Deciphering the mechanisms of declarative memory is a major goal of neuroscience. While much theoretical progress has been made, it has proven difficult to experimentally verify key predictions of some foundational models of memory. Recently, single-neuron recordings in human patients have started to provide direct experimental verification of some theories, including mnemonic evidence accumulation, balance-of-evidence for confidence judgments, sparse coding, contextual reinstatement, and the VTA-Hippocampus loop model. Here, we summarize the cell types that have been described in the medial temporal lobe and posterior parietal cortex, discuss their properties, and reflect on how these findings inform theoretical work. This body of work exemplifies the scientific power of a synergistic combination of modelling and human single-neuron recordings to advance cognitive neuroscience.
Keywords: Declarative Memory, human single-neuron, hippocampus, dopamine, memory retrieval, medial temporal lobe
Towards a Circuit-Level Understanding of Human Declarative Memory
Declarative memories (see Glossary) of events and facts are central to human behavior and are part of what defines each of our individual identities [1]. Consequently, deciphering the mechanisms that allow humans to form, maintain, and retrieve declarative memories is a major topic in cognitive neuroscience. Brain mapping and lesion techniques have started to reveal the brain networks that are involved in declarative memory formation, maintenance, consolidation, and retrieval [1]. This work has highlighted the distinct roles of different brain areas, such as the hippocampus and other parts of the medial temporal lobe, cortical areas such as the posterior parietal cortex, and the basal ganglia in declarative memory. Theoretical work, on the other hand, has proposed both abstract cognitive and circuit-level mechanisms on how different types of neurons within these areas interact, and how their response changes as a function of learning to encode new memories (‘engrams’) [2–10]. Many such models make predictions that are testable using behavioral or non-invasive neuroimaging-based experiments, allowing for close interaction between theory and experiment that has been highly fruitful. Other model predictions, however, require either higher spatial and/or temporal resolution or high quality single-trial measurements to be tested directly. Due to this, it is challenging to test such predictions with non-invasive techniques, which have relatively low temporal and spatial resolution and typically require across-trial averaging. Invasive brain mapping techniques such as electrocorticography (ECoG) and intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) performed in patients have significantly higher resolution and signal quality, an advantage that has already led to significant advances in our understanding of memory (see for example [11–14]). Nevertheless, there remain a considerable number of model predictions that are best tested at the level of individual neurons.
Invasive recordings in animals have provided an invaluable body of detailed knowledge of the circuits involved in memory at the systems, circuit, cellular, and molecular level. But, if our goal is to understand human memory, this animal work has to be complemented by human experiments at similar levels of resolution. To achieve this, invasive recordings in humans are critical for three reasons. First, findings from animals have to be validated in humans to build a bridge between humans and animal model systems and thereby establish the validity and limitations of the model system. Second, aspects of memory that are uniquely developed in humans or which cannot be practically studied in animals have to be investigated in humans. Third, some aspects of cognitive models of human memory can best be validated and refined using data recorded at the scale of individual neurons or small groups thereof. Here, we review what has been discovered from single-neuron recordings in humans (see Box 1) and illustrate how such recordings have been able to bridge between theory and experimentation and thereby provide new mechanistic insight into human memory.
Box 1. Clinical procedures are a gold mine for cognitive neuroscience at the single-neuron level.
In a limited number of circumstances, the activity of single neurons in awake behaving humans performing cognitive tasks can be recorded [109]. There are three separate clinical scenarios where such work has been performed. First, patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy undergoing monitoring with depth electrodes [109, 110]. Recordings are performed during the 1–3 week-long stay of such patients in an epilepsy monitoring unit [111] (see Figure I). Second, patients undergoing awake brain surgery for implantation of a deep brain stimulation (DBS) device for treatment of the symptoms of movements disorders [23, 24] or psychiatric indications such as depression or OCD [112, 113]. Third, patients participating in brain machine interface trials with invasive electrodes, such as the Utah array [100].
