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. 2019 Jun 17;19:773. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-7013-9

Risk factors for malnutrition among school-aged children: a cross-sectional study in rural Madagascar

Hirotsugu Aiga 1,2,, Kanae Abe 3, Vonjy Nirina Andrianome 4, Emmanuel Randriamampionona 5, Angèle Razafitompo Razafinombana 3, Toshiyasu Murai 6, Masahiro Hara 3
PMCID: PMC6580631  PMID: 31208397



For over 20 years, Madagascar has been challenged by continued high prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting among children under 5 years of age. Yet, nutritional status of post-under-five age group has never been assessed in the country, despite its importance in relation not only to physical health but also to cognitive capacity and educational achievements of children. This study aims to estimate prevalence of malnutrition among schoolchildren aged 5–14 years in Madagascar. It further attempts to identify the possible risk factors for their malnutrition. This is the first study that estimates prevalence of malnutrition among school-aged children in Madagascar.


A cross-sectional household survey was conducted in Antananarivo-Avaradrano district, Analamanga region, Madagascar. The study targeted 393 first and second graders 5–14 years of age enrolled at 10 primary schools, where school-feeding was implemented. Data were collected from anthropometric measurements, their subsequent household structured interviews and observations. Bivariate (Chi-square test or Mann-Whitney’s U test) and multivariable (logistic regression) analyses were performed, to identify the possible risk factors associated with malnutrition.


The overall prevalence rates of stunting, underweight and thinness were 34.9%, 36.9% and 11.2%, respectively. Nineteen children (4.8%) suffered from all the three forms of undernutrition. Older schoolchildren had a significantly greater likelihood of being stunted, underweight and thin. The greater number of members a household had, the higher likelihood of being stunted and thin its schoolchild had. Children having lower Household Dietary Diversity Score were more likely to be underweight. Yet, ‘Had lunch at school yesterday’ was associated neither with being stunted nor with being underweight and thin. This implies room for improvement of the current school feeding program.


Prevalence rates of stunting and underweight among 393 children examined were as high as the national averages among children under 5 years of age. Adequate food availability and dietary diversity over a sufficient period (incl. 5–14 years of age) are necessary for increasing likelihood of catch-up in height-for-age and weight-for-age, which are expectable during adolescence. To supplement inadequate household dietary diversity practices, school-feeding program may need to use more animal-protein ingredients.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (10.1186/s12889-019-7013-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Keywords: Madagascar, Malnutrition, School-aged children, School feeding


Nutrition continues to be a key global development agenda under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) after the completion of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) era. Despite a critical need for addressing malnutrition among all populations, the monitoring indicators currently in SDG2 and previously in MDG1 are consistently focused on children under 5 years of age [1, 2]. While admitting children under 5 years of age serve not only as the highest priority sub-population but also as a leading proxy for entire populations in monitoring nations’ nutritional status, it is necessary to capture broader age groups. Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), a global multisectoral movement on nutrition, addresses malnutrition in a more comprehensive manner, by expanding its target monitoring groups beyond children under 5 years of age (children 13–15 years of age, women 15–49 years of age, and adults ≥18 years of age) [3]. Yet, schoolchildren aged 5–14 years remain excluded from the monitoring frameworks of these major global development agendas as if they were a neglected sub-population. As a result, school-aged children are rarely targeted in nutrition surveys, despite significant impacts of nutritional status on their health, cognition, educational achievements and future economic productivity [4, 5].

Malnutrition among children under 5 years of age has been regularly monitored in all countries since the WHO’s launch of the standard growth chart in 1978 [6]. Yet, it was just 2007 when WHO launched the standard growth chart for children and adolescents aged 5–19 years, by applying prevalence of stunting, underweight, and not wasting but thinness as the malnutrition indicators [7]. The long-term absence of the technical tools for monitoring the three malnutrition dimensions until 2007 might have discouraged researchers from conducting studies on malnutrition among school-aged children. Recently, World Bank started highlighting a need for addressing malnutrition among school-aged children as a foundational investment a country should make, by launching the Human Capital Measurement Project [5]. Thus, a global momentum is being created toward more studies on malnutrition among school-aged children.

For over 20 years, Madagascar has been challenged by consistently higher prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age (around 50%) for decades. The latest data (49.2% as of 2016) is the fifth highest in the world [8]. To address the country’s long-lasting high malnutrition prevalence, the Government of Madagascar increasingly focuses on multi-sectoral coordination for greater coverage and impacts of the national nutrition program, by launching the third National Nutrition Action Plan (PNAN III). PNAN III also calls for multisectoral interventions for school-aged children, e.g. community-based deworming, school feeding, household food security, and crop diversification [9]. As a subcomponent policy of PNAN III, National School Feeding and Nutrition Strategy (SNANS) specifies the school-based nutrition interventions. Nevertheless, even basic malnutrition indicators among school-aged children (i.e. prevalence of stunting, underweight, thinness, overweight and obesity) have been neither analyzed nor reported. It is generally difficult for stunted children to catch up during 24–59 months of age [10]. Therefore, the malnutrition status among children under 5 years of age in Madagascar implies the equally high malnutrition prevalence among those ≥5 years of age, due to chronic food insecurity and inadequate feeding practices in the country [11].

