We report high-quality closed reference genomes for 1 bovine strain and 10 human Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains from serogroups O26, O45, O91, O103, O104, O111, O113, O121, O145, and O157. We also report draft assemblies, with standardized metadata, for 360 STEC strains isolated from watersheds, animals, farms, food, and human infections.
We report high-quality closed reference genomes for 1 bovine strain and 10 human Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains from serogroups O26, O45, O91, O103, O104, O111, O113, O121, O145, and O157. We also report draft assemblies, with standardized metadata, for 360 STEC strains isolated from watersheds, animals, farms, food, and human infections.
Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains cause significant human enteric disease (1–3). Among >129 O serogroups, O157, O26, O45, O111, O103, O121, and O145 cause most infections (4–6). Non-O157 STEC strains are increasingly reported (5–7), with recent widespread STEC O121 and O103 outbreaks in Canada and the United States sourced to flour (8) and ground beef, respectively (https://www.cdc.gov/ecoli/2019/o103-04-19/).
To catalogue pangenomic diversity, we generated closed reference genomes for 11 routinely used lab control strains from the “top seven” STEC O serogroups, plus O91 and O104, and 360 draft assemblies for 129 distinct O serogroups from STEC culture collections (1980 to 2013) originating from watersheds, farms or foods (n = 238), human infections (n = 74), proficiency panels (n = 27), and unknown sources (n = 32). Prior to selection, isolates were traditionally serotyped at national or provincial reference labs, and stx gene presence/subtype was assessed by preestablished generic and differentiating stx PCR assays (9–11).
DNA extracted from 1-ml Luria-Bertani broth cultures grown overnight at 37°C using MasterPure complete DNA purification kits (Epicentre Technologies Corp., Chicago, IL, USA) was fragmented by an E210 ultrasonicator (Covaris, Inc., Woburn, MA, USA). TruSeq DNA library preparation v2 kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) libraries were shotgun sequenced using an Illumina GAIIx system (2 × 150-bp paired-end cluster generation kit v4 and TruSeq SBS kit v5) or MiSeq platform (2 × 300 bp; v3 chemistry). Illumina reads were managed in the Integrated Rapid Infectious Disease Analysis (IRIDA) platform (12), assessed for quality (Q > 30) using FastQC (13), and trimmed using Trimmomatic v0.34 (14). Overlapping reads merged with FLASH v1.2.11 (15) were de novo assembled using SPAdes v3.8.2 (16)/Shovill 0.9.0 (17). Postassembly quality control was achieved using QUAST v5.0.0 (number of contigs, < 500; reference coverage, 70% [closest polished genome of FWSEC0001-0011]) (18). Reference strains were augmented with 2 × 300-bp MiSeq (v3 chemistry) reads from mate pair (∼8 kb) TruSeq libraries and with MinION Mk1b long reads from the rapid barcoding sequencing kit (SQK-RBK004; Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd., Oxford, UK) libraries. Albacore v2.3.0 base-called/quality-filtered long reads were de novo assembled using Canu v1.7 (19) and with quality-controlled Illumina mate pair reads as hybrid assemblies using Unicycler v0.4.4.0 (20). When assemblies appeared congruent in Mauve v20150226Build10 (21), Unicycler assemblies were used. Otherwise, mate pair reads were mapped to both assemblies using Bowtie 2 v2.3.4.1 (22) and BAM files assessed for coverage/connections using GAP5 v.1.2.14-r (23); long reads were mapped with BWA-MEM v0.7.17.1 (24) and assessed using Tablet v1.17.08.17 (25). Canu contigs were employed to scaffold/correct Unicycler contigs using the Staden package GAP4 (26, 27); all contigs were circularized and trimmed. Assemblies were Illumina read polished (5 rounds) using Bowtie 2/Pilon v1.20.1 (28). NCBI’s default Web BLASTN (29) identified plasmid contigs and confirmed that in silico O-serogroup determinations were congruent with traditional lab determinations. Read depth was assessed using SAMtools idxstats (30). After functional annotation using NCBI’s Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (31), assemblies were reoriented to replication origin (dnaA) using Circlator v1.1.5 (32).
Illumina reference genome coverage ranged from 65.6× to 130.7× (average, 96.1×); MinION coverage ranged from 51.2× to 325.1× (average, 149.6×) (Table 1). Of 360 draft assemblies, 357 yielded scaffolds (average contigs, 153.0; average coverage depth, 111.7×). Eleven reference chromosomes and all plasmids but one were circularized (0 to 3 plasmids per strain). The reference chromosomes (4,955,402 to 5,697,154 bp) contained 4,967 to 5,833 coding sequences (CDS), 22 rRNAs, 90 to 103 tRNAs, and 8 to 11 noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), as well as bacteriophages. These genomic resources augment available data and are ideal for pathogenomics applications and machine learning.
Isolate identifier from this study | Traditional serogroup (in silico prediction)a | stx subtype (in silico prediction)b | Source | Yr of isolation | Country of isolation | SRA accession no. | WGS accession no.c | Assembly level | No. of contigs postassembly, chromosome and/or plasmid(s), size (bp) (GenBank accession no.) | No. of CDSd | Coverage (×) (technology) | Genome size (all contigs) (bp) |
FWSEC0001 | O26:H11 | stx1a, stx2a | Clinical, human | 2002 | Canada | GCF_005037725 | Complete genome | 4, chromosome, 5,697,154 (CP031922); plasmids, 95,298 (CP031923), 6,715 (CP031924), 4,148 (CP031925) | 5,833 | 66.48 (Illumina), 325.05 (MinION) | 5,803,315 | |
FWSEC0002 | O145:NM (O145:H28) | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2003 | Canada | GCA_005037815 | Complete genome | 3, chromosome, 5,695,528 (CP031919); plasmids, 92,498 (CP031920), 2,031 (CP031921) | 5,594 | 78.00 (Illumina), 124.40 (MinION) | 5,790,057 | |
FWSEC0003 | O45:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2005 | Canada | GCA_005037845 | Complete genome | 3, chromosome, 5,532,455 (CP031916); plasmids, 95,228 (CP031917), 52,940 (CP031918) | 5,612 | 100.74 (Illumina), 244.02 (MinION) | 5,680,623 | |
FWSEC0004 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | Clinical, human | 1987 | Canada | GCA_005037735 | Complete genome | 3, chromosome, 5,406,250 (CP031913); plasmids, 92,754 (CP031914), 6,675 (CP031915) | 5,420 | 130.71 (Illumina), 172.42 (MinION) | 5,505,679 | |
FWSEC0005 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a, stx2a | Clinical, human | 2000 | Canada | GCA_005037805 | Complete genome | 1, chromosome, 5,132,754 (CP031912); plasmids, none detected | 4,967 | 108.41 (Illumina), 252.38 (MinION) | 5,132,754 | |
FWSEC0006 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 2003 | Canada | GCA_005037715 | Complete genome | 2, chromosome, 5,398,870 (CP031910); plasmid, 80,681 (CP031911) | 5,344 | 103.62 (Illumina), 127.66 (MinION) | 5,479,551 | |
FWSEC0007 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2004 | Canada | GCA_005037795 | Complete genome | 2, chromosome, 5,397,605 (CP031908); plasmid, 73,224 (CP031909) | 5,447 | 103.12 (Illumina), 58.53 (MinION) | 5,470,829 | |
FWSEC0008 | O91:H21 | stx2d | Clinical, human | 1992 | Germany | GCA_005037775 | Complete genome | 2, chromosome, 4,972,544 (CP031906); plasmid, 121,036 (CP031907) | 4,971 | 98.41 (Illumina), 82.67 (MinION) | 5,093,580 | |
FWSEC0009 | O104:H4 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 2011 | Germany | GCA_005014075 | Complete genome | 4, chromosome, 5,277,234 (CP031902); plasmids, 88,545 (CP031903), 75,669 (CP031904), 1,549 (CP031905) | 5,329 | 65.55 (Illumina), 110.27 (MinION) | 5,442,997 | |
FWSEC0010 | O113:H21 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 1991 | Canada | GCA_005014055 | Complete genome | 4, chromosome, 4,955,402 (CP031898); plasmids, 160,712 (CP031899), 7,769 (CP031900), 7,117 (CP031901) | 5,006 | 94.45 (Illumina), 51.16 (MinION) | 5,131,000 | |
FWSEC0011 | O113:H21 | stx2d | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2004 | Canada | GCA_005171095 | Chromosome | 6, chromosome, 5,064,577 (CP031892); plasmids, 134,626 (CP031893), 115,288 in 4 scaffolds,e (66,896 [CP031894], 26,567 [CP031895], 12,383 [CP031896], 9,442 [CP031897]) | 5,173 | 108.45 (Illumina), 96.89 (MinION) | 5,314,491 | |
FWSEC0021 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1980 | Canada | SRR7947278 | RRCV00000000 | Scaffold | 208 | 92 (Illumina) | 5,330,412 | |
FWSEC0022 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1996 | Canada | SRR7947279 | RRCW00000000 | Scaffold | 240 | 89 (Illumina) | 5,481,594 | |
FWSEC0023 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1999 | Switzerland | SRR7947276 | RRCX00000000 | Scaffold | 223 | 130 (Illumina) | 5,419,123 | |
