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. 2019 Jun 27;8:e47001. doi: 10.7554/eLife.47001

Table 2. Neuro-behavioral modeling of the VE.

The significance of each predictor was tested at selected time points at the whole-brain level (p≤0.05, FWE corrected). The table provides the peak coordinates of significant clusters, the anatomical regions contributed to significant clusters (based on the AAL Atlas), peak beta values and cluster-based t-values (df = 23). The overlap was defined as grid points contributing to both a significant effect for LDAA_AV and LDAV_AV (at any time). L: left hemisphere; R: right hemisphere. BA: Brodmann area. **sum of 2 spatially separate clusters.

Regressor Post-stim. time (ms) Anatomical labels MNI coord. (peak)
Brodmann Area
β t-value
LDAA_AV 70 L: Temporal Mid/Sup., Rolandic Oper, Postcentral, Heschl −47,–19, −19
BA 20
160 L: Parietal Inf/Sup., Precuneus, Cuneus
Occipital Sup
−24,–60, 69
BA 07
LDAV_AV 120 L/R: Occipital Mid., Calcarine
R: Occipital Sup., Temporal Mid., Lingual, Cuneus
24,–92, 13
BA 18
- L: Temporal Mid
Parietal Sup, Cuneus, Precuneus
−58,–41, −6
(CTEMP, BA 21)
−14,–60, 70
(CPAR, BA 05, 07)