Effect of treatment with 10 mM 4-PBA on cell migration, proliferation and adhesion.
A The effects of 10 mM 4-PBA on cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesion are shown. Both adhesion properties are reduced in treated cells, irrespective of the mutation status. For the dispase-based dissociation assay ***P < .0001 for all cell lines after 4-PBA treatment with student's t-test. For the adhesion assay statistically significant reduction of the adhesion only in the KRT14mut cells [for NHK P = .1334, for KRT14mut *P = .0111 and for KRT5 P = .5879].
B Migration is almost completely halted after application of 10 mM 4-PBA. Significant difference is presented in all cell lines. For NHK and KRT14mut ***P < .0001, for KRT5mut ***P = .0006, student's t-test.
C Greatly enhanced proliferation of all cell lines after 10 mM 4-PBA treatment. For all cell lines ***P < .0001, student's t-test.