FWSEC0024 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1999 | Canada | SRR7947277 | RRCY00000000 | Scaffold | 221 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,315,394 | |
FWSEC0025 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Ground beef, solid food, bovine, buildings (grocery/retail/food store) | 1997 | Canada | SRR7947274 | RRCZ00000000 | Scaffold | 181 | 58 (Illumina) | 5,214,405 | |
FWSEC0026 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1995 | Canada | SRR7947275 | RRDA00000000 | Scaffold | 198 | 56 (Illumina) | 5,135,561 | |
FWSEC0027 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2001 | Canada | SRR7947272 | RRDB00000000 | Scaffold | 220 | 83 (Illumina) | 5,413,960 | |
FWSEC0028 | O103:H2 | stx1a, stx2a | Clinical, human | 2001 | Switzerland | SRR7947273 | RRDC00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,107,141 | |
FWSEC0029 | O45:H2 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1994 | Canada | SRR7947280 | RRDD00000000 | Scaffold | 184 | 215 (Illumina) | 5,378,562 | |
FWSEC0030 | O45:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1995 | USA | SRR7947281 | RRDE00000000 | Scaffold | 173 | 222 (Illumina) | 5,134,981 | |
FWSEC0031 | O45:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1996 | USA | SRR7947308 | RRDF00000000 | Scaffold | 193 | 213 (Illumina) | 5,496,950 | |
FWSEC0032 | O45:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1989 | Canada | SRR7947309 | RRDG00000000 | Scaffold | 165 | 199 (Illumina) | 5,158,875 | |
FWSEC0033 | O111:H8 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1993 | Canada | SRR7947306 | RRDH00000000 | Scaffold | 214 | 194 (Illumina) | 5,281,723 | |
FWSEC0034 | O111:H8 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2000 | Canada | SRR7947307 | RRDI00000000 | Scaffold | 209 | 177 (Illumina) | 5,270,854 | |
FWSEC0035 | O111:NM | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2000 | Switzerland | SRR7947304 | RRDJ00000000 | Scaffold | 179 | 212 (Illumina) | 5,159,316 | |
FWSEC0036 | O111:NM | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2002 | Canada | SRR7947305 | RRDK00000000 | Scaffold | 187 | 222 (Illumina) | 5,281,033 | |
FWSEC0039 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 2002 | Switzerland | SRR7947302 | RRDL00000000 | Scaffold | 127 | 196 (Illumina) | 5,130,319 | |
FWSEC0040 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2004 | Canada | SRR7947303 | RRDM00000000 | Scaffold | 150 | 221 (Illumina) | 5,182,763 | |
FWSEC0041 | O145:NM (O145:H28) | stx1a | Clinical, human | 1997 | Switzerland | SRR7947300 | RRDN00000000 | Scaffold | 192 | 196 (Illumina) | 5,358,040 | |
FWSEC0042 | O145:H25 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 1998 | Switzerland | SRR7947301 | RRDO00000000 | Scaffold | 174 | 189 (Illumina) | 5,245,327 | |
FWSEC0043 | O145:NM (O145:H28) | stx2a | Clinical, human | 1999 | Argentina | SRR7947248 | RRDP00000000 | Scaffold | 169 | 190 (Illumina) | 5,178,179 | |
FWSEC0044 | O145:NM (O145:H28) | stx1a, stx2a | Clinical, human | 2001 | Switzerland | SRR7947247 | RRDQ00000000 | Scaffold | 162 | 177 (Illumina) | 5,208,478 | |
FWSEC0045 | O91:NM (O91:H14) | stx1a, stx2b | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1994 | USA | SRR7947246 | RRDR00000000 | Scaffold | 252 | 186 (Illumina) | 5,459,036 | |
FWSEC0046 | O91:NM (O91:H14) | stx1a, stx2b | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1994 | USA | SRR7947245 | RRDS00000000 | Scaffold | 251 | 191 (Illumina) | 5,528,103 | |
FWSEC0047 | O91:H21 | stx2d | Clinical, human | Missing | USA | SRR7947244 | RRDT00000000 | Scaffold | 109 | 210 (Illumina) | 4,899,053 | |
FWSEC0048 | O91:H21 | stx1a, stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2001 | Canada | SRR7947243 | RRDU00000000 | Scaffold | 133 | 165 (Illumina) | 5,100,887 | |
FWSEC0049 | O113:H4 | stx1a, stx2d | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1996 | Canada | SRR7947242 | RRDV00000000 | Scaffold | 170 | 226 (Illumina) | 4,987,637 | |
FWSEC0050 | O113:H4 | stx1a, stx2d | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1996 | Canada | SRR7947241 | RRDW00000000 | Scaffold | 196 | 139 (Illumina) | 4,951,257 | |
FWSEC0051 | O113:H21 | stx2d | Clinical, human | 1989 | Canada | SRR7947250 | RRDX00000000 | Scaffold | 122 | 196 (Illumina) | 5,251,997 | |
FWSEC0052 | O128:NM (O128:H2) | stx1c | Clinical, human | 1996 | Germany | SRR7947249 | RRDY00000000 | Scaffold | 196 | 196 (Illumina) | 5,398,882 | |
FWSEC0053 | O128:H2 | stx1c | Clinical, human | 1988 | Switzerland | SRR7947252 | RRDZ00000000 | Scaffold | 213 | 240 (Illumina) | 5,388,481 | |
FWSEC0054 | O128:H10 | stx1 (partial); stx1a, stx1b (SRST2), stx1a (KAT) | Clinical, human | 1999 | Switzerland | SRR7947253 | RREA00000000 | Scaffold | 141 | 187 (Illumina) | 4,942,536 | |
FWSEC0055 | O113:H21 | stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2000 | Canada | SRR7947254 | RREB00000000 | Scaffold | 120 | 199 (Illumina) | 4,949,372 | |
FWSEC0057 | O185:H28 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947255 | RREC00000000 | Scaffold | 419 | 46 (Illumina) | 4,862,678 | |
FWSEC0058 | O153:NM (O153:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947256 | RRED00000000 | Scaffold | 500 | 52 (Illumina) | 5,232,124 | |
FWSEC0062 | O182/O109:NM (O109:H16) | stx2a, stx2g | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947260 | RREH00000000 | Scaffold | 158 | 154 (Illumina) | 5,214,988 | |
FWSEC0063 | O182/O109:NM (O109:H16) | stx2a, stx2g | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947261 | RREI00000000 | Scaffold | 195 | 127 (Illumina) | 5,205,797 | |
FWSEC0064 | O88:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | Stream water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947373 | RREJ00000000 | Scaffold | 160 | 77 (Illumina) | 4,836,164 | |
FWSEC0066 | O8:H19 | stx2c | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947375 | RREL00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,198,072 | |
FWSEC0067 | O8:H19 | stx2c | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947374 | RREM00000000 | Scaffold | 144 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,172,338 | |
FWSEC0069 | O84:NM (O84:H2) | stx1a | Municipal drain water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947376 | RREO00000000 | Scaffold | 194 | 185 (Illumina) | 5,368,100 | |
FWSEC0070 | O121:NM (O121:H19) | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 1999 | Canada | SRR7947379 | RREP00000000 | Scaffold | 133 | 129 (Illumina) | 5,000,333 | |
FWSEC0071 | O156:NM (O156:H25) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2004 | Canada | SRR7947378 | RREQ00000000 | Scaffold | 160 | 64 (Illumina) | 5,054,573 | |
FWSEC0072 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Proficiency panel isolate, human | 2005 | Denmark | SRR7947381 | RRER00000000 | Scaffold | 205 | 97 (Illumina) | 5,362,334 | |
FWSEC0073 | O145:H28 | stx1a | Proficiency panel isolate, human | 2005 | Denmark | SRR7947380 | RRES00000000 | Scaffold | 142 | 103 (Illumina) | 5,343,649 | |
FWSEC0074 | O75:H8 | stx1c, stx2b | Clinical, human | 2005 | Canada | SRR7947223 | RRET00000000 | Scaffold | 153 | 79 (Illumina) | 5,748,156 | |
FWSEC0075 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2005 | Canada | SRR7947224 | RREU00000000 | Scaffold | 239 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,396,470 | |
FWSEC0076 | O1:H20 (O1:H21) | stx2a | Clinical, human | 2006 | Canada | SRR7947221 | RREV00000000 | Scaffold | 81 | 92 (Illumina) | 5,009,613 | |
FWSEC0077 | O38:H26 | stx1c, stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate, human | 2006 | Denmark | SRR7947222 | RREW00000000 | Scaffold | 108 | 69 (Illumina) | 5,138,266 | |
FWSEC0078 | O51:H49 | stx2e | Proficiency panel isolate, human | 2006 | Denmark | SRR7947227 | RREX00000000 | Scaffold | 201 | 102 (Illumina) | 5,378,358 | |
FWSEC0079 | O55:H7 | stx2d | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2006 | Canada | SRR7947228 | RREY00000000 | Scaffold | 125 | 90 (Illumina) | 5,285,787 | |
FWSEC0080 | O119:H25 (O182:H25) | stx1a | Food | 2006 | Canada | SRR7947225 | RREZ00000000 | Scaffold | 156 | 90 (Illumina) | 5,146,192 | |
FWSEC0081 | O NT:NM (O177:H25) | stx2c (partial); stx2d (SRST2); stx2c, stx2d (KAT) | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2006 | Canada | SRR7947226 | RRFA00000000 | Scaffold | 185 | 136 (Illumina) | 5,008,627 | |
FWSEC0082 | O21:H8 | stx2a | Proficiency panel isolate | 2007 | Denmark | SRR7947229 | RRFB00000000 | Scaffold | 188 | 53 (Illumina) | 4,960,003 | |
FWSEC0083 | O28ab:NM (O28:H9) | stx2a | Proficiency panel isolate | 2007 | Denmark | SRR7947230 | RRFC00000000 | Scaffold | 142 | 99 (Illumina) | 4,996,535 | |
