Figure 6. Relationships between change in plasma total antioxidant capacity and rate of clinical decline.
(A) Women. (B) Men. For each participant, the increase in plasma ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) from baseline to the average of on-treatment (6 months and ∼18 months visit) values was plotted against the individual's annualized change in total UPDRS score using the conservative mixed model slope estimate shown in figure 2. The placebo group data (circles) appear on the left of each plot given the lack of FRAP change as expected in this group. Although a clustering of men in the placebo group showed no clinical decline during the trial (filled circles in lower left), contributing to an overall trend toward worsening with increasing FRAP (like urate) among men, the trend was not significant. UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.