Each of these approaches provides access to a different set of brain areas with different constraints. The strength of recording in epilepsy patients is the ability to perform experiments in the relative comfort of the hospital room, performing experiments for several days, execution of relatively complex behavioral manipulations, and simultaneous recording of neurons from different brain areas. Limitations include restriction in accessible brain areas due to microwires exiting at the tip, inability to move electrodes, and caveats posed by the underlying seizure disorder. The strength of recording intra-operatively is ability to move the electrode to search for neurons and the ability to record anywhere along the track, which often includes areas not accessible in other settings such as the basal ganglia and striatum. Challenges of this approach include limited experiment time, impaired behavior due to after-effects of anesthesia and inability to perform complex behavioral procedures. The strength of Utah-array recordings is the ability to record large numbers of neurons from a small 4×4 mm patch of cortex for long periods of time during complex behavior. Limitations include inability to access areas not on the cortical surface and inability to move electrodes.
Notable, across the approaches described above many cortical and subcortical brain areas that are of interest to models of memory can be accessed, including hippocampus, amygdala, DA neurons in the SN, PPC, and the frontal lobe. Indeed, single-neuron data that informs our understanding of human memory has already been obtained from all three clinical scenarios described (as summarized in this review), illustrating the power of utilizing several clinical scenarios to investigate the same scientific question.
Single-Trial Learning: Assessing the Hippocampus VTA/SN Loop Model
Learning theory is largely focused on repetitive learning that requires many repetitions for a robust memory to be formed. In contrast, consider the kind of learning that allows a human being to recognize an image with high accuracy that was previously only seen once as part of a sequence of 10’000 images, each shown once for 1s [15]. How the declarative memory system achieves such rapid and high-capacity learning is a key open question.
A model that has motivated much research on the underlying mechanisms is the Hippocampus- Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA)/Substantia nigra (SN) loop model [2, 3, 16]. This model proposes that the rapid encoding of novel stimuli is facilitated by transient dopamine (DA) release that is triggered by novel stimuli (also see Box 2). Anatomically, the loop model (Fig. 1A) hypothesizes that, first, circuits within the hippocampus detect that a stimulus is novel. It has long been known that the hippocampus, along with upstream areas such as perirhinal cortex [17, 18], is crucial for detecting novelty [19]. This novelty signal, in turn, is thought to activate DA neurons, which then release DA in the hippocampus. DA release strengthens synaptic plasticity and enables late long-term potentiation (LTP) [3]. Among the predictions of the loop model are: First, subsets of DA neurons should be novelty sensitive, i.e. they should be activated by stimuli which have not been seen before. Secondly, this novelty signal should be conditional on a novelty signal being present in the hippocampus. Thirdly, the novelty signal should appear first in the hippocampus, followed later by DA neurons. Forth, following novelty-dependent activation, transient increases of DA occur in the hippocampus and these increases strengthen late LTP. Fifth, the model makes specific hypothesis on the anatomical pathways by which hippocampal novelty signals reach the SNc/VTA.
Box 2. The role of dopamine in declarative memory.
Does dopamine have a role in the formation of hippocampal-dependent memories? Whilecomparatively little studied in comparison to its role in reward, substantial evidence suggests that it does. First, the extent of DA neuron activity during viewing of novel stimuli correlates with the likelihood that the stimuli will later be remembered. This was originally shown using BOLD-fMRI with ROIs located in areas that contain, among others, DA neurons [115]. But since the BOLD signal is not cell-type selective, it is possible that the changes in BOLD signal observed were not due to changes in DA neuron activity. However, direct recordings from human DA neurons in the SN reveal that DA neurons increase their firing rate in response to novel stimuli and that the degree of this activation is indicative of whether the stimulus will later be remembered or forgotten [24]. Similarly, in macaques, DA neurons are activated by novel stimuli [116]. However, to our knowledge, DA neuron activation and its relationship to behavior has not been tested in a hippocampal-dependent memory tasks in macaques. Second, blocking or otherwise interfering with DA receptors in the hippocampus impairs declarative memory encoding [117, 118] and modulates synaptic plasticity as assessed by LTP/LTD [3]. Thirdly, genetic studies in humans show that polymorphisms in dopamine-related genes explain variance in declarative memory ability and/or results in differential activation measured by BOLD fMRI or EEG [119]. Together, this data suggests that dopamine release is critical for encoding new declarative memories. What remains poorly understood, however, is what activates dopamine neurons in a novelty-dependent manner. How this occurs is what the hippocampus-VTA/SN loop model is concerned with (see main text). A critical experiment that remains to be done is to directly measure levels of dopamine in the human hippocampus at a fast time scale to assess how transient the changes in dopamine are after exposure to novel stimuli and whether the increase in dopamine is selectively target anatomically or to different cell types. Among the potential approaches to pursue this question are fast micro dialysis and cyclic voltammetry, both of which have been utilized in humans for otherpurposes [110, 120].
