In the article, “Inactivation of Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein Enhances Optic Nerve Regeneration,” by Eric. V. Wong, Samuel David, Michele H. Jacob, and Daniel G. Jay, which appeared on pages 3112–3117 of the April 15, 2003 issue, Figure 3E erroneously printed as a duplication of Figure 3F. The correct version of Figure 3, as well as the legend, is printed here.
Figure 3.
Histology of crush site. Light and electron micrographs demonstrating the histological appearance of the optic nerve crush site in test and control conditions. A, Control optic nerve shows the normal intact axons. B, Crushed optic nerve treated with anti-PLP antibody and CALI shows the site of damage and absence of axons that cross the gap. C, Crushed optic nerve treated with anti-MAG antibody and CALI shows the site of the crush that is now occupied mostly by regenerated axon processes, with only small regions of damage remaining. Scale bar, 24 μm. Black side bars show the site of nerve crush in B and C. Thin unmyelinated regenerating axons were confirmed at part of this site of nerve crush (marked by black box in C) after CALI of MAG using electron microscopy (D). Magnification, 34,000×. Scale bar, 0.14 μm. CSPG immunohistochemistry of the optic nerve crush site in anti-PLP-treated (E) and anti-MAG-treated (F) tissue shows no marked differences between the two treatments. Scale bar, 30 μm.