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Bulletin of the World Health Organization logoLink to Bulletin of the World Health Organization
. 2019 May 28;97(8):534–547D. doi: 10.2471/BLT.18.218651

Prevention of tuberculosis in household members: estimates of children eligible for treatment

Prévention de la tuberculose chez les membres de la famille: estimation des enfants éligibles au traitement

Prevención de la tuberculosis en los miembros de la familia: estimaciones de niños elegibles para el tratamiento

الوقاية من مرض السل بين أفراد البيت الواحد: تقديرات الأطفال المؤهلين للعلاج


Профилактика туберкулеза у членов семей: оценка количества детей, нуждающихся в лечении

Yohhei Hamada a,, Philippe Glaziou a, Charalambos Sismanidis a, Haileyesus Getahun a
PMCID: PMC6653819  PMID: 31384072



To estimate of the number of children younger than 5 years who were household contacts of people with tuberculosis and were eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment in 2017.


To estimate the number of eligible children, we obtained national values for the number of notified cases of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in 2017, the proportion of the population younger than 5 years in 2017 and average household size from published sources. We obtained global values for the number of active tuberculosis cases per household with an index case and for the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among children younger than 5 years who were household contacts of a tuberculosis case through systematic reviews, meta-analysis and Poisson regression models.


The estimated number of children younger than 5 years eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment in 2017 globally was 1.27 million (95% uncertainty interval, UI: 1.24–1.31), which corresponded to an estimated global coverage of preventive treatment in children of 23% at best. By country, the estimated number ranged from less than one in the Bahamas, Iceland, Luxembourg and Malta to 350 000 (95% UI: 320 000–380 000) in India. Regionally, the highest estimates were for the World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region (510 000; 95% UI: 450 000–580 000) and the WHO African Region (470 000; 95% UI: 440 000–490 000).


Tuberculosis preventive treatment in children was underutilized globally in 2017. Treatment should be scaled up to help eliminate the pool of tuberculosis infection and achieve the End TB Strategy targets.


The management of latent tuberculosis infection is a critical component of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) End TB Strategy. Given that between a quarter and a third of the global population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacteria tuberculosis, 13 the Strategy’s ambitious targets and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved without tackling the reservoir of latent infection.4 The risk of progression from tuberculosis infection to active disease is particularly high in young children, who are also at the greatest risk of severe and disseminated disease.5 As a result, treatment of tuberculosis infection (i.e. tuberculosis preventive treatment) is strongly recommended for children younger than 5 years who are household contacts of people with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis.6 Accordingly, coverage of tuberculosis preventive treatment is one of the key indicators used to monitor the implementation of the End TB Strategy.7 In 2018, world leaders committed to providing 4 million child household contacts younger than 5 years with tuberculosis preventive treatment by 2022.8

A recent survey of policy and practice on latent tuberculosis infection in countries with a low tuberculosis burden and in African countries found that many lacked recording and reporting systems for infection.9,10 In 2016, WHO started collecting data on the number of children younger than 5 years globally who were household contacts of people with pulmonary tuberculosis and who had started tuberculosis preventive treatment.11 Although 118 countries, including 16 of the 30 countries with a high tuberculosis burden, reported data in 2017,11 there was a lack of clearly defined denominators for assessing coverage of preventive treatment, which makes planning and monitoring difficult.12

Consequently, the aim of this study was to use tuberculosis notification data from 2017 to estimate of the number of children younger than 5 years in individual countries who were household contacts of people with pulmonary tuberculosis and who were eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment. This information should help countries implement and monitor preventive treatment.


Countries with a low tuberculosis burden comprised the 113 high-income or upper-middle-income countries in which the estimated annual incidence of tuberculosis disease in 2015 was fewer than 100 cases per 100 000 population, WHO’s 2015 guidelines on the management of latent tuberculosis infection are intended primarily for these countries.13,14 Countries with 100 or more cases per 100 000 population were regarded as having a high tuberculosis burden.

In countries with a high tuberculosis burden, the number of children eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment was defined as the number younger than 5 years who are household contacts (hereafter referred to as child household contacts) of people with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis and who do not themselves have active tuberculosis, regardless of whether they have a confirmed tuberculosis infection (in accordance with WHO guidelines on the management of tuberculosis in children).5 In countries with a low tuberculosis burden, the number of children eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment was defined as the number of children younger than 5 years who are household contacts of people with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis, who do not themselves have active tuberculosis and who have a confirmed tuberculosis infection, as indicated by a positive result on a standard tuberculin skin test or an interferon-gamma release assay. Consequently, the number of child household contacts eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment, N, was calculated using:

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in countries with a high tuberculosis burden; and

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in countries with a low tuberculosis burden; where n was the number of notified cases of bacteriologically confirmed, pulmonary tuberculosis in the country, C was the average number of active tuberculosis cases per household with an index case, h was the average household size, p was the proportion of the national population that was younger than 5 years, T was the proportion of child household contacts who had active tuberculosis, and L was the prevalence of a confirmed latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts. For countries with a high tuberculosis burden, L was not included in the calculation because eligibility for tuberculosis preventive treatment did not depend on confirmation of infection. We did not estimate numbers for countries or territories with a population under 300 000.

