rbm24a morphants are visually impaired and unable to respond to OMR. (A) OMR analysis of control (n = 19), rbm24a AUG MO at 1.0–1.2 ng (n = 18), and rbm24a AUG MO at 2.0–2.5 ng (n = 10) larvae plotted as a bar graph which shows the shifts in the population between the initial and final positions (Bowker’s test of symmetry p-value *** = 0.0004; Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney p-value * = 0.0094); (B) Individual analysis of rbm24a morphant compared to wild type; (C) individual analysis of rbm24a morphant compared to mbl−/−. In contrast to wild type fish, rbm24a morphant fish do not align with the OMR, indicating a visual defect. n.s., not significant.