Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a chronic debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder with multiple risk factors involving numerous complex genetic influences. We examined and updated a master list of clinically relevant and susceptibility genes associated with SCZ reported in the literature and genomic databases dedicated to gene discovery for characterization of SCZ genes. We used the commercially available GeneAnalytics computer-based gene analysis program and integrated genomic databases to create a molecular profile of the updated list of 608 SCZ genes to model their impact in select categories (tissues and cells, diseases, pathways, biological processes, molecular functions, phenotypes and compounds) using specialized GeneAnalytics algorithms. Genes for schizophrenia were predominantly expressed in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, medulla oblongata, thalamus and hypothalamus. Psychiatric/behavioral disorders incorporating SCZ genes included ADHD, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder and alcohol dependence as well as cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, sleep disturbances and inflammation. Function based analysis of major biological pathways and mechanisms associated with SCZ genes identified glutaminergic receptors (e.g., GRIA1, GRIN2, GRIK4, GRM5), serotonergic receptors (e.g., HTR2A, HTR2C), GABAergic receptors (e.g., GABRA1, GABRB2), dopaminergic receptors (e.g., DRD1, DRD2), calcium-related channels (e.g., CACNA1H, CACNA1B), solute transporters (e.g., SLC1A1, SLC6A2) and for neurodevelopment (e.g., ADCY1, MEF2C, NOTCH2, SHANK3). Biological mechanisms involving synaptic transmission, regulation of membrane potential and transmembrane ion transport were identified as leading molecular functions associated with SCZ genes. Our approach to interrogate SCZ genes and their interactions at various levels has increased our knowledge and insight into the disease process possibly opening new avenues for therapeutic intervention.
Keywords: Schizophrenia spectrum, Genome wide pathway analysis, Function and biological mechanism, Gene interaction
1. Introduction
Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a complex debilitating psychiatric disorder affecting approximately 7 in 1000 people in their lifetime (McGrath et al., 2008) and ranked as one of the top 15 leading causes of disability worldwide (Steel, 2016). The symptoms of schizophrenia can be broadly divided into positive symptoms (delusion, hallucination, disorganized thought and behavior), negative symptoms (blunt affect, anhedonia, avolition, alogia and alexithymia) and cognitive symptoms (poor executive functioning, poor working memory and attention problems) (https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/schizophrenia-booklet-12-2015/index.shtml). These symptoms appear abruptly or may develop progressively usually in late adolescence or early adulthood but typically evolve into remitting and relapsing cycles throughout life. Affected individuals are at increased risk for psychiatric comorbidities including substance abuse and suicide (Mueser et al., 1995; Hor and Taylor, 2010). Medical comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are increasingly found in patients with SCZ when compared with the general population (Oud and Meyboom-de Jong, 2009). Adults with SCZ are also at increased risk of premature death and their life span reduced by 15–25 years compared with the general population (Olfson et al., 2015). Given the debilitating nature of this disease many studies have been conducted to understand the etiopathogenesis of SCZ and to devise effective patient care and management.
SCZ is a neuropsychiatric disorder with a heritability estimate of 65–80% showing a non-Mendelian inheritance pattern (Sullivan et al., 2003; Lichtenstein et al., 2009). Various genetic studies during the past two decades have identified risk loci and genes associated with SCZ (International Schizophrenia Consortium, 2009; Stefansson et al., 2009; Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) Consortium, 2011; Ripke et al., 2013; Giusti-Rodríguez and Sullivan, 2013; Mowry and Gratten, 2013). Large genome-wide association studies to date have identified 108 significant regions with increased risk for SCZ (Ripke et al., 2014). Not all variants in and around the genes identified have a direct causal relationship (Need and Goldstein, 2014). SCZ is a polygenic disorder with 560 genes currently recognized in the literature or proposed in SCZ etiopathogenesis (Butler et al., 2016b). Examination of these genes individually and mapped into biological pathways will advance understanding of the disease mechanism associated with SCZ. Further, the information learned may facilitate the development of new therapeutic options for the management of SCZ. Genes can be linked to biological pathways in various online sources (e.g. Reactome, KEGG, PharnGKB, Wikipathways, Pathcards). One such source ‘Pathcards’ (http://pathcards.genecards.org) has consolidated various pathways into ‘superpaths’ by linking their gene content decreasing pathway redundancy and improving gene-related pathway information (Belinky et al., 2015). Evaluation of interpathway connectivity will advance understand the gene-gene interaction related to the disease process of schizophrenia and its associated comorbidities.
The aim of the current study was to update and interrogate a master list of clinically recognized or susceptibility genes associated with SCZ and conduct a genome-wide pathway and functional analysis using the GeneAnalytics computer-based program and integrated genomic databases. This approach was undertaken to identify and describe gene interactions and disturbed pathways and related functions to gain a better understanding of causation leading to potentially new ther apeutic directions for this psychiatric disorder.
2. Materials and methods
We used PubMed database to search for combined keywords such as schizophrenia, human genes, genetics, gene variants and mutations as similarly undertaken by Butler et al. (2016b) to update the master list of 560 genes considered to be clinically relevant or susceptibility genes for SCZ in the original report based upon their proposed role in causation, pathology or course of illness or with possible impact upon treatment (Butler et al., 2016b). Genetic data, functional analysis and SNP level information obtained through this comprehensive literature review identified genes predicted to have ‘clinically relevant’ impact on outcomes in individuals with schizophrenia pertaining to susceptibility, course and response to treatment. We restricted our current search to articles published since 2015 and our search results were frozen on October 10, 2016. Inclusion criteria were: 1) experimental or clinical studies on human genes, 2) articles in English language, 3) review and meta-analysis data included and searched for primary articles. Exclusion criteria included: 1) experimental or animal models and 2) articles on noncoding genes/mitochondrial DNA. Genes extracted from research articles were checked for aliases and overlap using previously published SCZ genes master list (Butler et al., 2016b) and online databases OMIM and GeneCards. We also included a compilation of SCZ genes updated from a reported database (www.szdb.org; Wu et al., 2017) in addition to the PubMed literature search. Further validation in the form of gene expression/human or animal studies were checked for the newly recognized or proposed SCZ genes. Previously, two reports and a review of the application of the GeneAnalytics program were published (Butler et al., 2016a, 2016b; Ben-Ari Fuchs et al., 2016). The reports by Butler et al. (2016a, 2016b) used this approach to study genome-wide pathways, diseases and functional analysis of a compiled list of genes for human reproduction and infertility and an early version of a SCZ gene dataset.
