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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Arch Virol. 2019 May 7;164(7):1949–1965. doi: 10.1007/s00705-019-04253-6

Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: update 2019

Abulikemu Abudurexiti 1, Scott Adkins 2,$,&,, Daniela Alioto 3, Sergey V Alkhovsky 4,^,&, Tatjana Avšič-Županc 5,^, Matthew J Ballinger 6,, Dennis A Bente 7,^, Martin Beer 8,&, Éric Bergeron 9,^, Carol D Blair 10,&, Thomas Briese 11,, Michael J Buchmeier 12,%, Felicity J Burt 13,^, Charles H Calisher 10,@,&, Chénchén Cháng 14, Rémi N Charrel 16,%,, Il Ryong Choi 17,, J Christopher S Clegg 18,%, Juan Carlos de la Torre 19,%,$, Xavier de Lamballerie 16,, Fēi Dèng 20, Francesco Di Serio 21, Michele Digiaro 22,#, Michael A Drebot 23,^, Xiǎoméi Duàn 14, Hideki Ebihara 24,, Toufic Elbeaino 22,#, Koray Ergünay 25,^, Charles F Fulhorst 7,@, Aura R Garrison 26,^, George Fú Gāo 27,, Jean-Paul J Gonzalez 28,%, Martin H Groschup 29,, Stephan Günther 30,%, Anne-Lise Haenni 31,, Roy A Hall 32,, Jussi Hepojoki 33,34,%, Roger Hewson 35,^, Zhìhóng Hú 20, Holly R Hughes 36,&, Miranda Gilda Jonson 37,, Sandra Junglen 38,39,$,, Boris Klempa 40,@, Jonas Klingström 41,@, Chūn Kòu 14, Lies Laenen 42,42b,@, Amy J Lambert 36,$,&,, Stanley A Langevin 43,, Dan Liu 44, Igor S Lukashevich 45,%, Tāo Luò 1, Chuánwèi Lǚ 20, Piet Maes 42,$,@, William Marciel de Souza 46,&, Marco Marklewitz 38,39,&, Giovanni P Martelli 47,#, Keita Matsuno 48,49, Nicole Mielke-Ehret 50,#, Maria Minutolo 3, Ali Mirazimi 51,^, Abulimiti Moming 14, Hans-Peter Mühlbach 50,#, Rayapati Naidu 51b,, Beatriz Navarro 21, Márcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes 52,&,, Gustavo Palacios 26,$,^,, Anna Papa 53,^, Alex Pauvolid-Corrêa 53b,, Janusz T Pawęska 54,55,^, Jié Qiáo 20, Sheli R Radoshitzky 26,%, Renato O Resende 56,, Víctor Romanowski 57,%, Amadou Alpha Sall 58,^, Maria S Salvato 59,%, Takahide Sasaya 60,$,⁑,, Shū Shěn 20, Xiǎohóng Shí 61,&, Yukio Shirako 62,, Peter Simmonds 63,~, Manuela Sironi 64,%, Jin-Won Song 65,@,, Jessica R Spengler 9,^, Mark D Stenglein 66,%, Zhèngyuán Sū 20, Sùróng Sūn 14, Shuāng Táng 20, Massimo Turina 67,, Bó Wáng 20, Chéng Wáng 1, Huálín Wáng 20, Jūn Wáng 20, Tàiyún Wèi 68,, Anna E Whitfield 69,, F Murilo Zerbini 70,, Jìngyuàn Zhāng 14, Lěi Zhāng 20, Yànfāng Zhāng 20, Yong-Zhen Zhang 71,72,$,@, Yújiāng Zhāng 1, Xueping Zhou 73,, Lìyǐng Zhū 20, Jens H Kuhn 74,%,$,^,$$,*
PMCID: PMC6641860  NIHMSID: NIHMS1528828  PMID: 31065850


In February 2019, following the annual taxon ratification vote, the order Bunyavirales was amended by creation of two new families, four new subfamilies, 11 new genera and 77 new species, merging of two species, and deletion of one species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).

Keywords: Arenaviridae, arenavirid, arenavirus, bunyavirad, Bunyavirales, Bunyavirid, Bunyaviridae, bunyavirus, emaravirus, Feraviridae, feravirid, feravirus, fimovirid, Fimoviridae, fimovirus, goukovirus, hantavirid, Hantaviridae, hantavirus, hartmanivirus, herbevirus, ICTV, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, jonvirid, Jonviridae, jonvirus, leishbuvirid, Leishbuviridae, leishbuvirus, mammarenavirus, nairovirid, Nairoviridae, nairovirus, orthobunyavirus, orthoferavirus, orthohantavirus, orthojonvirus, orthonairovirus, orthophasmavirus, orthotospovirus, peribunyavirid, Peribunyaviridae, peribunyavirus, phasmavirid, phasivirus, Phasmaviridae, phasmavirus, phenuivirid, Phenuiviridae, phenuivirus, phlebovirus, reptarenavirus, tenuivirus, tospovirid, Tospoviridae, tospovirus, virus classification, virus nomenclature, virus taxonomy


The virus order Bunyavirales was established in 2017 to accommodate related viruses with segmented, linear, single-stranded, negative-sense or ambisense RNA genomes classified into nine families [19]. An amended/emended order description was published in early 2019 [20]. Here, we present the changes that were proposed via official ICTV taxonomic proposals that were accepted by the ICTV Executive Committee (EC) in February 2019. Therefore, these changes are now part of the official ICTV taxonomy.