In view of unknown but presumably higher malnutrition among school-aged children, the Malagasy Ministry of National Education (MoNE), in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), has been committed to strengthening the community-based school feeding program, by developing and piloting its effective and sustainable model. Basic framework of the program defines community-based school feeding as regular provision of meals on school days using locally either produced, procured or donated food items through a school management committee. This study provides the program with the baseline data which not only inform its detailed design but also will be compared with end-line data in the future.

This study is aimed at estimating malnutrition prevalence among children enrolled in rural public primary schools in Madagascar, where school-feeding is implemented, as the pre-intervention baseline data. It further attempts to identify the possible risk factors for malnutrition among them. This study is expected to contribute to informing the design of the community-based school feeding program, by making evidence-based recommendations on it.


A cross-sectional household survey was conducted, to estimate malnutrition prevalence (i.e. stunting, underweight, thinness, overweight and obesity) among school-aged children in Antananarivo-Avaradrano district, Analamanga region, Madagascar. Note that stunting and underweight among children 5–19 years of age are defined in the same manner as those among children under 5 years of age (i.e. by employing z-scores for height-for-age and weight-for-age). Yet, thinness among children 5–19 years of age is differently defined from wasting among children under 5 years of age, though both are aimed at measuring acute malnutrition in common. Thinness is defined as those having a z-score < − 2 for BMI-for-age, while wasting is defined as those having a z-score < − 2 for weight-for-height [7]. Moreover, overweight and obesity among children 5–19 years of age are defined as those having z-scores > 1 and > 2 respectively for BMI-for-age, while definitions of overweight and obesity among children under 5 years of age are based on z-scores for weight-for-height.

Study area

Antananarivo-Avaradrano district is a typical mountainous area located in central inland Madagascar, where temperature is relatively stable all year around (minimum 10 °C - maximum 27 °C). Eighty-one percent of population of the district live in rural area. Average household size is 4.9 members per household and the proportion of male-headed households is 80.1% [12]. Locally produced food crops include rice, cassava, maize, sweet potato, beans and potatoes, accounting for more than 95% of cultivated areas [13].

Study group

It was reported to the MoNE that local-food-based school feeding was implemented at approximately 50 public primary schools in Antananarivo-Avaradrano district. Through conducting document reviews and its subsequent systematic school visits, it was confirmed that 10 of them were actually implementing local-food-based school feeding (yet only on a very limited scale) as of August 2017, i.e. Ambohimarina, Ambohitrarahaba, Ambohitsoa, Ambovona, Ankadinandriana, Isahafa, Ikianja, Soavinandriamanitra, Tsarahasina, and Viliahazo primary schools. Therefore, all 10 primary schools were targeted in the study. The other 40 primary schools were not implementing school feeding, primarily due to relatively poorer schools’ commitments. Of all children enrolled in the 10 schools, exclusively first and second graders were targeted in this study, for the three reasons. First, targeting first and second graders would help minimize the number of dropouts in the post-intervention survey. This is because they will be more contactable at the time of post-intervention survey to be conducted 4–5 years after strengthening local-food-based school feeding starts. They are likely to stay enrolled in the same schools without going on to secondary schools or getting a job elsewhere. Second, a majority of first and second graders have just entered post-under-five age group, in which the likelihood of recovering from stunting might be expected [14, 15]. Third, as AnthroPlus, a WHO’s software, allows z-scores for weight-for-age to be calculated only for children up to 120.8 months of age [16], first and second graders who are overall younger than that age should be targeted.

Sample size and sampling methods

Prevalence of malnutrition (i.e. stunting, underweight, thinness, overweight and obesity) among school-aged children was previously reported neither from Antananarivo-Avaradrano district nor from any other parts of Madagascar. National prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age has been around 50% for decades [8]. Therefore, we assumed that the prevalence among first and second graders could be 50%, under which sample size becomes the greatest (i.e. sufficient sample size also for estimating prevalence rates of underweight, thinness, overweight and obesity). To estimate prevalence representative of children 5–14 years of age enrolled in public primary schools implementing local-food-based school feeding in Antananarivo-Avaradrano district, the sample size was calculated with α (error) = 0.05 and d (precision) = 0.05. Thus, 384 school-aged children were determined as the required sample size. Assuming 5% of non-response rate [17], 404 children were employed as the final sample size. To ensure equal representativity of children in each stratum (school, grade and sex), probability-proportional-to-size sampling was applied (Table 1) [7, 8, 1820]. A total of 404 first and second graders were randomly selected from the respective strata, using student registries of the 10 primary schools.

Table 1.

Prevalence of malnutrition among schoolchildren 5–14 years of age

Primary school N Stuntinga
n = 393
n = 382
N = 393
N = 393
N = 393
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Ambohimarina 25 9 36.0 7 30.4 2 8.0 1 4.0 0 0.0
Ambohitrarahaba 106 33 31.1 36 34.6 10 9.4 1 0.9 0 0.0
Ambohitsoa 38 11 28.9 10 27.8 3 7.9 0 0.0 0 0.0
Ambovona 9 5 55.6 5 55.6 3 33.3 1 11.1 0 0.0
Ankadinandriana 21 10 47.6 9 42.9 1 4.5 0 0.0 0 0.0
Isahafa 45 12 26.7 14 31.8 2 4.4 1 2.2 0 0.0
Ikianja 31 13 41.9 12 41.4 5 16.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
Soavinandriamanitra 35 14 40.0 15 45.5 5 14.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Tsarahasina 50 18 36.0 20 40.0 5 10.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Viliahazo 33 12 36.4 17 51.5 8 24.2 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 393 137 34.9 145 36.9 44 11.2 4 1.0 0 0.0
95% CI: 30.4–39.7 95% CI: 32.2–41.9 95% CI: 8.5–14.7 95% CI: 0.4–2.6 95% CI: 0.0–1.0
National prevalence among children under 5 years of age 49.2f 36.0g (n.a.)h 6.2i (n.a.)h