FWSEC0084 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2007 | Canada | SRR7947334 | RRFD00000000 | Scaffold | 229 | 106 (Illumina) | 5,294,352 | |
FWSEC0086 | O110:H28 | stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2009 | USA | SRR7947332 | RRFF00000000 | Scaffold | 107 | 74 (Illumina) | 4,944,331 | |
FWSEC0087 | O104:H7 (O104:H19) | stx2b | Unknown specimen type | 2009 | USA | SRR7947331 | RRFG00000000 | Scaffold | 237 | 128 (Illumina) | 5,466,655 | |
FWSEC0088 | O76:H19 | stx1c, stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | 2009 | Denmark | SRR7947338 | RRFH00000000 | Scaffold | 138 | 113 (Illumina) | 5,327,960 | |
FWSEC0089 | O113:H4 | stx1c, stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | 2009 | Denmark | SRR7947337 | RRFI00000000 | Scaffold | 134 | 71 (Illumina) | 5,110,727 | |
FWSEC0091 | O128ab:H2 (O128:H2) | stx1c, stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | 2009 | Denmark | SRR7947335 | RRFJ00000000 | Scaffold | 195 | 89 (Illumina) | 5,567,620 | |
FWSEC0092 | O91:H14 | stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | 2009 | Denmark | SRR7947330 | RRFK00000000 | Scaffold | 101 | 87 (Illumina) | 5,105,837 | |
FWSEC0093 | O146:H28 | stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | 2009 | Denmark | SRR7947329 | RRFL00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 127 (Illumina) | 5,363,081 | |
FWSEC0094 | O26:H11 | stx1a, stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2009 | Canada | SRR7947355 | RRFM00000000 | Scaffold | 209 | 113 (Illumina) | 5,482,763 | |
FWSEC0095 | O116:H NT (O116:H21) | stx1a, stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2009 | USA | SRR7947356 | RRFN00000000 | Scaffold | 137 | 107 (Illumina) | 5,147,136 | |
FWSEC0096 | O8:H19 | stx1a, stx2d | Unknown specimen type | 2009 | USA | SRR7947357 | RRFO00000000 | Scaffold | 81 | 93 (Illumina) | 4,890,473 | |
FWSEC0097 | O130:H11 | stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2009 | USA | SRR7947358 | RRFP00000000 | Scaffold | 90 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,054,940 | |
FWSEC0098 | O6:H34 | stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2009 | USA | SRR7947351 | RRFQ00000000 | Scaffold | 93 | 77 (Illumina) | 5,170,195 | |
FWSEC0100 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2009 | Canada | SRR7947353 | RRFR00000000 | Scaffold | 201 | 156 (Illumina) | 5,402,804 | |
FWSEC0101 | O8:H16 | stx1a, stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2009 | Canada | SRR7947354 | RRFS00000000 | Scaffold | 70 | 133 (Illumina) | 4,891,263 | |
FWSEC0102 | O98:H29 (O98:H21) | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2009 | Canada | SRR7947359 | RRFT00000000 | Scaffold | 160 | 147 (Illumina) | 5,223,295 | |
FWSEC0103 | O165:NM (O165:H25) | stx1a, stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2009 | Canada | SRR7947360 | RRFU00000000 | Scaffold | 166 | 141 (Illumina) | 4,927,569 | |
FWSEC0104 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947289 | RRFV00000000 | Scaffold | 203 | 138 (Illumina) | 5,283,037 | |
FWSEC0105 | O156:H25 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2010 | USA | SRR7947288 | RRFW00000000 | Scaffold | 146 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,029,646 | |
FWSEC0106 | O165:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2010 | USA | SRR7947291 | RRFX00000000 | Scaffold | 154 | 93 (Illumina) | 4,919,952 | |
FWSEC0107 | O79:H7 | stx2c | Unknown specimen type | 2010 | USA | SRR7947290 | RRFY00000000 | Scaffold | 105 | 45 (Illumina) | 4,882,294 | |
FWSEC0108 | O39:H49 | stx1a, stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2010 | USA | SRR7947285 | RRFZ00000000 | Scaffold | 101 | 88 (Illumina) | 5,008,177 | |
FWSEC0109 | O26:NM (O26:H11) | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947284 | RRGA00000000 | Scaffold | 241 | 94 (Illumina) | 5,339,476 | |
FWSEC0110 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947340 | RRGB00000000 | Scaffold | 192 | 131 (Illumina) | 5,341,967 | |
FWSEC0111 | O174:H8 | stx1c, stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | 2010 | Denmark | SRR7947339 | RRGC00000000 | Scaffold | 115 | 109 (Illumina) | 5,029,489 | |
FWSEC0112 | O41:H26 | stx1d | Proficiency panel isolate | 2010 | Denmark | SRR7947361 | RRGD00000000 | Scaffold | 120 | 117 (Illumina) | 5,443,975 | |
FWSEC0113 | O6:H2 (O103:H2) | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947328 | RRGE00000000 | Scaffold | 184 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,255,259 | |
FWSEC0114 | O139:H1 | stx2e | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947318 | RRGF00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 76 (Illumina) | 5,146,693 | |
FWSEC0115 | O171:H2 |
stx2c (partial), stx2 (SRST2), stx2d (KAT) |
Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947319 | RRGG00000000 | Scaffold | 151 | 79 (Illumina) | 5,161,156 | |
FWSEC0116 | O91:H21 | stx2d | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947316 | RRGH00000000 | Scaffold | 97 | 86 (Illumina) | 4,929,810 | |
FWSEC0117 | O145:H34 | stx2f | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947317 | RRGI00000000 | Scaffold | 105 | 65 (Illumina) | 4,910,022 | |
FWSEC0118 | O2:H25 | stx2g | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947314 | RRGJ00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 83 (Illumina) | 5,348,740 | |
FWSEC0119 | O146:H21 | stx1c, stx2a | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947315 | RRGK00000000 | Scaffold | 186 | 97 (Illumina) | 5,423,256 | |
FWSEC0120 | O154:H31 | stx1d | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947282 | RRGL00000000 | Scaffold | 81 | 73 (Illumina) | 5,305,349 | |
FWSEC0121 | O22:H8 | stx1c, stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947283 | RRGM00000000 | Scaffold | 193 | 87 (Illumina) | 5,397,345 | |
FWSEC0122 | O48:H21 | stx1a, stx2a | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947310 | RRGN00000000 | Scaffold | 105 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,036,092 | |
FWSEC0123 | O174:H21 | stx2c | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947311 | RRGO00000000 | Scaffold | 101 | 161 (Illumina) | 5,239,138 | |
FWSEC0124 | O118:H12 | stx2b | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947236 | RRGP00000000 | Scaffold | 146 | 92 (Illumina) | 5,011,013 | |
FWSEC0125 | O73:H18 (O17:H18) | stx2d | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947235 | RRGQ00000000 | Scaffold | 72 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,126,562 | |
FWSEC0126 | O8:K85ab:H rough (O8:H19) | stx1d | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947238 | RRGR00000000 | Scaffold | 77 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,592,160 | |
FWSEC0127 | O128ab:NM (O128:H2) | stx2f | Proficiency panel isolate | Missing | Denmark | SRR7947237 | RRGS00000000 | Scaffold | 164 | 80 (Illumina) | 5,355,188 | |
FWSEC0128 | O183:H21 (O183:H18) | stx1a, stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947232 | RRGT00000000 | Scaffold | 85 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,293,073 | |
FWSEC0129 | O71:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947231 | RRGU00000000 | Scaffold | 215 | 70 (Illumina) | 5,212,364 | |
FWSEC0131 | O118:H16 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947233 | RRGW00000000 | Scaffold | 216 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,431,187 | |
FWSEC0132 | O177:NM (O177:H25) | stx2c | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947240 | RRGX00000000 | Scaffold | 204 | 86 (Illumina) | 4,960,664 | |
FWSEC0133 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947239 | RRGY00000000 | Scaffold | 229 | 102 (Illumina) | 5,308,084 | |
FWSEC0135 | O49:NM (O49:H16) | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947389 | RRHA00000000 | Scaffold | 186 | 102 (Illumina) | 4,775,607 | |
FWSEC0136 | O103:H21 (O103:H2) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947386 | RRHB00000000 | Scaffold | 172 | 83 (Illumina) | 5,325,986 | |
FWSEC0137 | O103:H2 (O103:H25) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947387 | RRHC00000000 | Scaffold | 173 | 78 (Illumina) | 5,127,832 | |
FWSEC0138 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947384 | RRHD00000000 | Scaffold | 157 | 69 (Illumina) | 5,264,166 | |
FWSEC0139 | O26:H21 (O26:H11) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947385 | RRHE00000000 | Scaffold | 225 | 65 (Illumina) | 5,449,882 | |
FWSEC0140 | O121:H1 (O121:H19) | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947382 | RRHF00000000 | Scaffold | 143 | 71 (Illumina) | 5,127,687 | |
FWSEC0141 | O69:H11 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947383 | RRHG00000000 | Scaffold | 214 | 96 (Illumina) | 5,495,125 | |
