Table 2. Neuro-behavioral modeling of the VE.
VE ~ 1 + LDAA_AV + LDAV_AV | ||||
Regressor | Post-stim. time (ms) | Anatomical labels | MNI coord. (peak) Brodmann Area |
β t-value (tsum) |
LDAA_AV | 70 | L: Temporal Mid/Sup., Rolandic Oper, Postcentral, Heschl | −47,–19, −19 BA 20 |
−4.1 (−392) |
160 | L: Parietal Inf/Sup., Precuneus, Cuneus Occipital Sup |
−24,–60, 69 BA 07 |
−4.0 (−181) |
LDAV_AV | 120 | L/R: Occipital Mid., Calcarine R: Occipital Sup., Temporal Mid., Lingual, Cuneus |
24,–92, 13 BA 18 |
9.1 (7188)** |
- | L: Temporal Mid Parietal Sup, Cuneus, Precuneus |
−58,–41, −6 (CTEMP, BA 21) −14,–60, 70 (CPAR, BA 05, 07) |
- |