Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) causes drug‐resistant epilepsy and is associated with pathogenic variants in mTOR pathway genes. How germline variants cause these focal lesions is unclear, however a germline + somatic “2‐hit” model is hypothesized. In a boy with drug‐resistant epilepsy, FCD, and a germline DEPDC5 pathogenic variant, we show that a second‐hit DEPDC5 variant is limited to dysmorphic neurons, and the somatic mutation load correlates with both dysmorphic neuron density and the epileptogenic zone. These findings provide new insights into the molecular and cellular correlates of FCD determining drug‐resistant epilepsy and refine conceptualization of the epileptogenic zone.
Type II focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a major cause of drug‐resistant epilepsy with surgical resection often the only effective treatment. It is characterized by cortical dyslamination with dysmorphic neurons (FCDIIA) or cortical dyslamination with dysmorphic neurons + balloon cells (FCDIIB). Dysmorphic neurons have been described as the “seizure generators” in cortical dysplasia1. Previous studies of resected FCD and hemispheric malformations identified low‐level mosaic somatic pathogenic variants in mTOR pathway genes AKT3, PIK3CA, MTOR, TSC1, and TSC2 2, 3, 4, 5. It was assumed these lesions were due to postzygotic alterations in neuronal precursors during cortical development, with earlier mutations leading to larger malformations6. Aside from tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), familial FCD is extremely rare. It has been associated with germline pathogenic variants in the mTOR GATOR1 complex genes DEPDC5, NPRL2, and NPRL3 7, 8, 9, yet how these germline variants cause focal lesions is unclear. In TSC, second somatic mutations have been identified in brain tissue in up to 35% of cases10. In 2015, a single case of FCDIIA associated with germline + somatic mutations in DEPDC5 was reported, however, it could not be determined if these were biallelic11. The first definitive evidence of biallelic pathogenic germline + somatic mutations in non‐TSC FCD was recently demonstrated in a single case of DEPDC5‐associated FCDIIA12. Here, we combine deep sequencing, stereology, and laser capture microdissection to show a correlation between somatic mutation load, dysmorphic neuron density, and the epileptogenic zone in a child with FCD due to biallelic germline + somatic mutations in DEPDC5. Our findings suggest that seizures in FCD are generated from regions of maximal density of dysmorphic neurons harboring a second‐hit somatic mutation.
Clinical data
This study was approved by the Royal Children’s Hospital Ethics Committee (HREC 29077) with written informed consent obtained from the individual’s parents. Clinical data were obtained by patient assessment and medical records.
Sample preparation
Cortex was preserved as FFPE blocks from middle temporal gyrus posteriorly (#1), middle temporal gyrus anteriorly (#2), temporal pole (#3), inferior temporal gyrus (#4), and uncus (#5). Tissue from the middle temporal gyrus was fresh frozen at −80°C.
Detection of germline and somatic pathogenic variants in DEPDC5
Barcoded libraries were prepared and analyzed with a custom HaloPlexHS panel13. A clonal assay14 of 252 clones was performed to determine if the variants were in cis‐ or trans‐ configuration.
Droplet digital PCR
The somatic variant was detected using a Custom TaqMan® Assay (Assay ID ANPRNP2; Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Limit of detection assay was performed according to published protocols15.
FFPE tissue sections underwent citrate‐based antigen retrieval method (VectorLab, #3300) and were incubated overnight at 4°C with anti‐Neurofilament SMI‐311R antibody (1:1000, BioLegend, #837801), anti‐Phospho‐S6 Ribosomal Protein (Ser235/236) antibody (1:100, Cell‐Signalling, #2211), or anti‐NeuN clone A60 antibody (1:100, Millipore, MAB377) according to published methods16. Biotinylated secondary antibodies were applied for 1 h at room temperature. Visualization of immunoreactivity was performed using the ABC kit (VectorLab, #PK‐4000) and DAB kit (VectorLab, #SK‐4100) according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Fifteen micron FFPE sections (1:4 series) from the temporal pole (#3) and inferior temporal gyrus (#4) were immunostained with anti‐Neurofilament SMI‐311R antibody. Stereological analysis was conducted using a Zeiss Axio M2 with the StereoInvestigator (MBF Bioscience) module. We followed ILAE’s criteria for identification of dysmorphic neurons; immunoreactivity for neurofilament, whole cell size >20 μm, and nuclei >15 μm17. Dysmorphic neuron number was quantitated using the optical fractionator method18 and parameters we described recently in a study of TSC 19.
Laser capture microdissection
Fifteen micron FFPE sections from region #4 were mounted onto PEN membrane slides (Thermo Fisher Scientific, #LCM0522) and immunostained to identify dysmorphic neurons (SMI‐311R) or normal neurons (NeuN). Pools of 10–15 target cells were captured using Arcturus Veritas Laser Capture Microdissection. Neurons were captured within a small region (normal neurons) or selected individually (dysmorphic neurons). DNA was extracted using QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen, #56304), followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) preamplification and ddPCR.