Taxonomic changes at the order rank

The order was expanded by addition of two new families. Family Leishbuviridae was created to accommodate one new genus, Shilevirus, including one new species, Leptomonas shilevirus, for Leptomonas moramango leishbunyavirus (LEPMV) discovered in a trypanosomatid protist (Leptomonas moramango) [2]. Family Tospoviridae was recreated for the already established genus Tospovirus (now renamed Orthotospovirus; TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen) and expanded by seven new species (TaxoProp 2018.025P.A.v1.Orthotospovirus_7sp):

  • Bean necrotic mosaic orthotospovirus for bean necrotic mosaic virus (BeNMV) discovered in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) [8];

  • Calla lily chlorotic spot orthotospovirus for calla lily chlorotic spot virus (CCSV) found in calla lilies (Zantedeschia sp.) [5, 18];

  • Capsicum chlorosis orthotospovirus for capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) found in capsicums, chillies, and tomatoes [16, 23];

  • Chrysanthemum stem necrosis orthotospovirus for chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) infecting chrysanthemums [3, 10];

  • Melon severe mosaic orthotospovirus for melon severe mosaic virus (MSMV) infecting cucurbit crops [6, 7];

  • Melon yellow spot orthotospovirus for melon yellow spot virus (MYSV) found in netted melon (Cucumis melo) [15]; and

  • Soybean vein necrosis orthotospovirus for soybean vein necrosis virus (SVNV) discovered in soybeans (Glycine max) [36].

A genus unassigned to any family, Coguvirus, was established to include species Citrus coguvirus for citrus concave gum-associated virus (CCGaV) found in citrus trees [26] (TaxoProp 2018.020P.A.v1.Coguvirus).

Taxonomic changes at the family rank


The family Arenaviridae was expanded by one genus, Antennavirus, to include two new species, Hairy antennavirus and Striated antennavirus, for Wēnlǐng frogfish arenavirus 2 (WlFV-2) and Wēnlǐng frogfish arenavirus 1 (WlFV-1), both found in striated frogfish (Antennarius striatus) [33] (TaxoProp 2018.005M.A.v1.Antennavirus).


No changes were made at the family rank.


No changes were made at the family rank.


The family (TaxoProp 2018.010M.A.v2.Hantaviridae_4subfam) was reorganized into four subfamilies:

  • subfamily Actantavirinae was created for the new genus Actinavirus to accommodate three novel species: Batfish actinovirus for Wēnlǐng minipizza batfish virus (WEMV) discovered in minipizza batfish (Halieutaea stellata); Goosefish actinovirus for Wēnlǐng yellow goosefish virus (WEYGV) found in yellow goosefish (Lophius litulon); and Spikefish actinovirus for Wēnlǐng red spikefish virus (WERSV) of red spikefish (Triacanthodes anomalus) [33];

  • subfamily Agantavirinae was created for the new genus Agnathovirus to accommodate one new species, Hagfish agnathovirus, for Wēnlǐng hagfish virus (WEHV) of inshore hagfish (Eptatretus burgeri) [33];

  • subfamily Mammantavirinae was created to accommodate the established genera Loanvirus, Mobatvirus, and Orthohantavirus. Two new orthohantavirus species, Seewis orhtohantavirus and Tigray orthohantavirus, were created for Seewis virus (SWSV) of Eurasian common shrews (Sorex araneus) [34] and Tigray virus (TIGV) of Ethiopian white-footed mice (Stenocephalemys albipes) [12, 25], respectively; and

  • subfamily Repantavirinae was created for the new genus Reptillovirus to accommodate one new species, Gecko reptillovirus, for Hǎinán oriental lead-toed gecko virus (HOLGV) discovered in oriental leaf-toed geckos (Hemidactylus bowringii) [33].


No changes were made at the family rank.


The species Estero Real orthonairovirus was created for Estero Real virus (ERV) (moved from genus Orthobunyavirus, family Peribunyaviridae) [1] (TaxoProp 2018.012M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_spmov).


The family was expanded by one new genus, Pacuvirus, to accommodate three new species: Pacui pacuvirus for Pacui virus (PACV) discovered in a rice rat (Oryzomys sp.); Rio Preto da Eva pacuvirus for Rio Preto da Eva virus discovered in a sewer gnat (Psychodidae sp.); and Tapirape pacuvirus for Tapirapé virus found in a hocicudo (Oxymycterus sp.) [27] (TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen). Genus Tospovirus was removed from the family and placed into the new family Tospoviridae as genus Orthotospovirus (TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen). The genus Orthobunyavirus was reorganized by moving previously classified viruses into a total of 38 new species (one resulting from a merger of two previously established species) (TaxoProp 2018.008M.A.v1.Orthobunyavirus_38sp). Five additional novel species were added: Bellavista orthobunyavirus for Bellavista virus isolated from mosquitoes (Culex portesi) [14]; Enseada orthobunyavirus for Enseada virus isolated from Culex mosquitoes [4, 9]; Maguari orthobunyavirus for Maguari virus (MAGV) isolated from mosquitoes [13]; Tataguine orthobunyavirus for Tataguine virus (TATV) found in a human sample, and Witwatersrand orthobunyavirus for Witwatersrand virus (WITV) from mosquitoes [29] (TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen). Species Estero Real orthobunyavirus was abolished, and its member, Estero Real virus (ERV), was moved into family Nairoviridae [1] (TaxoProp 2018.012M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_spmov).


