In the article “The gut microbiome from patients with schizophrenia modulates the glutamate-glutamine-GABA cycle and schizophrenia-relevant behaviors in mice,” the second sentence in the Results section under ‘Animal Studies: Perturbed gut-brain amino acid and lipid metabolism in SCZ microbiota recipient mice' incorrectly read,
“Pathway-enrichment analysis revealed that eight pathways were increased, whereas 25 pathways were decreased in the SCZ microbiota recipient mice compared to the HC microbiota recipient mice (Fig. 3 and table S2B), and SCZ microbiota recipient mice were characterized by enrichment of genes for lipid and amino acid metabolism.”
The sentence was corrected to read,
“Pathway-enrichment analysis revealed that seven pathways were decreased, whereas 26 pathways were increased in the SCZ microbiota recipient mice compared to the HC microbiota recipient mice (Fig. 3 and table S2B), and SCZ microbiota recipient mice were characterized by enrichment of genes for lipid and amino acid metabolism.”
The last sentence in the caption of Fig. 3 incorrectly read,
“Eight of 33 pathways were up-regulated, and the remaining pathways were down-regulated in the SCZ microbiota recipient mice compared to HC microbiota recipient mice (n = 8 per group).”
The sentence was corrected to read,
“Seven of 33 pathways were down-regulated, and the remaining pathways were up-regulated in the SCZ microbiota recipient mice compared to HC microbiota recipient mice (n = 8 per group).”
Figure 4D previously displayed the incorrect spelling of “Hippocampus”.
The last column on the ID: ko00532 line in table S2B, in the Supplementary Materials, incorrectly displayed “Down” instead of “Up”.
The HTML and PDF versions of the paper have been corrected.