a) Representative pictures showing that
unc-64(e246) mutants preserve mitochondrial morphology during aging. The mitochondrial backbone (red) is overlaid on binary images. TOMM-20
aa1-49::GFP reporter labels muscle mitochondria in young (day 2) and old (day 12) wild type and
unc-64(e246) animals (n = 3 independent trials, 28–45 cells were imaged per genotype for each time point per replicate). Scale bar represents 50 μm. (
b) zoomed insets from a (yellow boxes). (
c–f) Quantification of mitochondrial (
c) coverage, (
d) length and (
e) measure of object area and (
f) object per square unit area from TOMM-20
aa1-49::GFP reporter in young (day 2) and old (day 12) wild type and
unc-64(e246) animals. Data are represented as mean ± SD. P value: NS no significance, *<0.05, **<0.01, ***<0.001, ****<0.0001 relative to controls. Statistical significance was determined by two-tail t-test (n = 3 independent trials,~40 cells were quantified per genotype for each time point per replicate). Source data are provided in
Figure 4–figure supplement 6—source data 1.