aZ-score for height-for-age < −2 [7]

bZ-score for weight-for-age < −2 [7]. As WHO’s growth reference does not cover children 121 months of age and older, 11 children categorized into the age group were excluded from estimation of prevalence of underweight [18]

cZ-score for BMI-for-age < − 2 [7]

d2 > Z-score for BMI-for-age > 1 [7]

eZ-score for BMI-for-age > 2 [7]

fNationally representative prevalence among children under 5 years of age as of 2015 (IFPRI, 2016) [8]

gNationally representative prevalence among children under 5 years of age as of 2008–2012 (UNICEF, 2018) [19]

hThinness and obesity are not internationally employed as malnutrition indicators for children under 5 years of age

iNationally representative prevalence among children under 5 years of age as of 2004 (World Bank, 2018) [20]

Data collection

Anthropometric measurements of sampled first and second graders and structured interviews with their parents were conducted during the period from 20 November to 11 December 2017, early rainy season in Madagascar. Weight and height of children were measured in classrooms of their primary schools by enumerators. Weight measurements were undertaken to the nearest 0.1 kg using the electronic scale for mother/child 150kg x 100g (UNICEF reference model: S0141021). Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm, using the UNICEF standard height scale. To precisely calculate age of children, their dates of birth were collected from student registries. Data of food items used for lunch served at schools on the previous day were collected from school feeding program records at each primary school.

Subsequently to data collection at schools, children’s households were visited to collect data of background variables for malnutrition. A total of 21 background variables were employed to examine their associations with malnutrition among school-aged children (Tables 2 and 3). These background variables were selected primarily from those representing three categories of underlying causes of childhood undernutrition (i.e. household food insecurity, inadequate caring and feeding practices, and unhealthy living environment) [2123]. The questions on those background variables were included in the structured questionnaire (see Additional file 1). Of them, the data on types of drinking water source, types of toilet, presence of soap/ash for handwashing, food storage, and utensil maintenance were collected through enumerators’ observations. The data on other variables were collected through interviews with parents and other household members responsible for food preparation (incl. Children’s food consumption data based on 24-h dietary recall). Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) was further calculated by summing up the number of food groups consumed by the children during last 24 h [21]. Dietary diversity is a qualitative measure of food consumption that reflects household’s access to a variety of foods, and serves as a proxy for both macro- and micro-nutrient adequacy of the diet of individuals [21]. School feeding can not only complement inadequate household dietary diversity by providing children with food items not being often consumed at their households, but also trigger households’ dietary behavior changes [24].

Table 2.

Bivariate analyses between schoolchildren’s malnutrition and its categorical background variables

