Tobias Granberg, Qiuyun Fan, Constantina Andrada Treaba,Russell Ouellette, Elena Herranz, Gabriel Mangeat, Céline Louapre, Julien Cohen-Adad, Eric C. Klawiter, Jacob A. Sloane and Caterina Mainero. In vivo characterization of cortical and white matter neuroaxonal pathology in early multiple sclerosis. Brain 2017; 140: 2912-2926; doi:10.1093/brain/awx247.
The authors would like to apologize for a labelling error in Figure 3, which should have appeared as follows:
Figure 3.
NODDI and myelin-sensitive imaging metrics in the cortex and in the white matter of early stage multiple sclerosis subjects and healthy controls. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001. MS = multiple sclerosis; WI = weighted imaging.
This has now been corrected online.