We also obtained a random gene list of 600 genes through the free online search engine molbiotools (http://www.molbiotools.com/randomgenesetgenerator.html) for validating GeneAnalytics profiling and convergent pathway analysis.
2.1. GeneAnalytics program and integrated databases
GeneAnalytics is a novel, commercially available computer-based gene-set analytic tool available in the GeneCards suite developed by LifeMap Sciences (http://www.lifemapsc.com/products/genecards-suite-premium-tools/). GeneCards suite incorporates integrated post-genomic databases available for researchers to explore widely accessible and annotated predicted human genes (Stelzer et al., 2016). The GeneAnalytics program leverages information from LifeMap Discovery (http://discovery.lifemapsc.com/), GeneCards (http://www.genecards.org/) and MalaCards (http://www.malacards.org/) for the query of human gene-sets for subscribers. The GeneAnalytics program uses select tailored and proprietary algorithms correlating factors such as specificity, abundance and function with normalized genetic influences on matching scores based on the cumulative binomial distribution. The results are categorized into tissues and cells, diseases, pathways, biological processes, molecular functions, phenotypes and compounds (Ben-Ari Fuchs et al., 2016). Matching scores for query genes are generated based on the similarities between query genes and the associated entity and divided into high, medium and low score categories. Genetic and SNP level information obtained through our literature review were utilized to identify genes predicted to be clinically relevant and impacting clinical outcomes in individuals with schizophrenia. We profiled the function of these genes, collectively, in order to identify biological pathways of greatest importance to clinical outcomes. The GeneAnalytics algorithms utilized do not assess the influence of individual SNPs or copy number changes. The GeneAnalytics program was able to recognize 597 of our list of 600 random genes yielding a molecular profile containing three high score matches under the Diseases category (colorectal cancer, breast cancer and neuroblastoma). No high score matches were identified for any of the remaining six GeneAnalytics categories. The following profile of GeneAnalytics categories was generated for our list of genes with clinical relevance to schizophrenia.
2.2. Tissues and cells
Detailed information on normal cells, anatomical compartments (specific regions within an organ/tissue), organs, tissues and high-throughput experiments are matched to the query gene lists as specific entities (cells, tissues, organs, anatomical compartments) and large scale data samples from combined data from human, mouse and also to a lesser extent from chicken, rat or pig genes. This analysis is based on gene expression data available in the LifeMap Discovery database (http://discovery.lifemapsc.com/; Edgar et al., 2013).
2.3. Diseases
The information on associated diseases is available in the MalaCards database (http://www.malacards.org/; Rappaport et al., 2013) and GeneCards database is utilized to analyze gene – disease relationship. Each gene in a disease category is scored based on their relationship to that disease.
2.4. Superpaths/pathways
The PathCards unifies multiple pathway sources available in GeneCards to form ‘Superpaths’. Integrated pathways are drawn from various sources using an algorithm and unified into ‘Superpaths’ based on the gene content reducing redundancy for improved pathway inferences and enrichment. The matching algorithm used is based on GeneDecks Set Distiller Tool (Stelzer et al., 2009) with normalized genetic influences on matching score based on the cumulative binomial distribution. Significant results have a p value < 1/total number of potential matches in the category. The scores are equal to the −log2 of the resulting p value.
2.5. GO-biological processes and GO-molecular functions
The functional role of query genes in terms of biological and molecular functions are integrated based into the GeneCards database from the Gene Ontology Project (Gene Ontology Consortium, 2008). According to gene ontology consortium, ‘biological process is a series of events accomplished by one or more organized assembly of molecular function’ involving more than one step with a defined beginning and end relevant to living cells, tissues, organs or organisms. A molecular function is defined as ‘the elemental activities of a gene product at the molecular level’ (http://geneontology.org/page/ontology-documentation).
2.6. Phenotypes
The GeneCards database gene-phenotype analysis incorporates data information from Mouse Genome Informatics (http://www.informatics.jax.org/) and Human Phenotype Ontology project (http://human-phenotype-ontology.github.io/).The phenotype- gene link is based on phenotypes of a particular syndrome and the corresponding genes related to that disorder.
2.7. Compounds
GeneCards database integrates information from various sources for compound and drug associations including DrugBank (https://www.drugbank.ca/), ApexBio (http://www.apexbt.com/), Drug Gene Interaction Database (http://dgidb.genome.wustl.edu/), FDA Approved Drugs (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsatfda/index.cfm), ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/), PharmGKB (https://www.pharmgkb.org/), International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology(http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/) Novo seek, Human Metabolome Database (http://www.hmdb.ca/), BitterDB (http://bitterdb.agri.huji.ac.il/dbbitter.php) and Tocris Biosciences (https://www.tocris.com/).
