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. 2006 Dec 5;28(7):321–328. doi: 10.1002/clc.4960280704

Global differences in blood pressure control and clinical outcomes in the INternational VErapamil SR‐Trandolapril Study (INVEST)

Issam Zineh 1,2, Rhonda M Cooper‐Dehoff 3, Timothy R Wessel 3, Christopher B Arant 3, Peter Sleight 4, Edward A Geiser 3, Carl J Pepine 3,
PMCID: PMC6654628  PMID: 16075824


Background: The INternational VErapamil SR‐Trandolapril Study (INVEST), a prospective, randomized, antihypertensive trial, found that two different medication regimens produced similar blood pressure (BP) control with equivalent cardiovascular (CV) outcomes (death from any cause, nonfatal myocardial infarction [MI], or nonfatal stroke).

Hypothesis: The study was undertaken to investigate whether differences exist by global regions in demographics, treatment, and outcomes in the INVEST trial.

Methods: Data were analyzed for 22,576 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) enrolled in INVEST. We investigated differences in patient characteristics, treatment approaches, BP control, and clinical outcomes by creating three global regions based on geographical location: Northern Americas (NA), Caribbean (CA), and Eurasia (EA).

Results: We observed significant regional differences in patient characteristics, treatment patterns, BP control, and CV outcomes. At baseline, patients from NA were older and had greater body mass index, higher rates of diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and coronary revascularization, but lower rates of MI or left ventricular hypertrophy than patients in CA and EA. At 24 months, there were regional differences in both study and nonstudy antihypertensive drug use. Despite having higher mean baseline BP, patients from CA and EA achieved lower mean systolic BP throughout study follow‐up. Furthermore, patients from both CA and EA had lower rates of all‐cause mortality, fatal or nonfatal MI, fatal or nonfatal stroke, and newly diagnosed diabetes than patients from NA.

Conclusions: In INVEST, regional differences in medication utilization, BP control, and CV outcomes were identified. These disparities warrant further investigation to define appropriate care for patients with hypertension and stable CAD from an international public health perspective.

Keywords: hypertension, blood pressure, coronary artery disease, international, practice patterns, regional differences, clinical outcomes, INVEST

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