FIG 5.
C. crescentus is subjected to phosphate depletion in combination with pH 8.5 and excess ammonium in its natural environment during algal bloom season. (A) Graph of phosphate and ammonium concentrations and pH of Lake Ekoln in Sweden taken from 0.5 m depth in 2017. Data were extracted from the national data host for lakes and watercourses (Miljödata MVM, SLU, Sweden)., A typical time frame for the occurrence of algal blooms is indicated in green. (B) Yearly average of the relative abundances of species belonging to the Caulobacter genus and residual Caulobacteraceae. (C) Fluorescence microscopy images of FISH analysis using a probe binding to organisms of the Caulobacter genus (see Fig. S4B). DAPI stain was used to visualize cells. Atto 488 probe signal indicates cells that were bound by the probe. Bar, 5 μm. (D) Phase-contrast microscopy images of C. crescentus CB2 and CB51 and Brevundimonas bacteroides CB7 during the exponential-growth phase and after 27 days of growth in PYEX.