3. Results
Our new search for SCZ genes found 52 additional genes associated with SCZ (see Table 1), and when combined with the updated original list of genes reported by Butler et al. (2016b), a total of 608 genes were reported. A complete list of updated SCZ genes with references can be found in Supplementary Table 1 including evidence based on GWAS, linkage and association studies; gene expression, function or methylation status and copy number variant, cytogenetic anomaly, noncoding (miRNA) targets or single gene variant analyses. The majority of evidence was reported with GWAS, linkage or association studies indicating a specific gene contributed to SCZ (see Supplementary Table 1). The results from the GeneAnalytics program analysis were grouped into seven categories (tissues and cells, diseases, pathways/superpaths, GO-biological processes, GO-molecular functions, phenotypes and compounds.
Table 1.
Currently updated list of clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia analyzed by GeneAnalytics program.
Gene symbols (N = 608) | |||||||||
ABCA13 | BIK | CSMD1 | FAM69A | GRIN2B | HTR6 | MGRN1 | OXTR | RGS9 | STT3A |
ABCB1 | BORCS7a | CTLA4 | FAM84A | GRIN2C | HTR7 | MGST1 | PAFAH1B1 | RIMS1a | STX1B |
ACE | BTN2A2 | CTRLa | FGF1 | GRIN3A | IFITM3 | NTF3 | PAWR | RNF5 | SULT4A1 |
ACHE | BTN3A1 | CYBB | FGR | GRIN3B | IL10 | NTNG1 | PBRM1 | RSRC1 | SYN2 |
ACSL6 | BTN3A2 | CYFIP1a | FMNL2 | GRIP1 | IL12B | NTRK1 | PCGEM1 | RTN4 | SYN3 |
ACSM1 | C12orf65 | CYP17A1 | FNBP1L | GRK3 | ILIA | NTRK2 | PCM1 | RTN4R | SYNGR1 |
ADAMTSL3a | C2orf82 | CYP1A2 | FOXP2 | GRM2 | IL1B | MICB | PCNT | RXRB | SYT11 |
ADCY1 | CACNA1B | CYP2C19 | FTCDNL1 | GRM3 | IL1RN | MIR137 | PDE4B | S100A10 | TAAR6 |
ADCYAP1 | CACNA1H | CYP3A4 | FXYD6 | GRM5 | IL3RA | MKL1 | PDYN | SATB2a | TAF15 |
ADGRB3 | CACNAla | CYP3A5 | FYN | GRM7 | IL4 | MLC1 | PEMT | SBK1 | TAP2 |
ADIPOQ | CACNB2 | DAO | FZD3 | GRM8 | IL6 | MMP16 | PER3 | SDCCAG8 | TBX1 |
ADRB3 | CBS | DCDC2 | GABRA6 | GSTT1 | ITIH3 | MYH9 | PI4KA | SGK1 | TLE3a |
AHCYL2 | CCK | DGCR2 | GABRB3 | HCRTR1 | JAG2 | MY018Ba | PIK3C3 | SHMT1 | TMED5 |
ALDH3B1 | CD46a | DICER1 | GABRP | HIST1H2BC | KCNH7 | NCANa | PLA2G4C | SLC17A3 | TNR |
ALDH5A1 | CDC42 | DISCI | GABRR1 | HIST1H2BD | KCNN3 | NDE1 | PLA2G4D | SLC17A6 | TP53 |
AMBRAla | CDC42SE2 | DISC2 | GABRR2 | HIST1H2BG | KDM3Ba | NDEL1 | PLA2G6 | SLC17A7 | TPH1 |
ANK3 | CDK6 | DKK2 | GAD1 | HIST1H2BH | KIAA0513 | NDST3a | PLA2G7 | SLC18A1 | TPH2 |
ANKK1 | CEACAM21 | DLG1 | GAD2 | HIST1H2BI | KIAA1644 | NETO1 | PLAA | SLC18A2 | TRIM26 |
APOE | CHD1 | DNMT1 | GBP4 | HLA-A | LEP | NFATC3a | PNOC | SLC1A3 | TSPAN18a |
APOL2 | CHI3L1 | DOCK4 | GCLM | HLA-DQA1 | LPL | NLGN1 | POM121L2 | SLC1A6 | TXNDC5 |
APOL4 | CHL1 | DPP10 | GDNF | HLA-DQB1 | LRP1a | NLRP1 | PON1 | SLC24A5 | UBE3C |
AR | CHRM1 | DPYD | GFRA2 | HLA-DRB1 | LRRC4 | NOD2 | PPARG | SLC.38A 7a | UFD1L |
ARHGAP18 | CHRM2 | DPYSL2 | GFRA3a | HLA-DRB3 | LSM1 | NOS1 | PPP1R1B | SLC39A8 | UGT1A4 |
ARHGAP44 | CHRM4a | DR1 | GJA5a | HLA-DRB9 | LTA | NOS1AP | PPP2R2B | SLC5A7 | UHMK1 |
ARNTL | CHRM5 | DRD1 | GJA8a | HNMT | M1AP | NOS3 | PPP3CC | SLC6A2 | VAMP4 |
ASCL1 | CHRNA7 | DRD5 | GLUD1 | HRH1 | MAGI2 | NPAS3 | PRNP | SLC9A3R2 | VRK2 |
ATF2 | CLCN3a | DTNBP1 | GNB1L | HRH3 | MAN2A1a | NPY | PRODH2 | SLX4 | WWC1 |
ATE4 | CLDN5 | EFHD1a | GNB3 | HSPA1A | MAOA | NQOl | PRRT4 | SMARCA2 | XBP1 |
ATF5 | CLINT1 | EGF | GPHN | HSPA1B | MAOB | NR4A1 | PRSS16 | SMG6a | XKR4 |
ATP2A2a | CLOCK | EGR2 | GPR50 | HSPA1L | MAP2K4 | NR4A2 | PTBP3 | SNAP25 | YES1 |
ATP5A1 | CLla | EGR3 | GPR85 | HSPA6 | MAPK14 | NRG1 | PTGS2 | SNAP29 | YWHAE |
ATXN1 | CMYA5 | ELK1 | GPX1 | HSPA7 | MAPK3 | NRG2 | PTPN21 | SNAP91a | YWHAH |
ATXN7a | CNNM2 | EML5 | GRAMD4 | HTR1A | MAPT | NRG3 | PTPRZ1 | SNX19 | ZBTB42 |
ATXN8OS | CNP | EN2 | GRIA1 | HTR1B | MAU2 | NRGN | QKI | SOD2 | ZDHHC5a |
AUTS2 | CNR1 | EPC2a | GRIA2 | HTR1D | MCHR1 | NRXN1 | QPCT | SOX10 | ZDHHC8 |
AXIN1 | CNTF | ERBB3 | GRIA3 | HTR2A | MDGA1 | NRXN3 | RAI1 | SP4 | ZEB2 |