FWSEC0142 | O26:H21 (O26:H11) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947390 | RRHH00000000 | Scaffold | 229 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,277,599 | |
FWSEC0143 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947391 | RRHI00000000 | Scaffold | 225 | 44 (Illumina) | 5,201,971 | |
FWSEC0144 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947367 | RRHJ00000000 | Scaffold | 234 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,303,448 | |
FWSEC0146 | O103:H25 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947365 | RRHL00000000 | Scaffold | 181 | 149 (Illumina) | 5,390,238 | |
FWSEC0147 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947364 | RRHM00000000 | Scaffold | 161 | 113 (Illumina) | 5,304,488 | |
FWSEC0150 | O1:H rough (O1:H20) | stx2a | Clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947369 | RRHP00000000 | Scaffold | 83 | 134 (Illumina) | 5,049,946 | |
FWSEC0151 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2001 | Canada | SRR7947368 | RRHQ00000000 | Scaffold | 189 | 144 (Illumina) | 5,347,332 | |
FWSEC0152 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a | Clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947363 | RRHR00000000 | Scaffold | 179 | 118 (Illumina) | 5,193,004 | |
FWSEC0153 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947362 | RRHS00000000 | Scaffold | 166 | 156 (Illumina) | 5,078,658 | |
FWSEC0154 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947347 | RRHT00000000 | Scaffold | 169 | 145 (Illumina) | 5,218,466 | |
FWSEC0155 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947348 | RRHU00000000 | Scaffold | 182 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,077,668 | |
FWSEC0156 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947349 | RRHV00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 178 (Illumina) | 5,156,591 | |
FWSEC0157 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2010 | Canada | SRR7947350 | RRHW00000000 | Scaffold | 192 | 183 (Illumina) | 5,287,703 | |
FWSEC0158 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947343 | RRHX00000000 | Scaffold | 196 | 210 (Illumina) | 5,346,730 | |
FWSEC0159 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a, stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947344 | RRHY00000000 | Scaffold | 244 | 183 (Illumina) | 5,359,848 | |
FWSEC0160 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Solid stool, clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947345 | RRHZ00000000 | Scaffold | 167 | 173 (Illumina) | 5,118,519 | |
FWSEC0161 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 2011 | Canada | SRR7947346 | RRIA00000000 | Scaffold | 161 | 219 (Illumina) | 5,114,368 | |
FWSEC0233 | O8:H19 | stx2c | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612229 | RRIB00000000 | Scaffold | 70 | 111 (Illumina) | 4,959,778 | |
FWSEC0234 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612228 | RRIC00000000 | Scaffold | 139 | 118 (Illumina) | 5,310,469 | |
FWSEC0235 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612231 | RRID00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 116 (Illumina) | 5,308,760 | |
FWSEC0236 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612230 | RRIE00000000 | Scaffold | 133 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,313,318 | |
FWSEC0237 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612225 | RRIF00000000 | Scaffold | 134 | 87 (Illumina) | 5,310,915 | |
FWSEC0238 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612224 | RRIG00000000 | Scaffold | 141 | 89 (Illumina) | 5,316,450 | |
FWSEC0239 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612227 | RRIH00000000 | Scaffold | 133 | 102 (Illumina) | 5,317,769 | |
FWSEC0241 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612233 | RRIJ00000000 | Scaffold | 133 | 96 (Illumina) | 5,314,331 | |
FWSEC0242 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612232 | RRIK00000000 | Scaffold | 150 | 68 (Illumina) | 5,311,201 | |
FWSEC0244 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612362 | RRIM00000000 | Scaffold | 243 | 121 (Illumina) | 5,568,249 | |
FWSEC0245 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612181 | RRIN00000000 | Scaffold | 145 | 51 (Illumina) | 5,309,767 | |
FWSEC0246 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612182 | RRIO00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 114 (Illumina) | 5,317,036 | |
FWSEC0247 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612175 | RRIP00000000 | Scaffold | 131 | 51 (Illumina) | 5,309,640 | |
FWSEC0248 | O4 (O135):NM (O4:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612176 | RRIQ00000000 | Scaffold | 131 | 125 (Illumina) | 5,212,374 | |
FWSEC0249 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612177 | RRIR00000000 | Scaffold | 132 | 80 (Illumina) | 5,309,552 | |
FWSEC0251 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612223 | RRIT00000000 | Scaffold | 132 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,317,712 | |
FWSEC0252 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612304 | RRIU00000000 | Scaffold | 144 | 143 (Illumina) | 5,310,446 | |
FWSEC0253 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612506 | RRIV00000000 | Scaffold | 139 | 79 (Illumina) | 5,307,818 | |
FWSEC0254 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612505 | RRIW00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 49 (Illumina) | 5,282,918 | |
FWSEC0255 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612504 | RRIX00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 88 (Illumina) | 5,314,657 | |
FWSEC0256 | O91:H21 | stx2a | Ground beef, solid food, bovine, buildings (grocery/retail/food store) | 2010 | Canada | SRR7612503 | RRIY00000000 | Scaffold | 106 | 143 (Illumina) | 4,939,455 | |
FWSEC0257 | O91:H14 | stx1a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612510 | RRIZ00000000 | Scaffold | 96 | 120 (Illumina) | 5,291,420 | |
FWSEC0258 | O111:H8 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612509 | RRJA00000000 | Scaffold | 147 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,104,080 | |
FWSEC0259 | O1:H20 | stx2a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612508 | RRJB00000000 | Scaffold | 67 | 122 (Illumina) | 5,067,012 | |
FWSEC0260 | O111:H8 | stx1a, stx2a | Ground beef, solid food, bovine, buildings (grocery/retail/food store) | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612507 | RRJC00000000 | Scaffold | 150 | 76 (Illumina) | 5,110,497 | |
FWSEC0261 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612512 | RRJD00000000 | Scaffold | 137 | 107 (Illumina) | 5,137,935 | |
FWSEC0262 | O91:H14 | stx1a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612511 | RRJE00000000 | Scaffold | 101 | 107 (Illumina) | 5,325,101 | |
FWSEC0263 | O1:H20 | stx1a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612467 | RRJF00000000 | Scaffold | 72 | 114 (Illumina) | 5,026,605 | |
FWSEC0264 | O26:H11 | stx1a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612468 | RRJG00000000 | Scaffold | 186 | 136 (Illumina) | 5,305,929 | |
FWSEC0265 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612465 | RRJH00000000 | Scaffold | 115 | 85 (Illumina) | 5,327,519 | |
FWSEC0266 | O1:H20 | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612466 | RRJI00000000 | Scaffold | 70 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,064,420 | |
FWSEC0267 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612471 | RRJJ00000000 | Scaffold | 141 | 122 (Illumina) | 5,327,547 | |
FWSEC0268 | O1:H20 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612472 | RRJK00000000 | Scaffold | 49 | 98 (Illumina) | 4,974,621 | |
FWSEC0269 | O1:H20 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612469 | RRJL00000000 | Scaffold | 64 | 106 (Illumina) | 5,021,634 | |
FWSEC0270 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612470 | RRJM00000000 | Scaffold | 135 | 67 (Illumina) | 5,301,031 | |
FWSEC0271 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612463 | RRJN00000000 | Scaffold | 143 | 97 (Illumina) | 5,362,142 | |
FWSEC0272 | O174:H21 | stx2d | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612464 | RRJO00000000 | Scaffold | 143 | 121 (Illumina) | 5,247,426 | |
FWSEC0273 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612375 | RRJP00000000 | Scaffold | 180 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,246,449 | |
FWSEC0274 | O145:NM (O145:H28) | stx2a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612559 | RRJQ00000000 | Scaffold | 139 | 86 (Illumina) | 5,169,990 | |
FWSEC0275 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612336 | RRJR00000000 | Scaffold | 182 | 83 (Illumina) | 5,238,710 | |
