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. 2019 Aug 14;79(8):685. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7174-9

Soft-gluon effective coupling and cusp anomalous dimension

Stefano Catani 1, Daniel de Florian 2, Massimiliano Grazzini 3,
PMCID: PMC6822783  PMID: 31762688


We consider the extension of the CMW soft-gluon effective coupling [1] in the context of soft-gluon resummation for QCD hard-scattering observables beyond the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We present two proposals of a soft-gluon effective coupling that extend the CMW coupling to all perturbative orders in the MS¯ coupling αS. Although both effective couplings are well-defined in the physical four-dimensional space time, we examine their behaviour in d=4-2ϵ space time dimensions. We uncover an all-order perturbative relation with the cusp anomalous dimension: the (four dimensional) cusp anomalous dimension is equal to the d-dimensional soft-gluon effective coupling at the conformal point ϵ=β(αS), where the d-dimensional QCD β-function, β(αS)-ϵ, vanishes. We present the explicit expressions of the two soft-gluon couplings up to O(αS2) in d dimensions. In the four-dimensional case we compute the two soft couplings up to O(αS3). For one of the two couplings, we confirm the O(αS3) result previously presented by other authors. For the other coupling, we obtain the explicit relation with the cusp anomalous dimension up to O(αS4). We comment on Casimir scaling at O(αS4).

A well known feature of QCD is that perturbative computations of hard-scattering processes are sensitive to soft-gluon effects. These effects manifest themselves in hard-scattering observables that are evaluated close to the exclusive boundary of the phase space. In such kinematical configurations, real-radiation contributions in the inclusive final state are strongly suppressed and they cannot balance virtual-radiation effects (which are always kinematically allowed). The unbalance leads to large logarithmic radiative corrections (the argument of the logarithms is the distance from the exclusive boundary). These contributions are often refereed to as logarithmically-enhanced terms of Sudakov type.

Real emission has a logarithmic spectrum for radiation that is soft and/or collinear to the direction of the observed hard jets (partons). This spectrum produces perturbative contributions that have at most two powers of logarithms for each power of the QCD coupling αS. In the case of many observables, the double-logarithmic (DL) terms can be resummed to all orders in αS in exponentiated form. For most of these observables resummation can be extended in exponentiated form to higher (or arbitrary) logarithmic orders. This feature depends on the hard-scattering process and, especially, on the specific kinematical properties of the observable under consideration. In the case of observables that fulfil exponentiation, it is natural to device a resummed perturbative expansion by systematically organizing the exponent in classes of subsequent logarithmic accuracy: leading logarithmic (LL) terms, next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) terms, next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) terms and so forth.

The explicit computation and resummation of Sudakov-type logarithms can be performed by using both traditional perturbative QCD methods and techniques based on Soft Collinear Effective Theory. Very many observables are nowadays known up to NLL accuracy (see, e.g., the reviews in Refs. [2, 3] and references therein for a large, though still incomplete, list of NLL results), and several observables are known to NNLL or higher logarithmic accuracy (a list of results can be found in Ref. [4]).

Direct inspection of NLL resummed results shows that they have a high degree of universality, with general structures and ingredients that have a ‘minimal’ dependence on the hard-scattering process and on the specific observable to be treated. Roughly speaking, the resummed logarithmic contributions are embodied in a ‘generalized’ Sudakov form factor and they are combined with ‘hard’ (non-logarithmic) factors, which are computable at fixed perturbative orders. The universality structure of NLL resummation is evident in the context of process-independent and observable-independent formulations of resummation that have been explicitly worked out [57] for large classes of (properly specified) observables. In particular, within such formulations, the Sudakov form factor is obtained by integration (over an observable-dependent phase space) of a universal kernel that is explicitly evaluated up to NLL accuracy. In view of these NNL results, progress is being carried out [8, 9] to extend such observable-independent resummation program to NNLL accuracy. Obviously, an improved understanding of NNLL contributions and their possible universality features is also relevant in the context of resummed calculations for specific observables, independently of any observable-independent treatment.

A relevant feature of the NLL results that we have briefly recalled is that the ‘dominant’ (soft and collinear) part of the NLL kernel of the generalized Sudakov form factor is obtained simply and in complete form through the use of the QCD coupling αSCMW [1] in the Catani–Marchesini–Webber (CMW) scheme (or bremsstrahlung scheme). The CMW coupling αSCMW has the meaning of an effective (physical) coupling for inclusive radiation of soft and collinear gluons. The purpose of the present paper is to extend the definition of αSCMW beyond NLL accuracy. A definition of such extension has been proposed in Ref. [4]. Moreover, the authors of Ref. [4] present the relation between the effective coupling and the customary MS¯ renormalized coupling up to O(αS3), and they embody the effective coupling in the context of an explicit formulation of NNLL resummation for generic two-jet observables in e+e- annihilation [8, 9]. We think that there is no unique extension of αSCMW beyond NLL accuracy. By unique extension, we mean an extension with the same universality features as those of αSCMW at NLL accuracy (we postpone additional comments on this). Therefore, in the present paper, besides considering the definition of Ref. [4], we propose a different definition of the soft-gluon effective coupling, and we present some results for both definitions.

