FIG. 3.
Hypothyroidism differently modulated Ca2+ and K+ currents. (A) ICa-L traces recorded in ventricular myocytes isolated from control animals and from animals with primary and central hypothyroidism. Dashed lines represent the 0 current level. (B) Current–voltage relationship and maximum ICa-L amplitude at +10 mV showing a similar increase in ICa-L density in both central and primary hypothyroidism (n = 8–15 cells from at least three animals in each group; *p < 0.05). (C) Traces of Ito recorded in ventricular myocytes isolated from control animals and from animals with primary and central hypothyroidism. Dashed lines represent the 0 current level. (D) Current–voltage relationships and maximum Ito amplitude at +50 mV, showing that primary hypothyroidism reduced Ito density, whereas hypothyroidism of central origin had no effect on this current (n = 10–15 cells from at least three animals in each group; *p < 0.05).