FWSEC0276 | O26:NM (O26:H11) | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612335 | RRJS00000000 | Scaffold | 179 | 85 (Illumina) | 5,384,889 | |
FWSEC0277 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612338 | RRJT00000000 | Scaffold | 201 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,371,254 | |
FWSEC0278 | O104:H7 | stx2a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612337 | RRJU00000000 | Scaffold | 58 | 57 (Illumina) | 4,996,585 | |
FWSEC0279 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612340 | RRJV00000000 | Scaffold | 128 | 96 (Illumina) | 5,432,377 | |
FWSEC0280 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612339 | RRJW00000000 | Scaffold | 120 | 113 (Illumina) | 5,200,889 | |
FWSEC0281 | O118:H16 | stx1a | Water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612556 | RRJX00000000 | Scaffold | 178 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,483,599 | |
FWSEC0282 | O91:H21 | stx1a, stx2d, stx2c | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612555 | RRJY00000000 | Scaffold | 83 | 92 (Illumina) | 5,033,695 | |
FWSEC0283 | O1:H20 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612244 | RRJZ00000000 | Scaffold | 62 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,089,114 | |
FWSEC0284 | O174:H21 | stx2a | Ground beef, solid food, bovine, buildings (grocery/retail/food store) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612245 | RRKA00000000 | Scaffold | 82 | 95 (Illumina) | 5,077,035 | |
FWSEC0285 | O103:H11 | stx1a | Water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612089 | RRKB00000000 | Scaffold | 193 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,304,443 | |
FWSEC0286 | O103:H25 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612095 | RRKC00000000 | Scaffold | 154 | 98 (Illumina) | 5,289,604 | |
FWSEC0287 | O103:H25 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612248 | RRKD00000000 | Scaffold | 156 | 76 (Illumina) | 5,276,158 | |
FWSEC0289 | O153:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612250 | RRKE00000000 | Scaffold | 90 | 67 (Illumina) | 4,909,247 | |
FWSEC0290 | O113:H21 | stx2a (partial), stx2a (SRST2), stx2a (KAT) | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612251 | RRKF00000000 | Scaffold | 112 | 97 (Illumina) | 5,070,644 | |
FWSEC0291 | O113:H21 | stx1a, stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612105 | RRKG00000000 | Scaffold | 86 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,165,323 | |
FWSEC0292 | O177:NM (O177:H25) | stx2c | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612106 | RRKH00000000 | Scaffold | 179 | 78 (Illumina) | 4,883,321 | |
FWSEC0293 | O157:NM (O157:H7) | stx1a, stx2c | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612096 | RRKI00000000 | Scaffold | 119 | 72 (Illumina) | 5,277,187 | |
FWSEC0294 | O26:H11 | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612281 | RRKJ00000000 | Scaffold | 190 | 93 (Illumina) | 5,310,274 | |
FWSEC0296 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612341 | RRKL00000000 | Scaffold | 139 | 124 (Illumina) | 5,314,465 | |
FWSEC0297 | O111:H8 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612092 | RRKM00000000 | Scaffold | 161 | 54 (Illumina) | 5,358,475 | |
FWSEC0298 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612091 | RRKN00000000 | Scaffold | 140 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,289,100 | |
FWSEC0299 | O111:H8 | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612090 | RRKO00000000 | Scaffold | 140 | 128 (Illumina) | 5,281,401 | |
FWSEC0300 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612557 | RRKP00000000 | Scaffold | 180 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,390,046 | |
FWSEC0301 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612283 | RRKQ00000000 | Scaffold | 192 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,385,968 | |
FWSEC0302 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine (Bos taurus) | 1992 | Canada | SRR7612282 | RRKR00000000 | Scaffold | 124 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,029,461 | |
FWSEC0303 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine (Bos taurus) | 1992 | Canada | SRR7612533 | RRKS00000000 | Scaffold | 120 | 75 (Illumina) | 5,030,995 | |
FWSEC0304 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 1999 | Switzerland | SRR7612534 | RRKT00000000 | Scaffold | 108 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,112,326 | |
FWSEC0305 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Clinical, human | 1999 | Switzerland | SRR7612531 | RRKU00000000 | Scaffold | 118 | 71 (Illumina) | 5,167,571 | |
FWSEC0319 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612530 | RRKW00000000 | Scaffold | 82 | 102 (Illumina) | 5,024,293 | |
FWSEC0320 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612527 | RRKX00000000 | Scaffold | 85 | 80 (Illumina) | 5,121,870 | |
FWSEC0321 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612528 | RRKY00000000 | Scaffold | 207 | 42 (Illumina) | 4,918,527 | |
FWSEC0322 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612535 | RRKZ00000000 | Scaffold | 84 | 135 (Illumina) | 5,019,235 | |
FWSEC0323 | O163:H missing (O163:H19) | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612536 | RRLA00000000 | Scaffold | 83 | 94 (Illumina) | 5,021,924 | |
FWSEC0324 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612172 | RRLB00000000 | Scaffold | 85 | 106 (Illumina) | 5,119,734 | |
FWSEC0325 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612171 | RRLC00000000 | Scaffold | 91 | 109 (Illumina) | 5,211,926 | |
FWSEC0327 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612173 | RRLE00000000 | Scaffold | 85 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,107,873 | |
FWSEC0329 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612167 | RRLG00000000 | Scaffold | 84 | 110 (Illumina) | 5,019,985 | |
FWSEC0330 | O163:H19 | stx2a | Drain water, waste water, culvert | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612170 | RRLH00000000 | Scaffold | 86 | 96 (Illumina) | 5,219,978 | |
FWSEC0332 | O54 (O57):H21 | stx1d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612180 | RRLI00000000 | Scaffold | 75 | 93 (Illumina) | 4,981,787 | |
FWSEC0333 | O54 (O57):H21 | stx1d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612537 | RRLJ00000000 | Scaffold | 75 | 134 (Illumina) | 4,920,129 | |
FWSEC0334 | O54 (O57):H21 | stx1d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612276 | RRLK00000000 | Scaffold | 71 | 121 (Illumina) | 4,982,034 | |
FWSEC0335 | O8:H19 | stx1a, stx2d | Stream water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612277 | RRLL00000000 | Scaffold | 95 | 90 (Illumina) | 5,341,011 | |
FWSEC0336 | O118:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612278 | RRLM00000000 | Scaffold | 149 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,256,612 | |
FWSEC0337 | O8:H19 | stx2a, stx2d | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612279 | RRLN00000000 | Scaffold | 90 | 111 (Illumina) | 5,212,166 | |
FWSEC0338 | O168:H8 | stx2a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612272 | RRLO00000000 | Scaffold | 111 | 152 (Illumina) | 5,276,982 | |
FWSEC0339 | O8:H19 | stx2a, stx2d | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612273 | RRLP00000000 | Scaffold | 88 | 119 (Illumina) | 4,912,080 | |
FWSEC0340 | O116:H25 | stx2d | Stream water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612274 | RRLQ00000000 | Scaffold | 85 | 102 (Illumina) | 4,957,319 | |
FWSEC0341 | O5:NM | stx1a | Stream water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612275 | RRLR00000000 | Scaffold | 143 | 131 (Illumina) | 4,991,314 | |
FWSEC0342 | O69:H11 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612270 | RRLS00000000 | Scaffold | 209 | 76 (Illumina) | 5,350,561 | |
FWSEC0344 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a | Stream water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612401 | RRLU00000000 | Scaffold | 144 | 99 (Illumina) | 4,994,048 | |
FWSEC0346 | O22:H8 | stx2d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612399 | RRLW00000000 | Contig | 99 | 102 (Illumina) | 4,983,956 | |
FWSEC0347 | O174:H21 | stx2c | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612398 | RRLX00000000 | Scaffold | 102 | 113 (Illumina) | 5,055,323 | |
FWSEC0348 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612405 | RRLY00000000 | Scaffold | 80 | 126 (Illumina) | 5,022,312 | |
FWSEC0350 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | Stream water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612403 | RRMA00000000 | Scaffold | 78 | 165 (Illumina) | 5,022,555 | |
FWSEC0351 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612402 | RRMB00000000 | Scaffold | 80 | 117 (Illumina) | 5,021,604 | |
