(A) Absolute counts of CD19+ and CD19+CD23+ Follicular (FO) B cells from the spleens of 7 wk old C57BL/6 (black), Ighg3T2A-Cre:TdTomato (red), and Ighg3T2A-Cre:DTA (blue) mice. (B) Absolute counts of marginal zone B (MZ) (CD19+CD23–CD21+), B-1a (CD19+CD23–CD23–CD43+CD5+), and B-1b (CD19+CD23–CD23–CD43+CD5–) cells in the spleens of 7 wk old C57BL/6 (black), Ighg3T2A-Cre:TdTomato (red), or Ighg3T2A-Cre:DTA (blue) mice. (C) Percentage Tomato expression in various B cell subsets, as described in (B), in the spleens of 7 wk old Ighg3T2A-Cre:TdTomato mice. (D) Representative flow cytometry plot characterizing expression of CD43 and CD19 on pregated Tomato+CD19+IgM–IgG3– splenocytes from a 7 wk old Ighg3T2A-Cre:TdTomato mice. (E) Absolute counts of CD19+, B-1a (CD19+CD23–CD23–CD43+CD5+), and B-1b (CD19+CD23–CD23–CD43+CD5–) cells in the peritoneal cavities (PerC) of 7 wk old C57BL/6 (black), Ighg3T2A-Cre:TdTomato (red), or Ighg3T2A-Cre:DTA (blue) mice. (F) Percentage Tomato expression in various B cell subsetsm as described in (E), in the peritoneal cavity (PerC) of 7 wk old Ighg3T2A-Cre:TdTomato mice. Each data point represents an individual mouse. Data are representative of two (A, B, E) or at 5 (C, D, F) independent experiments.