The family was expanded by addition of one new genus, Sawastrivirus, to include one new species, Sanxia sawastrivirus, for Sānxiá water strider virus 2 (SxWSV-2) (TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen) detected in gerrid water striders [31]. The genus Orthophasmavirus was expanded by the addition of five new species: Culex orthophasmavirus for Culex phasma-like virus (CPLV) detected in Culex mosquitoes [32]; Ganda orthophasmavirus for Ganda bee virus (GBEEV) of European orchard bees (Osmia cornuta) [28]; Odonate orthophasmavirus for Húběi odonate virus 8 (HbOV-8) [31]; Qingling orthophasmavirus for Húběi odonate virus 9 (HbOV-9) of odonates [31]; and Seattle orthophasmavirus for Seattle Prectang virus (SEPV) found in a moth (Pasiphila rectangulata) [21] (TaxoProp 2018.009M.A.v1.Phasmavirus_5sp).


The family Phenuiviridae was expanded by addition of three new genera. Genus Kabutovirus was created to include two new species, Huangpi kabutovirus and Kabuto mountain kabutovirus, for Huángpí tick virus 1 (HpTV-1) of ticks (Haemaphysalis doenitzi) [17] and Kabuto mountain virus (KAMV) of ticks (Haemaphysalis flava) [11], respectively. Genus Laulavirus was created to include one species, Laurel Lake laulavirus, for Laurel Lake virus (LLV) of ticks (Ixodes scapularis) [35]. Genus Wenrivirus was created to include one species, Shrimp wenrivirus, for Wēnzhōu shrimp virus 1 (WzSV-1) [17] found in giant tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon) [17] (TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen). The established genus Banyangvirus was expanded by two species, Guertu banyangvirus and Heartland banyangvirus, for Guertu virus (GTV) found in Dermacentor nuttalli ticks [30] and Heartland virus (HRTV), a tick-borne virus originally discovered in human samples [24], respectively (TaxoProp 2018.013M.A.v1.Banyangvirus_sp; TaxoProp 2018.017M.A.v1.Bunyavirales_2fam5gen). Genus Phlebovirus was expanded by one species, Mukawa phlebovirus, for Mukawa virus (MKWV) of ticks (Ixodes persulcatus) [22] (TaxoProp 2018.014M.A.v1.Phlebovirus_sp). In genus Phasivirus, species Wuhan fly phasivirus was abolished (TaxoProp 2018.019M.A.v1.Phenuiviridae_Remsp).


No changes were made at the family rank.


A summary of the current, ICTV-accepted taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales is presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

ICTV-accepted taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales as of February 2019. Listed are all bunyaviruses that are classified into species