We recall that the CMW coupling plays a role in two other contexts directly or indirectly related to Sudakov resummation. The coupling αSCMW can be used in Monte Carlo event generators (see, e.g., Ref. [10]) to improve the logarithmic accuracy of corresponding parton shower algorithms [1]. The dispersive approach to power-behaved terms in QCD hard processes [11, 12] uses αSCMW to combine contributions from the low-momentum (non-perturbative) region with perturbative contributions at next-to-leading order (NLO) in the high-momentum region. The extension of αSCMW beyond NLL accuracy can be useful also for higher-order studies within these two contexts.

The outline of the paper is as follows. We first recall (in a sketchy way) the role of the CMW coupling in NLL resummed calculations. Then we introduce two definitions of the soft-gluon effective coupling at arbitrary perturbative orders. We illustrate various perturbative results for both effective couplings, and we present some brief comments on their derivation (details about the derivation of the results will appear in a separate publication). The results include an all-order relation with the cusp anomalous dimension and perturbative expressions up to O(αS4). Finally, we conclude with a summary and some general comments.

At the lowest perturbative order, the probability of radiation of a single soft gluon that is soft (ωE) and collinear (θ1) to the direction of a massless hard parton is given by the well-known DL spectrum

dwiDL=CiαSπdωωdθ2θ2CiαSπdz1-zdqT2qT2, 1

where ω is the energy of the soft gluon, E is the energy of the radiating hard parton and θ is the gluon emission angle. To DL accuracy, dwiDL can be equivalently expressed in terms of the longitudinal-momentum fraction 1-z (1-zω/E) and transverse momentum qT (qTωθ) of the soft gluon. The subscript i denotes the type of radiating parton (i=q,q¯,g), and Ci is the corresponding quadratic Casimir coefficient. We have Ci=CF if i=q (or i=q¯)) and Ci=CA if i=g, with CF=(Nc2-1)/(2Nc) and CA=Nc in SU(Nc) QCD with Nc colours.

The integration of the spectrum in Eq. (1) over the observable-dependent phase space produces large DL terms (in the vicinity of the exclusive boundary) and infrared divergent contributions that are cancelled by one-loop virtual-radiation effects. In the case of Sudakov sensitive observables that fulfil exponentiation, DL resummation is achieved by simply using dwiDL as integration kernel in the exponent of the observable-dependent Sudakov form factor.

The intensity of soft-gluon radiation in Eq. (1) is CiαS/π. The NLL resummation of the contributions from soft and collinear radiation is obtained (see, for instance, Eqs. (10), (12) and (26) in Ref. [6], or Eqs. (2.16) and (2.29) in Ref. [7]) by using the DL kernel of Eq. (1) and simply replacing the intensity of the soft-gluon coupling as follows

CiαSπAiCMW(αS(qT2))=CiαSCMW(qT2)π=CiαS(qT2)π1+αS(qT2)2πK, 2

where αSCMW is the CMW coupling [1] and αS(μ2) is the QCD running coupling at the renormalization scale μ in the MS¯ renormalization scheme. The value of the coefficient K in Eq. (2) is (nF is the number of massless-quark flavours)

K=6718-π26CA-59nF, 3

as it turned out since early works on NLL resummation of several observables [1316].

Two effects are embodied in the DL kernel dwiDL through the replacement in Eq. (2). The QCD coupling αS is evaluated at the scale of the soft-gluon transverse momentum qT [17, 18]: this accounts for the resummation of the LL terms. The gluon coupling acquires a correction of O(αS2) (which is controlled by the coefficient K in the MS¯ renormalization scheme): this produces the resummation of NLL terms. Since the replacement takes place in the exponent of the Sudakov form factor, it is produced by the correlated radiation of soft partons (both two soft gluons and a soft qq¯ pair), whereas the independent emission of soft gluons is taken into account through the exponentiation. We also note that AiCMW(αS) is an effective coupling at the inclusive level, since it is obtained by integrating over the momenta of the final-state correlated partons. The coupling AiCMW(αS) refers to radiation that is both soft and collinear. The Sudakov form factor includes other NLL terms due to soft wide-angle (i.e., non-collinear) radiation and hard (i.e., non-soft) collinear radiation: we postpone some comments on these terms.

Since the CMW Sudakov kernel refers to soft and collinear radiation, it can be viewed as obtained by considering the soft limit of multiple collinear radiation. In this respect it is natural to compare it with the DGLAP kernel [19, 20] that controls the collinear evolution of the parton distribution functions (PDFs). In the soft limit, z1, the flavour diagonal DGLAP kernel Pii(αS;z) (1-z is the longitudinal-momentum fraction that is radiated in the final state) has the following behaviour [21]:

Pii(αS;z)=11-zAi(αS)+,(z<1), 4

where the dots on the right-hand side denote terms that are less singular than (1-z)-1 (we have also neglected contact terms, proportional to δ(1-z), of virtual origin). The soft behaviour in Eq. (4) also applies to the collinear evolution of the parton fragmentation functions.

