GAB2
ILMN_1767642 11 C11orf46 rs7926666 30363101 6.58E-08 8.15E-34 -0.066 1.31E-06 0.24 C11orf46 C11ORF46
ILMN_2094106 11 HSD17B12 rs7118906 43817320 3.67E-07 1.07E-82 0.040 1.62E-06 0.05 MIR129-2 HSD17B12
ILMN_1695585 12 RPS26 rs1131017 56435929 3.25E-07 0 0.019 7.70E-07 0.36 RPS26 NA
ILMN_2142353 13 GRTP1 rs4907616 114008744 0.5 1.52E-12 0.016 1.52E-12 0.87 NEWb NA
ILMN_1727271 14 WARS rs1570305 100808155 2.63E-09 1.08E-226 0.029 9.21E-09 0.11 WDR25 WARS
ILMN_2080760 15 SNX22 rs12102207 64607472 2.15E-10 9.29E-17 -0.12 5.98E-07 0.49 CSNK1G1 TRIP4
ILMN_1724406 16 INO80E rs4787491 30015337 6.98E-13 4.48E-18 0.13 4.14E-08 0.06 TBX6 MVP/ KCTD13/ INO80E
ILMN_1717565 16 CLEC18A rs3748388 69974448 3.75E-14 3.89E-09 0.20 3.71E-06 0.10 NFAT5 WWP2
ILMN_2056687 17 C17orf56 rs1048775 79202329 5.78E-08 4.60E-38 0.066 9.46E-07 0.19 SLC38A10 C17ORF56/ AZI1
ILMN_1707391 17 STXBP4 rs244293 53230722 2.26E-13 4.87E-09 0.20 5.35E-06 0.93 STXBP4 NA
ILMN_1715968 19 MLL4 rs17638853 36234652 1.89E-09 1.41E-12 -0.12 5.89E-06 0.23 KMT2B COX6B1/ SNX26
ILMN_1776188 20 MAP1LC3A rs4564863 33179367 1.94E-08 8.12E-110 -0.038 9.50E-08 0.25 GGT7 MAP1LC3A
ILMN_1781225 22 C22orf27 rs5753373 31283719 1.42E-11 1.76E-78 0.057 3.57E-10 0.95 OSBP2 MORC2/ FLJ35801/ OSBP2
ILMN_2103591 22 MORC2 rs7284474 31390187 6.47E-11 7.08E-24 -0.11 5.99E-08 0.10 OSBP2 MORC2/ FLJ35801/ OSBP2

topSNP was the most significant SNP in the cis-region of the probe. topSNP_bp was the position of the most significant SNP. p_GWAS was p-value from GWAS. p_eQTL was p-value from eQTL study. b_smr was effect size from SMR test. p_smr was p-value from SMR test. p_HEIDI was p-value from HEIDI test.

a: These genes were annotated by previous AAM GWAS.

b: These genes were considered as novel genes. No SNP in the cis-eQTL region of the probes was identified to be significantly associated with AAM according to the primary GWAS.

c: Genes were identified by previous SMR analysis in the same locus. NA meant that no gene was identified in this locus.

Table 2. Genes identified by SMR analysis for ANM.