B3GNT2 | CNTN4a | ERBB4 | GRIA4 | HTR2C | MDKa | NSD3 | RANBP2 | SP8 | ZNF184 |
BCL11Ba | CNTNAP5 | FAAH | GRIK3 | HTR3B | MED1 | NTAN1a | RELN | SRD5A1 | ZNF804A |
BCL2L13 | COMT | FABP3 | GRIK4 | HTR3C | MED12 | NT5C2 | RENBPa | SREBF1 | ZSCAN31a |
BCL9 | CPLX2 | FABP7 | GRIN1 | HTR3E | MEF2Ca | NUDT9P1 | REST | SRR | |
CRKL | HTR4 | NUMBL | RGS2 | ST3GAL1 | |||||
CSF2RA | OLIG2 | ST6GAL2 | |||||||
Newly added genes (N = 52) to the master gene list in Butler et al. (2016a) as underlined and marked in bold.
3.1. Tissues and cells
The results from the study of tissues and cells showed that 577 SCZ genes were matched to 16,311 entities and of these 1181 were matched as in vivo and 450 were matched as in vitro. The matched entities represented 632 cells, 131 anatomical compartments, 37 organs/tissues and 8318 from high-throughput experiments. There were 1113 genes from prenatal samples and 962 genes were expressed in postnatal samples. Five anatomical brain compartments included the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, medulla oblongata, thalamus and hypothalamus with the highest match scores ranging from 34.6 to 26.6 (see Table 2 and Supplementary Table 2). There were nine medium score matches (range: 24.6 to 12.7) and 1617 low score matches (range: 12.1 to 0.02). A total of 96 genes were found to overlap in all five high match anatomical brain compartments.
Table 2.
Top five categories for tissues and cells with expression of clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score | Tissues | Total number of genes with expression in tissues and cells identified from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
34.64 | Cerebellum | 3335 | 224 (36.8) |
32.35 | Cerebral cortex | 5055 | 275 (45.2) |
29.83 | Medulla oblongata | 2179 | 201 (33.0) |
26.72 | Thalamus | 1666 | 175 (28.7) |
26.65 | Hypothalamus | 1736 | 181 (29.7) |
3.2. Diseases
The top ten high scoring associated diseases using the compiled list of SCZ genes with the GeneAnalytics program and integrated genomic databases and the list of matched genes are given in Supplementary Table 3. Of the total 608 analyzed SCZ genes, 5535 matched to 3821 disease entities. There were 74 high score matches (range: 144 to 13.3), 712 medium score matches (range: 13.2 to 4.3) and 3035 low score matches (range: 4.3 to 0.0). Not surprisingly, schizophrenia had the highest score (score: 144) followed by ADHD (score: 43.6). The percentage of the matched genes in each disease category is given in Table 3. The BDNF gene was found in nine of the top ten diseases in the Diseases category.
Table 3.
Top ten categories of diseases associated with clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score | Diseases | Total number of genes identified in diseases from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
144.21 | Schizophrenia | 237 | 166 (27.3) |
43.67 | Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder | 69 | 43 (7.0) |
42.60 | Alcohol dependence | 72 | 43 (7.2) |
39.38 | Psychotic disorder | 39 | 37 (6.0) |
37.57 | Parkinson disease, late-onset | 123 | 41 (6.7) |
36.76 | Alzheimer disease | 556 | 41 (6.7) |
36.69 | Disease of mental health | 60 | 37 (9.8) |
36.53 | Neuroblastoma | 993 | 69 (11.3) |
35.33 | Autism spectrum disorder | 116 | 39 (6.4) |
34.10 | Colorectal cancer | 819 | 54 (8.8) |
3.3. Superpaths/pathways
Of the analyzed list of 608 SCZ genes, 482 genes were matched to 289 Superpath entities. There were 193 high scoring entities (range: 166 and 13.4), 96 medium score matches (range: 13.2 to 10.0) and no low score matches. Top ten superpathways and the number of matched genes are given in Table 4 (see Supplementary Table 4 for the list of individual matched genes). Circadian entrainment, neuroscience and transmission across chemical synapses were the top three pathways in the Superpaths category with matching scores 166, 164 and 137, respectively. The gene GRIN1 was present in nine of the top ten pathways in the Superpaths category excluding the monoamine GPCRs (G-protein coupled receptors) superpathway.
Table 4.
