Nucleic Acids Research,2019, 47(4): e21,
The Authors wish to make the following corrections to their article.
Due to a bug in the code used to compute the genome coverage of the predicted TFBSs, an error was introduced in the article. The current text states that the authors’ predictions cover >4% of the human genome while it covers >2% instead. The article has been corrected as described below. This error was found in the code computing the genome coverage and does not impact the results and conclusions of the article.
… Our work culminated with predicted interactions covering >2% of the human genome, obtained by uniformly processing 1983 ChIP-seq peak data sets from the ReMap database for 232 unique TFs …
INTRODUCTION (middle of the last paragraph)
… The set of predicted direct TF–DNA interactions derived from PWMs covers >2% of the human genome …
Predicting direct TF–DNA interactions in the human genome from ChIP-seq data (last sentence)
… This set of direct TF–DNA interactions (TFBSs) extracted from the enrichment zones covers >2% of the human genome, encompassing 8 304 135 distinct TFBS locations.