Genus Species Virus (abbreviation)
Family Arenaviridae
Antennavirus Hairy antennavirus Wēnlǐng frogfish arenavirus 2 (WlFAV-2)
Striated antennavirus* Wēnlǐng frogfish arenavirus 1 (WlFAV-1)
Hartmanivirus Haartman hartmanivirus* Haartman Institute snake virus 1 (HISV-1)
Mammarenavirus Allpahuayo mammarenavirus Allpahuayo virus (ALLV)
Argentinian mammarenavirus Junín virus (JUNV)
Bear Canyon mammarenavirus Bear Canyon virus (BCNV)
Brazilian mammarenavirus Sabiá virus (SBAV)
Cali mammarenavirus Pichindé virus (PICHV)
Chapare mammarenavirus Chapare virus (CHAPV)
Cupixi mammarenavirus Cupixi virus (CUPXV)
Flexal mammarenavirus Flexal virus (FLEV)
Gairo mammarenavirus Gairo virus (GAIV)
Guanarito mammarenavirus Guanarito virus (GTOV)
Ippy mammarenavirus Ippy virus (IPPYV)
Lassa mammarenavirus Lassa virus (LASV)
Latino mammarenavirus Latino virus (LATV)
Loei River mammarenavirus Loei River virus (LORV)
Lujo mammarenavirus Lujo virus (LUJV)
Luna mammarenavirus Luli virus (LULV)
Luna virus (LUAV)
Lunk mammarenavirus Lunk virus (LNKV)
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis mammarenavirus* Dandenong virus (DANV)
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)
Machupo mammarenavirus Machupo virus (MACV)
Mariental mammarenavirus Mariental virus (MRLV)
Merino Walk mammarenavirus Merino Walk virus (MRWV)
Mobala mammarenavirus mobala virus (MOBV)
Mopeia mammarenavirus Mopeia virus (MPOV)
Morogoro virus (MORV)
Okahandja mammarenavirus Okahandja virus (OKAV)
Oliveros mammarenavirus Oliveros virus (OLVV)
Paraguayan mammarenavirus Paraná virus (PRAV)
Pirital mammarenavirus Pirital virus (PIRV)
Ryukyu mammarenavirus Ryukyu virus (RYKV)
Serra do Navio mammarenavirus Amaparí virus (AMAV)
Solwezi mammarenavirus Solwezi virus (SOLV)
Souris mammarenavirus souris virus (SOUV)
Tacaribe mammarenavirus Tacaribe virus (TCRV)
Tamiami mammarenavirus Tamiami virus (TMMV)
Wenzhou mammarenavirus Wēnzhōu virus (WENV)
Whitewater Arroyo mammarenavirus Big Brushy Tank virus (BBRTV)
Catarina virus (CTNV)
Skinner Tank virus (SKTV)
Tonto Creek virus (TTCV)
Whitewater Arroyo virus (WWAV)
Reptarenavirus California reptarenavirus CAS virus (CASV)
Giessen reptarenavirus University of Giessen virus 1 (UGV-1)
University of Giessen virus 2 (UGV-2)
University of Giessen virus 3 (UGV-3)
Golden reptarenavirus* Golden Gate virus (GOGV)
Ordinary reptarenavirus tavallinen suomalainen mies virus 2 (TSMV-2)
Rotterdam reptarenavirus ROUT virus (ROUTV)
University of Helsinki virus 1 (UHV-1)
Family Cruliviridae
Lincruvirus Crustacean lincruvirus* Wēnlǐng crustacean virus 9 (WlCV-9)
Family Fimoviridae
Emaravirus Actinidia chlorotic ringspot-associated emaravirus Actinidia chlorotic ringspot-associated virus (AcCRaV)
European mountain ash ringspotassociated emaravirus* European mountain ash ringspotassociated virus (EMARaV)
Fig mosaic emaravirus fig mosaic virus (FMV)
High Plains wheat mosaic emaravirus High Plains wheat mosaic virus
Pigeonpea sterility mosaic emaravirus 1 pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus (PPSMV)
Pigeonpea sterility mosaic emaravirus 2 pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus 2 (PPSMV-2)
Raspberry leaf blotch emaravirus raspberry leaf blotch virus (RLBV)
Redbud yellow ringspot-associated emaravirus redbud yellow ringspot-associated virus (RYRaV)
Rose rosette emaravirus rose rosette virus (RRV)
Family Hantaviridae
Subfamily Actantavirinae
Actinovirus Batfish actinovirus* Wēnlǐng minipizza batfish virus (WEMBV)
Goosefish actinovirus Wēnlǐng yellow goosefish virus (WEYGV)
Spikefish actinovirus Wēnlǐng red spikefish virus (WERSV)
Subfamily Agantavirinae
Agnathovirus Hagfish agnathovirus* Wēnlǐng hagfish virus (WEHV)
Subfamily Mammantavirinae
Loanvirus Longquan loanvirus* Lóngquán virus (LQUV)
Mobatvirus Laibin mobatvirus Láibīn virus (LAIV)
Nova mobatvirus* Nova virus (NVAV)
Quezon mobatvirus Quezon virus (QZNV)
Orthohantavirus Andes orthohantavirus Andes virus (ANDV)
Castelo dos Sonhos virus (CASV)
Lechiguanas virus (LECV = LECHV)
Orán virus (ORNV)
Asama orthohantavirus Asama virus (ASAV)
Asikkala orthohantavirus Asikkala virus (ASIV)
Bayou orthohantavirus bayou virus (BAYV)
Catacamas virus (CATV)
Black Creek Canal orthohantavirus Black Creek Canal virus (BCCV)
Bowe orthohantavirus Bowé virus (BOWV)
Bruges orthohantavirus Bruges virus (BRGV)
Cano Delgadito orthohantavirus Caño Delgadito virus (CADV)
Cao Bang orthohantavirus Cao Bằng virus (CBNV)
Liánghé virus (LHEV)
Choclo orthohantavirus Choclo virus (CHOV)
Dabieshan orthohantavirus Dàbiéshān virus (DBSV)
Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus Dobrava virus (DOBV)
Kurkino virus (KURV)
Saaremaa virus (SAAV)
Sochi virus (SOCV)
El Moro Canyon orthohantavirus Carrizal virus (CARV)
El Moro Canyon virus (ELMCV)
Huitzilac virus (HUIV)
Fugong orthohantavirus Fúgòng virus (FUGV)
Fusong orthohantavirus Fǔsōng virus (FUSV)
Hantaan orthohantavirus* Amur virus (AMRV)
Hantaan virus (HTNV)
Soochong virus (SOOV)
Jeju orthohantavirus Jeju virus (JJUV)
Kenkeme orthohantavirus Kenkeme virus (KKMV)
Khabarovsk orthohantavirus Khabarovsk virus (KHAV)
Topografov virus (TOPV)