Single-neuron recordings have started to provide experimental support in humans for a subset of the above predictions. There are two groups of relevant findings: novelty responses in the hippocampus and other parts of the medial temporal lobe (MTL), and novelty responses of DA neurons. In the MTL, a subset of neurons preferentially increase their firing rate only the first time a stimulus is presented [20, 21]. Comparing the response of such novelty-signaling neurons between the first and second time a stimulus is presented reveals a strong difference, supporting the notion that their response is different after a single exposure. This is in contrast to habituation, which leads to a gradual reduction in response strength of some human MTL neurons over many trials [22]. Habituation develops over tens of trials and responses recovers if other stimuli are shown intermittently. In contrast, novelty-neurons in the MTL do not respond again to the same stimulus even after long periods of time [20].
DA neurons in the VTA/SN are intermingled with other cell types, making it difficult to measure their activity with non-invasive methods. With extracellular recordings, however, it is possible to differentiate between different cell types due to differences in action potential waveforms and spike train statistics. This way, individual DA neurons in the human SN can be observed in patients undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) implantation for treatment of movement disorders, typically Parkinson’s disease (PD) [23–25] (see Fig. 1D). Note that while PD patients have dopamine cell loss, this loss typically begins in the ventral tier of the SNc, leaving the neurons in the dorsal tier of the SNc intact [26]. It is the dorsal tier that projects to the hippocampus, ventral striatum and cortex [26] and which is typically recorded in humans, making it suitable to investigate the DA system in human PD patients. Such experiments have revealed two sets of DA neuron responses with respect to novelty: one that increases its firing rate to novel stimuli, and one that does so for familiar stimuli [24, 27] (Fig. 1B–C shows the novelty type). Human DA neurons also signal aspects of rewards [23], but whether the same or different DA neurons respond to both reward and novelty remains unknown. The response properties of the novelty subtype of DA neurons are compatible with the loop model: their response diminishes after a single learning trial, the extent of response change between the first and second presentation is predictive of behaviorally assessed memory strength, and the latency of this novelty response is later than that of MTL novelty neurons [24]. Interestingly, this work also revealed a familiarity subtype of DA neurons, a type of response not predicted by the loop model. These neurons increased their firing rate only for previously seen stimuli, a response which might have a role in strengthening or consolidating existing memories. Together, this data illustrates the extent to which the loop model has guided ongoing work and the richness of insight that can be obtained by such model-guided experimental work in humans.
Representations of memory content: Assessing sparse and distributed coding models
What are the features that are used to encode and retrieve a declarative memory? Declarative memory has two subsystems: semantic memory and episodic memory, which represent knowledge of concept/facts, and details of autobiographical events, respectively [1, 28]. A theoretical question that has motivated much work is the level of granularity at which aspects of these two kinds of memory are represented. There are two opposing views [8–10, 29, 30]: on the one hand are models that indicate that a sparse and highly selective representation is optimal for fast learning [8, 9]. On the other extreme are fully distributed coding views [31, 32], in which only the pattern of activity across large groups of neurons can differentiate between different concepts and experiences. Under this second view, listening to a single neuron in the MTL would not be useful to make a high-level semantic decision such as ‘am I viewing an animal’. In between the two extremes are models that propose a sparse but distributed form of coding; under this view, a given neuron has high response sparsity (it only responds to a small subset of all possible stimuli) but there are many neurons that respond to the same subset of stimuli [8, 10, 33].
A second, orthogonal, question that is motived by the semantic vs. episodic memory subsystem view is whether the neurons encoding concepts/facts also encode aspects of episodic memory (such as memory strength, where, when) or whether the substrate for these two aspects of declarative memory are separate. Lesion studies indicate that they can be separate in the case of remote memories: whereas patients with hippocampal lesions are unable to form both episodic and semantic memories, they can retrieve remote but not recent semantic memories [34].