Top ten categories of superpaths associated with clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score | Superpaths | Total number of genes identified in superpaths from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
166.10 | Circadian entrainment | 373 | 130 (21.3) |
164.87 | Neuroscience | 323 | 84 (13.8) |
137.11 | Transmission across chemical synapses | 351 | 78 (12.8) |
100.56 | Peptide ligand-binding receptors | 673 | 89 (14.6) |
97,42 | Nicotine addiction | 40 | 29 (4.7) |
85.91 | CREB pathway | 528 | 73 (12.0) |
84.71 | SIDS susceptibility pathways | 164 | 73 (12.0) |
84.03 | Amphetamine addiction | 82 | 33 (5.4) |
80.22 | Monoamine GPCRS | 44 | 26 (4.2) |
66.94 | Calcium signaling pathway | 182 | 39 (6.4) |
3.4. GO-biological processes and GO-molecular functions
A total of 488 of the compiled list of SCZ genes matched to 252 biological processes with the top ten high scoring entities and their matched genes shown in Supplementary Table 5. There were 182 high score matches (range: 138 to 13.3), 70 medium score matches (range: 13.1 to 11.8) and no low score matches. Chemical synaptic transmission had the highest score of 138 with 69 matched genes (see Table 5). No common genes were found representing the top ten GO-biological processes. In the GO-Molecular Function category, 508 genes of the 608 SCZ genes were matched to 87 entities. The top ten molecular function and matched genes are given in Supplementary Table 6. There were 54 high scoring matches (range: 70.361.6 to 13.4), 33 medium score matches (range: 13.2 to 9.9) and no low score matches. Ion channel activity, extracellular ligand gated ion channel activity, inotropic glutamate receptor activity and extracellular glutamate gated ion channel activity scored > 50.0. The ‘protein binding’ entity (score: 26.4) was ranked 17th in the high scoring match list with 339 genes of our total compiled list of genes but was by far the category with the largest number of total genes grouped in this category (n = 8919 genes). No genes were found in common representing the top ten GO-molecular function listed in Table 6.
Table 5.
Top ten categories of GO-biological processes associated with clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score | GO-biological processes | Total number of genes identified in GO- biological processes from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
138.19 | Chemical synaptic transmission | 256 | 69 (11.3) |
73.50 | Ion transmembrane transport | 283 | 50 (8.2) |
70.76 | Response to drug | 322 | 52 (8.5) |
70.76 | Nervous system development | 540 | 67 (11.0) |
60.44 | Ion transport | 670 | 70 (11.5) |
56.60 | Response to amphetamine | 30 | 18 (2.9) |
55.57 | Synaptic transmission, cholinergic | 37 | 19 (3.1) |
54.78 | Memory | 66 | 23 (3.7) |
53.00 | Response to ethanol | 115 | 28 (4.6) |
48.42 | Ionotropic glutamate receptor signaling pathway | 24 | 15 (2.4) |
Table 6.
Top ten categories of GO-molecular functions associated with clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score | GO-molecular functions | Total number of genes identified in GO- molecular functions from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
70.37 | Ion channel activity | 121 | 34 (5.5) |
61.21 | Extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | 47 | 22 (3.6) |
54.38 | Ionotropic glutamate receptor activity | 18 | 15 (2.4) |
54.38 | Extracellular-glutamate-gated Ion channel activity | 18 | 15 (2.4) |
39.34 | GABA-A receptor activity | 19 | 12 (1.9) |
35.31 | Ras guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity | 116 | 22 (3.6) |
35.24 | Enzyme binding | 364 | 39 (6.4) |
32.98 | G-protein coupled serotonin receptor activity | 28 | 12 (1.9) |
32.23 | Protein heterodimerization activity | 482 | 44 (7.2) |
31.58 | Drug binding | 75 | 17 (2.7) |
3.5. Phenotypes
This category had 3563 of the 6085 compiled genes matched to 288 phenotypes. There were 226 high score matches (range: 101 to 13.4) of which only top ten phenotypes were reported in Supplementary Table 7. There were 62 medium score matches (range: 13.2 to 11.8). The hyperactivity phenotype had the highest matching score of 101 with 59 matched genes. The SHANK3 gene was found in common representing the top ten high scoring phenotypes except for the abnormal serotonin level category (see Table 7).
Table 7.
Top ten categories of phenotypes associated with clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score | Phenotypes | Total number of genes identified in phenotypes from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
101.93 | Hyperactivity | 271 | 59 (9.7) |
81.27 | Impaired coordination | 309 | 55 (9.0) |
81.16 | Increased anxiety-related response | 128 | 38 (6.2) |
77.96 | Hypoactivity | 312 | 54 (8.8) |
73.52 | Decreased body weight | 1145 | 103 (16.9) |
72.75 | Abnormal spatial learning | 172 | 40 (6.5) |
68.94 | Reduced long term potentiation | 107 | 32 (5.2) |
68.55 | Decreased vertical activity | 108 | 32 (5.2) |
68.25 | Abnormal serotonin level | 32 | 21 (3.4) |
63.16 | Abnormal social investigation | 64 | 25 (4.1) |
3.6. Compounds
From our total 608 SCZ gene list, 430 genes matched to 1457 compounds. There were 1457 high score matches (range: 166 to 13.4) of which the top ten compounds are given in Table 8. There were no medium score matches and no low score matches. Glutamate, dopamine, NMDA, GABA, norepinephrine, clozapine and olanzapine all had the highest matching score of 166 followed by acetylcholine with a score of 155. Three genes (BDNF, DRD1 and CNR1) were present in each representing the top ten high scoring compounds (see Supplementary Table 8).
Table 8.
Top ten categories of compounds associated with clinically relevant and known genes for schizophrenia.