Table 1 details how we derived values for the parameters in these two equations. From the literature, we obtained country-specific values of n and p for 2017, country-specific values of h for different years and a global estimate of T. To obtain a global value for L, we updated a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, and to obtain a global value for C, we carried out a new systematic review of the literature from 1 January 2005 to 11 November 2017.18 For both the updated and new systematic reviews, we used the reference list of Fox et al.’s systematic review,18 which included publications up until 1 October 2011, and supplemented it with papers subsequently published up until 11 November 2017. The new systematic review did not consider publications before 2005 because we judged that earlier publications would not reflect the current situation. The following search string was used in PubMed® for both reviews: (tuberculosis[Title] OR “tuberculosis”[MeSH Terms] OR “mycobacterium tuberculosis”[MeSH Terms] OR “tuberculosis, pulmonary”[MeSH Terms]) AND ((“contact$”[All Fields]) OR (“contact tracing”[MeSH Terms]) OR “disease outbreaks”[MeSH Terms] OR “contact*”[Title] OR “spread”[Title] OR “contact screen*”[All Fields] OR “contact tracing”[Title] OR “disease transmission”[All Fields] OR “case find*”[Title] OR (cluster*[Title] AND analys*[Title]) OR “household*”[All Fields] OR “household contact*”[All Fields] OR (“case finding”[All Fields]) OR (“casefinding”[All Fields]) OR “case detection”[All Fields]).

Table 1. Parameters for estimating the number of child household contacts eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment.

Parametera Value, mean (95% CI) Source
Number of notified cases of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in 2017 (n) Country-specific values (Table 4) WHO tuberculosis burden estimates15
Number of active tuberculosis cases per household with an index case (C) 1.06 (1.04–1.07) New systematic review of the literature from January 2005 to November 2017
Average household size (h) Country-specific valuesb National censuses, national surveys (e.g. DHSs), statistical yearbooks and official websites of national statistical authorities
Proportion of the population aged < 5 years in 2017 (p) Country-specific valuesb United Nations 2017 revision of world population prospects16
Proportion of child household contacts (age < 5 years) of a tuberculosis case who had active tuberculosis themselves (T) 6.1% (1.0–16.3) Dodd et al., 201417
Prevalence of a confirmed latent tuberculosis infection among children aged < 5 years who were household contacts of a tuberculosis case in countries with fewer than 100 cases per 100 000 population (L) 27.9% (18.8–39.4) Updated systematic review of the literature from inception to November 2017

CI: confidence interval; DHS: demographic and health survey; WHO: World Health Organization.

a The characters in parentheses represent the parameters in equations in the text.

b Details available from the corresponding author on request.

For the updated and new systematic reviews: (i) household contacts were defined as people living in the same household or people who satisfied the definition of a household contact in the original publication; (ii) an index case was defined as the first identified case of new or recurrent tuberculosis disease in a person of any age in a specific household or as defined in the original publication; (iii) a person was defined as having a tuberculosis infection if the induration 48 to 72 hours after a tuberculin skin test was 10 mm or greater or, if this information was not available, the person satisfied the definition of a tuberculosis infection in the original publication; and (iv) a prevalent tuberculosis case was defined as a case of active disease that was diagnosed at the baseline visit during the study or within 3 months of diagnosis of the index case.

To obtain a global value for L, we included studies in the updated systematic review that reported the prevalence of tuberculosis infection among child contacts in countries with an annual incidence of tuberculosis under 100 cases per 100 000 population at the time of the study, according to WHO estimates.15 If an appropriate WHO estimate was not available, we used estimates from the published literature. We also included studies that reported data on children up to 4 or 6 years of age. The reasons for excluding studies are listed in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Flowchart for the selection of studies on the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts, countries with a low tuberculosis burden, worldwide, 1964–2017

Notes: We defined a child household contact as a child younger than 5 years living in the same household as a person with active tuberculosis disease. A low tuberculosis burden was defined as fewer than 100 cases per 100 000 population.