The perturbative function Ai(αS) in Eq. (4) is usually called (light-like) cusp anomalous dimension, since it can also be related to the renormalization of cusp singularities of Wilson loops [22, 23]. In the context of our discussion, Ai(αS) directly refers to the soft limit in Eq. (4), independently of any relations with Wilson loop renormalization. The perturbative expansion of Ai(αS) reads

Ai(αS)=n=1αSπnAi(n). 5

where αS is the renormalized MS¯ coupling. The perturbative coefficients Ai(1),Ai(2) [24, 25] and Ai(3) [19, 20] are explicitly known. Using the MS¯ factorization scheme for PDFs and fragmentation functions, these coefficients are

Ai(1)=Ci, 6
Ai(2)=12KCi, 7
Ai(3)=Ci[24596-67216π2+11720π4+1124ζ3CA2+-209432+5108π2-712ζ3CAnF+-5596+12ζ3CFnF-1108nF2], 8

where ζk is the Riemann ζ-function. The fourth-order coefficient Ai(4) is known in approximate numerical form [26, 27] (the calculation in full analytic form is under completion), and a first numerical estimate of Aq(5) has been presented recently [28]. By direct inspection of Eqs. (6)–(8) we note that the dependence on i (the type of radiating parton) of the perturbative function Ai(αS) is entirely specified up to O(αS3) by the overall colour factor Ci. This overall dependence on Ci, which is customarily named as Casimir scaling relation, follows from the soft-parton origin of Ai(αS) [29], and it is violated at higher perturbative orders [30], starting from O(αS4).

From Eqs. (5) to (7) we see that, up to the second perturbative order, Ai(αS) coincides with the CMW coupling AiCMW(αS) in Eqs. (2) and (3). One may be tempted to conclude that the cusp anomalous dimension provides a sensible definition of a physical (though effective) soft-gluon coupling beyond O(αS2). The equivalence between Ai(αS) and soft-gluon coupling, however, cannot hold in general. Indeed Ai(αS) depends on the factorisation scheme of collinear singularities, while the physical coupling should not.

We add more comments on this point, since there are conceptual analogies (and differences) between the soft-collinear part of the Sudakov kernel and the soft limit of the DGLAP kernel. The DGLAP kernel is related to the probability of correlated emission of collinear partons with comparable values of transverse momenta (independent collinear emission is instead taken into account through the perturbative iteration of the kernel). To obtain the DGLAP kernel, the transverse momenta are integrated up to some value of the evolution (or factorization) scale. The transverse-momentum integral is collinear divergent in the low-momentum region: within the MS¯ factorization scheme, the divergences are handled by using dimensional regularization in d=4-2ϵ space time dimensions, and the DGLAP kernel is defined as the coefficient of the ensuing 1/ϵ pole [see related comments after Eq. (22)]. This is an unphysical procedure, although it is perfectly well defined for factorization purposes (a different factorization procedure would lead to a different DGLAP kernel). In contrast, the qT integration of the Sudakov kernel does not lead to collinear divergences since the low-qT region is ‘physically’ regularized by the definition of the measured observables. Nonetheless, the equality between the cusp anomalous dimension and the CMW coupling at O(αS2) is not completely accidental, since at this perturbative order the MS¯ factorization procedure is equivalent to introduce a lower bound on the transverse momentum [1], which practically acts as the regularization procedure that can be implemented through the use of a collinear safe observable.

In the following we introduce the all-order definitions of two soft-gluon effective couplings, and we present some perturbative results. The results are obtained by regularizing ultraviolet and infrared divergences (which are encountered at intermediate stages of the calculations) through analytic continuation in d=4-2ϵ space time dimensions. Specifically, we use the customary scheme of conventional dimensional regularization (CDR). The QCD bare coupling αSu and the renormalized running coupling αS(μR2) in the MS¯ renormalization scheme are related by the following standard definition:

αSuμ02ϵSϵ=αS(μR2)μR2ϵZ(αS(μR2);ϵ),Sϵ=(4π)ϵe-ϵγE, 9

where μ0 is the dimensional regularization scale, μR is the renormalization scale and γE is the Euler number. The renormalization function Z(αS;ϵ) is

Z(αS,ϵ)=1-αSβ0ϵ+αS2β02ϵ2-β12ϵ+O(αS3), 10

where β0 and β1 are the first two perturbative coefficients of the QCD β-function β(αS):

β(αS)=-β0αS-β1αS2+O(αS3), 11
12πβ0=11CA-2nF24π2β1=17CA2-5CAnF-3CFnF. 12

As we have already stated, an all-order definition of soft-gluon effective coupling has been given in Ref. [4]. We use the same starting point as in Ref. [4]. We consider a generic hard-scattering process that involves only two massless hard partons, which can be either a qq¯ pair (i=q) or two gluons (i=g). We compute the probability for emitting a set of soft partons (soft gluons and soft qq¯ pairs), and we consider the function wi(k;ϵ) that gives the ‘probability’1 of correlated emission (including the corresponding virtual corrections) of an arbitrary number of soft partons with total momentum k. This function is formally defined in Eq. (2.25) of Ref. [4], and it is called web function therein.