Compatible with the theoretical prediction of sparse but distributed coding, single-neuron recordings in humans reveal that concepts and facts are encoded in a sparse and invariant manner by single MTL neurons [35–39]. The response of these neurons is highly selective (sparse) but at the same time invariant: a given neuron only responds to a small subset of all tested stimuli, but the subset it responds to is closely related (i.e. all images of animals). At the same time, the code is distributed because there are many neurons with the same or highly similar selectivity [38]. Such neurons have become known as ‘category’ or ‘concept’ cells (Fig. 2A–C shows examples), respectively. Alternatively, the same two types of neurons are also commonly referred to as gnostic units and grandmother cells, respectively [40]. Here, were refer to this group of neurons as ‘visually selective’ (VS) cells. VS cells are reproducible across tasks, recording techniques, and laboratories [35–39, 41–43] (see [41] for a review) and their responses are abstract and multimodal. For example, a cell tuned for a particular individual responds to a variety of images showing the person, the written name of that person as well as to auditory input saying the individual’s name [44] (Fig. 2B). In addition to sensory input, VS cells can be activated by thought (including free recall and maintenance in working memory) [39, 45–48]. Also, for identical visual input, the response of VS cells varies as a function of whether the stimulus entered conscious awareness [42, 49, 50] and if so is indicative of subjective decisions made about the stimulus [51, 52]. These properties of VS cells are also properties of declarative memories, supporting the view that VS cells are part of the representation of such memories. VS cell responses are plastic: they are more likely to represent concepts of personal relevance [53, 54] and can change their tuning by associative pairing [55]. Together, this data motivates the hypothesis that VS cells in the human MTL represent sparse, abstract, and selective features of declarative memories, a view compatible with the sparse but distributed coding model. In contrast, this data is not compatible with fully distributed coding models. One hypothesis motivated by this data is that VS cells represent semantic memories, and thereby constitute an integral part of an engram [56].
A second type of response in the human MTL that has been characterized are memory selective (MS) cells. The activity of MS cells correlates with aspects of episodic memory and their activity exhibits single-trial plasticity [20] because their response is conditional on whether a stimulus has been seen before. Two types of MS cells (Fig. 2D) have been described [20, 21, 57, 58]: one that increases its firing only for novel stimuli, and one that increases its firing only for previously seen stimuli (similar cells exist in macaque perirhinal cortex [17]). The magnitude of MS cell activity in response to a previously seen stimulus is indicative of memory strength, with stronger memories resulting in larger changes both during recognition memory [58] and spatial cued recall tasks [59]. The firing rate of MS, but not VS, cells is indicative of the subjective confidence of recognition memory decisions. This constitutes a remarkably trial-by-trial correlation with the declarative aspect of episodic memories with only one type of cell [58]. Jointly, this indicates that MS cells represent aspects of episodic memory. Similar to VS cells, the code formed by MS cells is sparse and highly invariant, with the large majority of MS cells not also qualifying as VS cells [58]. Notably, MS cells respond later than VS cells, with an average response latency that is ~180ms longer relative to that of VS cells (a delay attributed to the theta oscillation by hippocampal models [5]). Together, this data shows that VS and MS cells in the human MTL together form an orthogonal code in both feature space and time. This result supports a sequential model of declarative memory, in which high-level sensory categorization first leads to reactivation of related concepts in semantic memory, followed by recognition whether the currently experienced stimulus has been seen before or not, and if so recall of related attributes and reinstatement of context.