Case report
The seven‐year‐old boy is the second child of healthy, unrelated parents with no relevant family history. At two months, he developed asymmetric infantile spasms and developmental arrest, going undiagnosed until he presented at the age of four months. EEG showed right temporal slowing, right > left‐sided epileptiform discharges, and a cluster of epileptic spasms with subtle chin and arm movements. Brain 3T MRI was normal, and spasms ceased on high‐dose prednisolone but recurred at eight months before ceasing with topiramate. Right temporal and generalized epileptiform activity persisted.
At two years of age, he developed events of staring, eye rolling, and chin trembling. Video EEG monitoring at 2.5yr showed prominent right temporal focal slowing and subclinical electrographic seizures from the right anterior midtemporal region. The clinical events of concern were captured but were not associated with an electrographic correlate. 3Tesla (3T) MRI showed poor gray–white differentiation of the right temporal pole and cortical thickening of the inferior temporal sulcus (Fig. 1A). FDG PET showed right anterior temporal hypometabolism (Fig. 1B). By 3 years he showed delay in language (single words only) and fine motor skills, repetitive behaviors and impaired social interaction, and was formally diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. At 3.5 years, a right anterior temporal lobectomy was performed, including the uncus but sparing the hippocampus (Fig. 1C). Intraoperative electrocorticography with 4‐contact strip and depth electrodes showed attenuation of background fast activity, excess slowing, bursts of gamma fast activity, and spike‐wave discharges over the right temporal pole and uncus. Spike‐waves were higher voltage, more frequent, and associated with fast ripples in contacts recording from the uncus (Fig. 1D). Histopathology showed FCDIIA (Fig. 1E). Seizures ceased, anticonvulsants were weaned, and follow‐up EEGs showed only right temporal slowing. Postoperatively there was acceleration in development with improvements in receptive and expressive language, motor skills, and social interaction, although autistic features have persisted.
Detection of germline and somatic pathogenic variants in DEPDC5
A pathogenic de novo heterozygous germline DEPDC5 variant (NM_001242896.1: c.2390delA p.Q797Rfs*18) was previously reported in this individual20. Deep sequencing of brain (595x) and blood (525x)‐derived gDNA confirmed this variant. Additionally, we identified a pathogenic truncating variant in DEPDC5 (c.3994C > T p.R1332*), present only in brain‐derived DNA with an allele frequency of 3.9% (22/569 reads). This variant has been previously reported as germline pathogenic9. To determine if the germline and the somatic variants were in cis‐ or in trans‐ configuration, we performed a clonal assay13. RNA was isolated from the fresh frozen middle temporal gyrus posteriorly (region #1) was converted tocDNA using SuperScript III (Invitrogen, #18080400) and a 2137 bp fragment, spanning the two variants, was amplified by PCR. The PCR product was subcloned into PCR2.1 TOPO TA cloning vector (Thermo Fisher Scientific, #450641) and 252 clones analyzed using qPCR. The somatic and germline variants were not identified in the same clone, confirming the variants were in trans and suggesting biallelic inactivation of DEPDC5 in a subset of cells.
Somatic mutation gradient in affected cortex
We quantified mutation load in the five tissue blocks (Fig. 2A) using ddPCR and detected a mutation gradient from mean allele frequency of 0.2%–2.5% (Fig. 2B). The greatest mutation load was in the uncus (#5), where maximal epileptic activity was recorded during intraoperative electrocorticography. Immunohistochemistry showed abundant phospho‐S6‐positive neurons, indicating upregulation of the mTOR pathway (Fig. 2C). The discordant allele frequency in region #2 of 3.9% measured by HaloPlexHS panel sequencing compared to 1.8% measured by ddPCR is likely attributable to PCR amplification using the HaloPlexHS protocol, which can result in less precision in determination of allele frequency. The allele frequency determined by ddPCR is considered the more accurate measure.
Quantification of dysmorphic neuron density
To determine if somatic mutation load correlated with dysmorphic neuron density, we stained sections with anti‐Neurofilament (Fig. 2D) and performed stereological analysis in the temporal pole (#3, somatic mutation mean allele frequency 0.2%) and inferior temporal gyrus (#4, somatic mutation mean allele frequency 1.4%). Analysis was not performed in other regions due to limited tissue. The estimated dysmorphic neuron density was 380.43 cells/mm3 (coefficient of error = 0.08) in temporal pole and 1408.27 cells/mm3 (coefficient of error = 0.04) in inferior temporal gyrus (Fig. 2E), which suggested a correlation between somatic mutation load and dysmorphic neuron density.
