选择2015年9月~ 2017年2月就诊于解放军总医院疼痛门诊的足底筋膜炎患者,采用随机数字法分为冲击波组(A组)和超声组(B组)。比较两组治疗前(T0)与治疗后1周(T1)、1月(T2)、3月(T3)、6月(T4)晨起第1步数字量表疼痛评分(NRS)、美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)踝-后足功能评分、超声下足底筋膜的厚度,末次随访时记录2组患者的疗效、复发率和满意度。
最终A组纳入39人,B组纳入38人。治疗前两组患者NRS评分相近,治疗后早晨第1步NRS评分均较治疗前降低(P < 0.05);治疗后1周(T1)、1月(T2)B组晨起第1步NRS评分均低于A组(P < 0.01),治疗后3月(T3)、6月(T4)B组晨起第1步NRS评分高于A组(P < 0.05);两组患者末次随访AOFAS功能评分均较治疗前升高(P < 0.05),且A组高于B组(90.44±13.27 vs 75.76±21.40,P < 0.05);A组、B组有效率分别为92.31%、76.32%,A组高于B组(P < 0.05);A组复发1例(2.56%),B组复发8例(21.05%),B组复发率高(P < 0.05);A组、B组满意度评分分别为8.13±2.67、6.63±3.75,两组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.048)。
Keywords: 超声介入治疗, 冲击波, 足底筋膜炎
To compare the medium-and long-term effect of pneumatic ballistic extracorporeal shock wave versus ultrasound-guided hormone injection in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.
The clinical data were collected from patients with plantar fasciitis admitted to PLA General Hospital pain department from September, 2015 to February, 2017. The patients were randomly divided into ultrasound-guided drug injection group and shock wave group. The therapeutic parameters including the numerical rating scale (NRS) scores in the first step pain in the morning, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle Hindfoot Scale, and thickness of the plantar fascia were monitored before and at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after the treatment. The recurrence rate, effectiveness, and patient satisfaction were compared between the two groups at 6 months after the treatment.
Thirty-nine patients were enrolled in shock wave group and 38 patients in ultrasound group. The NRS scores in the first step pain in the morning were lowered after treatment in both groups (P < 0.05), and the scores were significantly lower in ultrasound group than in shock wave group at 1 week and 1 month (P < 0.01), but significantly higher in ultrasound group than in shock wave group at 3 and 6 months after treatment (P < 0.05). The AOFAS functional scores were increased in both groups (P < 0.05) at 6 months after treatment, was significantly lower in ultrasound group than in shock wave group than group B (90.44±13.27 vs 75.76±21.40; P < 0.05). The effective rates in shock wave group and ultrasound group were 92.31% and 76.32%, respectively (P < 0.05). Recurrence was found in 1 patient (2.56%) in shock wave group and in 8 (21.05%) in ultrasound group (P < 0.05). The patient satisfaction scores were significantly higher in shock wave group than in ultrasound group (8.13±2.67 vs 6.63±3.75, P=0.048).
Pneumatic ballistic extracorporeal shock achieves better medium-and long-term outcomes than ultrasound-guided hormone injection in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.
Keywords: ultrasound interventional therapy, extracorporeal shock wave, plantar fasciitis
1. 资料和方法
1.1. 研究对象
本研究最终纳入77人,冲击波组39人,超声介入组38人,其中男性45人,女性32人,年龄34~68(57.6±7.81)岁,病程3~24(9.4±5.15)月。研究具体流程如图 1。
Flow chart of the study design. CSI: Corticosteroid injection; ESWT: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy.