What aspect of the highly sparse and abstract responses of VS and MS cells in the human MTL are computed locally and which are inherited from upstream areas such as perirhinal or inferotemporal cortex? One important insight on this question comes from analysis of response latencies of individual neurons relative to stimulus onset. The response latencies of VS cells (which respond earlier than the MS cells) in the human amygdala, hippocampus, and entorhinal cortex are ~300–400ms [35, 58, 60], a delay that is considerably longer than in higher visual areas and which would be too slow for many perceptual processes [61] (but see [62] for an argument that the MTL in addition also has a critical role in visual perception). Also, the latencies of VS cells are inversely proportional to selectivity, with more selective responses occurring later [35]. Intriguingly, VS cells recorded in parahippocampal cortex are less selective and respond about 100ms earlier than those in entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala, indicating that as information propagates through the MTL, responses become more and more selective and sparse. In macaques, perirhinal cortex neurons and the BOLD-fMRI signal differentiate familiar from novel stimuli, suggesting that they encode mnemonic aspects of the stimuli shown rather than their physical attributes [17, 63]. Also, selective perirhinal lesions impair recognition memory [64], indicating that the perirhinal cortex might be the first anatomical area downstream to high level sensory areas in which responses become contingent on experience [65]. However, its exact contribution to declarative memory remains unclear [18, 66, 67]. To our knowledge, no single-neuron responses have been performed in human perirhinal cortex, leaving their latency, novelty-selectivity, and sensitivity to explicit declaration of memories unknown. Such recordings will be critical to determine what specific transformations in both selectivity and latency signals undergo as they propagate from perirhinal cortex into the hippocampal system.
Retrieving existing Memories: Assessing the Reinstatement of Temporal Context Model
What allows the episodic memory system to differentiate similar memories that happened at different points of time and to selectively retrieve temporal clusters of memories? While temporal clustering of retrieval is ubiquitous [68, 69], the aspect of memory search that give rise to this effect remain poorly understood. A class of theoretical models for studying these questions are temporal context models (TCM) [70–73]. TCMs propose that neural activity in a subset of cells drifts as time progresses, leading to identical stimuli perceived at different times being accompanied by different neuronal states. This contextual information is then combined with sensory information and encoded into memory. Within this framework, successful retrieval of a memory results in re-instatement of the neuronal state at the time of encoding (“contextual reinstatement”). As a result, a ‘jump back in time’ or ‘mental time travel’ occurs, which is a defining feature of episodic memory [74]. As part of reinstatement, the context serves as a cue to then retrieve other associated attributes of a memory, a process leading to the subjective impression of ‘recollecting’ [74]. Similarly, the reinstated context serves as a cue to recall other nearby memories, thereby explaining effects of temporal encoding order on recall [70–72]. A second prediction of TCM is that strong memories, which result in recollection, are accompanied by reinstatement, whereas weaker memories are not. This is because the former is associated with a ‘jump back in time’ [75], a feature of reinstatement sensitive to MTL damage [76]. Intracranial recordings have revealed direct evidence for these predictions of TCM.
Neural activity in the MTL drifts slowly over both short (seconds)- and long (minutes) timescales at both the single-neuron [77, 78] and field potential level [79, 80]. This effect is visible as auto-correlation of activity at the single-neuron level over minutes [77, 78]. This temporal drift was not restricted to neurons which do not respond to sensory inputs because it is also visible in neurons that are visually tuned [77]. This data shows that items which are seen at similar periods of time will be accompanied by more similar neural activity, thereby resulting in a more similar memory representation.
The neural state at encoding is reinstated, that is the patterns of activity during encoding and retrieval of the same item are similar. Reinstatement is visible at the single-neuron level in several areas of the temporal lobe, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and middle temporal gyrus (MTG) [77, 78, 81] (Fig. 2E–G). What remains poorly understood is what information is reinstated – is it specifically temporal context or rather other internal or external features? One notable exception is spatially tuned cells, which reveal specific reinstatement of spatial location [82], indicating that reinstatement can be specific. Remarkably, reinstatement is sufficiently powerful to be visible at the aggregate field potential [79, 80] and blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) [83] level. Reinstatement of activity has been seen both during recall (cued [80, 81] and free [79] recall) as well as recognition memory [77, 78]. In the former, such reinstatement occurs 0–2s before a subject indicates recall of an item [80, 81], whereas in the later reinstatement occurs following stimulus onset. Third, the extent of reinstatement is related to the quality of memory retrieval: it is predictive of whether cued recall occurs correctly or incorrectly [81] (Fig. 2E) and whether an item is recognized with high or low confidence [77].