Contributions to wi(k;ϵ) from virtual and real radiative corrections separately lead to ultraviolet and infrared divergences. However, the probability of correlated soft emission at fixed total momentum k is a quantity that is infrared and collinear safe. Therefore, infrared singularities cancel in the computation of wi(k;ϵ) and, after renormalization of αS, the soft function wi(k;ϵ) is finite in the physical four-dimensional limit ϵ0. For our subsequent purposes, we consider the general d-dimensional function wi(k;ϵ), although it is well defined at ϵ=0.

A relevant property of wi(k;ϵ) is its invariance under longitudinal boosts along the direction of the momenta of the two hard partons in their centre-of-mass frame. It follows that wi(k;ϵ) actually depends only on two kinematical variables: the transverse-momentum component kT of k with respect to the direction of the radiating partons, and the transverse mass mT (mT2=kT2+k2). We propose the definition of two different effective couplings, A~T,i(αS;ϵ) and A~0,i(αS;ϵ), which measure the intensity of inclusive soft-parton radiation. The definitions are

A~T,i(αS(μ2);ϵ)=12μ20dmT2dkT2δ(μ2-kT2)wi(k;ϵ), 13
A~0,i(αS(μ2);ϵ)=12μ20dmT2dkT2δ(μ2-mT2)wi(k;ϵ), 14

where A~T,i(αS;ϵ=0) corresponds2 to the soft coupling of Ref. [4].

The definitions in Eqs. (13) and (14) differ only in the kinematical variable that is kept fixed in the integration procedure over k: A~T,i(αS(μ2);ϵ) is defined at fixed value kT=μ of the transverse momentum, while A~0,i(αS(μ2);ϵ) is defined at fixed value mT=μ of the transverse mass. In the right-hand side of Eqs. (13) and (14), the factor μ2 is introduced for dimensional reasons (so that A~i is dimensionless) and the factor 1 / 2 takes into account the fact that the integration of wi(k;ϵ) includes the angular regions where the soft momentum k is collinear to the momentum of each of the two hard partons. In the definitions of Eqs. (13) and (14) the renormalization scale μR is set to the value μR=μ. Obviously, the soft couplings A~T,i(αS(μ2);ϵ) and A~0,i(αS(μ2);ϵ) are renormalization group invariant quantities, so that, at the perturbative level, they can equivalently be expressed in terms of the running coupling αS(μR2) and the ratio μ2/μR2.

The integration over k in Eqs. (13) and (14) is infrared and collinear safe, so that the limit ϵ0 is finite and well defined. Therefore, the soft-gluon effective couplings AT,i(αS) and A0,i(αS) in the physical four-dimensional space time are simply

AT,i(αS)A~T,i(αS;ϵ=0),A0,i(αS)A~0,i(αS;ϵ=0). 15

Nonetheless we insist in using a d-dimensional definition of the soft-gluon coupling for a twofold (formal and practical) purpose. The formal aspects will be discussed below. At the practical level, the d-dimensional definition permits a direct application of the effective coupling in the context of hadron collisions, where Sudakov resummation can be sensitive to the PDFs of the colliding hadrons (and the related MS¯ factorization procedure in d dimensions).

The coefficients of the perturbative expansion of A~i and Ai are defined analogously to those in Eq. (5):

A~i(αS;ϵ)=n=1αSπnA~i(n)(ϵ),Ai(αS)=n=1αSπnAi(n). 16

The ϵ-expansion at the n-th perturbative order is denoted as follows

A~i(n)(ϵ)=Ai(n)+k=1ϵkA~i(n;k). 17

To make explicit the definition of the overall normalization of A~i(αS;ϵ) (and wi(k;ϵ)), we report the expression of the lowest-order contribution:

A~T,i(1)(ϵ)=A~0,i(1)(ϵ)=Cic(ϵ), 18


c(ϵ)eϵγEΓ(1-ϵ)=1-π212ϵ2-13ζ3ϵ3+O(ϵ4), 19

and Γ(z) is the Euler Γ-function. We note that the two soft couplings A~T,i(1) and A~0,i(1) are exactly equal at the lowest perturbative order. This equality simply follows from the fact that the lowest-order contribution to wi(k;ϵ) is proportional to δ(k2)=δ(mT2-kT2). We also note [see Eq. (19)] that the ϵ dependence of A~i(1)(ϵ) starts at O(ϵ2) (i.e., the coefficient A~i(1;1) at O(ϵ) vanishes). This mild ϵ dependence is of entirely ‘kinematical’ origin (it arises from the d-dimensional phase space), since (due to helicity conservation) the dynamics of soft-gluon radiation does not produce any ϵ dependence at the lowest perturbative order.

We anticipate (see below) that, in the physical four-dimensional space time, both soft couplings in Eqs. (13) and (14) are equal to the CMW coupling AiCMW up to O(αS2). Therefore, we have

AT,i(2)=A0,i(2)=Ai(2). 20

One of the main results of this paper is the following all-order relation between the cusp anomalous dimension Ai(αS) and the soft-gluon couplings:

A~T,i(αS;ϵ=β(αS))=A~0,i(αS;ϵ=β(αS))=Ai(αS). 21

This relation can be derived in differents ways. A procedure that we have used consists in considering threshold resummation [16, 33, 34] for the production of high-mass systems in hadron collisions. The threshold resummed cross section is related to the evolution of the PDFs in the soft limit [see Eq. (4)]. We have applied both soft couplings in Eqs. (13) and (14) to the computation of the threshold resummed cross section and we have obtained the result in Eq. (21).