Fig. 1

To obtain a global value for C, we included studies in the new systematic review that reported the number of index tuberculosis cases, the number of household contacts and the number of prevalent active tuberculosis cases among household contacts. We excluded studies if: (i) data on contacts other than household contacts were included; (ii) the number of cases or household contacts was less than 10; (iii) only child contacts were included (this would have led to an underestimate of the number of active tuberculosis cases in the household); or (iv) the study was not published in English (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Flowchart for the selection of studies on active tuberculosis cases in households with an index case, worldwide, 2005–2017

One author screened all titles and abstracts for relevance and then reviewed the full text of all potentially eligible articles. For both reviews, we extracted information on the country’s name, the year of the study, the definitions of index cases and household contacts, and the number of household contacts. For the updated systematic review, we obtained information about the number of child household contacts with a confirmed latent tuberculosis infection, the tuberculin skin test cut-off criterion for infection in a child contact, the child’s bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination status and the age of index cases. For the new systematic review, we extracted information on the age and number of index cases and the number of active tuberculosis cases among household contacts. In evaluating the quality of individual studies, we used a checklist modified from an existing tool to assess issues related to contact investigations and tuberculosis infection.19

Data analysis

The meta-analysis of the prevalence of a confirmed latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts (L) was conducted using a logistic-normal random-effects model.20 In the primary analysis, we did not consider the different definitions of tuberculosis infection used in the studies. The heterogeneity of study findings was assessed by visual inspection of forest plots and from the results of likelihood-ratio tests. Potential sources of heterogeneity were investigated in subgroup analyses that considered the following factors: (i) whether the index case tested positive or negative on smear microscopy; (ii) the tuberculin skin test cut-off value (i.e. 10 mm or more versus other values); (iii) the year of study publication (i.e. before 2000 or later); (iv) the country’s income status (i.e. whether high- or upper-middle-income);21 and (v) BCG vaccination coverage.

The average number of active tuberculosis cases per household with an index case (C) was estimated as follows. For each study, the average number of active tuberculosis cases among contacts in each household was calculated by dividing the number of prevalent active tuberculosis cases among household contacts by the number of index cases, which was assumed to be equal to the number of households. Data were pooled using mixed-effects, Poisson regression models. Subsequently, the average number of tuberculosis cases per household was calculated as the pooled average number of tuberculosis cases among contacts in each household plus one to account for the index case. The heterogeneity of study findings was assessed by visual inspection of forest plots and the effect of the national tuberculosis burden on estimates was assessed in a subgroup analysis. We also conducted a sensitivity analysis by excluding an outlier value for the number of tuberculosis cases per household to assess its influence on the pooled estimate.

We did not evaluate publication bias using statistical tests (e.g. Begg’s test or Egger’s test) or funnel plots because their utility has not been established in the meta-analyses of proportions obtained from observational studies.18,22 We considered uncertainty in: (i) the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in child contacts; (ii) the number of tuberculosis cases per household; and (iii) the proportion of child household contacts with active tuberculosis disease. We ignored uncertainty in population size estimates from the United Nations Population Division. Errors were propagated using a second-order Taylor series expansion.23,24 All statistical analyses were performed using Stata v. 13.1 (StataCorp LP., College Station, United States of America) and R v. 3.4.4 (The R Foundation, Vienna, Austria).


Our systematic review of the prevalence of a latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts younger than 5 years (L) in countries with a low tuberculosis burden included 17 studies (Fig. 1 and Table 2).2541 Nine of the 17 (52.9%) were conducted in high-income countries. The presence of a tuberculosis infection was defined as an induration of 10 mm or more on the tuberculin skin test in 11 studies, whereas the other six used different criteria: (i) one used an induration cut-off of 5 mm; (ii) three used multiple induration cut-offs, ranging from 5 to 15 mm depending on BCG vaccination status, the infectiousness of the index case or the study site; (iii) one used a Heaf grade of 2, 3 or 4; and (iv) one did not specify the criterion. The median prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among child contacts was 26.4% (interquartile range: 11.1–42.2). Twelve studies included children who had received a BCG vaccination, one included only unvaccinated children and BCG vaccination status was not specified in four studies. There was substantial heterogeneity across the studies. The pooled prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among child contacts younger than 5 years was 27.9% (95% confidence interval, CI: 18.8–39.4; Fig. 3). None of the subgroup analyses found significant differences between subgroups.

Table 2. Systematic review of the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts,a countries with a low tuberculosis burden,b worldwide, 1964–2017.