Background variable Stunting (N = 393) Underweight (N = 382) Thinness (N = 393)
(+) Stunted (−) Not stunted P-value a (+) Under-weight (−) Not underweight P-valuea (+) Thin (−) Not thin P-valuea
n (%) N (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
v1: Sex
 Male 75 54.7 135 52.7 0.751 83 57.2 121 51.1 0.247 25 56.8 185 53.0 0.749
 Female 62 45.3 121 47.3 62 42.8 116 48.9 19 43.2 164 47.0
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v2: Diarrhea during last 14 days
 With diarrhea 4 2.9 8 3.1 1.000 5 3.4 7 3.0 0.771 2 4.5 10 2.9 0.632
 Without diarrhea 133 97.1 252 96.9 140 96.6 230 97.0 42 95.5 339 97.1
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v3: Took deworming tables at school
 Took 53 38.7 99 38.7 1.000 63 43.2 85 35.9 0.160 16 36.4 136 39.0 0.870
 Did not take 84 61.3 157 61.3 82 56.8 152 64.1 28 63.6 213 61.0
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
Major income sources
 Daily job 46 33.6 93 36.7 Ref. 44 30.3 90 37.9 Ref. 16 36.4 122 35.7 Ref.
 v4: Agriculture or crop sales 35 25.5 83 32.4 0.137 42 29.0 73 30.8 0.731 10 22.7 110 30.9 0.299
 v5: Seller, trader or commercial business 23 16.8 22 8.6 0.020* 26 17.9 18 7.6 0.003** 7 15.9 38 10.9 0.317
 v6: Skilled wage labor 9 6.6 19 7.4 0.839 9 6.2 19 8.0 0.551 0 0.0 28 8.0 0.058
 v7: Unskilled wage labor 12 8.8 14 5.5 0.286 11 7.6 15 6.3 0.687 5 11.4 21 6.0 0.193
 v8: Small-scale industry or handicraft 8 5.8 18 6.6 0.831 8 5.5 16 6.8 0.671 5 11.4 20 5.7 0.180
 v9: Livestock or animal sales 1 0.7 4 1.6 0.662 2 1.4 3 1.3 1.000 0 0.0 5 1.4 1.000
 v10: Others 3 2.2 3 1.2 0.424 3 2.1 3 1.3 0.678 1 2.3 5 1.4 0.512
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v11: Land ownership
 Own land for housing or farming 101 73.7 207 80.9 0.123 111 76.6 188 79.3 0.526 33 75.0 275 78.8 0.562
 Don’t own land for housing or farming 36 26.3 49 19.1 34 23.4 49 20.7 11 25.0 75 21.2
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
Education attainment of household member responsible for food preparation
 v12: Never gone to school 6 4.4 9 3.5 0.783 6 4.1 9 3.8 1.000 0 0.0 15 4.3 0.392
     Dropped out from primary school 72 52.5 112 44.1 Ref. 70 48.3 107 45.2 Ref. 22 50.0 163 46.7 Ref.
 v13: Primary school 49 35.8 100 39.1 0.586 59 40.7 88 37.1 0.516 16 36.4 133 38.1 0.870
 v14: Secondary school 8 5.8 29 11.3 0.102 10 6.9 26 11.0 0.210 6 13.6 31 8.9 0.282
 v15: High school 2 1.5 4 1.6 1.000 0 0.0 6 2.5 0.087 0 0.0 6 1.7 1.000
 v16: University or other higher education 0 0.0 2 0.4 1.000 0 0.0 1 0.4 1.000 0 0.0 1 0.3 1.000
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v17: Type of source of water
 Improved type of source of water b 61 44.5 109 42.6 0.749 57 39.3 107 45.1 0.288 19 43.2 151 43.3 1.000
 Not improved type of source of water c 76 55.5 147 57.4 88 60.7 130 54.9 25 56.8 198 56.7
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v18: Type of sanitation facility
 Improved type of sanitation facility d 7 5.1 16 6.3 0.622 7 4.8 16 6.8 0.512 3 6.8 20 5.7 0.733
 Not improved type of sanitation facility e 132 94.9 240 93.8 138 95.2 221 93.2 41 93.2 329 94.3
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v19: Hand-washing after toilet of household member responsible for food preparation
 Wash hands after toilet 36 26.3 76 29.7 0.558 40 27.6 71 30.0 0.644 17 38.6 95 27.2 0.155
 Don’t wash hands after toilet 101 73.7 180 70.3 105 72.4 166 70.0 27 61.4 254 72.8
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v20: Hand-washing before cooking of household member responsible for food preparation
 Wash hands before cooking 33 24.1 66 25.8 0.807 37 25.5 61 25.7 1.000 14 31.8 85 24.4 0.275
 Don’t wash hands before cooking 104 75.9 190 74.2 108 74.5 176 74.3 30 68.2 264 75.6
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v21: Hand-washing before eating
 Wash hands before cooking 33 24.1 70 27.3 0.548 36 24.8 66 27.8 0.553 14 31.8 89 25.5 0.367
 Don’t wash hands before cooking 104 75.9 186 72.7 109 75.2 171 72.2 30 68.2 260 74.5
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
Rice storage
     Plastic/metal container with cover 40 29.2 106 41.3 Ref. 40 27.5 104 43.9 Ref. 13 29.5 133 38.1 Ref.
 v22: Plastic/metal container without cover 1 0.7 8 3.1 0.171 3 2.1 5 2.1 1.000 1 2.3 8 2.3 1.000
 v23: 50 kg rice bag 32 23.4 45 17.6 0.183 28 19.3 46 19.4 1.000 9 20.5 68 19.5 0.842
 v24: Handbasket bag 35 25.5 48 18.8 0.121 38 26.2 42 17.7 0.053 13 29.5 70 20.1 0.169
 v25: Plastic bag 19 13.9 24 9.4 0.179 23 15.9 20 8.4 0.030* 5 11.4 38 10.9 1.000
 v26: None (buy rice only for the day) 9 6.6 22 8.6 0.599 12 8.3 17 7.2 0.695 3 6.8 28 8.0 1.000
 v27: Others 1 0.7 3 1.2 1.000 1 0.7 3 1.3 1.000 0 0.0 4 1.1 1.000
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
Utensil maintenance
 v28: In cabinet after cleaning 23 16.8 45 17.6 0.889 23 15.9 44 18.6 0.580 7 15.9 61 17.5 1.000
     In open-space after cleaning 69 50.4 123 48.0 Ref. 74 51.0 111 46.8 Ref. 25 56.8 167 47.9 Ref.
 v29: Covered with cloth after cleaning 28 20.4 47 18.4 0.686 29 20.0 43 18.1 0.684 10 22.7 65 18.6 0.542
 v30: In open-space without cleaning 17 12.4 41 16.0 0.373 19 13.1 39 16.5 0.463 2 4.5 56 16.0 0.042*
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
Meals taken yesterday
     Breakfast, lunch and dinner/supper 135 98.6 254 99.2 Ref. 144 99.3 234 98.8 Ref. 44 100 345 98.8 Ref.
 v31: Breakfast and lunch 1 0.7 0 0.0 0.349 1 0.7 0 0.0 0.380 0 0.0 1 0.3 1.000
 v32: Lunch and dinner/supper 1 0.7 0 0.0 0.349 0 0.0 1 0.4 1.000 0 0.0 1 0.3 1.000
 v33: Only breakfast 0 0.0 2 0.8 0.545 0 0.0 2 0.8 0.528 0 0.0 2 0.6 1.000
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
v34: Yesterday’s lunch at school
 Had lunch through school feeding program 25 18.2 47 18.4 1.000 24 16.6 47 19.8 0.498 7 15.9 65 18.6 0.836
 Did not have lunch at school 113 81.8 209 81.6 121 83.4 190 80.2 37 84.1 284 81.4
 Total 137 100 256 100 145 100 237 100 44 100 349 100
Food consumption during last 24 hf
 v35: Cereal 137 100 256 100 (n.a.) 145 100 237 100 (n.a.) 44 100 349 100 (n.a.)
 v36: White tubers and roots 57 41.6 97 37.9 0.516 59 40.7 92 38.8 0.747 135 38.7 19 43.2 0.624
 v37: Vegetables 130 94.9 246 96.1 0.608 136 93.8 229 96.6 0.209 41 93.2 335 96.0 0.421
 v38: Fruits 13 9.5 22 8.6 0.853 14 9.7 20 8.4 0.713 4 9.1 31 3.9 1.000
 v39: Meats 38 27.7 82 32.0 0.422 33 22.8 82 34.6 0.016* 106 30.4 14 31.8 0.863
 v40: Eggs 10 7.3 34 13.3 0.093 32 13.5 11 7.6 0.095 41 11.7 3 6.8 0.450
 v41: Fish and other seafood 27 19.7 54 21.1 0.795 26 17.9 54 22.8 0.300 6 13.6 75 21.5 0.322
 v42: Legumes, nuts and seeds 59 43.1 109 42.6 1.000 63 43.4 100 42.2 0.832 20 45.5 148 42.4 0.748
 v43: Milk and milk products 10 7.3 37 14.5 0.041* 11 7.6 36 15.2 0.036* 5 11.4 42 12.0 1.000
 v44: Oils and fats 134 97.8 247 96.5 0.554 141 97.2 229 96.6 1.000 43 97.7 338 96.8 1.000
 v45: Sweets 83 60.6 184 71.9 0.024* 93 64.1 168 70.9 0.176 28 63.6 239 68.5 0.499
 v46: Spices, condiments and beverage 135 98.5 256 100 0.121 143 98.6 237 100 0.143 44 100 347 99.4 1.000

