Histopathology of natural Seoul virus (SEOV) infection in feeder rats. Panel photomicrographs of lung (A–C), kidney (D–F), and liver (G–I) of naturally infected rats with Seoul virus, stained with haematoxylin & eosin (HE; (A,D,G)), or by immunohistochemistry for virus antigen (B,E,H), or for endothelial cells (C,F,I). Positive antigen expression is visualized as finely-granular reddish-brown staining by AEC-immunoperoxidase, on Haematoxylin counterstain. Original magnifications 400×. (A) Lung parenchyma shows a blood vessel (b) with a mild perivascular lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate (asterisk) and surrounding air-filled alveoli (a) with a polymorphonuclear leukocyte (arrowhead) in an alveolar septum; compared to serial section (B) showing SEOV-antigen expression within the flattened cytoplasm of endothelial cells (arrows) lining the blood vessel lumen (b) as well as lining capillaries within alveolar septa (arrowhead); compared to serial section (C) corroborating virus infection in endothelial cells by positive CD31-antigen expression (arrows) specific for endothelial cells. (D) Kidney parenchyma centrally shows a cross-section of a thick-walled arteriole, partly filled with erythrocytes, with a mild juxtavascular lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate (asterisk) and surrounded by several renal tubules (t) and two glomeruli (g); compared to serial section (E) showing positive endothelial cells’ cytoplasm for SEOV-antigen (arrows), compared to serial section (F) corroborating endothelial cells by positive CD31-antigen expression (arrows). (G) Liver parenchyma diagonally shows narrow sinusoids (s) in between hepatocellular cords. The sinusoids contain few erythrocytes and are lined by endothelial cells with nuclei slightly bulging into the sinusoidal lumens (arrowheads); compared to section (H) * showing abundant positive expression of the endothelial cell cytoplasm for SEOV-antigen (arrows); compared to serial section (I) corroborating endothelial cells by positive CD31-antigen expression (arrows). * Photomicrograph H pertains a representative liver section, not an exact serial section.