Background: Improved treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF) can slow disease progression, promote clinical stability, and prolong survival.
Hypothesis: Patterns in diagnostic test utilization and pharmacotherapy among patients with newly diagnosed heart failure may affect outcomes.
Methods: Claims data were analyzed from all diagnostic procedures and prescriptions from 1995 to 1998 in 3,353 patients with heart failure diagnosed within 1 year. Rates of diagnostic testing and categories of drugs prescribed were the main outcome measures. Demographic variables and type of provider were analyzed within a setting whose access to care was controlled.
Results: Rates of diagnostic testing with respect to basic, metabolic/endocrine, alternative diagnoses, underlying ischemia, and left ventricular function varied as a function of gender, age, race, and primary versus specialty care provider. Only 4.7% of patients underwent all diagnostics and treatments recommended in current guidelines. However, those patients (27.5%) who underwent an evaluation for ischemic heart disease and were prescribed vasodilators or beta blockers enjoyed the lowest crude mortality.
Conclusions: There are multiple opportunities apparent to improve the initial diagnostic and therapeutic care of patients with heart failure. There appears to be an early survival benefit with respect to use of vasodilators and beta blockers within the first year of treatment.
Keywords: heart failure, diagnostic testing, pharmacotherapy, mortality, primary care, health services research
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