In the case of recognition memory, the same items are shown during both encoding and recognition, making it necessary to disambiguate between activity representing stimulus-specific sensory input from reinstated activity. However, the reinstated context changes only gradually, and should thereby still be similar to different encoded items which were shown closely (in time) before or after the recognized item. Indeed, both forward-and backward contiguity effects are visible at the single-neuron level [77] in recognition memory (Fig. 2F–G). Uniquely, in recognition memory tasks, recency effects can be differentiated from contiguity effects [57]. Using this approach, it has been shown that contiguity effects (due to reinstatement) are present at the single-neuron level in the absence of recency effects [77]. While forward-and backward contiguity effects remain to be shown during cued or free recall at the single-neuron level, field potential studies show robust reinstatement during recall as well [79, 80]. Together, there is thus evidence at the single-neuron level for several predictions of TCMs, making them excellent candidates for continued theoretical study. Of note, TCM models in addition also make predictions that relate to the process and experience of recollection and memory search during free recall. While important, here our focus is only on the aspects of TCM that have been studied in the context of recognition memory.
Converting Memories into Decisions: Assessing the Mnemonic Evidence Accumulation Model
Many of the decisions we make in daily life depend on previous experience. Take, for example, deciding whether a person you see on the bus is the same person you met last night at a party. This decision relies on memory retrieval, the integration of different kinds of information, and meta-cognitive processes to assess certainty. A model that encapsulates one point of view of how the nervous system makes decisions is the drift diffusion model (DDM) [84]. The DDM proposes that leaky integrators [85] accumulate evidence in favor of all possible choices and that the action for a particular choice is initiated once the total accumulated evidence for a choice exceeds a threshold (Fig. 3A). While the DDM was originally developed for memory-based decisions [86], much of the experimental work so far has focused on perceptual decisions. In particular, individual neurons have been found in macaques [87–89] and rodents [90] whose firing rate reflects integrated sensory evidence and predicts choices [84]. This discovery has led to an unprecedented mechanistic understanding of perceptual decision making. It remains unknown whether a similar mechanism is at work for declarative memory-based decisions and if so, whether the same or different neurons support this process.
Based on prior work on perceptual decision making in macaques [87–89], connectivity analysis for areas that receive hippocampal output, lesion studies, and neuroimaging, one candidate area in humans that has emerged for where mnemonic evidence-integrating neurons might be located is the left posterior parietal cortex (PPC) [91, 92] (Fig. 3B; see [91–93] for detailed reviews). In recognition memory, different parts of PPC exhibit differences in BOLD signal activation between new vs. old, recollected vs. recognized, or high vs. low confidence items [91, 92]. Scalp EEG source localization similarly indicates that PPC is the source of an ERP that differentiates between new and old items [94]. PPC lesions largely do not reduce recognition accuracy (but see [95]), but rather manifest as impoverished autobiographical recall, reduced likelihood of recollection, and reduced confidence. Thus, while information is present, PPC lesions lead to an inability to properly access this information for further processing – a kind of ‘memory neglect’ [93]. While it remains unclear what specifically the PPC contributes to memory retrieval, a hypothesis is that a key contribution is the accumulation of mnemonic evidence [91, 96].
Invasive recordings from human PPC [97–99] provide insight into this prediction. ECoG recordings from left PPC [97] reveal a striking functional heterogeneity when comparing response patterns of high-gamma band power (HGP) between different parts of the PPC (Fig. 3B). In the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), HGP was higher for old compared to new items, whereas in the superior parietal lobule (SPL), HGP power was higher for new compared to old items. The time course of the signal relative to stimulus onset also varied between the two areas: HGP first differentiated between new and old stimuli in SPL (200–300ms), with signals in IPS differentiating only later (300–700ms). Aligned to button-press, signals in IPS differentiated between old and new stimuli up to ~200ms before button press, but not later. In light of the mnemonic integration framework, this data suggests that neurons in IPS integrate evidence for old, but not new, stimuli, and once a threshold is reached a motor action is initiated.