Study reference Country Year of study enrolment Definition of index tuberculosis case Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts aged < 5 years, no. infected children/no. all children (%) Criterion for tuberculosis infection BCG vaccination status
Chapman et al., 196425 United States NA Pulmonary tuberculosis (no information on bacteriological status) 200/414 (48.3) Not defined Unknown
Grzybowski et al., 197526 Canada 1966–1971 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis 209/1012 (20.7) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 6 mm or ≥ 10 mm, depending on study site Unknown
Zaki et al., 197627 United States 1965–1972 Pulmonary tuberculosis (no information on bacteriological status) 254/1122 (22.6) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm Unknown
Payne, 197828 United Kingdom 1968–1974 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis 9/85 (10.6) Heaf grade 2, 3 or 4 No children vaccinated
Almeida et al., 200129 Brazil 1998 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 18/40 (45.0) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 81% of the study population vaccinated
Carvalho et al., 200130 Brazil 1995–1997 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 7/33 (21.2) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 75% of the study population vaccinated
Lobato et al., 200331 United States 1994 Pulmonary tuberculosis (smear-positive or -negative) 45/93 (48.4) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 5 mm Unknown
Militão de Albuquerque et al., 200432 Brazil 1997–1999 Pulmonary tuberculosis (including clinically diagnosed disease) 21/74 (28.4) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 87% of the study population vaccinated
Soysal et al., 200533 Turkey 2002–2003 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 171/405 (42.2) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 79% of the study population vaccinated
Aissa et al., 200834 France 2004–2005 Culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 18/164 (11.0) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm for BCG-vaccinated people; ≥ 15 mm or conversion from negative (i.e. < 5 mm) to positive (i.e. ≥ 10 mm) for non-vaccinated people No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 98% of the study population vaccinated
Alavi, 200835 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2003–2005 Pulmonary tuberculosis (smear-positive or -negative) 36/43 (83.7) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 51% of the study population vaccinated
Diel et al., 200836 Germany 2005–2006 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 1/18 (5.6) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 86% of the study population vaccinated
Lin et al., 200837 China 2006–2007 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 7/81 (8.6) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm No specific data for children aged < 5 years; 28% of the study population vaccinated
Pavić et al., 201138 Croatia 2008–2009 Not defined 23/87 (26.4) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm All children vaccinated
Verhagen et al., 201439 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2010–2011 Culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 6/54 (11.1) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm 76% of children aged < 5 years vaccinated
Rose et al., 201540 Canada 2008–2010 Culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis 10/35 (28.6) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 5 mm for contacts of a smear-positive tuberculosis case and ≥ 10 mm for contacts of a smear-negative tuberculosis case 25% of children aged < 5 years vaccinated
Perez-Porcuna et al., 201641 Brazil 2009–2010 Pulmonary tuberculosis (smear-positive or -negative) 52/80 (65.0) Tuberculin skin test induration ≥ 10 mm All children vaccinated

BCG: bacillus Calmette-Guérin; NA: not available.

a We defined a child household contact as a child younger than 5 years living in the same household as a person with active tuberculosis disease.

b We defined a low tuberculosis burden as fewer than 100 cases per 100 000 population.

Fig. 3.

Forest plot of the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts, countries with a low tuberculosis burden, worldwide, 1964–2017

CI: confidence interval.

Notes: We defined a child household contact as a child younger than 5 years living in the same household as a person with active tuberculosis disease. A low tuberculosis burden was defined as fewer than 100 cases per 100 000 population.

Fig. 3

Our systematic review of the number of active tuberculosis cases per household with an index case (C) included 58 studies (Fig. 2 and Table 3).35,37,4297 Of the 58, 16 (27.6%) were conducted in countries with a low tuberculosis burden. The number of active tuberculosis cases among contacts in each household ranged from 0 to 0.33, except for one study that reported a value of 0.93.35 The pooled number of active tuberculosis cases among contacts in each household was 0.06 (95% CI: 0.04–0.07). Consequently, the average number of active tuberculosis cases per household was 1.06 once the index case had been included. There was no significant difference between countries with a low or high tuberculosis burden (P = 0.33). Furthermore, excluding the one outlier reduced the average number of cases per household by only 0.002.

Table 3. Systematic review of active tuberculosis cases in households with an index case, worldwide, 2005–2017.