probeID Chr Gene topSNP_bp topSNP p_GWAS p_eQTL b_SMR p_SMR p_HEIDI Genea
ILMN_1810915 1 FAAH 46747301 rs12142240 6.60E-09 5.31E-28 0.38 2.24E-08 5.54E-02 RAD54L
ILMN_1716004 1 NSUN4 46806703 rs10489769 8.20E-08 9.38E-77 0.21 1.14E-08 3.25E-01 RAD54L
ILMN_1793461 1 AK125462 149848885 rs1260246 1.60E-06 3.92E-79 0.21 5.91E-06 9.53E-01 NEWb
ILMN_1732810 2 SNX17 27644464 rs1728922 1.20E-14 5.12E-23 0.60 5.06E-10 6.58E-02 BRE / GTF3C2/ EIFB4
ILMN_1670096 2 NRBP1 27584666 rs7586601 2.30E-14 1.59E-10 0.94 5.85E-07 1.82E-01 BRE / GTF3C2/ EIFB4
ILMN_1729051 2 MSH6 48018081 rs1800932 3.20E-11 4.44E-47 0.30 1.34E-07 3.86E-01 MSH6
ILMN_1811029 2 TLK1 171871997 rs13004273 5.90E-17 1.67E-10 1.01 1.89E-07 5.00E-01 TLK1 / GAD1
ILMN_1788053 2 SLC25A12 172704291 rs4668414 2.30E-07 8.11E-21 -0.42 4.40E-07 2.27E-01 TLK1 / GAD1
ILMN_1766859 3 MSL2 136518670 rs13433683 1.10E-05 2.00E-44 0.23 3.08E-07 9.18E-01 NEWb
ILMN_1779743 6 SYCP2L 10895260 rs6899676 2.20E-19 3.03E-10 1.08 1.14E-06 6.02E-01 SYCP2L / MAK
ILMN_1798804 6 SRPK1 35809776 rs17705020 1.70E-06 7.09E-34 0.28 3.79E-06 5.41E-02 MSH5 / HLA
ILMN_1767642 11 C11orf46 30363101 rs7926666 1.90E-11 8.15E-34 -0.39 1.99E-08 6.12E-02 FSHB
ILMN_1734021 12 CLSTN3 7284301 rs2167285 1.20E-06 9.69E-20 -0.44 2.53E-06 5.06E-02 NEWb
ILMN_1654421 12 MPHOSPH9 123634122 rs884548 6.80E-07 2.39E-18 -0.44 7.57E-07 5.77E-01 KNTC1 / PITPNM
ILMN_1859908 16 TRAPPC2L 88927221 rs3826061 2.80E-06 3.93E-198 -0.11 8.13E-07 7.80E-02 NEWb
ILMN_1805636 17 PGAP3 37833035 rs2941506 2.00E-09 2.98E-57 -0.28 1.75E-09 6.23E-01 STARD3/ PGAP3/ CDK12
ILMN_2311089 17 BRCA1 41215825 rs3092994 2.80E-10 1.18E-66 0.28 8.81E-11 1.58E-01 BRCA1
ILMN_1700690 17 VAT1 41215825 rs3092994 2.80E-10 4.47E-15 -0.61 1.77E-07 3.21E-01 BRCA1
ILMN_1805344 17 DDX5 62502435 rs1991401 9.60E-07 2.73E-84 0.22 9.84E-09 8.01E-02 NEWb
ILMN_1802053 19 ZNF91 23545004 rs296092 1.50E-06 5.82E-118 0.15 8.78E-08 6.96E-01 ZNF729
ILMN_2307025 20 CPNE1 34221155 rs6060524 1.40E-05 5.28E-244 0.10 7.62E-07 1.00E+00 NEWb
ILMN_1812934 20 DIDO1 61558775 rs910831 7.10E-10 2.65E-16 0.55 3.19E-08 4.00E-01 SLCO4A1 / DIDO1
ILMN_2371590 22 DDX17 39021522 rs5757187 1.30E-12 1.88E-28 -0.49 9.01E-11 1.00E-01 DMC1/ DDX17
ILMN_1668535 22 JOSD1 39065172 rs3788545 3.60E-12 3.06E-12 0.78 1.46E-07 7.48E-01 DMC1 / DDX17

topSNP was the most significant SNP in the cis-region of the probe. topSNP_bp was the position of the most significant SNP. p_GWAS was p-value from GWAS. p_eQTL was p-value from the eQTL study. b_smr was effect size from SMR test. p_smr was p-value from SMR test. p_HEIDI was p-value from HEIDI test.

a: These genes were annotated by previous ANM GWAS.

b: These genes were considered as novel genes. No SNP in the cis-eQTL region of the probes was identified to be significantly associated with ANM according to the primary GWAS.

Fig 1. The SMR plots of novel genes associated with AAM.

Fig 1

(A) The SMR result at ATP1B3 locus. (B) The SMR result at NAAA locus. (C) The SMR result at GRTP1 locus. In the top plot, black dots represent the p values for the SNPs from the latest GWAS meta-analysis for AAM (Y-axis), diamonds represent the p values for probes from the SMR test. In the bottom plot, the eQTL p values of the SNPs were from the eQTL study (Y-axis).

Fig 2. The SMR plots of novel genes associated with ANM.

Fig 2

(A) The SMR result at AK125462 locus. (B) The SMR result at MSL2 locus. (C) The SMR result at CLSTN3 locus. (D) The SMR result at TRAPPC2L locus. (E) The SMR result at DDX5 locus. (F) The SMR result at CPNE1 locus. In the top plot, black dots represent the p values for the SNPs from the latest GWAS meta-analysis for AAM (Y-axis), diamonds represent the p values for probes from the SMR test. In the bottom plot, the eQTL p values of the SNPs were from the eQTL study (Y-axis).

To identify more pleiotropic SNPs and genes associated with both phenotypes, we conducted a colocalization analysis. One region was identified to contain a variant influencing both phenotypes with the posterior probability of 0.92 (Table 3). Thirteen regions were considered to influence the two phenotypes through different variants (Table 3). rs3136249, with the largest posterior probability (0.37), was considered to be the causal SNP influencing both phenotypes.