The relation in Eq. (21) can be rewritten in the following form:

Ai(αS(μF2))=ddlnμF2Pϵ0μF2dqT2qT2A~i((αS(qT2);ϵ), 22

where A~i is equivalently A~T,i or A~0,i, and Pϵ is the projection operator [24] that extracts the ϵ poles (in MS¯ form) of the function of αS(μF2) and ϵ in the curly bracket. The equivalence between Eqs. (21) and (22) can be proven by using some d-dimensional technicalities. We would like to point out that the relation between A~i and Ai as expressed in the form of Eq. (22) is in direct correspondence with our previous qualitative discussion about the relation between the Sudakov kernel and the DGLAP kernel. The soft coupling A~i((αS(qT2);ϵ) gives the intensity of the spectrum of correlated soft and collinear emission of partons with total transverse momentum qT. In the right-hand side of Eq. (22), the qT spectrum is integrated over the region from qT=0 up to some value of the factorization scale μF. Following the MS¯ factorization procedure, the ϵ poles that arise from the d-dimensional regularization of the collinear singularities in the region around qT0 are then extracted to obtain (actually, to define) the intensity Ai(αS(μF2)) of soft radiation in the DGLAP kernel [i.e., the cusp anomalous dimension in Eq. (4)].

Equation (21) relates3 the cusp anomalous dimension to the d-dimensional soft-gluon coupling at the conformal point ϵ=β(αS), where the d-dimensional QCD β-function β(αS)-ϵ vanishes. The relation (21) is not specific of QCD, and it also applies to other gauge theories. In particular, in the case of N=4 maximally supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory we have β(αS)=0 and, therefore, the cusp anomalous dimension coincides with the physical (four-dimensional) soft-gluon coupling: AT(αS)=A0(αS)=A(αS).

According to Eq. (21), there is a non-trivial interplay between the perturbative dependence of the cusp anomalous dimension and the d-dimensional dependence of the soft-gluon coupling. In particular, since the ϵ-dependence of A~i(1)(ϵ) starts at O(ϵ2) [see Eqs. (18) and (19)], Eq. (21) directly implies the equivalence up to O(αS2) [see Eq. (20)] between the cusp anomalous dimension and the four-dimensional soft-gluon coupling (or the CMW coupling). As we have already recalled, this equivalence is not completely accidental [1] and, at the purely technical level, it can be viewed as a consequence of the mild O(ϵ2) dependence in Eqs. (18) and (19).

The relation in Eq. (21) also states that the two d-dimensional soft couplings, A~T,i(αS;ϵ) and A~0,i(αS;ϵ), become equal by setting ϵ=β(αS). Starting from O(αS2) [see Eqs. (23) and (25) below], the ϵ-dependence of the two soft couplings is very different. In view of this, we find it remarkable that such a different ϵ-dependence conspires to make the coupling equal at ϵ=β(αS). Incidentally, such a different ϵ-dependence and the relation (21) imply that the two four-dimensional soft couplings, AT,i(αS) and A0,i(αS), inevitably differ starting from O(αS3). Moreover, the difference AT,i(αS)-A0,i(αS) is necessarily due to perturbative contributions that are proportional to the coefficients, β0,β1 and so forth, of the QCD β-function.

In addition to be interesting for its intrinsic structure, the relation in Eq. (21) can be exploited for several different purposes. It can be used to crosscheck explicit perturbative computations of Ai(αS) and A~i(αS;ϵ). Once one the the three functions Ai,A~T,i and A~0,i is known at some perturbative order, Eq. (21) can exploited to extract information on the other two functions [in the following we explicitly make this use of Eq. (21)]. The relation (21) can also be used to obtain the cusp anomalous dimension Ai(αS) through the d-dimensional perturbative calculation of one of the two soft couplings A~i(αS;ϵ).

We have computed the soft function wi(k;ϵ) at O(αS2) by combining the one-loop correction to single soft-gluon radiation [35] with the d-dimensional integration of double soft-parton radiation at the tree level [36]. Then, using Eqs. (13) and (14), we have computed the soft-gluon effective couplings in d dimensions at O(αS2), and we obtain the following results [37]. In the case of A~T,i(αS;ϵ) we find

A~T,i(2)(ϵ)=Ci-c(ϵ)(11CA-2nF)12ϵ+c(2ϵ)πsin(πϵ)[CA(11-7ϵ)-2nF(1-ϵ)]4(3-2ϵ)(1-2ϵ)+CAc(2ϵ)h(ϵ)π2sin(πϵ)-CAc(2ϵ)π22sin2(πϵ)2-sin2(πϵ)cos(πϵ)-2sin(πϵ)πϵ, 23


h(ϵ)=γE+ψ(1-ϵ)+2ψ(1+2ϵ)-2ψ(1+ϵ), 24

and ψ(1+z)=dlnΓ(1+z)dz. In the case of A~0,i(αS;ϵ) we find

A~0,i(2)(ϵ)=Ci-c(ϵ)(11CA-2nF)12ϵ+c2(2ϵ)ϵc2(ϵ)[CA(11-7ϵ)-2nF(1-ϵ)]4(3-2ϵ)(1-2ϵ)+CAc2(2ϵ)r(ϵ)2(1-2ϵ)c2(ϵ)-CAc(2ϵ)2ϵ2(πϵ)2cos(πϵ)sin2(πϵ)+πϵsin(πϵ)-2c(2ϵ)c2(ϵ), 25


r(ϵ)=21+ϵ3F2(1,1,1-ϵ;2-2ϵ,2+ϵ;1)-11-ϵ3F2(1,1,1-ϵ;2-2ϵ,2-ϵ;1), 26

and 3F2(α,β,γ;δ,ρ;z) is the generalized hypergeometric function of the variable z.