Study reference Country Year of study enrolment Definition of index tuberculosis case Eligible age group No. of index casesa No. of tuberculosis cases among household contactsb No. of tuberculosis cases among contacts per householdb Total no. of tuberculosis cases per household, including the index case
Becerra et al., 200542 Peru 1996–1998 Culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 192 10 0.05 1.05
Chee et al., 200543 Singapore 2000 Culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 679 20 0.03 1.03
Khalilzadeh et al., 200644 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2002–2004 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 68 17 0.25 1.25
Yeo et al., 200645 Canada 1996–2000 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis All ages 39 4 0.10 1.10
Hussain et al., 200746 Pakistan 2001–2003 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 20 0 0.00 1.00
Alavi, 200835 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2007 Pulmonary tuberculosis (smear-positive or -negative) All ages 69 64 0.93 1.93
Hill et al., 200847 Gambia 2002–2004 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis ≥ 6 months 317 33 0.10 1.10
Lee et al., 200848 China, Hong Kong SAR 2000 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis All ages 1 635 29 0.02 1.02
Lin et al., 200837 China 2006–2007 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 393 5 0.01 1.01
Borrell et al., 200949 Spain 2003–2004 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis All ages 717 46 0.06 1.06
del Corral et al., 200950 Colombia 2005–2006 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 366 8 0.02 1.02
Kilicaslan et al., 200951 Turkey 1997–2000 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 1 570 92 0.06 1.06
Machado et al., 200952 Brazil 2006–2007 Pulmonary tuberculosis (including clinically diagnosed disease) All ages 76 2 0.03 1.03
Nguyen et al., 200953 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2006 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 72 4 0.06 1.06
Ottmani et al., 200954 Morocco 1993–2004 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis or clinically diagnosed disease All ages 200 902 44 110 0.22 1.22
Pai et al., 200955 India 2006 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 54 1 0.02 1.02
Cavalcante et al., 201056 Brazil 1999–2004 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis All ages 311 26 0.08 1.08
Lienhardt et al., 201057 Senegal 2004–2006 Smear-positive or culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 206 14 0.07 1.07
Rakotosamimanana et al., 201058 Madagascar 2004–2005 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis ≥ 1 year 85 12 0.14 1.14
Sia et al., 201059 Philippines 2001–2008 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 218 20 0.09 1.09
Becerra et al., 201160 Peru 1996–2003 Multidrug- or extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis All ages 693 117 0.17 1.17
Grandjean et al., 201161 Peru 2005–2008 Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis All ages 358 0 0.00 1.00
Hussain et al., 201162 Pakistan unknown Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 18 0 0.00 1.00
Singla et al., 201163 India 2005–2008 Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis All ages 58 16 0.28 1.28
Vella et al., 201164 South Africa 2005–2008 Multidrug- or extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis ≥ 13 years 508 64 0.13 1.13
Whalen et al., 201165 Uganda 1995–2004 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 497 49 0.10 1.10
Zhang et al., 201166 China 2007 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 4 695 40 0.01 1.01
Fox et al., 201267 Viet Nam 2009–2011 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 167 8 0.05 1.05
Gyawali et al., 201268 Nepal 2009–2010 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis ≥ 5 years 184 13 0.07 1.07
Ntinginya et al., 201269 United Republic of Tanzania 2010–2011 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis ≥ 5 years 80 5 0.06 1.06
Shapiro et al., 201270 South Africa 2009–2009 Tuberculosis based on clinical evaluation (with or without sputum smear test or sputum culture) All ages 749 169 0.23 1.23
Thind et al., 201271 South Africa 2009–2010 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 732 127 0.17 1.17
Chamie et al., 201372 Uganda Unknown Pulmonary tuberculosis (with or without sputum smear test) All ages 61 13 0.21 1.21
Jones-López et al., 201373 Uganda 2009–2011 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 96 1 0.01 1.01
Leung et al., 201374 China, Hong Kong SAR 1997–2006 Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis All ages 256 12 0.05 1.05
Puryear et al., 201375 Botswana 2009–2011 Paediatrician-diagnosed tuberculosis All ages 163 12 0.07 1.07
Shah et al., 201376 Pakistan 2010–2011 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 3 037 490 0.16 1.16
Singh et al., 201377 India 2007–2011 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 450 52 0.12 1.12
Tao et al., 201378 Uganda 2002–2006 Culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 277 19 0.07 1.07
Yassin et al., 201379 Ethiopia 2010–2011 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 2 906 69 0.02 1.02
Jia et al., 201480 China 2008–2008 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 1 575 92 0.06 1.06
Jones-López et al., 201481 Brazil 2008–2012 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 124 2 0.02 1.02
Loredo et al., 201482 Brazil 2001–2008 Pulmonary tuberculosis (smear-positive or -negative) ≥ 15 years 626 51 0.08 1.08
Thanh et al., 201483 Viet Nam 2008–2008 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 1 091 27 0.02 1.02
Zelner et al., 201484 Peru 2009–2012 Pulmonary tuberculosis (including clinically diagnosed disease) All ages 3 466 229 0.07 1.07
Chamie et al., 201585 Uganda 2012–2013 Pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis ≥ 18 years 54 1 0.02 1.02
Grandjean et al., 201586 Peru 2010–2013 Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis All ages 213 5 0.02 1.02
Jerene et al., 201587 Ethiopia 2013–2014 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 6 015 389 0.06 1.06
Zellweger et al., 201588 Ten European countries 2009–2013 Not defined All ages 1 023 17 0.02 1.02
Guputa et al., 201689 India 2013–2014 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 133 6 0.05 1.05
Javaid et al., 201690 Pakistan 2012–2015 Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis All ages 154 51 0.33 1.33
Nair et al., 201691 India 2007–2014 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 280 29 0.10 1.10
Wysocki et al., 201692 Brazil 2012–2013 Pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 213 9 0.04 1.04
Armstrong-Hough et al., 201793 Uganda 2015–2016 Pulmonary tuberculosis (microbiological confirmation was required for patients aged ≥ 5 years) All ages 293 5 0.02 1.02
Datiko et al., 201794 Ethiopia 2011–2013 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 5 345 169 0.03 1.03
Fox et al., 201795 Viet Nam 2014 Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis All ages 212 4 0.02 1.02
Mandalakas et al., 201796 Eswatini 2013–2015 Initiation of antituberculosis treatment All ages 3 258 196 0.06 1.06
Muyoyeta et al., 201797 Zambia 2013–2014 Bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis All ages 977 19 0.02 1.02

SAR: Special Administrative Region.

a We assumed that the number of index cases was equal to the number of households studied.

b We defined household contacts as people living in the same household as the index case or people who satisfied the definition of a household contact in the original publication.