Table 3. Colocalization analysis results of AAM and ANM.

chunk chr st sp PPA_3 PPA_4
162 chr2 47318990 48212562 0.92 0.064
1419 chr15 88370262 90473690 2.5E-17 1.00
1579 chr19 614967 2098015 1.1E-08 1.00
360 chr3 135458294 137370076 4.1E-06 1.00
653 chr6 28918936 29737846 3.3E-05 1.00
799 chr7 92500845 93966036 5.4E-05 1.00
1637 chr20 32819871 34960201 6.7E-05 0.99
656 chr6 31572333 32682429 3.5E-03 0.97
655 chr6 30798697 31568469 6.1E-04 0.94
1682 chr22 19913726 22355640 4.0E-04 0.94
128 chr1 241582668 242070731 2.5E-04 0.93
1644 chr20 42680811 44838112 1.9E-03 0.93
1693 chr22 37570784 39306630 3.0E-04 0.92
1213 chr12 55665948 57543572 3.7E-04 0.91

Chunk was the internal numerical identifier for the segment. chr: chromosome. st: star position. sp: end position. PPA_3 was the posterior probability of model 3. PPA_4 was the posterior probability of model 4.


In this study, we identified 31 genes whose expressions were associated with AAM and 24 genes whose expressions were associated with ANM due to pleiotropy or causality. In total, we identified 9 new genes where there was no significant SNP in the cis-eQTL region of the gene probe. Many of these genes participated in DNA repair, immune response, and breast cancer process [2, 5]. C17orf46 was identified to be associated with both phenotypes by integrating GWAS and eQTLs data. We also found one region with a pleiotropic effect influencing two phenotypes through the colocalization analysis.

Although the previous study performed the SMR analysis with Westra eQTL data which had a low coverage of human genes (5,967) compared to CAGE eQTL data (8,144). Thus the previous study may omit many potential genes. Eleven genes of the 31 genes associated with AAM were successfully identified by using CAGE eQTL data (Table 1).

SMR demonstrated that it was useful to prioritize genes associated with AAM or ANM. SMR tests reduced the multiple hypothesis burdens by testing tens of thousands of genes instead of millions of SNPs [13]. It suggested that SMR was useful in identifying novel genes associated with AAM or ANM.

In this study, we identified 3 novel genes associated with AAM and 6 novel genes associated with ANM. One novel gene DDX5, which is also known as p68, was identified to be associated with ANM. DDX5 is a prototypic member of the DEAD box family of RNA helicases that encompasses multiple functions. DDX5 was highly expressed in a high proportion of breast cancers. Patients with a detectable level of both DDX5 and polo-like kinase-1 (pLK1) often had a poor prognosis [14].

In the significant loci, we redefined the functional genes which were more likely to play important roles in the process of menarche or natural menopause. We presented a list of genes to be followed up in future functional validation experiments. For example, HSD17B12 coding a 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase transforms estrone (E1) into estradiol (E2) [15]. E2 is involved in the regulation of the estrous and menstrual female reproductive cycles. However, the previous study annotated the significant SNP to MIR129-2 (Table 1). Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the enzyme that breaks down the endocannabinoid anandamide and controls its levels, is regulated by estrogen [16]. The previous study annotated the significant SNP in this locus to RAD54L (Table 2), however, we found that FAAH was more likely to be the causal gene in this locus. Another example is SRPK1, encoding the splicing factor kinase SRSF protein kinase 1, which was highly expressed in basal breast cancer cells [17]. The knockdown of SRPK1 significantly suppressed metastasis of breast cancer cells [18].

Despite the common belief that multiple genes are responsible for controlling the timing of menarche and natural menopause, very few genes have been identified that contain common genetic variants associated with AAM and ANM. In this study, we identified two genes (MSH6 and C11orf46) associated with both traits. rs3136249 is located in the intronic region of MSH6. MSH6, which is a mismatch repair gene, was found to be associated with ANM by the previous study [19]. The colorization analysis showed C11orf46 locus may be associated with both traits with the posterior probability of 0.79. This may be caused by the relatively large posterior probability of model 4 (0.21). However, the function of C11orf46 is unknown, further studies are needed to prove this result.

The present study may have some limitations that should be considered. Although we redefined the functional genes in the significant loci, these genes may be associated with age at natural menopause due to pleiotropy which meant that some of these genes may be not the causal genes. Due to the limitation of the method, we did not distinguish those pleiotropic genes from causal genes. So, further works are warranted to confirm the functional genes and explore the underlying mechanism.

In conclusion, we highlighted the putative functional genes in the significant loci for AAM and ANM. Our study prioritizes the associated genes for further functional mechanistic study of AAM and ANM and illustrates the benefit of integrating different omics data into the study of complex traits. Our study may help to understand the ovarian function and benefit for women’s reproductive health.


We thank Felix R. Day et al. to provide the GWAS summary data of AAM and ANM.

Data Availability

The summary data were downloaded from the following website ( Other data can be downloaded from

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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