1.2. 治疗方法
冲击波组:采用气压弹道式放散状冲击波治疗仪(EMS Swiss DolorClast, PMA认证号:P050004),瑞士DolorClast EVO BLUE蓝钻手柄(15 mm)。治疗方案:频率5~10 Hz,治疗压力2.5~4 bar,冲击次数2000次,手持压力中-高,治疗次数3~5次,治疗时间间隔7 d。患者坐位或俯卧位,查体确定压痛最明显的部位并标记,冲击部位涂耦合剂,一手持手柄一手固定患者足部。治疗前向患者介绍注意事项,消除患者紧张情绪,治疗时先以较低的压强以患者的痛点为中心进行冲击,根据患者情况及耐受力调整频率和压强。
超声介入组:患者仰卧位,常规消毒铺巾,多普勒超声(Siemens AG, Sequioa 512)引导下确定穿刺安全路径,将复方倍他米松1 mL、2%盐酸利多卡因注射液2 mL混匀,在超声引导下使用平面内穿刺法,穿刺针准确到达增厚的跖筋膜表面时停止,按照病灶大小及严重程度注射混合液2~3 mL。1次/周,2次为1个疗程。
1.3. 疗效评估指标
1.4. 统计学分析
2. 结果
2.1. 患者的一般情况
两组患者在年龄、性别、病程、疼痛部位、BMI、NRS及AOFAS评分等一般资料差异无统计学意义(表 1)。研究过程中,冲击波组与超声组分别有6例、7例受试者退出(图 1),剩余78例患者均获得随访,随访过程中未出现不良反应。
Comparison of clinical data between the two groups (Mean±SD)
Items | ESWT group(n=39) | CSI group (n=38) | Statistics | P |
CSI: Corticosteroid injection; ESWT: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy. | ||||
Age(year) | 56.9±8.3 | 58.3±7.3 | t=-0.809 | 0.42 |
BMI (kg/m2) | 25.2±3.5 | 25.6±3.3 | t=-0.612 | 0.54 |
Gender | ||||
Male | 23 (58.97%) | 22 (57.89%) | ||
Female | 16(41.03%) | 16(42.11%) | χ2=0.009 | 0.92 |
Foot | ||||
Left | 14 (35.89%) | 13 (34.21%) | ||
Right | 14 (35.89%) | 15 (39.47%) | ||
Double | 11 (28.22%) | 10(26.32%) | χ2=0.106 | 0.95 |
Duration (months) | 9.2±5.1 | 9.6±5.3 | t=-0.361 | 0.72 |
ScoreofNRS | 6.85±0.96 | 7.08±1.15 | t=-0.966 | 0.34 |
Score of AOFAS | 52.59±9.24 | 56.18±8.83 | t=-1.744 | 0.09 |
Thickness of PF (mm) | 5.18±0.46 | 5.16±0.41 | t=0.216 | 0.83 |
2.2. 两组治疗前、治疗后不同时间点的NRS评分比较
治疗后两组患者在T1、T2、T3、T4时间点NRS评分较治疗前显著降低(P<0.05);与超声介入组比较,冲击波组T1、T2时间点NRS评分高于超声介入组(P<0.05),冲击波组T3、T4时间点NRS评分低于超声介入组(P<0.05,表 2,图 2)。
Comparison of the NRS between two groups (Mean±SD)
Group | Pre-treatment | Post-treatment | |||
T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | |
Compared with pre-treatment, *P<0.05; Compared with pre-treatment, *P<0.05. | |||||
A | 6.85±0.96 | 4.21±1.08* | 2.72±1.61* | 1.15±1.81* | 1.21±1.96* |
B | 7.08±1.15 | 2.16±2.10* | 1.24±2.25* | 2.34±3.02* | 2.63±3.15* |
t | 5.401 | 3.335 | -2.088 | -2.379 | |
P | < 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.041 | 0.020 |
NRS score changes at 4 visits in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and corticosteriod injection groups.
2.3. 两组治疗前、治疗后不同时间点的AOFAS评分比较
治疗后两组患者在T1、T2、T3、T4时间点AOFAS评分较治疗前显著增高(P<0.05);冲击波组和超声介入组在T1、T2时间点AOFAS评分无差异(P>0.05),冲击波组T3、T4时间点AOFAS评分高于超声介入组(P<0.05,表 3,图 3)。
Comparison of the scores of AOFAS between two groups (Mean±SD)
Group | Pre-treatment | Post-treatment | |||
T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | |
Compared with pre-treatment, *P<0.05. | |||||
A | 52.59±9.24 | 79.10±10.23* | 85.38±12.52* | 89.49±13.10* | 90.44±13.27* |
B | 56.18±8.83 | 81.42±15.55* | 86.84±18.08* | 76.76±21.16* | 75, 76±21.40* |
t | 3.164 | 3.605 | |||
P | 0.002 | 0.001 |
AOFAS score changes at the 4 visits in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and corticosteriod injection groups.