Using the values we obtained for L and C with the values of other parameters from the literature (Table 1), we estimated that the number of child household contacts younger than 5 years who were eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment in 2017 ranged from less than one in four countries (i.e. Bahamas, Iceland, Luxembourg and Malta) to 350 000 (95% uncertainty interval, UI: 320 000–380 000) in India (Table 4; available at: Globally, the estimated number of child contacts eligible for preventive treatment was 1.27 million (95% UI: 1.24 to 1.31). Viewed regionally, the highest estimate was for the WHO South-East Asia Region: 510 000 (95% UI: 450 000–580 000; Table 5).

Table 4. Child household contactsa eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment, by country, 2017.

Country No. of notified, bacteriologically confirmed, pulmonary tuberculosis cases15 Estimated number of child household contactsa eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment, no. (95% UI)
Afghanistan 20 946 20 000 (19 000–22 000)
Albania 210 12 (8–17)
Algeria 6 575 1 100 (720–1 600)
Angola 27 086 25 000 (23 000–27 000)
Argentina 6 042 430 (270–590)
Armenia 369 80 (73–87)
Australia 780 33 (21–46)
Austria 379 10 (6.5–14)
Azerbaijan 3 125 340 (220–470)
Bahamas 16 1.0 (0.6–1.3)
Bahrain 80 8 (5–11)
Bangladesh 144 817 55 000 (50 000–59 000)
Belarus 2 171 81 (51–110)
Belgium 563 19 (12–26)
Belize 71 8.2 (5.2–11)
Benin 2 947 2 100 (1 900–2 300)
Bhutan 440 160 (140–170)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 5 412 1 800 (1 700–2 000)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 479 18 (11–24)
Botswana 2 098 780 (720–850)
Brazil 49 922 3 000 (1 900–4 100)
Brunei Darussalam 179 21 (13–29)
Bulgaria 694 19 (12–26)
Burkina Faso 3 841 3 300 (3 000–3 600)
Burundi 4 728 3 600 (3 300–3 900)
Cambodia 12 049 5 600 (5 100–6 000)
Cameroon 14 515 10 000 (9 500–11 000)
Canada 1 144 39 (24–53)
Cabo Verde 178 67 (61–73)
Central African Republic 5 146 3 500 (3 200–3 800)
Chad 5 162 4 500 (4 100–4 900)
Chile 2 028 120 (77–170)
China 235 547 11 000 (6 900–15 000)
China, Hong Kong SAR 2 486 74 (47–100)
China, Macao SAR 279 13 (8–17)
Colombia 8 627 630 (400–860)
Comoros 53 38 (35–41)
Congo 3 997 2 400 (2 200–2 600)
Costa Rica 313 20 (12–27)
Côte d'Ivoire 14 311 11 000 (10 000–12 000)
Croatia 287 9 (6–13)
Cuba 517 21 (13–28)
Cyprus 39 1.5 (1.0–2.1)
Czechia 366 12 (7–16)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 40 233 9 500 (8 700–10 000)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 98 516 85 000 (77 000–92 000)
Denmark 159 4.3 (2.7–5.8)
Djibouti 1 072 610 (550–660)
Dominican Republic 2 076 180 (120–250)
Ecuador 4 299 400 (260–550)
Egypt 3 660 1 800 (1 600–1 900)
El Salvador 3 029 950 (860–1 000)
Equatorial Guinea 893 550 (500–600)
Eritrea 770 490 (440–530)
Estonia 141 3.9 (2.5–5.4)
Eswatini 2 171 1 200 (1 100–1 300)
Ethiopia 46 148 28 000 (25 000–30 000)
Fiji 141 16 (10–22)
Finland 146 4.1 (2.6–5.6)
France 2 494 85 (54–120)
Gabon 2 301 1 100 (1 000–1 200)
Gambia 1 429 1 800 (1 700–2 000)
Georgia 1 780 390 (360–430)
Germany 3 262 74 (46–100)
Ghana 8 359 3 700 (3 400–4 000)
Greece 313 8 (5–12)
Guatemala 2 760 1 400 (1 300–1 500)
Guinea 7 737 6 900 (6 300–7 500)
Guinea-Bissau 1 769 2 100 (1 900–2 300)
Guyana 342 110 (99–120)
Haiti 10 633 4 700 (4 300–5 100)
Honduras 2 190 880 (800–960)
Hungary 333 9 (6–12)
Iceland 8 0.35 (0.22–0.48)
India 905 513 350 000 (320 000–380 000)