Detection of cell‐specific somatic pathogenic variants in DEPDC5
Using laser capture microdissection, we isolated multiple independent pools of 10–15 neurons, restricted to either morphologically normal (Fig. 3A) or dysmorphic neurons (Fig. 3B). SNP genotyping using ddPCR detected the somatic pathogenic variant in none of the normal neuron captures (n = 0/12) (Fig. 3C) and in 50% of the dysmorphic neuron captures (n = 5/10) (Fig. 3D). Our finding suggests the somatic pathogenic variant was restricted to dysmorphic neurons.
“mTORopathies” have emerged as increasingly important causes of epilepsy with a spectrum from mild focal epilepsy with normal imaging to multifocal or hemispheric malformations with drug‐resistant epilepsy and encephalopathy. Knudson’s “two‐hit” hypothesis21, regarding the genetic basis of many neoplastic disorders including familial cancers, posits that focal pathology is the consequence of a pathogenic germline variant and a somatic second‐hit. This hypothesis also provides a plausible explanation as to why individuals with germline pathogenic variants develop focal lesions, such as FCD. Finding the elusive second somatic hit has been difficult, presumably due to technical limitations of identifying variants in only a small fraction of cells within malformed tissue. Application of deep sequencing to resected brain tissue is allowing advances in detection of very low‐level mosaicism showing similarities in the pathogenesis of neoplastic and non‐neoplastic disorders of cell growth and differentiation.
Here, we confirm the two‐hit model for DEPDC5‐associated FCD and demonstrate that a “mutation gradient” correlates with a “dysmorphic neuron density gradient”, and the highest mutation load correlates with the epileptogenic region for seizure onset. We build on previous work showing a “mutation gradient” in FCD22, by demonstrating, for the first time, that the gradient is due to the somatic second‐hit being limited to dysmorphic neurons, the critical epileptogenic cell type in type II FCD. Presumably this is secondary to an early postzygotic pathogenic variant affecting only a subset of neuronal precursors during cortical development.
Our findings expand the concept of the epileptogenic zone, which is the minimum amount of brain tissue needed to be resected to control seizures. Previously, it was determined by clinical, imaging, electrophysiological, and histological data. There has been much debate as to whether the epileptogenic zone is at the periphery of lesions such as FCD and the tubers of TSC, or within the centre of such lesions. Our findings of a correlation between mutation gradient, dysmorphic neuron density, and epileptogenicity support the likelihood of the epileptogenic zone being intralesional and not at the periphery, and this has also been confirmed by our electrophysiological studies in TSC23. Our findings, and that of others who have recently identified a mutation gradient within lesions, refine the concept of the epileptogenic zone, to now include mutation load, neuronal cell density, and cell type‐specific genetic data. These findings may have direct clinical implications for epilepsy treatment by expanding the evidence base for highly focussed surgical resections aimed at removing only a nidus containing a high density of mutant dysmorphic neurons within a larger lesion, guided by preoperative imaging, electrophysiological data, and, perhaps one day, intraoperative mutational testing, as is under investigation for brain tumor surgery24. Further studies are required to determine how often this two‐hit mechanism applies to other cases of FCD, or indeed to other focal epilepsies with normal imaging.
Author Contributions
WSL: conception and design of the study, acquisition and analysis of data, and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript or figures.
SEMS: conception and design of the study, acquisition and analysis of data, and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript or figures.
KBH: conception and design of the study and acquisition and analysis of data.
KP: conception and design of the study and acquisition and analysis of data.
GG: conception and design of the study and acquisition and analysis of data.
AW: conception and design of the study and acquisition and analysis of data.
WM: conception and design of the study and acquisition and analysis of data.
SAM: conception and design of the study and acquisition and analysis of data.
SFB: conception and design of the study and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript.
IES: conception and design of the study and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript.
DM: acquisition and analysis of data and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript or figures.
ASH: conception and design of the study, acquisition and analysis of data, and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript or figures.
PJL: conception and design of the study, acquisition and analysis of data, and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript or figures.
RJL: conception and design of the study, acquisition and analysis of data, and drafting a significant portion of the manuscript or figures.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
The authors thank Michael Wilson, Gemma L Carvill, and Heather C Mefford for their contributions. This work was supported by the Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council GNT1128933, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, the Campbell Edwards Trust, and the Brain Foundation. Additional funding was provided by the Independent Research Institute Infrastructure Support Scheme and the Victorian State Government Operational Infrastructure Program. RJL and KBH are supported by the Melbourne Children’s Clinician Scientist Fellowship scheme. We thank the family for agreeing to be part of this research study.
Funding Statement
This work was funded by Victorian State Government grant ; Brain Foundation grant N/A; Campbell Edwards Trust grant N/A; National Health and Medical Research Council grant GNT1128933; Murdoch Children's Research Institute grant N/A.
Contributor Information
Paul J. Lockhart, Email: paul.lockhart@mcri.edu.au.
Richard J. Leventer, Email: richard.leventer@rch.org.au.
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