In the article “Increased Excitability of Somatosensory Cortex in Aged Humans is Associated with Impaired Tactile Acuity” by Melanie Lenz, Martin Tegenthoff, Karsten Kohlhaas, Philipp Stude, Oliver Höffken, Mario A. Gatica Tossi, Tobias Kalisch, and Hubert R. Dinse which appeared on pages 1811–1816 of the February 1, 2012 issue, the authors regret leaving Rebecca Kowalewski off the author list. The corrected author list is as follows: “Melanie Lenz,1 Martin Tegenthoff,1 Karsten Kohlhaas,1 Philipp Stude,1 Oliver Höffken,1 Mario A. Gatica Tossi,2 Tobias Kalisch,1,2 Rebecca Kowalewski,2 and Hubert R. Dinse2.” Also, the Author Contributions footnote should have read “Author contributions: M.T., P.S., O.H., M.A.G.T., and H.R.D. designed research; M.L., K.K., M.A.G.T., T.K., and R.K. performed research; M.T. and H.R.D. contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools; M.L., K.K., P.S., O.H., M.A.G.T., R.K., and H.R.D. analyzed data; M.L., M.T., K.K., P.S., O.H., T.K., and H.R.D. wrote the paper.