Single-neuron recordings in the IPS [100] of two human subjects participating in a brain-machine interface clinical trial provide further evidence for a role of the PPC in memory retrieval [98]. Within a small 4×4 mm patch of PPC, two types of neurons with signals relevant for memory retrieval were found: memory-selective (MS) and confidence-selective (CS) neurons (Fig. 3D). There were two types of MS neurons: one that increased its firing rate for familiar stimuli, and one that increased its firing rate for novel stimuli (below referred to as the preferred stimulus). This firing rate increase was graded with memory strength as measured by the reported confidence (Fig. 3C–D). Notably, this modulation by confidence was restricted to the preferred stimulus of the MS cell, with the activity during non-preferred trials not modulated. CS cells, on the other hand, increased their firing rate either for high-or low confidence retrieval decisions regardless of whether the stimulus has been seen before. In contrast to recordings during the same task in the MTL [58], there was no evidence in PPC for neurons carrying information about stimulus identity. Rather, both CS and MS neurons signaled non-stimulus specific mnemonic information. Errors trial analysis further revealed that these neurons carried choice signals (Fig. 3E). The recorded neurons started to differentiate between the two choices well before the motor response but significantly later than the latency at which the MS signal is available in the MTL [58, 97, 99, 100]. This result reveals a single-neuron candidate for mnemonic integrators in human cortex.
Although neurons in PPC are remarkably heterogeneous [98], BOLD-fMRI and ECoG studies [97] show that novelty, memory strength, or recollection is indicated by the average activity across large subareas of PPC [99]. This raises the important question of how heterogenous signals at the single-neuron level can give rise to such differences on a larger scale. One limitation is that the recordings discussed here were performed at the border between SPL and the supramarginal gyrus (SMG), making it possible that a transition area exists between the two. A critical open question is how declarative-memory based information is accessed by neurons in PPC. One putative mechanism is that PPC neurons transiently coordinate their activity with hippocampal theta oscillations when integrating hippocampal information but testing this prediction will require simultaneous recordings. While such recordings have not yet been performed, it is known that during autobiographical recall, theta-oscillations transiently synchronize between PPC and MTL [101].
Meta-Cognitive Confidence Judgments: Assessing the Balance of Evidence Model
The assessment of confidence is a hallmark of declarative memory. Theoretical work has advanced several potential ways by which confidence judgments might be made [102–105]. One class of models is the balance of evidence model (BEM) [105], which is an extension of the evidence accumulation model [106] (Fig. 3F). In the case of two possible choices (i.e. old or new), the BEM consists of two integrators that each accumulate evidence. The “balance of evidence” is the absolute difference between the two accumulated evidence values and is proportional to the confidence. Importantly, the two decisions (the actual choice and the confidence) are made at the same time using the same mechanisms. This contrasts with other models, in which the two decisions are made sequentially [107]. The BEM makes specific predictions about the underlying neural correlates (Fig. 3F). These include: there are separate neurons that integrate evidence only for old or new stimuli, the neurons that supply the evidence as well as the neurons that integrate the evidence are modulated by underlying memory strength for only their preferred stimuli (i.e. new or old), and the RT, accuracy, and confidence is proportional to the balance of evidence. The latter prediction implies that confidence is influenced by the accumulated evidence for both the winning and the losing choice.
Support for some of the BEM’s predictions have been found in both macaques [87] as well as humans [58, 98] at the single-neuron level. First, during declarative memory-based decisions, putative neurons that integrate evidence in PPC [98] or that supply input to the integration process in MTL [58] are modulated by evidence strength as reported by subjective confidence (Fig. 3G–H). This modulation is only apparent for the preferred, but not the non-preferred stimulus. MS cells in the MTL and memory-choice cells in the PPC thus represent signals at the input and output stages of decision making that correlate with confidence as predicted by the BEM model. Second, estimating the balance of evidence in individual trials from the firing rate of MS neurons reveals that the balance of evidence correlates well with RT, accuracy, and declared confidence. Together, this data thus reveals a remarkable predictive power of the theoretical quantity of balance of evidence [58], indicating that the BEM model has good explanatory power and can bridge experiment and theory. Note that these experiments make excellent use of the unique ability of humans to declare their confidence in a decision, thereby allowing a direct (albeit subjective) assessment of memory strength.