The ϵ-expansion up to O(ϵ2) of the second-order expressions in Eqs. (23) and (25) gives

A~T,i(2)(ϵ)=Ai(2)+ϵCiCA10127-11π2144.-7ζ32+nFπ272-1427+ϵ2CiCA60781-67π2216-77ζ336-7π4120+nF5π2108-8281+7ζ318+O(ϵ3), 27
A~0,i(2)(ϵ)=Ai(2)+ϵCiCA10127-55π2144-7ζ32+nF5π272-1427+ϵ2CiCA60781-67π272-143ζ336-π436+nF5π236-8281+13ζ318+O(ϵ3), 28

where Ai(2) is given in Eq. (7). From these equations we see that the ϵ dependence of the two soft couplings A~T,i(2)(ϵ) and A~0,i(2)(ϵ) is already different at O(ϵ). We also see that the limit ϵ0 of our explicit calculation at O(αS2) leads to the equality in Eq. (20) between the two soft couplings and the CMW coupling. At the computational level the equality AT,i(2)=A0,i(2) originates as follows. Since A~T,i(1)(ϵ)=A~0,i(1)(ϵ), the value of A~i(2)(ϵ) at ϵ=0 is determined by the behaviour of the soft function wi(k;ϵ) in the region where k20. In this region we have mT2kT2 and, therefore, the difference between the right-hand side of Eqs. (13) and (14) (and, hence, between the two soft couplings) is not effective.

We now present our computation of the third-order coefficients AT,i(3) and A0,i(3) of both four-dimensional soft couplings. To this purpose we use Eq. (11) and we perturbatively expand Eq. (21) in terms of the coefficients A~i(n;k) that are defined in Eq. (17). We obtain

Ai(3)=Ai(3)-(β0π)2A~i(1;2)+(β0π)A~i(2;1). 29

This relation applies to both soft couplings A~T,i and A~0,i (we have omitted the corresponding subscripts T and 0), and we have also used A~i(1;1)=0 [see Eqs. (18) and (19)]. Since we have determined A~i(1)(ϵ) and A~i(2)(ϵ) to all orders in the ϵ-expansion, the explicit values of the coefficients A~i(1;2) and A~i(2;1) can be directly read from Eqs. (18), (19), (27) and (28). Inserting these coefficients in Eq. (29) we can explicitly relate Ai(3) to the coefficient Ai(3) [see Eq. (8)] of the cusp anomalous dimension. We obtain the following results:

AT,i(3)=Ai(3)+Ci(β0π)2π212+Ci(β0π)CA10127-11π2144-7ζ32+nFπ272-1427, 30
A0,i(3)=Ai(3)+Ci(β0π)2π212+Ci(β0π)CA10127-55π2144-7ζ32+nF5π272-1427. 31

Our result in Eq. (30) for the third-order coefficient of the soft-gluon coupling AT,i(αS) agrees with the corresponding result presented in Ref. [4] [see Eqs. (3.9) and (3.11b) therein].

Using the value of Ai(3) in Eq. (8), the results in Eqs. (30) and (31) explicitly relate the four-dimensional (physical) soft-gluon effective couplings AT,i(αS) and A0,i(αS) with the MS¯ renormalized coupling αS up to O(αS3). This relation generalizes the O(αS2) CMW relation in Eq. (2) to the third order, and it can be used to construct the Sudakov kernel for soft-gluon resummation of infrared and collinear safe observables at NNLL accuracy [4].

In the case of the soft-gluon coupling A0,i(αS) we have also computed its relation with the MS¯ coupling at O(αS4). More precisely, we obtain an explicit relation between A0,i(4) and the corresponding coefficient Ai(4) of the cusp anomalous dimension. We find

A0,i(4)=Ai(4)+Ci{CA3121π2ζ3288-21755ζ3864+33ζ54+847π417280-41525π215552+3761815186624+CA2nF-11π2ζ3144+6407ζ3864-3ζ52-11π4432+9605π27776-155931944+CACFnF17ζ39+11π41440+55π2576-73512304+CAnF2-179ζ3432+13π44320-695π23888+1381915552+CFnF2-19ζ372-π4720-5π2288+215384+nF3-ζ3108+5π2648-291458}. 32

This fourth-order result can be used for applications to soft-gluon resummed calculations of infrared and collinear safe observables at the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (N3LL) accuracy.