FWSEC0352 | O rough:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612397 | RRMC00000000 | Scaffold | 78 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,020,306 | |
FWSEC0353 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | Canal water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612396 | RRMD00000000 | Scaffold | 82 | 124 (Illumina) | 5,021,023 | |
FWSEC0354 | O rough:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | Canal water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612083 | RRME00000000 | Scaffold | 80 | 121 (Illumina) | 5,019,161 | |
FWSEC0355 | O163:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | Canal water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612084 | RRMF00000000 | Scaffold | 76 | 132 (Illumina) | 5,022,505 | |
FWSEC0356 | O69:H11 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612081 | RRMG00000000 | Scaffold | 213 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,417,563 | |
FWSEC0357 | O rough:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612082 | RRMH00000000 | Scaffold | 81 | 153 (Illumina) | 5,022,476 | |
FWSEC0358 | O rough:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612087 | RRMI00000000 | Scaffold | 77 | 126 (Illumina) | 5,021,430 | |
FWSEC0359 | O rough:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612088 | RRMJ00000000 | Scaffold | 87 | 156 (Illumina) | 5,019,056 | |
FWSEC0360 | O rough:H21 (O113:H21) | stx2d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612085 | RRMK00000000 | Scaffold | 102 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,129,184 | |
FWSEC0361 | O113:H21 | stx2d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612086 | RRML00000000 | Scaffold | 136 | 31 (Illumina) | 5,244,379 | |
FWSEC0362 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612079 | RRMM00000000 | Scaffold | 146 | 149 (Illumina) | 4,983,571 | |
FWSEC0363 | O8:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612080 | RRMN00000000 | Scaffold | 95 | 108 (Illumina) | 4,909,165 | |
FWSEC0364 | O174:H21 | stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612237 | RRMO00000000 | Scaffold | 124 | 88 (Illumina) | 5,039,528 | |
FWSEC0365 | O128:H2 | stx1c, stx2b | Stream water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612236 | RRMP00000000 | Scaffold | 132 | 87 (Illumina) | 5,412,442 | |
FWSEC0367 | O NT:H19 (O8:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612238 | RRMR00000000 | Scaffold | 83 | 92 (Illumina) | 4,857,754 | |
FWSEC0369 | O98:NM (O98:H21) | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612240 | RRMT00000000 | Scaffold | 155 | 85 (Illumina) | 5,326,975 | |
FWSEC0370 | O98:NM (O98:H21) | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612243 | RRMU00000000 | Scaffold | 162 | 96 (Illumina) | 5,322,293 | |
FWSEC0371 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612242 | RRMV00000000 | Scaffold | 108 | 127 (Illumina) | 5,209,164 | |
FWSEC0372 | O163:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612235 | RRMW00000000 | Scaffold | 78 | 67 (Illumina) | 5,022,836 | |
FWSEC0373 | O165:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612234 | RRMX00000000 | Scaffold | 163 | 49 (Illumina) | 4,945,961 | |
FWSEC0374 | O165:NM (O165:H25) | stx1a, stx2a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612325 | RRMY00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 36 (Illumina) | 4,948,312 | |
FWSEC0375 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | Stream water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612326 | RRMZ00000000 | Scaffold | 128 | 238 (Illumina) | 5,305,861 | |
FWSEC0376 | O88:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612327 | RRNA00000000 | Scaffold | 84 | 156 (Illumina) | 4,833,021 | |
FWSEC0377 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612328 | RRNB00000000 | Scaffold | 140 | 145 (Illumina) | 5,304,691 | |
FWSEC0378 | O103:H25 | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612329 | RRNC00000000 | Scaffold | 165 | 96 (Illumina) | 5,304,528 | |
FWSEC0379 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612330 | RRND00000000 | Scaffold | 178 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,366,964 | |
FWSEC0380 | O165:NM (O165:H25) | stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612331 | RRNE00000000 | Scaffold | 162 | 146 (Illumina) | 4,966,985 | |
FWSEC0381 | O174:H8 | stx1c, stx2b | Stream water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612332 | RRNF00000000 | Scaffold | 141 | 129 (Illumina) | 5,277,367 | |
FWSEC0382 | O128:H2 | stx1c, stx2b | Stream water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612333 | RRNG00000000 | Scaffold | 143 | 86 (Illumina) | 5,383,076 | |
FWSEC0383 | O163:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612334 | RRNH00000000 | Scaffold | 83 | 103 (Illumina) | 5,099,503 | |
FWSEC0384 | O128:H2 | stx1c, stx2b | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612462 | RRNI00000000 | Scaffold | 164 | 81 (Illumina) | 5,533,994 | |
FWSEC0385 | O111:NM (O111:H8) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612461 | RRNJ00000000 | Scaffold | 183 | 88 (Illumina) | 5,370,982 | |
FWSEC0386 | O8:H9 | stx2d | Water, agricultural (irrigation ditch) | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612460 | RRNK00000000 | Scaffold | 53 | 91 (Illumina) | 5,789,001 | |
FWSEC0387 | O103:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | Canal water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612459 | RRNL00000000 | Scaffold | 164 | 178 (Illumina) | 5,178,285 | |
FWSEC0388 | O103:H25 | stx1a | River water | Missing | Canada | SRR7612458 | RRNM00000000 | Scaffold | 155 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,168,250 | |
FWSEC0389 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612457 | RRNN00000000 | Scaffold | 171 | 104 (Illumina) | 5,301,480 | |
FWSEC0390 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612456 | RRNO00000000 | Scaffold | 157 | 73 (Illumina) | 5,236,779 | |
FWSEC0391 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612455 | RRNP00000000 | Scaffold | 182 | 93 (Illumina) | 5,424,966 | |
FWSEC0392 | O163:NM (O163:H19) | stx1a, stx2a | Domesticated livestock, animal manure, bovine (dairy liquid), dairy farm | 1992 | Canada | SRR7612454 | RRNQ00000000 | Scaffold | 77 | 109 (Illumina) | 5,022,374 | |
FWSEC0394 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | Waste water | 2010 | Canada | SRR7612453 | RRNR00000000 | Scaffold | 113 | 82 (Illumina) | 5,252,251 | |
FWSEC0395 | O111:H8 | stx1a | Waste water | 2010 | Canada | SRR7612155 | RRNS00000000 | Scaffold | 104 | 97 (Illumina) | 5,003,932 | |
FWSEC0397 | O174:H21 | stx2d | Waste water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612153 | RRNU00000000 | Scaffold | 76 | 74 (Illumina) | 4,911,063 | |
FWSEC0398 | O52:H45 | stx1c | Waste water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612154 | RRNV00000000 | Scaffold | 100 | 102 (Illumina) | 4,784,323 | |
FWSEC0399 | O91:H14 | stx1a | Intake water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612151 | RRNW00000000 | Scaffold | 93 | 102 (Illumina) | 5,324,693 | |
FWSEC0400 | O113:H4 | stx2d | Intake water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612152 | RRNX00000000 | Contig | 128 | 107 (Illumina) | 4,863,421 | |
FWSEC0401 | O113:H21 | stx2a | Waste water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612149 | RRNY00000000 | Scaffold | 96 | 118 (Illumina) | 5,086,552 | |
FWSEC0402 | O171:H2 | stx2c | Intake water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612150 | RRNZ00000000 | Scaffold | 111 | 93 (Illumina) | 5,233,546 | |
FWSEC0404 | O121:H10 | stx2e | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612148 | RROA00000000 | Scaffold | 123 | 71 (Illumina) | 5,095,240 | |
FWSEC0405 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612312 | RROB00000000 | Scaffold | 127 | 49 (Illumina) | 5,340,005 | |
FWSEC0406 | O157:H7 | stx2c | Intake water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612311 | RROC00000000 | Scaffold | 130 | 110 (Illumina) | 5,239,223 | |
FWSEC0407 | O128:NM (O128:H2) | stx1c, stx2b | Waste water | 2011 | Canada | SRR7612314 | RROD00000000 | Scaffold | 132 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,345,000 | |
FWSEC0408 | O91:NM (O91:H14) | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612313 | RROE00000000 | Scaffold | 127 | 106 (Illumina) | 5,346,527 | |
FWSEC0409 | O103:H25 | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612308 | RROF00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 106 (Illumina) | 5,283,169 | |
FWSEC0410 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612307 | RROG00000000 | Scaffold | 145 | 110 (Illumina) | 5,347,671 | |