*P < 0.05

** P < 0.01

aChi-square test

bImproved types of source of water include: (i) piped household water connection; (ii) public standpipe; (iii) protected well/borehole; (iv) Protected spring; and (v) rainwater collection

cNot improved types of source of water include: (i) unprotected well; (ii) unprotected spring; (iii) surface water (river, lake, reservoir, dam, canal, irrigation channel); (iv) vendor-provided water (cart, tanker truck); and (v) bottled water

dImproved types of toilet include: (i) flush connected to sewerage system (ii) flush connected to a septic tank; (iii) toilet connected to a pit; (iv) improved ventilated latrine; and (v) latrines with slab

eNot improved types of toilet include: (i) flush toilet not connected to sewerage/pit; (ii) latrines without slab/open pit; (iii) bucket; (vi) joint installation with other households (public toilet); and (viii) Outdoor defecation (field, forest, bush and river)

fTwelve categories of foods are based on food groups for calculating Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) [21]

Table 3.

Bivariate analyses between schoolchildren’s malnutrition and its interval/ratio background variables

Background variable Stunting (N = 393) Underweight (N = 382) Thinness (N = 393)
(+) Stunted (−) Not stunted P-valuea (+) Under-weight (−) Not underweight P-valuea (+) Thin (−) Not thin P-valuea
Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d.
v47: Age [year] 7.6 1.65 7.0 1.05 < 0.001** 7.4 1.12 6.8 0.99 < 0.001** 7.9 1.95 7.1 1.20 0.004**
v48: Total number of household members [person] 5.9 1.82 5.2 1.65 < 0.001** 5.8 1.73 5.2 1.66 < 0.001** 6.3 2.03 5.3 1.67 0.002**
v48: Access to source of water by foot [min] b 3.3 3.32 3.7 3.28 0.163 3.4 3.41 3.7 3.28 0.205 3.6 2.68 3.6 3.37 0.454
v50: Access to the nearest health facility [min] 34.6 14.3 35.9 19.9 0.485 35.6 16.3 35.1 18.7 0.278 39.1 18.4 35.0 18.1 0.173
v51: Household dietary diversity score (HDDS) [pt] c 6.1 1.42 6.3 1.27 0.066 6.0 1.35 6.4 1.29 0.021* 6.2 1.49 6.3 1.31 0.851

*P < 0.05

**P < 0.01

aMann-Whitney U test

bThe number of minutes spent reaching a water source was measured by allowing an enumerator to walk

cHousehold Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) is the score ranging from 0 (min) to 12 (max), which is calculated by summing up the number of food groups consumed during previous day (24 h) [21]

Interviews were undertaken by asking the questions in Malagasy, the local language of Madagascar. Two repeated household visits were made, when parents and other household members were absent. The questionnaire was completed by the enumerator during an interview, and later field-checked. Eighteen locally recruited skilled enumerators were trained on anthropometric measurement, interviewing and observation, and supervised by four field team leaders.

Data analysis

The data obtained through household interviews, observations and anthropometric measurements were entered into a microcomputer. By using AnthroPlus (WHO, Geneva) [16] and R for Mac OS X version 3.2.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna) [25], z-scores for height-for-age, weight-for-age and BMI-for-age were calculated based on the WHO standard reference population 5–19 years of age [7, 18]. In Madagascar, children under 5 years of age are sometimes enrolled in first or second graders due to the country’s flexible and less enforced age requirements for primary education enrollment. Those aged under 5 years of age were excluded from the analysis, since they are out of the scope of this study. The statistical analyses other than z-score calculations were conducted, by using SPSS for Windows, version 22 (IBM/SPSS Inc., Chicago) [26].

