Figure 2. Similarities between the high- and low-affinity states of the cytoplasmic dynein-1 MTBD.
(A) A comparison between the newly refined cytoplasmic dynein-1 MTBD model (pink) and the low-affinity state crystal structure (PDB 3ERR, docked to the same density, white). CC1 and H1 (highlighted in magenta and grey for high- and low-affinity states respectively) rise in the high-affinity state to solve a steric clash with the microtubule (α-tubulin in green, β-tubulin in blue) (B) Orthogonal view of A, highlighting the similarity between the two models away from CC1/H1. Cartoon displays organisation of H2-H5 as visibile in the model. (C) A comparison the previous 9.7 Å cryo-EM microtubule-bound model (gold, PDB 3J1T) and the low-affinity state crystal structure (white, 3ERR). There is a larger movement up and to the side in CC1 and H1 (orange and grey for 3J1t and 3ERR respectively) in 3J1T compared to the new model. (D) Orthogonal view of C, showing H2, H3 and H4 all in different conformations relative to the microtubule in 9.7 Å model.