Laguna Negra orthohantavirus Laguna Negra virus (LANV)
Maripa virus (MARV)
Río Mamoré virus (RIOMV)
Luxi orthohantavirus Lúxī virus (LUXV)
Maporal orthohantavirus Maporal virus (MAPV)
Montano orthohantavirus Montaño virus (MTNV)
Necocli orthohantavirus Necoclí virus (NECV)
Oxbow orthohantavirus Oxbow virus (OXBV)
Prospect Hill orthohantavirus Prospect Hill virus (PHV)
Puumala orthohantavirus Hokkaido virus (HOKV)
Muju virus (MUJV)
Puumala virus (PUUV)
Rockport orthohantavirus Rockport virus (RKPV)
Sangassou orthohantavirus Sangassou virus (SANGV)
Seewis orthohantavirus Seewis virus (SWSV)
Seoul orthohantavirus gōu virus (GOUV)
Seoul virus (SEOV)
Sin Nombre orthohantavirus New York virus (NYV)
Sin Nombre virus (SNV)
Thailand orthohantavirus Anjozorobe virus (ANJZV)
Serang virus (SERV)
Thailand virus (THAIV)
Tigray orthohantavirus Tigray virus (TIGV)
Tula orthohantavirus Adler virus (ADLV)
Tula virus (TULV)
Yakeshi orthohantavirus Yákèshí virus (YKSV)
Thottimvirus Imjin thottimvirus Imjin virus (MJNV)
Thottapalayam thottimvirus* Thottapalayam virus (TPMV)
Subfamily Repantavirinae
Reptillovirus Gecko reptillovirus* Hǎinán oriental leaf-toed gecko virus (HOLGV)
Family Leishbuviridae
Shilevirus Leptomonas shilevirus* Leptomonas moramango virus (LEPMV)
Family Mypoviridae
Hubavirus Myriapod hubavirus* Húběi myriapoda virus 5 (HbMV-5)
Family Nairoviridae
Orthonairovirus Artashat orthonairovirus Artashat virus (ARTSV)
Chim orthonairovirus Chim virus (CHIMV)
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus
orthonairovirus (CCHFV)
Dera Ghazi Khan orthonairovirus Abu Hammad virus (AHV)
Abu Mina virus (AMV)
Dera Ghazi Khan virus (DGKV)
Sapphire II virus (SAPV)
Dugbe orthonairovirus* Dugbe virus (DUGV)
kupe virus (KUPEV)
Estero Real orthonairovirus Estero Real virus (ERV)
Hazara orthonairovirus Hazara virus (HAZV)
Tofla virus (TFLV)
Hughes orthonairovirus Caspiy virus (CASV)
Farallon virus (FARV)
Great Saltee virus (GRSV)
Hughes virus (HUGV)
Punta Salinas virus (PSV)
Raza virus (RAZAV)
Soldado virus (SOLV)
Zirqa virus (ZIRV)
Kasokero orthonairovirus Kasokero virus (KASV = KASOV)
Leopards Hill virus (LPHV)
Yogue virus (YOGV)
Keterah orthonairovirus Gossas virus (GOSV)
Issyk-kul virus (ISKV)
Keterah virus (KTRV)
Uzun-Agach virus (UZAV)
Nairobi sheep disease orthonairovirus Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV)
Qalyub orthonairovirus Bandia virus (BDAV)
Geran virus (GERV)
Qalyub virus (QYBV)
Sakhalin orthonairovirus Avalon virus (AVAV)
Clo Mor virus (CMV = CLMV)
Sakhalin virus (SAKV)
Taggert virus (TAGV)
Tillamook virus (TILLV)
Tamdy orthonairovirus Burana virus (BURV)
Huángpí tick virus 1 (HpTV-1)
Tǎchéng tick virus 1 (TcTV-1)
Tamdy virus (TAMV)
Wēnzhōu tick virus (WzTV)
Thiafora orthonairovirus Erve virus (ERVEV)
Thiafora virus (TFAV)
Shaspivirus Spider shaspivirus* Shāyáng spider virus 1 (SySV-1)
Striwavirus Strider striwavirus* Sānxiá water strider virus 1 (SxWSV-1)
Family Peribunyaviridae
Herbevirus Herbert herbevirus* Herbert virus (HEBV)
Kibale herbevirus Kibale virus (KIBV)
Tai herbevirus Taï virus (TAIV)
Orthobunyavirus Acara orthobunyavirus Acará virus (ACAV)
Moriche virus (MORV)
Aino orthobunyavirus Aino virus (AINOV)
Akabane orthobunyavirus Akabane virus (AKAV)
Tinaroo virus (TINV)
Yaba-7 virus (Y7V)
Alajuela orthobunyavirus Alajuela virus (ALJV)
San Juan virus (SJV)
Anadyr orthobunyavirus Anadyr virus (ANADV)
Anhembi orthobunyavirus Anhembi virus (AMBV)
Anopheles A orthobunyavirus Anopheles A virus (ANAV)
Arumateua virus (ARTV = ARMTV)
Caraipé virus (CPEV = CRPV)
Las Maloyas virus (LMV)
Lukuni virus (LUKV)
Trombetas virus (TRMV)
Tucuruí virus (TUCV = TUCRV)
Anopheles B orthobunyavirus Anopheles B virus (ANBV)
Boracéia virus (BORV)
Bakau orthobunyavirus Bakau virus (BAKV)
Ketapang virus (KETV)
Nola virus (NOLAV)
Tanjong Rabok virus (TRV)
Telok Forest virus (TFV)
Batai orthobunyavirus Batai virus (BATV)
Batama orthobunyavirus Batama virus (BMAV)
Bellavista orthobunyavirus Bellavista virus (BELLV)
Benevides orthobunyavirus Benevides virus (BVSV = BENV)
Bertioga orthobunyavirus Bertioga virus (BERV)
Cananéia virus (CNAV)
Guaratuba virus (GTBV)
Itimirim virus (ITIV)
Mirim virus (MIRV)
Bimiti orthobunyavirus bimiti virus (BIMV)
Birao orthobunyavirus Birao virus (BIRV)
Botambi orthobunyavirus Botambi virus (BOTV)
Bozo orthobunyavirus Bozo virus (BOZOV)
Bunyamwera orthobunyavirus* Bunyamwera virus (BUNV)
Germiston virus (GERV)
Lokern virus (LOKV)
Mboké virus (MBOV)
Ngari virus (NRIV)
Northway virus (NORV)
Santa Rosa virus (SARV)
Shokwe virus (SHOV)
Stanfield virus (STAV)
Xingu virus (XINV)
Bushbush orthobunyavirus Benfica virus (BENV = BNFV)
Bushbush virus (BSBV)
Juan Díaz virus (JDV)
Buttonwillow orthobunyavirus Buttonwillow virus (BUTV)
Bwamba orthobunyavirus Bwamba virus (BWAV)
Pongola virus (PGAV)
Cache Valley orthobunyavirus Cache Valley virus (CVV)
Cholul virus (CHLV)
Tlacotalpan virus (TLAV)
Cachoeira Porteira orthobunyavirus Cachoeira Porteira virus (CPOV)
California encephalitis orthobunyavirus California encephalitis virus (CEV)
Morro Bay virus (MBV)
Capim orthobunyavirus Capim virus (CAPV)
Caraparu orthobunyavirus Apeú virus (APEUV)