FWSEC0411 | O121:H19 | stx2a | Stream water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612310 | RROH00000000 | Scaffold | 118 | 123 (Illumina) | 5,003,403 | |
FWSEC0413 | O157:H7 | stx2a | Waste water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612306 | RROI00000000 | Scaffold | 117 | 118 (Illumina) | 5,277,352 | |
FWSEC0414 | O153:NM (O153:H2) | stx2f | Intake water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612305 | RROJ00000000 | Scaffold | 167 | 130 (Illumina) | 5,262,960 | |
FWSEC0415 | O157:H7 | stx2a | Waste water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612551 | RROK00000000 | Scaffold | 125 | 117 (Illumina) | 5,343,022 | |
FWSEC0416 | O113:H21 | stx2a | Waste water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612550 | RROL00000000 | Scaffold | 98 | 115 (Illumina) | 5,000,817 | |
FWSEC0417 | O157:H7 | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612553 | RROM00000000 | Scaffold | 122 | 129 (Illumina) | 5,237,889 | |
FWSEC0418 | O139:H19 | stx1a, stx2c | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612552 | RRON00000000 | Scaffold | 93 | 110 (Illumina) | 5,051,814 | |
FWSEC0419 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Intake water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612547 | RROO00000000 | Scaffold | 189 | 115 (Illumina) | 5,475,738 | |
FWSEC0420 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612546 | RROP00000000 | Scaffold | 111 | 118 (Illumina) | 5,419,843 | |
FWSEC0421 | O22:H NT (O22:H8) | stx2f | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612526 | RROQ00000000 | Scaffold | 109 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,104,544 | |
FWSEC0422 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612548 | RROR00000000 | Scaffold | 128 | 114 (Illumina) | 5,192,306 | |
FWSEC0423 | O91:NM (O91:H14) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612543 | RROS00000000 | Scaffold | 139 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,391,718 | |
FWSEC0424 | O182 (O109):H5 (O109:H5) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612542 | RROT00000000 | Scaffold | 86 | 158 (Illumina) | 5,195,233 | |
FWSEC0425 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612195 | RROU00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 123 (Illumina) | 5,100,963 | |
FWSEC0426 | O128:H2 | stx1c, stx2b | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612421 | RROV00000000 | Scaffold | 175 | 121 (Illumina) | 5,573,765 | |
FWSEC0427 | O103:H2 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612418 | RROW00000000 | Scaffold | 145 | 112 (Illumina) | 5,298,328 | |
FWSEC0428 | O26:H11 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612419 | RROX00000000 | Scaffold | 182 | 137 (Illumina) | 5,443,552 | |
FWSEC0429 | O1:H20 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612416 | RROY00000000 | Scaffold | 63 | 144 (Illumina) | 5,071,067 | |
FWSEC0430 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612417 | RROZ00000000 | Scaffold | 128 | 88 (Illumina) | 5,348,101 | |
FWSEC0431 | O103:H11 | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612414 | RRPA00000000 | Scaffold | 183 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,303,799 | |
FWSEC0432 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612415 | RRPB00000000 | Scaffold | 159 | 91 (Illumina) | 5,118,324 | |
FWSEC0433 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612183 | RRPC00000000 | Scaffold | 147 | 94 (Illumina) | 5,227,140 | |
FWSEC0434 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612184 | RRPD00000000 | Scaffold | 152 | 83 (Illumina) | 5,227,905 | |
FWSEC0436 | O153:NM (O153:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612296 | RRPE00000000 | Scaffold | 158 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,323,485 | |
FWSEC0437 | O45:NM (O45:H2) | stx2f | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612295 | RRPF00000000 | Scaffold | 156 | 110 (Illumina) | 5,184,594 | |
FWSEC0438 | O113:H4 | stx2d | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612294 | RRPG00000000 | Contig | 122 | 99 (Illumina) | 4,852,452 | |
FWSEC0439 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612301 | RRPH00000000 | Scaffold | 164 | 105 (Illumina) | 5,106,616 | |
FWSEC0440 | O157:H7 | stx1a, stx2a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612300 | RRPI00000000 | Scaffold | 125 | 109 (Illumina) | 5,285,150 | |
FWSEC0441 | O5:NM (O5:H19) | stx1c | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612299 | RRPJ00000000 | Scaffold | 120 | 123 (Illumina) | 5,279,452 | |
FWSEC0442 | O136:NM (O136:H12) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612298 | RRPK00000000 | Scaffold | 211 | 108 (Illumina) | 5,301,182 | |
FWSEC0443 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a | River water | 2013 | Canada | SRR7612303 | RRPL00000000 | Scaffold | 165 | 99 (Illumina) | 5,108,519 | |
FWSEC0446 | O6:H7 (O6:H11) | stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2001 | Canada | SRR7612142 | RRPM00000000 | Scaffold | 81 | 76 (Illumina) | 4,843,537 | |
FWSEC0447 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7612143 | RRPN00000000 | Scaffold | 197 | 74 (Illumina) | 5,379,480 | |
FWSEC0449 | O145:NM (O145:H49) | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7612137 | RRPP00000000 | Scaffold | 137 | 95 (Illumina) | 4,835,826 | |
FWSEC0451 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7612139 | RRPQ00000000 | Scaffold | 129 | 120 (Illumina) | 5,163,904 | |
FWSEC0464 | O121:NM (O121:H20) | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Canada | SRR7612121 | RRPZ00000000 | Scaffold | 62 | 71 (Illumina) | 5,029,443 | |
FWSEC0465 | O113:H4 (O113:H20) | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7612124 | RRQA00000000 | Scaffold | 61 | 77 (Illumina) | 5,068,214 | |
FWSEC0502 | O91:H10 | stx2 | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7612438 | RRRH00000000 | Scaffold | 113 | 62 (Illumina) | 5,055,432 | |
FWSEC0508 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 1984 | Canada | SRR7947323 | RRRI00000000 | Scaffold | 202 | 127 (Illumina) | 5,273,275 | |
FWSEC0510 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 1997 | Not collected | SRR7947325 | RRRK00000000 | Scaffold | 166 | 303 (Illumina) | 5,217,653 | |
FWSEC0511 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7947324 | RRRL00000000 | Scaffold | 213 | 59 (Illumina) | 5,271,027 | |
FWSEC0512 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 1999 | Canada | SRR7947327 | RRRM00000000 | Scaffold | 170 | 303 (Illumina) | 5,353,158 | |
FWSEC0514 | O103:H2 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | 2004 | Canada | SRR7612433 | RRRO00000000 | Scaffold | 141 | 76 (Illumina) | 5,323,892 | |
FWSEC0515 | O139:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612432 | RRRP00000000 | Scaffold | 74 | 71 (Illumina) | 5,020,809 | |
FWSEC0516 | O26:NM (O26:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612435 | RRRQ00000000 | Scaffold | 168 | 87 (Illumina) | 5,327,060 | |
FWSEC0517 | O130:H38 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612434 | RRRR00000000 | Scaffold | 117 | 109 (Illumina) | 5,052,530 | |
FWSEC0519 | O139:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947313 | RRRS00000000 | Scaffold | 597 | 31 (Illumina) | 4,805,470 | |
FWSEC0521 | O26:NM (O26:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612321 | RRRT00000000 | Scaffold | 178 | 84 (Illumina) | 5,321,164 | |
FWSEC0523 | O6:H34 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612319 | RRRU00000000 | Scaffold | 92 | 81 (Illumina) | 4,880,556 | |
FWSEC0526 | O88:H25 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947312 | RRRV00000000 | Scaffold | 599 | 30 (Illumina) | 4,689,586 | |
FWSEC0527 | O109:H5 | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612317 | RRRW00000000 | Scaffold | 74 | 44 (Illumina) | 5,213,197 | |
FWSEC0529 | O88:H25 | stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612315 | RRRX00000000 | Scaffold | 95 | 81 (Illumina) | 4,927,775 | |
FWSEC0530 | O rough:H38 (O134:H38) | stx2c | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612316 | RRRY00000000 | Scaffold | 69 | 94 (Illumina) | 4,954,025 | |
FWSEC0532 | O168:H8 | stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7947294 | RRRZ00000000 | Scaffold | 383 | 49 (Illumina) | 5,191,428 | |
FWSEC0534 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947295 | RRSA00000000 | Scaffold | 244 | 79 (Illumina) | 5,309,969 | |
FWSEC0535 | O111:H missing (O111:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947292 | RRSB00000000 | Scaffold | 317 | 172 (Illumina) | 5,583,793 | |
FWSEC0536 | O111:H11 | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947293 | RRSC00000000 | Scaffold | 306 | 245 (Illumina) | 5,754,316 | |