Knowing the result in Eq. (32) and exploiting the relation in Eq. (21), we can also explicitly determine the third-order coefficient A~0,i(3)(ϵ) of the d-dimensional soft coupling at O(ϵ). To illustrate the procedure, we perturbatively expand Eq. (32) in terms of the coefficients A~i(n;k) of Eq. (17), and we obtain

A0,i(4)=Ai(4)+(β0π)A~0,i(3;1)-(β0π)2A~0,i(2;2)+(β1π2)A~0,i(2;1)+(β0π)3A~0,i(1;3)-2(β1β0π3)A~0,i(1;2), 33

where we have used A~0,i(1;1)=0. The explicit coefficients A~0,i(1;2) and A~0,i(1;3) at the first order and A~0,i(2;1) and A~0,i(2;2) at the second order can be read from Eqs. (18), (19) and (28), respectively. Therefore, by comparing Eqs. (32) and (33) we obtain

A~0,i(3)(ϵ)=A0,i(3)+ϵA~0,i(3;1)+O(ϵ2), 34

with the explicit result

A~0,i(3;1)=Ci{CA211π2ζ324-225ζ38+9ζ5+121π44320-4651π21296+40386115552+CAnF289ζ372-29π42160+2717π22592-482417776+CFnF19ζ312+π4120+7π296-1711576+nF2-ζ318-5π272+70243}. 35

We comment on our derivation of the result in Eq. (32). The soft-gluon effective coupling A~0,i(αS;ϵ) is particularly suitable in the context of threshold resummation [16, 33, 34] for the production of colourless high-mass systems in hadron collisions. The threshold resummed cross section for these processes is presently known in explicit form up to N3LL accuracy [3847]. We have applied A~0,i(αS;ϵ) to threshold resummation and, exploiting the known N3LL results [46], we obtain Eq. (32).

The result in Eq. (32) relates the fourth-order perturbative term A0,i(4) of the soft coupling A0,i(αS) to the corresponding term Ai(4) of the cusp anomalous dimension Ai(αS). Since Ai(4) is not fully known in analytic form, we add some comments on the fourth-order results.

We have examined the colour structure of soft multiparton radiation from two hard partons at O(αS4) and, consequently, we can obtain the general colour structure of the soft function wi(k;ϵ) or, equivalently [due to Eqs. (13) and (14)], the colour structure of the soft coupling. We write this structure in the following form:

A~i(4)(ϵ)=CiA~[2](4)(ϵ)+dAi(4)NiA~[4A](4)(ϵ)+nFdFi(4)NiA~[4F](4)(ϵ), 36

where Ni is the dimension of the colour representation of the hard parton i (Ni=NA=Nc2-1 if i=g, and Ni=NF=Nc if i=q,q¯), and dxy(4) are the quartic Casimir invariants (we use the normalization of dxy(4) as in Eqs. (2.6)–(2.10) of Ref. [27]). The entire dependence of A~i(4)(ϵ) (for both couplings A~T,i(4)(ϵ) and A~0,i(4)(ϵ)) on the colour of the hard parton i is embodied in the Casimir dependent factors that we have explicitly written in the right-hand side of Eq. (36). The ‘quartic’ (A~[4A](4)(ϵ) and A~[4F](4)) and ‘quadratic’ (A~[2](4)) coefficients do not depend on the type of radiating parton i. In particular, A~[4A](4)(ϵ) and A~[4F](4) are colour blind (they do not depend on Nc and nF). The coefficient A~[2](4) still depends on Nc and nF, and this dependence involves all the colour structures that appear in the curly bracket of Eq. (32) plus an additional term with colour factor CF2nF.

The presence in Eq. (36) of the quartic Casimir invariants violates Casimir scaling (i.e., the proportionality relation A~iCi). Nonetheless A~i(4) in Eq. (36) still fulfils a form of generalized Casimir scaling (in terms of three colour coefficients that depend on i) since A~[2](4),A~[4A](4) and A~[4F](4) do not depend on the hard parton i.

Setting ϵ=0 in Eq. (36) and using Eq. (21), we obtain the colour structure of the four-dimensional soft coupling A0,i(4) (or, analogously4, AT,i(4)) and of the cusp anomalous dimension Ai(4):

A0,i(4)=CiA0[2](4)+dAi(4)NiA[4A](4)+nFdFi(4)NiA[4F](4), 37
Ai(4)=CiA[2](4)+dAi(4)NiA[4A](4)+nFdFi(4)NiA[4F](4), 38

where, analogously to Eq. (36), the full dependence on the colour of the hard parton i is entirely controlled by the Casimir dependent coefficients Ci,dAi(4)/Ni and dFi(4)/Ni.

We note that, to obtain Eqs. (37) and (38) from Eq. (36), we have exploited Eq. (21) and the property that the difference A0,i(4)-Ai(4) fulfils Casimir scaling [see Eq. (33)], since the perturbative terms A~0,i(n)(ϵ) with n=1,2,3 fulfil Casimir scaling. In particular, in Eqs. (37) and (38) we have set A~0[2](4)(ϵ=0)A0[2](4), then we have related the ‘quadratic’ coefficients of the soft coupling (A0[2](4))) and of the cusp anomalous dimension (A[2](4)) through Casimir scaling:

A0,i(4)-Ai(4)=CiA0[2](4)-A[2](4), 39

and, finally, we have derived and implemented the following equalities

A~0[4A](4)(ϵ=0)A0[4A](4)=A[4A](4),A~0[4F](4)(ϵ=0)A0[4F](4)=A[4F](4), 40

between the ‘quartic’ coefficients of the soft coupling (A0[4A](4),A0[4F](4)) and of the cusp anomalous dimension (A[4A](4),A[4F](4)). Our result in Eq. (32) is fully consistent with the Casimir scaling relation in Eq. (39).