Bruconha virus (BRUV)
Caraparú virus (CARV)
El Huayo virus (EHUV)
Itaya virus (ITYV)
Ossa virus (OSSAV)
Vinces virus (VINV)
Cat Que orthobunyavirus Cát Quế virus (CQV)
Oya virus (OYAV)
Catu orthobunyavirus Catú virus (CATUV)
Enseada orthobunyavirus Enseada virus (ENSV)
Faceys paddock orthobunyavirus Facey’s paddock virus (FPV)
Fort Sherman orthobunyavirus Fort Sherman virus (FSV)
Gamboa orthobunyavirus Brus Laguna virus (BLAV)
Calchaquí virus (CQIV)
Gamboa virus (GAMV)
Pueblo Viejo virus (PVV)
Soberanía virus (SOBV)
Guajara orthobunyavirus Guajará virus (GJAV)
Guama orthobunyavirus Ananindeua virus (ANUV)
Guamá virus (GMAV)
Mahogany Hammock virus (MHV)
Moju virus (MOJUV)
Guaroa orthobunyavirus Guaroa virus (GROV)
Iaco orthobunyavirus Iaco virus (IACOV)
Ilesha orthobunyavirus Ilesha virus (ILEV)
Ingwavuma orthobunyavirus Ingwavuma virus (INGV)
Jamestown Canyon orthobunyavirus Inkoo virus (INKV)
Jamestown Canyon virus (JCV)
Jerry Slough virus (JSV)
South River virus (SORV)
Jatobal orthobunyavirus Jatobal virus (JATV)
Kaeng Khoi orthobunyavirus Kaeng Khoi virus (KKV)
Kairi orthobunyavirus Kairi virus (KRIV)
Keystone orthobunyavirus Keystone virus (KEYV)
Koongol orthobunyavirus koongol virus (KOOV)
wongal virus (WONV)
La Crosse orthobunyavirus La Crosse virus (LACV)
Leanyer orthobunyavirus Leanyer virus (LEAV)
Lumbo orthbunyavirus Lumbo virus (LUMV)
Macaua orthobunyavirus Macauã virus (MCAV)
Madrid orthobunyavirus Madrid virus (MADV)
Maguari orthobunyavirus Maguari virus (MAGV)
Playas virus (PLAV)
Main Drain orthobunyavirus Main Drain virus (MDV)
Manzanilla orthobunyavirus Manzanilla virus (MANV)
Inini virus (INIV)
Marituba orthobunyavirus Gumbo Limbo virus (GLV)
Marituba virus (MTBV)
Murutucú virus (MURV)
Nepuyo virus (NEPV)
Restan virus (RESV)
Zungarococha virus (ZUNV)
Melao orthobunyavirus Melao virus (MELV)
Mermet orthobunyavirus Mermet virus (MERV)
Minatitlan orthobunyavirus Minatitlán virus (MNTV)
Palestina virus (PLSV)
MPoko orthobunyavirus M’Poko virus (MPOV)
Yaba-1 virus (Y1V)
Nyando orthobunyavirus Eretmapodites virus (ERETV)
Mojuí dos Campos virus (MDCV)
Nyando virus (NDV)
Olifantsvlei orthobunyavirus Bobia virus (BIAV)
Dabakala virus (DABV)
Olifantsvlei virus (OLIV)
Oubi virus (OUBIV)
Oriboca orthobunyavirus Itaquí virus (ITQV)
Oriboca virus (ORIV)
Oropouche orthobunyavirus Iquitos virus (IQTV)d
Madre de Dios virus (MDDV)
Oropouche virus (OROV)
Perdões virus (PDEV)
Pintupo virus (PINTV)
Patois orthobunyavirus Abras virus (ABRV)
Babahoya virus (BABV)
Pahayokee virus (PAHV)
Patois virus (PATV)
Shark River virus (SRV)
Peaton orthobunyavirus Peaton virus (PEAV)
Potosi orthobunyavirus Potosi virus (POTV)
Sabo orthobunyavirus Sabo virus (SABOV)
San Angelo orthobunyavirus San Angelo virus (SAV)
Sango orthobunyavirus Sango virus (SANV)
Schmallenberg orthobunyavirus Douglas virus (DOUV)
Sathuperi virus (SATV)
Schmallenberg virus (SBV)
Shamonda virus (SHAV)
Serra do Navio orthobunyavirus Serra do Navio virus (SDNV)
Shuni orthobunyavirus Kaikalur virus (KAIV)
Shuni virus (SHUV)
Simbu orthobunyavirus Para virus (PARAV)
Simbu virus (SIMV)
Snowshoe hare orthobunyavirus Khatanga virus (KHATV)9
snowshoe hare virus (SSHV)
Sororoca orthobunyavirus Sororoca virus (SORV)
Tacaiuma orthobunyavirus CoAr 1071 virus (CA1071V)
CoAr 3627 virus (CA3626V)
Tacaiuma virus (TCMV)
Virgin River virus (VRV)
Tahyna orthobunyavirus Ťahyňa virus (TAHV)
Tataguine orthobunyavirus Tataguine virus (TATV)
Tensaw orthobunyavirus Tensaw virus (TENV)
Tete orthobunyavirus Bahig virus (BAHV)
Matruh virus (MTRV)
Tete virus (TETEV)
Tsuruse virus (TSUV)
Weldona virus (WELV)
Thimiri orthobunyavirus Thimiri virus (THIV)
Timboteua orthobunyavirus Timboteua virus (TBTV)
Trivittatus orthobunyavirus Achiote virus (ACHOV)
Trivittatus virus (TVTV)
Turlock orthobunyavirus Lednice virus (LEDV)
Turlock virus (TURV)
Umbre virus (UMBV)
Utinga orthobunyavirus Utinga virus (UTIV)
Witwatersrand orthobunyavirus Witwatersrand virus (WITV)
Wolkberg orthobunyavirus Wolkberg virus (WBV)
Wyeomyia orthobunyavirus Rio Pracupi virus
Taiassui virus (TAIAV)
Tucunduba virus (TUCV)
Wyeomyia virus (WYOV)
Zegla orthobunyavirus Zegla virus (ZEGV)
Pacuvirus Pacui pacuvirus* Pacui virus (PACV)
Rio Preto da Eva pacuvirus Rio Preto da Eva virus (RPEV)
Tapirape pacuvirus Tapirapé virus (TAPV)
Shangavirus Insect shangavirus* Shuāngào insect virus 1 (SgIV-1)
Family Phasmaviridae
Feravirus Ferak feravirus* Ferak virus (FRKV)
Inshuvirus Insect inshuvirus* Shuāngào insect virus 2 (SgIV-2)
Jonvirus Jonchet jonvirus* jonchet virus (JONV)
Orthophasmavirus Culex orthophasmavirus Culex orthophasmavirus (CPLV)
Ganda orthophasmavirus Ganda orthophasmavirus (GBEEV)
Kigluaik phantom orthophasmavirus* Kigluaik phantom virus (KIGV)
Nome phantom orthophasmavirus Nome phantom virus (NOMV)
Odonate orthophasmavirus Odonate orthophasmavirus (HbOV-8)
Qingling orthophasmavirus Qingling orthophasmavirus (HbOV-9)
Seattle orthophasmavirus Seattle orthophasmavirus (SEPV)
Wuchang cockroach orthophasmavirus 1 Wǔchāng cockroach virus 1 (WcCV-1)
Wuhan mosquito orthophasmavirus 1 Wǔhàn mosquito virus 1 (WhMV-1)