FWSEC0537 | O26:H missing (O26:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947298 | RRSD00000000 | Scaffold | 203 | 231 (Illumina) | 5,274,187 | |
FWSEC0538 | O26:H missing (O26:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947299 | RRSE00000000 | Scaffold | 223 | 187 (Illumina) | 5,309,671 | |
FWSEC0539 | O111:H missing (O111:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947296 | RRSF00000000 | Scaffold | 319 | 150 (Illumina) | 5,736,056 | |
FWSEC0540 | O111:H missing (O111:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947297 | RRSG00000000 | Scaffold | 318 | 141 (Illumina) | 5,736,086 | |
FWSEC0541 | O111:H missing (O111:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947286 | RRSH00000000 | Scaffold | 297 | 154 (Illumina) | 5,759,118 | |
FWSEC0542 | O111:H missing (O111:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947287 | RRSI00000000 | Scaffold | 327 | 97 (Illumina) | 5,716,208 | |
FWSEC0543 | O5:H missing (O5:H9) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947271 | RRSJ00000000 | Scaffold | 381 | 56 (Illumina) | 5,198,826 | |
FWSEC0544 | O111:H missing (O111:H11) | stx1a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947270 | RRSK00000000 | Scaffold | 285 | 162 (Illumina) | 5,698,696 | |
FWSEC0550 | O22:H8 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612323 | RRSL00000000 | Scaffold | 160 | 95 (Illumina) | 4,924,792 | |
FWSEC0553 | O117:H16 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947269 | RRSM00000000 | Scaffold | 102 | 484 (Illumina) | 5,129,595 | |
FWSEC0554 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947268 | RRSN00000000 | Scaffold | 272 | 59 (Illumina) | 5,256,407 | |
FWSEC0555 | O22:H8 | stx1a, stx2c | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Canada | SRR7612324 | RRSO00000000 | Scaffold | 116 | 50 (Illumina) | 5,150,247 | |
FWSEC0563 | O5:NM (O5:H9) | stx1a | River water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612214 | RRSU00000000 | Scaffold | 169 | 118 (Illumina) | 5,346,500 | |
FWSEC0576 | O165:NM (O165:H25) | stx1a, stx2a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Canada | SRR7612216 | RRSW00000000 | Scaffold | 158 | 145 (Illumina) | 4,934,747 | |
FWSEC0595 | O26:NM (O26:H11) | stx2a | Stream water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612366 | RRSY00000000 | Scaffold | 90 | 118 (Illumina) | 4,933,762 | |
FWSEC0597 | O130:H11 (O130:H38) | stx1a, stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612365 | RRSZ00000000 | Scaffold | 123 | 132 (Illumina) | 5,047,716 | |
FWSEC0611 | O139:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612372 | RRTF00000000 | Scaffold | 82 | 141 (Illumina) | 5,012,638 | |
FWSEC0614 | O182:NM (O182:H25) | stx2a | Stream water | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612501 | RRTH00000000 | Scaffold | 149 | 103 (Illumina) | 5,089,306 | |
FWSEC0620 | O6:H34 | stx2c | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612497 | RRTK00000000 | Scaffold | 77 | 109 (Illumina) | 4,882,643 | |
FWSEC0621 | O136:H12 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612498 | RRTL00000000 | Scaffold | 196 | 58 (Illumina) | 5,260,253 | |
FWSEC0622 | O136:H16 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612495 | RRTM00000000 | Scaffold | 130 | 109 (Illumina) | 5,284,097 | |
FWSEC0623 | O136:H16 (O136:H12) | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612496 | RRTN00000000 | Scaffold | 195 | 126 (Illumina) | 5,217,336 | |
FWSEC0624 | O26:H11 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612493 | RRTO00000000 | Scaffold | 179 | 216 (Illumina) | 5,286,972 | |
FWSEC0625 | O113:H4 | stx1a, stx2d | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612494 | RRTP00000000 | Scaffold | 161 | 81 (Illumina) | 4,907,794 | |
FWSEC0626 | O139:H19 | stx1a, stx2a | Rectal swab, domesticated livestock, bovine, agricultural (farm) | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612134 | RRTQ00000000 | Scaffold | 83 | 86 (Illumina) | 5,015,665 | |
FWSEC0627 | O113:NM (O113:H121) | stx2a | Unknown specimen type | 2012 | Canada | SRR7612133 | RRTR00000000 | Scaffold | 103 | 94 (Illumina) | 4,992,326 | |
FWSEC0629 | O130:H38 | stx1a, stx2a | Domesticated livestock, farm animal, porcine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7947266 | RRTS00000000 | Scaffold | 264 | 60 (Illumina) | 5,029,373 | |
FWSEC0631 | O69:H11 | stx1a | Unknown specimen type | Not collected | Canada | SRR7947264 | RRTT00000000 | Scaffold | 494 | 50 (Illumina) | 5,209,350 | |
FWSEC0632 | O111:H missing (O111:H8) | stx1a, stx2a | Domesticated livestock, bovine, animal manure, agricultural (farm) | Not collected | Not collected | SRR7947263 | RRTU00000000 | Scaffold | 269 | 80 (Illumina) | 5,455,050 |
NT, nontypeable; NM, nonmotile, by traditional lab determination. Isolates were traditionally serotyped at national or provincial reference labs prior to selection for sequencing. Serogroups were then determined algorithmically using EcTyper (https://github.com/phac-nml/ecoli_serotyping) under default settings (min_percentidentity 90; percentLength 50). When traditional and in silico serogoup calls varied, both are reported. It is not unusual for genotypically positive strains to be nonmotile under lab determination conditions.
stx allele subtype PCR determination (33) (with algorithmic determination, where noted). Genome assemblies underwent a default BLASTN search (90% threshold for %ID; 60% minimum length) against the Virulence Finder 2.0 Web-based tool (https://cge.cbs.dtu.dk/services/VirulenceFinder/) (34). Reads were mapped using SRST2 (35) and the K-mer analysis toolkit (KAT) sect function (36) to the Flemming Scheutz-curated E. coli virulence database. Although all isolates had been previously determined as genotypically positive for at least one stx subtype by PCR, both the A and B subunits of each Stx complex (stx1 or stx2) had to be detected during in silico screening to be classified as genotypically present.
WGS, whole-genome sequencing.
Coding sequences (CDS) for reference genomes FWSEC0001 through FWSEC0011 only.
A linear sequence in FWSEC0011 that could not be circularized owing to unresolved or collapsed repeats.
Data availability.
The standardized strain descriptions and accession numbers are presented in Table 1; the genomic data are publicly available in DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under BioProject no. PRJNA287560 and in the Sequence Read Archive under accession no. SRP155537. The versions described are the first versions.
Many strains were actively collected during the Genomics Research and Development Initiative national shared priorities project on Food and Water Safety (GRDI-FWS); otherwise, they were acquired from the culture collections of T. Alexander, P. Delaquis, T. Edge, A. Gill, C. Gyles, C. Nadon, A. Scott, E. Topp, L. Tschetter, G. Wang, and the GRDI-FWS project partner organizations (namely, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada, and the Public Health Agency of Canada [PHAC]). The National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)-Division of Enteric Diseases performed STEC serotyping (under direction by K. Tabor and K. Ziebell). C. Jokinen and R. Wang provided lab support. The NML Genomics Core (C. Bonner, B. Kaplen, V. Laminman, E. Landry, K. Melnychuk, T. Murphy, and G. Peters) performed sequencing. F. Pollari and K. Pintar collated metadata for FoodNet Canada isolates. IRIDA’s development team provided data management. The NML’s Bioinformatics Core and Scientific Informatics Services Division provided analysis capacity and infrastructure, respectively.
We thank the NCBI for all data assistance.
A.O. and T.L. were supported by the Government of Canada’s Federal Genomics Research and Development Initiative (GRDI) national shared priorities project on Food and Water Safety (GRDI-FWS). The work was funded by GRDI-FWS and an intramural GRDI to V.G. (for a portion of STEC draft genome assemblies and strain metadata), the Public Health Agency of Canada (for STEC reference genome closures), and Genome Canada/Genome BC (for metadata standardization).
The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, interpretation, public repository submission, or the decision to submit the work for publication.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Data Availability Statement
The standardized strain descriptions and accession numbers are presented in Table 1; the genomic data are publicly available in DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under BioProject no. PRJNA287560 and in the Sequence Read Archive under accession no. SRP155537. The versions described are the first versions.