At optimal doses, individual antihypertensive agents lower blood pressure (BP) by an average of 10 mmHg. Many patients with hypertension, including those with stage 3 hypertension, target organ damage, or those at high risk for cardiovascular events and/or adverse effects of high‐dose monotherapy, are likely to require combination antihypertensive drug treatment to achieve the recommended systolic/diastolic BP (< 140/90 mmHg). Two studies, a placebo‐controlled, double‐blind trial (n = 70) and a community‐based, open‐label trial (n = 491) investigated the antihypertensive efficacy of doxazosin, a long‐acting selective α1‐adrenoceptor blocker, as add‐on therapy for uncontrolled hypertension with other antihypertensive medications and in patients with concomitant benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and treated but inadequately controlled hypertension, respectively. The addition of doxazosin to baseline antihypertensive medication(s) significantly lowered BP and had a significantly positive effect on the serum lipid profile. In patients with concomitant BPH, doxazosin significantly improved all BPH symptom scores, regardless of initial symptom severity. Add‐on doxazosin sufficiently reduced systolic/diastolic BP such that many patients whose hypertension was previously uncontrolled by other antihypertensive medications were able to reach goal BP (< 140/90 mmHg). Doxazosin as add‐on therapy was well tolerated. In conclusion, doxazosin as add‐on therapy improves BP control in hypertensive patients not at goal BP and improves lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with concomitant BPH.
Keywords: hypertension, doxazosin, benign prostatic, hyperplasia
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