In the article “Segregated Encoding of Reward-Identity and Stimulus-Reward Associations in Human Orbitofrontal Cortex” by Miriam Cornelia Klein-Flügge, Helen Catharine Barron, Kay Henning Brodersen, Raymond J. Dolan, and Timothy Edward John Behrens, which appeared on pages 3202–3211 of the February 13, 2013 issue, we misstated the echo time (TE) of our scan sequence as 70 ms when it was actually 30 ms. The corrected sentence on page 3204, first column, last paragraph reads as follows: “A special sequence was used to minimize signal drop out in the OFC region (Weiskopf et al., 2006) and included an echo time (TE) of 30 ms, a tilt of 30° relative to the rostro-caudal axis, and a local z-shim with a moment of 0.4 mT/m ms applied to the OFC region.” This error does not affect any of the conclusions or interpretations in the paper.