Concluding remarks
In this review, we summarized what invasive recordings at the single-neuron level in humans have revealed about the mechanism of human declarative memory. Our emphasis was on illustrating the power of this approach by demonstrating how it has enabled direct testing of predictions made by five models of relevance for declarative memory: the hippocampus/VTA loop model, the sparse coding model, the contextual reinstatement model, the evidence accumulation model, and the balance of evidence model (see Table 1 for a summary). While there are of course many other important models, here we focus on this subset because together they provide a good perspective of the power of the overall approach. In each case, the combination of human behavior and simultaneous single-neuron recordings has revealed critical new insights into different aspects of human memory. Jointly, this data now allows us to synthesize a view of the processing elements and the information flow among these processing elements in the human brain during memory encoding and retrieval (Fig. 4, Key Figure) and to tentatively map aspect of this circuitry to specific kinds of neurons in particular brain areas (of course this abstract model is far from being an actual implementable circuit). While here the focus was specifically on declarative memory, a similar combination of model-driven analysis of intracranial recordings has started to provide essential new insights into other human cognitive processes. While still in its early stage, this powerful approach has a bright future and we anticipate much exciting future work of this kind that will push ahead our understanding of human cognition in ways not possible with other experimental approaches (see Outstanding Questions).
Table 1.
Model class | Key predictions | Related studies |
Hippocampus VTA/SN loop model | Dopamine neurons respond to novel stimuli, this novelty response is indicative of memory formation success, and exhibits single-trial learning. | [24, 27] |
Sparse and separate encoding of semantic and episodic aspects of declarative memories | Highly visually selective cells (response sparsity), separate neurons encoding whether a stimulus has been seen before or not and other episodic aspects, | [35–39, 58] |
Temporal context model, contextual reinstatement | Jump-back in time during retrieval, slowly drifting neural state, recollection/high confidence recognition predicted by reinstatement | [77, 78, 81] [79, 80] |
Mnemonic evidence accumulation | Separate accumulators for “new” and “old” decisions. Accumulator output signal is modulated by memory strength. Accumulators predict choices rather than ground truth. | [97, 98] |
Balance-of-evidence for metacognitive/confidence judgments | Magnitude of difference between the separate integrators for “new” and “old” choices is proportional to confidence, whereas the sign of the difference is indicative of the choice. Both decisions can be made at the same point of time. | [58] |
I thank all members of the Rutishauser Laboratory, Adam Mamelak, Ralph Adolphs, Tyson Aflalo, Richard Andersen, Doris Tsao, and Wolfram Schultz for discussion. The work described here was supported by NIH (R01MH110831, U01NS103792, P50MH094258), the McKnight Endowment for Neurosciences, and the NSF (BCS-1554105).
- Blood oxygen level-dependent signal (BOLD)
measure indirect measure of neural activity acquired using fMRI.
- Confidence judgment
A subjective assessment of the likelihood that a given decision was correct or not, typically assessed on a 3 to 10-point scale ranging from “guessing” to “very confident”.
- Contiguity effect
Temporal clustering of retrieval at the behavioral (the item retrieved next is most likely the one studied right before or after the previously retrieved item) and neuronal (reinstated context is most similar to that present close in time to the retrieved item) level.
- Declarative memory
Memories that can be brought into conscious awareness and that can be described and assessed verbally. Includes memories for past events (episodic) and facts (semantic memory).
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
A clinical treatment for movement disorders that is also sometimes used to treat psychiatric disorders. Applies high-frequency extracellular stimulation, which is thought to inhibit neural activity in the target area.
- Dopamine (DA)
A neuromodulator important for memory (see Box 2).
- Electrocorticogram (ECoG)
refers to recordings performed with subdural strip or grid electrodes that do not penetrate the brain.
- Engram
The physical substrate of a specific memory.
- Episodic memory
Memories of personally experienced events.
- Intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG)
We use the term iEEG to refer to recordings with low-impedance macro electrodes along the shaft of depth electrodes deep inside the brain (see Box 1).
- Leaky integrator
An integrator with a decay rate such that inputs that rely further back in time have less influence on the current value than more recent inputs
- Memory selective cells (MS cells)
cells that respond differently as a function of whether a stimulus is novel (never seen before) or familiar (seen before at least once).
- Recognition memory
The ability to identify a previously seen stimulus as familiar.
- Semantic memory
Memories of concepts and facts about the world.
- Substantia nigra (SN)
A part of the midbrain that contains cell bodies of dopamine neurons.
- Ventral tegmental area (VTA)
A part of the midbrain that contains cell bodies of dopamine neurons.
- Visually selective cells (VS cells)
Summary term that includes all variants of category-and concept cells.
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