Table 3.
Statement/Label | Country | ||
USA * | UK * | Australia * | |
Blueberry Yogurt (Nat color, Art flavor) | 5.55 a | 5.03 bcde | 5.21 abc |
Blind Yogurt (Nat color, Art flavor) | 5.32 ab | 4.75 e | 4.94 cde |
Strawberry Puree (Nat color, Nat flavor) | 5.19 bcd | 5.04 bcde | 5.06 bcde |
Blind Puree (Nat color, Nat flavor) | 4.84 de | 4.92 cde | 4.97 bcde |
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos (Art color, Nat flavor) | 3.98 fgh | 3.74 ghi | 3.68 hi |
Blind Cheetos (Art color, Nat flavor) | 4.31 f | 3.94 gh | 3.98 fgh |
Gummy Candy (Art color, Art flavor) | 3.91 gh | 3.65 hi | 3.53 i |
Blind Candy (Art color, Art flavor) | 4.06 fg | 3.98 fgh | 3.86 ghi |
* Means with a common letter are not significantly different (regardless of row or column) p ≤ 0.05.