2.4. 治疗疗效比较
两组治疗后第6月(T3)足底筋膜厚度分别为3.98± 0.52,4.35±0.40(表 4),冲击波组足底筋膜厚度比超声介入组薄(图 4),两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组的治愈率分别为33.33%、44.74%,两组间差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05);有效率分别为92.31%、76.32%,冲击波组高于超声介入组(P<0.05,表 5);冲击波组复发1例(2.56%),超声介入组复发8例(21.05%),超声介入组复发率高(P<0.05)。A组、B组满意度评分分别为8.13± 2.67、6.63±3.75,两组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.048)。
Secondary outcomes of patients in the two groups at 6 months post-treatment (Mean±SD)
Group | Thickness of PF (mm) | satisfaction scores | Recurrence rate (%) |
A(n=39) | 3.98±0.52 | 8.13±2.67 | 2.56% |
B(n=38) | 4.35±0.40 | 6.63±3.75 | 21.05% |
t or χ2 | -3.449 | 2.013 | 4.708 |
P | 0.001 | P=0.048 | 0.030 |
A: Plantar fasciitis ultrasound image showing localized thickening of the fascia with echo reduction (indicated by the arrow); B: Ultrasound-guided injection for treatment of plantar fasciitis (The thin arrow shows the tip, and the thick arrow shows drug imaging).
Comparison of the effectiveness between two groups at 6 months post-treatment (n, %)
Group | Recovery | Highly effective | Effective | Ineffective | Effective rate (%) | Recovery rate (%) |
A(n=39) | 13 | 15 | 7 | 3 | 92.31 | 33.33 |
B(n=38) | 17 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 76.32 | 44.74 |
χ2 | 2.929 | |||||
P | 0.087 |
3. 讨论
足底筋膜炎占因为足部症状就诊患者的11%~ 15% [10]。足底筋膜炎是一种自限性疾病,但部分患者最终发展为慢性疼痛从而需要进行干预治疗,其治疗方法包括保守治疗和手术治疗,保守治疗方法包括夜间夹板、注射治疗(富血小板血浆或激素类药物)、体外冲击波治疗、矫形鞋垫治疗、功能锻炼等多种方案,90%的患者通过保守治疗可达到良好的治疗效果[11-12];手术治疗适用于尝试多种保守治疗失败的顽固性足底筋膜患者,手术治疗方式主要包括开放性足底筋膜切开术、内窥镜下足底筋膜松解术以及最新的双击电凝筋膜松解术[13]。一般情况下,不建议手术治疗,因为术后伤口护理以及患者长期制动都会带来很大潜在的并发症[14]。
体外冲击波疗法,作为一项非侵入性治疗手段,近年来将其应用于治疗各种骨伤科疾病和慢性疼痛,其具有微创、简便、实用、高效的特点,被业内誉为“绿色的慢性疼痛管理专家” [15-17];冲击波治疗软组织疼痛的机制可能为:机械作用,破坏钙化以及纤维化组织;镇痛作用,逆向刺激感觉神经或经细传入纤维传出的轴突反射和背根反射冲动可使外周端末稍释放P物质和刺激疼痛感受器阻滞疼痛刺激的增加(闸门控制理论);组织再生,提高血液灌注和新生血管生成、增加间充质干细胞、增加生长因子、促进新陈代谢等[4]。研究认为冲击波治疗具有时间依赖性和剂量的累积效应,效果的产生比较缓慢[18-19]。本研究中,体外冲击波治疗后患者疼痛明显降低,随访患者的足部功能恢复较好,行走时间明显延长,通过超声下观察足底筋膜水肿减轻,炎症消退,足底筋膜变薄,证明气压弹道式体外冲击波治疗足底筋膜炎是有效的。治疗后1周,1月冲击波组效果不如激素注射组,治疗3月和6月后效果逐渐优于超声介入组,其原因可能是冲击波不能从生物力学上迅速纠正患者下肢的异常,导致短期内不能达到最佳效果,但是随着时间的延长,冲击波组可能通过刺激新生血管的生成和增加间充质干细胞、增加生长因子、促进新陈代谢来改善局部的内环境,通过自身的修复来消除炎症从而缓解患者的疼痛症状,呈现时间依赖性。但冲击波的确切机制尚需要进一步的基础研究。
霍修林,硕士,E-mail: 18801211351@163.com
Funding Statement
Contributor Information
霍 修林 (Xiulin HUO), Email: 18801211351@163.com.
杨 静 (Jing YANG), Email: yanw96@126.com.
袁 维秀 (Weixiu YUAN), Email: yuanweixiu301@126.com.
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