Both bivariate and multivariable analyses were undertaken to identify the background variables (independent variables) associated with whether being malnourished (dependent variable). While the dependent variables are dichotomous, the independent variables are composed of interval/ratio variables and categorical variables. Therefore, two types of bivariate analyses were employed. First, the associations between 16 categorical variables and whether being malnourished were examined, using Chi-square test. For five categorical variables composed of three or more categories (‘Major income sources’, ‘Education attainment of household member responsible for food preparation’, ‘Rice storage’, ‘Utensil maintenance’, and ‘Meals taken yesterday’), dummy variables were created. As a result, 46 categorical variables were created (incl. 24 dummy variables). The category with the greatest frequency was designated as the reference for the dummy variables. Second, the associations between five interval/ratio variables and whether being malnourished were examined, using a non-parametric method (Mann-Whitney’s U test), as data of those variables were expected not to be normally distributed. Thus, a total of 51 background variables (= 46 categorical + 5 interval/ratio variables) were employed.

The background variables significantly associated with being malnourished (P <  0.05 in Chi-square test or Mann-Whitney’s U test) were selected as the possible independent variables for multivariable analyses. Prior to applying them to multivariable analyses, multicollinearity between those possible independent variables was examined by assessing variance inflation factor (VIF). Only those with VIF < 10 were selected as the independent variables for multivariable analyses. As the dependent variables were dichotomous (e.g. stunted or not stunted, underweight or not underweight, and thin or not thin), binominal logistic regression was conducted as the multivariable analyses to control potential confounding variables.

Ethical consideration

The study protocol was submitted to the National Committee for Biomedical Research Ethics, the Malagasy Ministry of Health, for its ethical clearance. Yet, the Committee officially approved the study protocol by exempting it from an ethical clearance process, due to low level invasiveness of the study design (Exemption letter No. 52).

It was found that all the first and second graders at the target 10 primary schools were under 16 years of age, by reviewing the student registries. Therefore, an advanced informed consent to participate in both anthropometric measurements and structured household interviews was obtained in written form from the parents of each sampled schoolchild through teaching staff of the primary schools. In addition, a verbal informed consent to participate in the study was further obtained from the parents or other household members responsible for food preparation upon a household visit, in case they change their minds.


Of 404 children sampled, five were dropped due to parental refusal or absence at their households despite successful contacts with children at schools. It was found that six of 399 children were under 5 years of age. Thus, those six children were excluded from the analysis. As a result, data collected from 393 children and their household members were analyzed. WHO growth reference does not cover children older than 120.8 months of age in z-score calculation for weight-for-age. Therefore, 11 children categorized into the age group were excluded from estimation of prevalence of underweight [16].

The overall prevalence rates of stunting, underweight and thinness were 34.9% [95% CI: 30.4–39.7%], 36.9% [95% CI: 32.2–41.9%] and 11.2% [95% CI: 8.5–14.7%], respectively (Table 1 [7, 8, 1820] and Fig. 1). Of 393 children assessed in this study, 123 (31.2%) suffered from multiple forms of malnutrition (Fig. 2). Note that 19 children (4.8%) suffered from all three forms of undernutrition. Prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were 1.0% [95% CI: 0.4–2.6%] and 0% [95% CI: 0.0–1.0%], respectively. Thus, overnutrition among school-aged children in Antananarivo-Avaradrano district need not be addressed as a major public health issue. For this reason, further analyses were conducted only for stunting, underweight and thinness in search for their possible risk factors.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Frequency distributions of z-scores for height-for-age, weight-for-age and BMI- for-age among schoolchildren 5–14 years of age

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Multiple forms of malnutrition among schoolchildren 5–14 years of age

The background variables were compared between stunted and not stunted children, between underweight and not underweight children, and between thin and not thin children. Of 51 background variables, five produced significant associations (P <  0.05) with whether being stunted in bivariate analyses (Tables 2 and 3). Similarly, seven and three background variables produced significant associations (P < 0.05) with whether being underweight and with whether being thin, respectively. Moreover, multicollinearity was not confirmed, as only VIF < 10 was detected among them. Therefore, all these background variables with significant associations were employed as the independent variables for logistic regressions.

The results of logistic regressions are shown in Table 4. In the logistic regression on being stunted, four of five independent variables produced significant adjusted odds ratios (ORs) (P < 0.05), i.e. ‘Seller, trader or commercial business’, ‘Sweets’, ‘Age’, and ‘Total number of household members’. In the logistic regression on being underweight, four of seven independent variables produced significant adjusted ORs (P < 0.05), i.e. ‘Seller, trader or commercial business’, ‘Age’, ‘Total number of household members’, and ‘Household dietary diversity score ’. In the logistic regression on being thin, two of three independent variables produced significant ORs (P < 0.05), i.e. ‘Age’ and ‘Total number of household members’.

Table 4.