Wuhan mosquito orthophasmavirus 2 Wǔhàn mosquito virus 2 (WhMV-2)
Sawastrivirus Sanxia sawastrivirus* Sānxiá water strider virus 2 (SxWSV-2)
Wuhivirus Insect wuhivirus* Wǔhàn insect virus 2 (WhIV-2)
Family Phenuiviridae
Banyangvirus Guertu banyangvirus Guertu virus (GTV)
Heartland banyangvirus Heartland virus (HRTV)
Huaiyangshan banyangvirus* severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV)
Beidivirus Dipteran beidivirus* Húběi diptera virus 3 (HbDV-3)
Goukovirus Cumuto goukovirus Cumuto virus (CUMV)
Gouleako goukovirus* Gouléako virus (GOLV)
Yichang insect goukovirus Yíchāng insect virus (YcIV)
Horwuvirus Horsefly horwuvirus* Wǔhàn horsefly virus (WhHV)
Hudivirus Dipteran hudivirus* Húběi diptera virus 4 (HbDV-4)
Hudovirus Lepidopteran hudovirus* Húběi lepidoptera virus 1 (HbLV-1)
Kabutovirus Huangpi kabutovirus* Huángpí tick virus 2 (HpTV-2)
Kabuto mountain kabutovirus Kabuto mountain virus (KAMV)
Laulavirus Laurel Lake laulavirus* Laurel Lake virus (LLV)
Mobuvirus Mothra mobuvirus* Mothra virus (MTHV)
Phasivirus Badu phasivirus* Badu virus (BADUV)
Phasi Charoen-like phasivirus Phasi Chaeron-like virus (PCLV)
Wutai mosquito phasivirus Wǔtái mosquito virus (WtMV)
Phlebovirus Bujaru phlebovirus Bujaru virus (BUJV)
Munguba virus (MUNV)
Candiru phlebovirus Alenquer virus (ALEV)
Ariquemes virus (ARQV)
Candirú virus (CDUV)
Itaituba virus (ITAV)
Jacundá virus (JCNV)
Maldonado virus (MLOV)
Morumbi virus (MR(M)BV)
Mucura virus (MCRV/MRAV)
Nique virus (NIQV)
Oriximiná virus (ORXV)
Serra Norte virus (SRNV)
Turuna virus (TUAV)
Chilibre phlebovirus Cacao virus (CACV)
Chilibre virus (CHIV)
Frijoles phlebovirus Frijoles virus (FRIV)
Joá virus (JOAV)
Mukawa phlebovirus Mukawa virus (MKWV)
Punta Toro phlebovirus Buenaventura virus (BUEV)
Campana virus (CMAV)
Capira virus (CAPIV)
Coclé virus (CCLV)
Leticia virus (LTCV)
Punta Toro virus (PTV)
Rift Valley fever phlebovirus* Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV)
Salehabad phlebovirus Adana virus (ADAV)
Adria virus (ADRV)
Alcube virus
Arbia virus (ARBV)
Arumowot virus (AMTV)
Bregalaka virus (BREV)
Medjerda Valley virus (MVV)
Odrénisrou virus (ODRV)
Olbia virus (OLBV)
Salehabad virus (SALV)
Zaba virus (ZABAV)
Sandfly fever Naples phlebovirus Arrábida virus (ARRV)
Balkan virus (BALKV)
Fermo virus (FERV)
Gordil virus (GORV)
Granada virus (GRV = GRAV)
Massilia virus (MASV)
Punique virus (PUNV)
Saddaguia virus (SADV)
Saint-Floris virus (SAFV)
sandfly fever Naples virus (SFNV)
Tehran virus (THEV)
Toscana virus (TOSV)
Zerdali virus (ZERV)
Uukuniemi phlebovirus Chizé virus (CHZV)
EgAN 1825–61 virus (EGAV)
Fin V 707 virus (FINV)
Oceanside virus (OCV = OCEV)
Pontevès virus (PTVV)
St. Abbs Head virus (SAHV)
Uukuniemi virus (UUKV)
Zaliv Terpenyia virus (ZTV)
Pidchovirus Pidgey pidchovirus* Pidgey virus (PGYV)
Tenuivirus Echinochloa hoja blanca tenuivirus Echinochloa hoja blanca virus (EHBV)
Iranian wheat stripe tenuivirus Iranian wheat stripe virus (IWSV)
Maize stripe tenuivirus maize stripe virus (MStV = MSpV)
Rice grassy stunt tenuivirus rice grassy stunt virus (RGSV)
Rice hoja blanca tenuivirus rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV)
Rice stripe tenuivirus* rice stripe virus (RSV = RStV)
Urochloa hoja blanca tenuivirus Urochloa hoja blanca virus (UHBV)
Wenrivirus Shrimp wenrivirus* Wēnzhōu shrimp virus 1 WzSV-1
Wubeivirus Dipteran wubeivirus* Húběi diptera virus 5 (HbDV-5)
Fly wubeivirus Wǔhàn fly virus 1 (WhFV-1)
Family Tospoviridae
Orthotospovirus Bean necrotic mosaic orthotospovirus bean necrotic mosaic virus (BeNMV)
Calla lily chlorotic spot orthotospovirus calla lily chlorotic spot virus (CCSV)
Capsicum chlorosis orthotospovirus capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV)
Chrysanthemum stem necrosis orthotospovirus chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV)
Groundnut bud necrosis tospovirus1 groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV)
Groundnut ringspot tospovirus1 groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV)
Groundnut yellow spot tospovirus1 groundnut yellow spot virus (GYSV)
Impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus1 impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV)
Iris yellow spot tospovirus1 iris yellow spot virus (IYSV)
Melon severe mosaic orthotospovirus melon severe mosaic virus (MSMV)
Melon yellow spot orthotospovirus melon yellow spot virus (MYSV)
Polygonum ringspot tospovirus1 polygonum ringspot virus (PolRSV)
Soybean vein necrosis orthotospovirus soybean vein necrosis virus (SVNV)
Tomato chlorotic spot tospovirus1 tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV)
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus*1 tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
Watermelon bud necrosis tospovirus1 watermelon bud necrosis virus (WBNV)
Watermelon silver mottle tospovirus1 watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV)
Zucchini lethal chlorosis tospovirus1 zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV)
Family Wupedeviridae
Wumivirus Millipede wumivirus* Wǔhàn millipede virus 2 (WhMV-2)
Coguvirus Citrus coguvirus* citrus concave gum-associated virus (CCGaV)

