FIG 4.
Antibiotics and probiotics similarly alter the turkey microbiome. Principal-coordinate analysis of unweighted UniFrac distances of the turkey ileum (A) and cecum (B) microbiome, colored by treatment: control, antibiotic (BMD), turkey-tailored probiotic (T-Pbx), commercial probiotic (FM-B11), and prebiotic (Prebx). Differences in centroids by treatment (denoted by a diamond) were tested by PERMANOVA, with R2 and P values reported. Pairwise PERMANOVA was also performed on each treatment pair, with insignificant differences in centroids (P > 0.05) denoted by N.S. Full pairwise comparison results are listed in Data Set S1. (C) Centered log-ratio-transformed relative abundances of minor contributing OTUs in the ileum (less than 10%).