Figure 1. Task design and behavioural results.
(A) Letter n-back task design. The task consisted of 18 task blocks (20s each, interspersed with 10s rest blocks) that were pseudo-randomised to 0-, 1-, or 2-back conditions (6 blocks of each condition per task session). Participants indicated, as quickly as possible, whether the target was present or absent at the appearance of each letter, using two buttons of an MR-compatible button box. Each letter appeared on the screen for 2 s before the next letter was shown. This figure shows the last 4 trials of a 1-back task block, followed by a rest block. (B) Task behaviour. Penalised reaction time (, using penalization ratio of 2.5) increases (indicating poorer performance) with increasing working memory load. Plotted as mean ± S.E.M.