Correction: The article “Activity of Renshaw Cells during locomotor-Like Rhythmic Activity in the Isolated Spinal Cord of Neonatal Mice,” by Hiroshi Nishimaru, Carlos E. Restrepo, and Ole Kiehn, which appeared on pages 5320–5328 of the May 17, 2006 issue, should have been classified as a Behavioral/Systems/Cognitive article and not a Brief Communication.
. 2006 May 24;26(21):np.
Correction for Nishimaru et al., Activity of Renshaw Cells during Locomotor-Like Rhythmic Activity in the Isolated Spinal Cord of Neonatal Mice
PMCID: PMC6675281
This corrects the article "Activity of Renshaw Cells during Locomotor-Like Rhythmic Activity in the Isolated Spinal Cord of Neonatal Mice" on page 5320.