Logistic regressions on being malnourished with background variables

Logistic regression model Adjusted OR 95% CI P-value
Logistic regression on being stunteda
 v5: Seller, trader or commercial business (dummy variable for ‘Major income sources’) 2.173 1.120–4.219 0.022*
 v43: Milk and milk products (dummy variable for ‘Food consumption during last 24 h’) 0.671 0.309–1.458 0.313
 v45: Sweets (dummy variable for ‘Food consumption during last 24 h’) 0.616 0.382–0.994 0.047*
 v47: Age [year] 1.392 1.164–1.664 < 0.001**
 v48: Total number of household members [person] 1.172 1.031–1.333 0.015*
Logistic regression on being underweightb
 v5: Seller, trader or commercial business (dummy variable for ‘Major income sources’) 2.654 1.339–5.261 0.005**
 v25: Plastic bag (dummy variable for ‘Rice storage’) 1.923 0.962–3.844 0.064
 v39: Meats (dummy variable for ‘Food consumption during last 24 h’) 0.711 0.410–1.233 0.224
 v43: Milk and milk products (dummy variable for ‘Food consumption during last 24 h’) 0.725 0.321–1.634 0.437
 v47: Age [year] 1.474 1.189–1.827 <  0.001**
 v48: Total number of household members [person] 1.189 1.043–1.356 0.010*
 v51: Household dietary diversity score (HDDS) [pt] 0.832 0.701–0.993 0.043*
Logistic regression on being thinc
 v30: In open-space without cleaning (dummy variable for ‘Utensil maintenance’) 0.298 0.069–1.284 0.104
 v47: Age [year] 1.348 1.092–1.663 0.005**
 v48: Total number of household members [person] 1.240 1.038–1.481 0.018*

*P < 0.05

**P < 0.01

aThe dichotomous independent variable (i.e. stunted or not stunted)

bThe dichotomous independent variable (i.e. underweight or not underweight)

cThe dichotomous independent variable (i.e. thin or not thin)


Prevalence of stunting among children aged 5–14 years (34.9%) was lower than national prevalence of stunting among children under 5years of age (49.2%) [8]. Its data as of 2008–2016, during which the children assessed in this study used to be under 5 years of age, were consistently around 50%, too [18]. Yet, the data specific to Antananarivo-Avaradrano district as of 2008–2016 is not available. We should assume that prevalence of stunting during their under-five childhood was at the same level as the current figure, as catch-up in height-for-age during 24–59 months of age is generally unexpectable [10, 14].

Prevalence of underweight among children aged 5–14 years (36.9%) was at the same level as national prevalence of underweight among children under 5 years of age (36.0%). Prevalence of thinness among children (11.2%) was lower than those of stunting and underweight. Absence of national and provincial prevalence of thinness makes it difficult to compare this result with others. This is because prevalence of thinness has never been reported from Madagascar. Prevalence of thinness is a malnutrition indicator applicable exclusively for 5–19 years of age. Therefore, the indicator is rarely assessed. Note that a majority of nutrition surveys target not school-aged children and older age groups but exclusively children under 5 years of age and their mothers. It is not surprising to learn that the relatively new indicator is generally not attractive enough for health ministries to monitor its data, as it has not been employed as an indicator for global agenda such as SDGs [1].

Age’ produced significant ORs > 1 (P < 0.05) in all three logistic regression models for stunting, underweight and thinness (Table 4). This is consistent with the increase in prevalence of stunting, underweight and thinness according to age (Fig. 3). Earlier studies reported that z-score of height-for-age either remains low or even further drops during the period from two to 14 years of age in low- and middle-income countries. It is only adolescence (i.e. 14–20 years of age) when catch-up in height-for-age could occur after the initial 2 years of life [10, 14]. Since there remain 4–5 years for the current first and second graders to enter that age group, impact of strengthening school feeding on height-for-age might not be observable during their primary education enrollments. Nevertheless, adequate food availability and dietary diversity over a sufficient period time including primary education period should be ensured [10, 14]. Thus, strengthening of school feeding will be an essential investment and its evaluation should be conducted not prematurely in a few years but at an appropriate time, i.e. when and/or after first and second graders complete primary education. To increase the likelihood of post-under-two catch-up in both height-for-age and weight-for-age, childhood gastrointestinal infections [14] (schistosomiasis in particular) [2729] should be adequately prevented and controlled. Madagascar has the world’s fifth highest prevalence of schistosomiasis (52.1% as of 2010) [30]. WHO recommends that all school-aged children be treated by mass praziquantel administration once a year in schistosomiasis high endemic countries with prevalence > 50% [31] such as Madagascar. Though 152 of 399 children (38.1%) assessed in this study underwent school-based deworming, their prevalence of all three forms of undernutrition was not significantly different from those not having undergone it (Table 2). Irregular and sporadic implementations of school-based deworming program might have made deworming less effective. Of 10 primary schools visited, eight implemented deworming interventions before. Yet, at three of eight primary schools, more than 3 years have passed since the last deworming implementation.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Age-specific prevalence of stunting, underweight and thinness among schoolchildren 5–14 years of age. [Remarks] Sizes of respective plots are in proportion to total number of children

Also, ‘Total number of household members’ produced significant ORs > 1 (P < 0.05) in logistic regression models for stunting, underweight, and thinness (Table 4). This indicates that, the greater number of members a household has, the higher likelihood of being stunted, underweight and thin its schoolchild has. There are two possible reasons for this. First, per-capita food availability at larger households should become smaller. Members of larger households naturally can access and consume a less amount of foods than those of small households, when comparing households at the same income level. In addition, the average number of household members in the lowest quintile income group is the greatest of all quintile income groups, in Madagascar [32]. This synchronously makes it difficult for larger households to ensure per-capita food availability. Second, Malagasy households generally tends to allocate a less amount of foods inadequately meeting age-specific energy requirement to young and older children [33]. Thus, nutritional deficiencies among schoolchildren in this study might be more severe than among their parents. Having assumed this, school-feeding should play a key role as the critical nutrient source supplementary to children’s inadequate diet at household level derived from inappropriate intrahousehold food distribution.