type species


Due to a formal classification mistake, this species was not correctly renamed to include the genus epithet “orthotospovirus”. A proposal to ensure that all species included in the genus Orthotospovirus are named uniformly ending in “orthotospovirus” will be submitted prior to the next taxonomic proposal submission deadline.

Please note that viruses are real objects that are assigned to concepts that are called taxa. Species, genera, families, and orders are taxa. Taxon names are always italicized and always begin with a capital letter. Virus names, on the other hand, are not italicized and are not capitalized, except if the name or a name component is a proper noun. This column lists the virus names with their correct (lack of) capitalization. Lists of viruses within a given species are provisional at this point and will likely be amended in the near future.


We thank Laura Bollinger (NIH/NIAID Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD, USA) for critically editing the manuscript.


This work was supported in part through Battelle Memorial Institute’s prime contract with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under Contract No. HHSN272200700016I (J.H.K.). This work was also funded in part by grant 109520 by the UK Department of Health, Public Health England (R.H.). W.M.S. is supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (17/13981-0). This work was supported by the Intergovernmental Special Program of State Key Research and Development Plan from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFE0113500) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 EVAg project (No 653316).


Compliance with ethical standards

The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the US Department of the Army, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Health and Human Services, or of the institutions and companies affiliated with the authors. In no event shall any of these entities have any responsibility or liability for any use, misuse, inability to use, or reliance upon the information contained herein. The US departments do not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval

This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.


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