GeneAnalytics score |
Compounds | Total number of genes identified in compounds from integrated databases |
Number of matched genes from schizophrenia master list (%) |
166.10 | Glutamate | 814 | 149 (24.5) |
166.10 | Dopamine | 447 | 121 (19.9) |
166.10 | NMDA | 287 | 102 (16.7) |
166.10 | GABA | 223 | 88 (14.4) |
166.10 | Norepinephrine | 312 | 84 (13.8) |
166.10 | Clozapine | 112 | 61 (10.0) |
166.10 | Olanzapine | 107 | 61 (10.0) |
155.72 | Acetylcholine | 311 | 80 (13.1) |
149.76 | Kainate | 106 | 53 (8.7) |
137.44 | Cocaine | 140 | 55 (9.0) |
4. Discussion
Butler et al. (2016b) reported using the GeneAnalytics computer-based gene analysis program on the initial collection of 560 clinically relevant or susceptible SCZ genes and found significant associations with anatomical structures such as cerebellum, cerebral cortex, medulla, thalamus, hypothalamus, pons and amygdala. Apart from SCZ, the original 560 SCZ related genes reported by Butler et al. (2016b) also overlapped with obesity (score: 32.3), breast cancer (score: 32.2) and other disease states such as rheumatoid arthritis, malaria, bipolar disorder, lung cancer, colorectal cancer and OCD. The genes were associated with 20 molecular functions, 69 biological processes and 95 Superpaths. The genes matched in the pathways included those in ion channels (e.g. CANA1B, CACNA1C, CACNA1H), metabolic enzymes (e.g. CYP1A2, CYP2C19), brain development (e.g. NRG1, RELN), signaling (e.g. PIK3CA, PIK4CA), immune function (e.g. HLA-A, HLA-DRB1) and interleukins (e.g. ILIA, IL10). They also reported that the genes involved in the neurotransmitter function of dopamine, GABA, serotonin were directly tied to glutamate processing and signaling. In the present study, we report a detailed analysis of the updated master list of 608 SCZ genes using the GeneAnalytics program to interrogate the most recent genomic databases available to subscribers.
4.1. Tissues and cells
The cerebellum was at the top of gene expression analysis in the tissues and cells category. The sole function of the cerebellum was thought to be limited to planning and execution of motor activities; however, its extensive connection to the higher level cortical areas provide it with non-motor functions, mainly cognition (Strick et al., 2009; Bostan et al., 2013; Buckner, 2013). The cognitive dysmetria model of SCZ by Andreasen and Pierson hypothesized that the multiple symptoms in SCZ are due to the disconnections in cortico-cerebellar-thalamic-cortical circuits (Andreasen and Pierson, 2008). In tissues and cells analyzed using the GeneAnalytics program with genes from our compiled master list of SCZ genes occupied 6.7% of the total genes in the cerebellum, 5.4% of total genes in the cerebral cortex and 10.5%, 10.4% of total genes in the thalamus and hypothalamus, respectively. In addition, a recent postmortem study of structural alterations in the pulvinar of the posterior thalamus could impair various thalamic inputs to the frontal and parietal lobes and contribute to thalamocortical dysfunction (Dorph-Petersen and Lewis, 2017). Further evidence from imaging studies broadly supports the wide array of clinical and cognitive symptoms observed in SCZ due to thalamocortical dysfunction (Pergola et al., 2017; Andreasen and Pierson, 2008).
A total of 96 clinically relevant SCZ genes from our compiled list were found overlapping in all five high matching brain tissue regions. Most of these genes encode neurotransmitter receptors (e.g. DRD1, CHRNA3, CHRM1, GABBR1, GABRG1, HTR1A, GRIA1, GRM2, ADRA2A, HRH2, CNR1) and developmental genes (e.g. RELN, MECP2, ADCY1, BDNF, PLP1, N0TCH2, DCDC2, RTN4, FGF1). There were also other genes that could be grouped into cell cycle and cell regulation (e.g. PCNT, CDK6, S100B, ARVF, YWHAFT), neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism (e.g. ABAT, DDC, GLS, MAOB), solute carriers (e.g. SLC1A2, SLC6A2). Any disruption of this gene network at any region might affect gene activity in other regions and functional connectivity deficits in patients with SCZ.
4.2. Diseases
The results from disease-genes analysis showed that the matched genes constituted 94.8% of the total genes in psychotic disorders, 70.0% of total genes in SCZ, 62.3% of total genes in ADHD, 61.6% of total genes in disease of mental health and followed by 59.7%in alcohol dependence, 33.6%in autism spectrum disorder and 33.3% in Parkinson's disease late onset. Some of the common comorbidities seen in SCZ patients are depression (Majadas et al., 2012; Siris, 1994), anxiety (Temmingh and Stein, 2015), substance abuse (Blanchard et al., 2000; Toftdahl et al., 2016), sleep disorder (Klingaman et al., 2015), cardio metabolic syndrome (Oud and Meyboom-de Jong, 2009), stroke (Tsai et al., 2012), epilepsy (Matsuura et al., 2003) and cognitive impairment. It is interesting to note the overlap of SCZ genes in Alzheimer's disease (e.g. BDNF, RELN, GRIN2A, MAOB) and late onset Parkinson's disease (e.g. DRD3, GDNF, HTR1A). Studies have shown that SCZ is a neurodegenerative disease and development of dementia later in the course of the illness. Debate persists if dementia is directly associated with SCZ disease progression or if it is due to comorbid medical/addiction problems along with life style restriction seen in SCZ patients. Based on a Danish population SCZ cohort study (Ribe et al., 2015), the incidence of dementia in SCZ patients was 1.8% at 65 years of age and increased to 7.4% at 80 years. The risk sustained even after adjusting for medical and addiction comorbidities.
