Correction: In the article “Parallel Use of Two Behavioral Mechanisms for Chemotaxis in Caenorhabditis elegans” by Yuichi Iino and Kazushi Yoshida, which appeared on pages 5370–5380 of the April 29, 2009 issue, there was an error in the presentation of the unit for NaCl gradient. In Fig. 2C,D,E, Fig. 4C,D,E,F, Fig. 6, and supplemental Figs. 2E and 4, the unit for NaCl gradient was erroneously depicted as mM/mm, but it is in fact mM/cm. Also in Materials and Methods, there were two errors. In the right column of page 5371, the 29th line from the bottom should read “in millimolars per centimeter” instead of “in millimolars per millimeter”, and the last line of the same column should read cm instead of mm. These were problems of presentation and all other results including the computer simulation in Fig. 3, which were based on the relationship in Fig. 2C, remain unaffected.
. 2009 Aug 26;29(34):np.
Correction for Yuichi Iino et al., Parallel Use of Two Behavioral Mechanisms for Chemotaxis in Caenorhabditis elegans
PMCID: PMC6665697
This corrects the article "Parallel Use of Two Behavioral Mechanisms for Chemotaxis in Caenorhabditis elegans
" on page 5370.