Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-22131-0, published online 06 March 2018
In Figure 3A, the image taken at 5 days of germination under salt stress conditions is incorrect. The correct Figure 3 appears below as Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Germination and stress tolerance assay indicated better physiology of over-expression transgenic seedlings (OEIF) than the wild-type (WT) and knock-down (KDIF) seedlings under control (white bars) and salt stress condition (black bars). (A) Seed germination and seedling growth assay, under control and salt stress conditions. Pictures were taken at 2, 5, 12 and 18 days of germination; (B) Seed germination percentage; (C) Shoot length; (D) K+/Na+ ratio; (E) Electrolyte leakage percentage as measured for WT, OEIF and KDIF lines; (F) Microscopic imaging of 20 d old leaf tissue (epidermal peel) of transgenic and WT plants revealed comparatively elongated epidermal cells in OEIF shoots than in the WT and KDIF (marked by white arrows). (G) Measurement of epidermal cell length from the panel. Data are shown as mean ± SE, which were calculated from three independent experiments and the significant difference is shown as [(*)p < 0.05 probability levels] after comparison of WT control with OEIF and KDIF control and WT (salt-stressed) with OEIF and KDIF (salt-stressed). Bar = 0.01 mm.