In the article “A New Prospero and microRNA-279 Pathway Restricts CO2 Receptor Neuron Formation,” by Marion Hartl, Laura F. Loschek, Daniel Stephan, K. P. Siju, Christiane Knappmeyer, and Ilona C. Grunwald Kadow, which appears on pages 15660–15673 of the November 2, 2011 issue, placement of Figure 3 has been relocated to appear after Figure 2 in the online version.
. 2011 Dec 14;31(50):18627.
Erratum: Hartl et al., A New Prospero and microRNA-279 Pathway Restricts CO2 Receptor Neuron Formation
PMCID: PMC6623884
This corrects the article "A New Prospero and microRNA-279 Pathway Restricts CO2 Receptor Neuron Formation" on page 15660.