4.3. Superpaths/pathways
Various pathways were unified into ‘Superpaths’ based on their gene content. The knowledge base about the role of synaptic transmission and peptide ligand binding receptors underlying the pathology associated with SCZ is supported by our study. The majority of genes in these two separate but involved pathways belong to ionotropic glutamate receptors (e.g. GRIA1, GRIN2C, GRIK5), GABA receptors (e.g. GABRA1, GABRG3) and nicotinic cholinergic receptors (e.g. CHRNA5, CHRNB2). The ‘Circadian entrainment’ Superpath had high matching scores with sleep disturbances common in SCZ and reported in both medicated and non-medicated treated SCZ patients (Monti et al., 2013; Chouinard et al., 2004). The role of circadian genes (e.g. CLOCK, PER3) are also implicated in metabolic syndrome with disrupted co-ordination between central clock and peripheral clock genes in different organs and different brain nuclei impacting energy utilization and metabolic dysfunction (Barandas et al., 2015).
Human and animal model studies have found direct and indirect effects of circadian genes in neuroendocrine function, thus affecting fertility and mood dysregulation (Barandas et al., 2015; Kloss et al., 2015). Similarly cognitive impairment is associated with circadian cycle dysfunction (Benca et al., 2009; Zelinski et al., 2014). Although there is reported evidence of comorbid conditions associated with SCZ, no studies have linked a direct relationship of the circadian genes in SCZ pathology. Since circadian entrainment has the highest matching score in the pathway category, its role in SCZ cannot be neglected and future studies should focus on interconnections between SCZ and circadian genes in the disease pathogenesis. It is noted in our analysis that 72.5%of the nicotine addiction Superpath contained our compiled list of SCZ genes and 40.2% of amphetamine addiction Superpath also included SCZ genes.
4.4. GO-biological processes and GO-molecular functions
The genes in the biological processes analysis included solute carriers (e.g. SLC6A2, SLC6A3, SLC6A4), glutamate receptor NMDA type (e.g. GRIN2C, GRIN2D), glutamate receptor AMPA type (e.g. GRIA1, GRIA2), glutamate receptor kainate type (e.g. GRIK1, GRIK2), glutamate metabotropic receptor (e.g. GRM2, GRM4), serotonin receptors (e.g. HTR1B, HTR2A), ion channels (e.g. CACNA1B, CACNB2, KCNB1, KCNN3), dopamine receptors (e.g. DRD2, DRD4), developmental genes (e.g. DLG1, DLG2, CAMK2B, ADCY1, ADCY9), neurotransmitter related genes (e.g. ABAT, ACHE, COMT, CHAT, MAOA, GAD1, GLS, GLUE, SNAP25) and cell surface synaptic transmission (e.g. NRXN1, NRXN2). The biological processes highly matched to the SCZ gene list for synaptic transmission. Research has focused on synapses and SCZ genes associated with synaptic transmission (Kirov et al., 2012; Kenny et al., 2014; Fromer et al., 2014).
Synaptopathy mainly involves glutaminergic transmission (Hayashi-Takagi, 2017) while other processes considered in the SCZ disease mechanism are ion transmembrane transport (46 out of 598 genes) and regulation of membrane potential (33 out of 598 genes). According to a cellular model, alterations in membrane NA/K ATPase pump activity are responsible for an altered neuronal excitation seen in bipolar disorder (El-Mallakh and Wyatt, 1995). Evidence for allelic association of ATP1A3 gene and bipolar disorder was further reported in a study conducted in 85 Irish bipolar patients (Mynett-Johnson et al., 1998), since many of the genes associated with SCZ are also found in bipolar disorder (e.g. ATP2A2, HTR2A, DISCI, RELN).
The extracellular ligand gated ion channel activity in our study had 46.8% of genes found in our compiled SCZ gene list. Most of the genes linked to this molecular function were neurotransmitter receptor genes such as GABA, serotonin and nicotinic cholinergic receptors. CNS channelopathy has also been implicated in various neuropsychiatric disorders such as seizures, ataxia, Timothy syndrome with autism and SCZ (Gargus, 2006). Further research on membrane potential and transmembrane ions should provide potential targets for therapeutic management of SCZ.
4.5. Phenotypes
The phenotypes to which the SCZ genes are associated can be broadly classified as behavioral/cognitive symptoms- hyperactivity, anxiety related response, impaired coordination, hypoactivity, decreased vertical activity, abnormal spatial learning and social investigation; abnormal neurophysiology- abnormal serotonin activity, reduced long term potentiation; body metabolism- decreased body weight. SHANK3 gene involvement has been found to impact the above behavioral/cognitive symptoms. This gene encodes a scaffolding protein found in postsynaptic densities of excitatory synapses. Disruption of the SHANK3 gene is found in Phelan-McDermid syndrome which is characterized by neonatal hypotonia, global developmental delay, growth deficit, severely delayed speech, autistic-like behavior and dysmorphic features (Durand et al., 2007). Recently, cumulative gene analysis in subjects with autism spectrum disorder revealed various SHANK3 mutations related to neuropathology (Uchino and Waga, 2015). Further evidence supports SHANK3 mutations linked to SCZ and overexpression in manic- like behaviors (Gauthier et al., 2010; Han et al., 2013). A recent study by Yi et al. (2016), also found impaired dendritic branching, massive input resistance to increased excitability and decreased synaptic transmission in human embryonic stem cells with SHANK3 gene deletions. Increased input resistance was consistent with Ih- channel dysfunction implying that HCN channel related Ih current impairment as the major pathogenetic factor of SHANK3 mutations in autism spectrum disorders and Phelan-McDermid syndrome.
