In the article, “Stabilization of Bursting in Respiratory Pacemaker Neuron,” by Andrew K. Tryba, Fernando Peña, and Jan-Marino Ramirez, which appeared on pages 3538-3546 of the April 15, 2003 issue, the authors would like to correct misstatements and an incorrect citation. First, on page 3538, the authors state that “no experiments have tested whether pacemaker neurons are inactive at physiological [K+]o.” In fact, Del Negro et al. [J Neurophysiol (2001) 86:59 - 74] compared in vitro experimental data over a range of extracellular potassium concentrations with model simulations. Second, on page 3543, the following statement is incorrect: “The majority of neurons in the study by Del Negro et al. (2002) were examined in zero extracellular calcium concentrations, which abolishes bursting in the Ca2+ -dependent pacemaker population.” This statement should read: “The majority of neurons in the study by Del Negro et al. (2002) were examined in low extracellular calcium concentrations that may abolish bursting in the Ca2+ -dependent pacemaker population.” Finally, the correct citation for Del Negro et al. (2002) is Neuron 34:821-30 rather than J Neurophysiol 88:2242-2250.