In the article “Protective Autoimmunity Is a Physiological Response to CNS Trauma,” by Eti Yoles, Ehud Hauben, Orna Palgi, Evgenia Agranov, Amalia Gothilf, Avi Cohen, Vijay Kuchroo, Irun R. Cohen, Howard Weiner, and Michal Schwartz, which appeared on pages 3740–3748 of the June 1, 2001 issue, erroneous information was given for the reference by Fisher et al. The correct reference information is as follows: Fisher J, Levkovitch-Verbin H, Schori H, Yoles E, Butovsky O, Kaye JF, Ben-Nun A, Schwartz M (2001) Vaccination for neuroprotection in the mouse optic nerve: implications for optic neuropathies. J Neurosci 21:136–142.