Indonesia 215 586 72 000 (66 000–78 000)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4 785 360 (230–490)
Iraq 2 676 700 (440–960)
Ireland 165 8 (5–11)
Israel 131 11 (7–15)
Italy 2 160 55 (35–75)
Jamaica 69 4 (3–5)
Japan 11 227 290 (180–400)
Jordan 179 30 (19–41)
Kazakhstan 9 489 3 300 (3 000–3 600)
Kenya 46 875 25 000 (23 000–27 000)
Kiribati 189 130 (120–140)
Kuwait 373 42 (27–58)
Kyrgyzstan 3 171 1 500 (1 400–1 700)
Lao People's Democratic Republic 3 876 2 000 (1 900–2 200)
Latvia 443 13 (8.5–18)
Lebanon 325 28 (18–39)
Lesotho 3 670 1 800 (1 600–1 900)
Liberia 3 382 2 300 (2 100–2 500)
Libya 514 68 (43–94)
Lithuania 1 004 32 (20–44)
Luxembourg 21 0.7 (0.5–1.0)
Madagascar 21 773 13 000 (12 000–15 000)
Malawi 6 984 4 600 (4 200–4 900)
Malaysia 15 888 1 400 (900–2 000)
Maldives 98 14 (9–20)
Mali 4 420 6 100 (5 500–6 600)
Malta 25 0.9 (0.6–1.2)
Mauritania 1 376 1 100 (1 000–1 200)
Mauritius 109 5.2 (3.3–7.1)
Mexico 14 883 1 300 (840–1 800)
Mongolia 1 861 690 (630–750)
Montenegro 58 2.7 (1.7–3.7)
Morocco 13 635 5 500 (5 000–5 900)
Mozambique 31 606 21 000 (19 000–23 000)
Myanmar 48 088 16 000 (15 000–17 000)
Namibia 5 867 3 200 (2 900–3 400)
Nepal 16 966 6 900 (6 300–7 500)
Netherlands 367 11 (7–15)
New Zealand 167 8 (5–10)
Nicaragua 1 676 650 (600–710)
Niger 8 288 8 800 (8 100–9 600)
Nigeria 75 980 53 000 (48 000–57 000)
North Macedonia 152 8 (5–11)
Norway 137 4.5 (2.8–6.2)
Oman 193 33 (21–45)
Pakistan 138 818 110 000 (98 000–120 000)
Panama 1 012 96 (61–130)
Papua New Guinea 3 944 2 400 (2 200–2 700)
Paraguay 1 823 740 (670–800)
Peru 19 956 6 200 (5 600–6 700)
Philippines 119 712 55 000 (51 000–60 000)
Poland 3 944 130 (81–180)
Portugal 1 112 30 (19–41)
Puerto Rico 30 1.1 (0.7–1.5)
Qatar 335 23 (14–31)
Republic of Korea 19 972 600 (380–820)
Republic of Moldova 1 880 220 (200–240)
Romania 8 686 280 (180–380)
Russian Federation 40 254 1 800 (1 100–2 400)
Rwanda 4 175 2 300 (2 100–2 500)
Samoa 13 10 (9–10)
Sao Tome and Principe 46 25 (23–27)
Saudi Arabia 1 802 230 (150–320)
Senegal 10 117 13 000 (12 000–14 000)
Serbia 781 31 (19–42)
Sierra Leone 9 674 7 700 (7 100–8 400)
Singapore 1 238 51 (32–69)
Slovakia 134 4.6 (2.9–6.3)
Slovenia 89 2.9 (1.8–3.9)
Solomon Islands 126 84 (76–91)
Somalia 7 691 7 400 (6 700–8 000)
South Africa 127 187 41 000 (37 000–45 000)
South Sudan 4 333 3 600 (3 300–3 900)
Spain 2 735 77 (48–100)
Sri Lanka 4 243 1 100 (1 000–1 200)
Sudan 7 419 6 000 (5 500–6 500)
Suriname 90 8 (5–11)
Sweden 273 9 (6–13)
Switzerland 348 10 (7–14)
Syrian Arab Republic 1 080 560 (510–610)
Tajikistan 2 820 2 100 (1 900–2 300)
Thailand 36 470 5 500 (5 100–6 000)
Timor-Leste 1 954 1 600 (1 500–1 800)
Togo 2 142 1 300 (1 200–1 400)
Trinidad and Tobago 120 6.9 (4.4–9.4)
Tunisia 956 91 (57–120)
Turkey 6 162 470 (300–650)
Turkmenistan 693 110 (69–150)
Uganda 27 039 21 000 (19 000–23 000)
Ukraine 16 561 1 900 (1 800–2 100)
United Arab Emirates 47 2.8 (1.8–3.8)
United Kingdom 2 245 82 (52–110)
United Republic of Tanzania 28 542 21 000 (19 000–23 000)
United States 5 848 230 (150–320)
Uruguay 613 30 (19–42)
Uzbekistan 5 705 2 600 (2 400–2 900)
Vanuatu 47 26 (24–28)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 7 189 670 (420–910)
Viet Nam 57 246 16 000 (14 000–17 000)
Yemen 3 487 3 000 (2 800–3 300)
Zambia 16 115 11 000 (9 700–12 000)
Zimbabwe 13 263 7 600 (7 000–8 300)

SAR: Special Administrative Region; UI: uncertainty interval.

a We defined a child household contact as a child younger than 5 years living in the same household as a person with active tuberculosis disease.