4.6. Compounds
Neurotransmitters were predominant in the top ten positions of compounds in our study and associated or related to SCZ genes. These compounds included glutamate, dopamine, NMDA, GABA, norepinephrine and acetylcholine. It is interesting to note that CNR1, GDNF, PDYN, SLC18A2, SLC6A, TH, ADCYAP1, BDNF, DRD1, DRD2, NOS1, CACNA1B, HTR2C, AD0RA2A, NPY, GABBR1, SRC and NTF3 genes are consistently present in all six neurotransmitters in the compounds category and probably related to interconnecting genes or gene network. The common gene groups in clozapine and olanzapine were also related to neuroreceptors such as dopamine receptor (DRD1, DRD2, DRD4, DRD5), serotonin receptor (HTR1B, HTR1D, HTR2C, HTR3A, HTR5A, HTR6, HTR7), adrenergic receptor (ADRA1A, ADRA2A, ADRA2C, ADRAB3), cholinergic muscarinic receptor (CHRM1, CHRM2, CFIRM5) and histamine receptor (HRH1). The common genes associated with drug metabolism were the cytochrome family (CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP2C19, CYP3A5, CYP1A2). Many of the top drugs selected for treating patients with schizophrenia are metabolized by several cytochrome enzymes coded by CYP genes implying their clinically relevant status. For example, atypical anti-psychotic medications, aripiprazole and risperidone are metabolized by CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and CYP2D6 affecting their efficacy in treating patients.
BDNF plays a major role in neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, cognition and modulation of major neurotransmitter systems such as dopaminergic, serotonergic and glutamatergic system (Tyler et al., 2002; Gratacos et al., 2007). BDNF gene polymorphisms are reported in various psychiatric disorders and have been linked to response to anti-psychotics and antipsychotic induced weight gain (Hong et al., 2003; Zai et al., 2012; Perkovic et al., 2014). The other compounds include cocaine and kainate (kainic acid). Kainate is an excitatory amino acid associated with ionotropic glutamate receptor, kainate type (Bloss and Hunter, 2010).
5. Summary
The most common gene families among the 608 genes associated with schizophrenia and found in the GeneAnalytics program and integrated genomic databases that were analyzed included glutamate receptors, solute carriers, GABA receptors, dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors, calcium and potassium ion channels and neurodevelopmental genes. A simple representation of the involved SCZ gene network include alterations at the molecular function such as ion channel activity, ligand binding, receptor activity and a series of molecular functions impacting synaptic transmission, transmembrane potential and ion transport which collectively contribute to pathways leading to phenotypes or symptoms associated with SCZ, including response to drugs. There was no single gene that was overlapped in all categories indicating heterogeneity and complexity in the genetic causation of SCZ. The susceptibility to SCZ is due to the combined effects of ostensibly many genes in a given background creating a complex network increasing the probability of developing SCZ. It is important to note that genes from our SCZ master gene list were also found associated with other psychiatric and non-psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, late-onset Parkinson's disease, neuroblastoma and colorectal cancer. Even though sleep disturbances and inflammation did not occupy top positions in the disease category, they did occupy the top positions in the pathway categories reflecting their strong underpinning in the etiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia requiring further studies leading to potential treatment modalities. Additionally, our gene list and the molecular profiling algorithms utilized by GeneAnalytics provide a gene level analysis of molecular pathways based upon cumulative findings from a full range of methods and genetic evidence including structural (copy number) and genomic (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs). The analysis does not consider differential effects of select SNPs on individual pathways.
Our interpretation of SCZ gene analysis utilizing the GeneAnalytics and integrated databases was limited to the top ten of highly scored matched entities in each category characterized by this approach. Our compiled list of SCZ genes interrogated only human tissues leveraged by the GeneAnalytics program and information from animal studies including the categories for tissues, cells and phenotypes. Of the compiled 608 clinically relevant SCZ genes in the GeneAnalytics program 166 genes were matched to the schizophrenia gene entity in which there were 237 genes in that category. It is plausible that the GeneAnalytics program may have different inclusion criteria for data integration and it is also likely that many of the sources from which the information is gathered might not have been updated during the past year or our list of SCZ genes is too extensive.
The GeneAnalytics algorithms provide a statistical measure of the interrelationship between genes within a given list, offering a molecular profile of the system overlap. However, it does not presently provide a means to directly compare statistically different lists. Molecular profiling of our list of 600 random genes provides validating evidence of the reliability and specificity of GeneAnalytics algorithms and the findings of our primary analysis of genes related to schizophrenia. The high score matches for three highly studied cancers are likely to result from a combination of cancer-intensive research bias as well as functional overlap of genes related to cellular growth and development. These disease states were identified in our analyses likely reflect a nonspecific genetic signature. We have also published several studies utilizing GeneAnalytics mapping and investigated psychiatric and non-psychiatric disease states (e.g., Butler et al., 2016a) that can be used to support the validity of our analysis such as genes related to infertility with limited relationship to schizophrenia to assess random overlap. When examining the 366 genes related to infertility and the top ten categories that overlap between the list of genes for schizophrenia and infertility for the seven GeneAnalytics categories, we found no overlap in Tissues and Cells, Superpathways, GO-biological processes, GO-molecular functions, Phenotypes or Compounds. We found one overlap (obesity) in the Disease category. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the GeneAnalytics gene profiling program was successful in separating random genes and genes contributing to infertility from genes contributing to schizophrenia in our study adding to the relevance of this gene profile program in the study of genes and genetic patterns.
In conclusion, we compiled an updated master gene list of clinically relevant or proposed genes in SCZ from the medical literature. A total of 608 genes were identified by the GeneAnalytics computer-based program and these genes were studied in various categories such as tissue expression, disease association, superpathways, biological processes and molecular functions, phenotypes and compounds associated with the genes. Common genes associated with each of the categories were then discussed. Our approach to interrogate SCZ genes and their interactions at various levels contributing to disease and pathogenesis should increase our knowledge and possibly open new avenues for research and therapeutic intervention.
Supplementary Material
We acknowledge support from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development grant number HD02528.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
central nervous system
- CNVs
copy number variants
gamma-aminobutyric acid
- GO
Gene Ontology
human leukocyte antigen
- IL
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- SNPs
single nucleotide polymorphisms
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2017.10.035.
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