Household dietary diversity score (HDDS)’ produced significant OR < 1 (P < 0.05) in the logistic regression model for underweight (Table 4). This indicates that children consuming a fewer number of food groups are likely to be underweight. Inadequate intake of animal-based protein ingredients (‘Meats’, ‘Milk and milk products’) were significantly associated with being stunted and underweight (P < 0.05) in bivariate analyses (Table 2), though these variables did not produce significant OR (P < 0.05) (Table 4). This may imply that there might be a need for improvement of dietary diversity through using particularly animal-based protein ingredients for school meals. Those having ‘had lunch through school feeding program’ on the previous day of anthropometric measurements had significantly greater HDDS than those not having (P < 0.05: Mann-Whitney U test). Yet, its mean difference between the two groups was only 1.12 (=7.17–6.05). In fact, ‘had lunch through school feeding program’ was not associated with being stunted, underweight and thin. These support a need for improvement in school feeding program by increasing the number of food groups in school meals.

This study has limitations in accuracy in schoolchildren’s individual dietary data, as parental 24-h diet recalls and school feeding program records were sources of the data. Yet, monotonous dietary pattern in rural Malagasy households is generally likely to ensure a certain generalizability of 24-h dietary not only over a period of time but also to all household members. Note that parents of 384 children in this study (97.7%) stated that dietary pattern of last 4 days remained the same. Moreover, earlier studies found that parents are reliable reporters at least of their children’s in-home dietary intake [34].


Prevalence rates of stunting and underweight among 5–14 years of age were as high as those among children under 5 years of age. Difference in the definitions between thinness among children 5–14 years of age and wasting among children under 5 years of age makes it difficult to compare their prevalence rates.

Age’ and ‘Total number of household members’ were identified as the common possible risk factors for stunting, underweight and thinness among schoolchildren aged 5–14 years. Adequate food availability and dietary diversity over a sufficient period time including primary education period should be necessary for increasing likelihood of catch-up expectable during adolescence. Malagasy households have strong preference for rice and cannot afford to buy meats except on the days when they receive income [35]. School feeding program, therefore, should be able to more feasibly procure animal-protein ingredients than households, by leveraging economies of scale in food procurement.

Nevertheless, household feeding practices should improve in parallel, as school feeding can cover only 172 days (Malagasy standard number of school days) out of 365 days (47%) at a maximum in a year. Efforts on feeding practices need to be made both at school and household levels up to 14 years of age and beyond. Note that this study is expected to contribute to evidence-based menu planning for the school feeding program, by serving as the first study that reports risk factors and profiles for malnutrition of school-aged children in Madagascar.

Additional file

Additional file 1: (446.6KB, pdf)

English version of the questionnaire for the household survey. (PDF 446 kb)


The authors gratefully thank Nobuhiro Kunieda for his valuable technical supports. The authors also thank Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for their funding support to the study. This work is sincerely dedicated to all the school-aged children, their parents and caregivers, and teaching staff of primary schools in rural areas of Madagascar.



Household Dietary Diversity Score


Japan International Cooperation Agency


Millennium Development Goals


Ministry of National Education


Odds ratio


The third National Nutrition Action Plan


Sustainable Development Goals


Scaling Up Nutrition


World Health Organization

Authors’ contributions

All the authors made substantial intellectual contributions to the study. HA and KA conceptualized and designed the study. RE, HA, KA and RRA collected data. HA and TM analyzed and interpreted the data. HA drafted and finalized the manuscript. KA, AVN, RE, RRA, TM and MH critically commented and revised manuscript. All the authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The funding body for this study was involved in study conceptualization and designing, data collection and analysis, and manuscript writing, since the corresponding author having taken those responsibilities is affiliated with the funding body.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The study protocol was submitted to the National Committee for Biomedical Research Ethics, the Malagasy Ministry of Health, for its ethical clearance. Yet, the Committee officially approved the study protocol by exempting it from an ethical clearance process, due to low level invasiveness of the study design (Exemption letter No. 52). An advanced informed consent to participate in both anthropometric measurements and structured household interviews was obtained in written form from the parents of each sampled schoolchild.

Consent for publication

Similarly to consent to participate, an advanced informed consent for publication was obtained in written form from the parents of each sampled schoolchild..

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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Contributor Information

Hirotsugu Aiga, Phone: +81-3-5226-9329, Phone: +1-202-994-5179, Email:, Email:

Kanae Abe, Phone: +261-34-929-3106, Email:

Vonjy Nirina Andrianome, Phone: +261 34 20 547 95, Email:

Emmanuel Randriamampionona, Phone: +261-34-062-1206, Email:

Angèle Razafitompo Razafinombana, Phone: +261-34-929-3106, Email:

Toshiyasu Murai, Phone: +265-994-720-641, Email:

Masahiro Hara, Phone: +261-34-929-3106, Email:


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

Additional file 1: (446.6KB, pdf)

English version of the questionnaire for the household survey. (PDF 446 kb)

Data Availability Statement

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Articles from BMC Public Health are provided here courtesy of BMC