(A) Mean fMRI activity was extracted from a priori selected network regions of the targeted hippocampal-cortical network and the control frontal-parietal network during object-location memory formation. (B) Mean fMRI activity changes (post-stim vs post-sham) for recollection compared to recognition in the targeted network vs the control network, and for recollection alone in the targeted and control networks. (C) Each bar is a single participant's mean recollection activity change in the targeted and control networks. (D) Mean recollection fMRI activity changes (post-stim vs post-sham) for each region of interest (ROI) in each network (see data available from dryad, table e-4, doi.org/10.5061/dryad.p2qq2d0, for region labels and for raw values for the post-stim and post-sham conditions). (E) Mean coherence change due to stimulation within the targeted network, the control network, and between the targeted and control networks. Error bars indicate SEM. *p ≤ 0.05.