Fig. 3.
Offspring weight and adiposity were increased in GDM offspring, in proportion to maternal glucose tolerance. a Body weight of floxed-control and βArnt offspring (n=19 floxed-control GDM [grey squares]; n=15 floxed-control NDP [black diamonds]; n=14 βArnt GDM [black rectangles]; n=22 βArnt NDP [white triangles]). **p<0.01 for βArnt GDM offspring vs floxed-control GDM offspring; ***p<0.001 for GDM vs NDP offspring. b The relationship between βArnt offspring body weight at 15 weeks of age and maternal glucose tolerance (total late gestational maternal AUCGTT). r2=0.301, p<0.0005 (Spearman correlation). c Body fat percentage was increased in floxed-control (FC) GDM offspring and FC βArnt offspring at 12 weeks (n=12 FC GDM, n=15 FC NDP, n=9 βArnt GDM, n=15 βArnt NDP). **p<0.01 for GDM vs NDP offspring, ***p<0.001 for βArnt vs FC offspring (ANOVA). d Epigonadal fat gene expression in βArnt GDM (black bars) offspring expressed as percentage of gene expression in NDP βArnt (hatched bars) offspring (n=6 per group); *p<0.05, **p<0.01. e Epigonadal fat gene expression in FC GDM (grey bars) offspring expressed as percentage of gene expression in NDP FC (white bars) offspring (n=6 per group); **p<0.01. Results are corrected for expression of the housekeeping gene Tbp. Data presented as means ± SEM