In the article “Primary Cilia on Horizontal Basal Cells Regulate Regeneration of the Olfactory Epithelium” by Ariell M. Joiner, Warren W. Green, Jeremy C. McIntyre, Benjamin L. Allen, James E. Schwob, and Jeffrey R. Martens, which appeared on pages 13761-13772 of the October 7, 2015 issue, the authors regret an error in Figure 3C. The error in Figure 3C had the images for both Control and iHBC-IFT88 erroneously duplicated from Figure 5A. Figure 3C has been corrected to include images of Arl13b-labeled cilia on K5-labeled horizontal basal cells (HBCs) for both Control and iHBC-IFT88 tissues examined after 4 weeks of administration of dox-containing diet (P28 + 4 weeks). Figure 5A is unaffected by this error and remains as is. The error in Figure 3C does not affect the corresponding text and figure caption, nor the interpretations and conclusions of our paper. Figure 3 has been corrected in the online PDF version and is displayed below.