Table 5. Child household contactsa eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment, by region, 2017.

WHO Region No. of notified, bacteriologically confirmed, pulmonary tuberculosis cases15 Estimated number of child household contactsa eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment, no. (95% UI)
African 713 693 470 000 (440 000–490 000)
Of the Americas 152 730 25 000 (22 000–28 000)
South-East Asia 1 414 408 510 000 (450 000–580 000)
European 129 110 16 000 (14 000–18 000)
Eastern Mediterranean 210 073 150 000 (130 000–170 000)
Western Pacific 487 089 95 000 (83 000–110 000)
Global 3 107 103 1 270 000 (1 240 000–1 310 000)

UI: uncertainty interval; WHO: World Health Organization.

a We defined a child household contact as a child younger than 5 years living in the same household as a person with active tuberculosis disease.


We estimated that 1.27 million children younger than 5 years who were household contacts of people with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis were eligible for preventive treatment globally in 2017. According to the WHO Global tuberculosis report 2018, countries reported that 292 182 child contacts received preventive treatment in 2017, which makes the best estimate of the global coverage of preventive treatment in children only 23%.98

Our study has several limitations. First, our estimate of the number of child household contacts was based on the number of notified bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis cases. However, 3.6 million of the estimated 10.0 million people with incident tuberculosis globally in 2017 were neither reported nor enrolled in tuberculosis care.98 Consequently, our estimates are conservative, there would be substantially more eligible child contacts if all incident tuberculosis cases were considered. Second, we used national values for the average household size and for the proportion of the population younger than 5 years to estimate the number of child contacts. It is possible that the composition of households with a tuberculosis case may have differed from the national average and thus people with tuberculosis may have lived with a different number of children younger than 5 years from the national average. Furthermore, we did not consider people with tuberculosis who lived in a prison or nursing home. Doing so would have reduced the estimated number of child contacts, especially in countries where where number of tuberculosis cases among the prison and nursing home populations was high.the prison and nursing home populations were high. Third, we used the value for the average number of tuberculosis cases per household from our new systematic review for all countries, even though it may have varied between countries.

Fourth, in our updated systematic review, we observed substantial heterogeneity across studies in the prevalence of a latent tuberculosis infection among child household contacts in countries with a low tuberculosis burden. This heterogeneity probably reflects differences between studies in characteristic, such as the study population, setting, incidence of tuberculosis, the tuberculin skin test cut-off used and BCG status. We were unable to identify the source of the heterogeneity because the number of studies included in our subgroup analyses was small. Moreover, our estimates of the number of child household contacts eligible for preventive treatment in these countries were derived using an average value for the prevalence of a confirmed tuberculosis infection among child contacts, whereas the prevalence may have varied between countries. Using country-specific values would have given more accurate estimates. Nevertheless, as countries with a low tuberculosis burden accounted for only 14% of notified tuberculosis cases globally in 2017,14,98 their impact on our global estimate was small.

Fifth, we assumed that children were judged eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment according to WHO guidelines.5 However, eligibility criteria may have varied between countries according to national policy. Sixth, we used a value for the proportion of child household contacts of a tuberculosis case who had active tuberculosis themselves (T) that was derived from a modelling study in 22 countries with a high tuberculosis burden,17 which together accounted for 80% of the global burden. However, the prevalence of active disease among household contacts in these countries was likely to have been higher than in others. Consequently, by using this proportion, we may have underestimated the number of child household contacts without active tuberculosis disease who were, therefore, eligible for preventive treatment. Our estimates of the number of children eligible for preventive treatment need to be validated using national data on the number of child contacts from well-functioning surveillance systems or surveys. These data could also be used to assess the coverage of preventive treatment directly, which should give more accurate figures than our modelling estimates with their inherent limitations. Nevertheless, in the absence of such data, our estimates should help galvanize efforts to implement, and monitor the progress of, tuberculosis preventive treatment among child contacts.

In conclusion, using our estimate of the number of children younger than 5 years eligible for tuberculosis preventive treatment, we calculated that the coverage of preventive treatment in children in 2017 was only 23%. Despite its proven efficacy, tuberculosis preventive treatment is still being underutilized. As the End TB Strategy targets can only be achieved by addressing the pool of tuberculosis infection, urgent action is needed to scale up the implementation of preventive treatment.

Competing interests:

None declared.


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