Table 2.
Mediation of ADHD on task error rates using overlap-corrected, factored rERP amplitudes
Indirect Effect | Direct Effect | Mediation | ||
a | b | c’ | ab | |
t (df) | t (df) | t (df) | p(|ab|) | |
PMPCORRECT | −2.14 (62) * | −2.42 (82) * | 2.35 (68) * | * |
PMPINCONGRUENT | −0.92 (59) | −1.96 (82) | 2.96 (67) ** |
Note. Results from mediation analyses, whereby the total effect of ADHD symptom count on overall task error rate has been partitioned into indirect (paths a and b) and direct (path c’) effects. Mediation has occurred when the reduction in total to direct effect is significant, or equivalently, when the magnitude of the indirect effect ab is significant (p < .05). T-statistics were computed by dividing linear regression coefficients by their standard errors; denominator degrees of freedom (df) were determined by Kenward-Roger approximation (see text). Significant paths are denoted by asterisks
p < .05
p < .01.