We note that the generalized Casimir scaling of the soft coupling in Eq. (36) and the relation in Eq. (21) necessarily imply the same scaling for the cusp anomalous dimension in Eq. (38). The generalized Casimir scaling of the cusp anomalous dimension has been conjectured and verified to good numerical accuracy in Ref. [27]. We also note that at the fourth order the DGLAP kernel Pgg(αS;z) includes a contribution with the quartic Casimir invariant dFF(4), which is absent in Ag(4) of Eq. (38). Such contribution to Pgg(4)(αS;z) vanishes in the soft limit, consistently with the approximate numerical result of Ref. [27].

The fourth-order term Ai(4) of the cusp anomalous dimension is not yet known in full analytic form, although it is known with good numerical accuracy. The analytic results, which regard the coefficients of various colour factors, have been obtained by using different methods: the computation of the soft limit of the DGLAP kernel [26, 48, 49], the fourth-order evaluation of form factors [5055], the cusp renormalization of Wilson loops [5660] [as we have previously observed, the relation (21) leads to another method to compute Ai(αS) through the evaluation of the d-dimensional soft coupling A~i(αS;ϵ)]. In particular, the ‘quartic’ coefficient A[4F](4) in Eqs. (37) and (38) has been computed very recently [54, 55]. The coefficients of the remaining colour factor contributions to Ai(4) have been evaluated in approximate numerical form [27].

The quantitative effect on the soft coupling A0,i(4) of the present numerical uncertainty of Ai(4) is very small, since the quantitative value of A0,i(4) turns out to be dominated by the contribution A0,i(4)-Ai(4) that we have explicitly computed in Eq. (32). To see this, we write

A0,i(4)=A0,i(4)-Ai(4)1+Δi,ΔiAi(4)A0,i(4)-Ai(4). 41

The term Δi depends on nF. Using A0,i(4)-Ai(4) from Eq. (32) and Ai(4) from Ref. [27] and setting nF=5 (with Nc=3) we obtain

Δi(nF=5)=(-0.222(5)δiq+4.05(4)δig)×10-2, 42

where the numbers in brackets indicate the numerical uncertainty (due to Ai(4) [27]) of the preceding digit. Similar quantitative results are obtained for nF=3,4. The term Δi turns out to contribute to A0,i(4) at the level of few percents, so that a small uncertainty on Ai(4) leads to a very small uncertainty on A0,i(4).

As observed in Ref. [27], due to the actual values of the ‘quartic’ coefficients A[4A](4) and A[4F](4) in Eq. (38), numerical Casimir scaling is completely broken in the fourth-order term Ai(4) of the cusp anomalous dimension. However, due to the smallness of Δi, the soft coupling A0,i(4) still fulfils numerical Casimir scaling (A0,i(4)Ci) modulo corrections at the few percent level.

We report the numerical value of the soft coupling A0,i(αS) with Nc=3 up to O(αS4). Using A0,i(3) from Eq. (31), A0,i(4)-Ai(4) from Eq. (32), Ai(4) (with its numerical uncertainty) from Ref. [27] and setting nF=5, we have

A0,i(αS)=CiαSπ[1+0.54973αS-1.7157αS2-(5.9803(3)δiq+6.236(2)δig)αS3+O(αS4)]. 43

The perturbative expansion in Eq. (43) can be compared with the corresponding perturbative expansion of the cusp anomalous dimension in Eq. (4.4) of Ref. [27]. From the comparison we can see that the third-order5 and fourth-order numerical coefficients in A0,i(αS) are sizeably larger than those in Ai(αS). Nonetheless the perturbative expansion of A0,i(αS) is still numerically well behaved. We also see that the violation of Casimir scaling in the fourth-order term of A0,i(αS) is numerically at the 4% level.

We add some general (though brief) comments on the soft-gluon effective coupling and Sudakov resummation.

The resummation procedure of logarithmic contributions of Sudakov type requires proper kinematical approximations of the phase space for multiparton final-state radiation. Such approximations are specific of the physical observables under consideration. As a consequence, the use of one or the other of the two soft-gluon couplings A~T,i and A~0,i can be more appropriate depending on the observables. The two soft couplings can alternatively (or equivalently) be used for the resummation treatment of different classes of observables. Some observables can also require a combined use of both soft couplings. In Ref. [4] the soft-gluon coupling AT,i has been explicitly applied to the resummation of a wide class of observables, by using the master formula in Eq. (2.45) therein. According to the notation in Eq. (2.45) of Ref. [4], NNLL terms are partly included in the exponentiated radiator R and partly assigned to the multiplicative factor δFNNLL. Within this NNLL formulation, the soft couplings AT,i and A0,i are equivalent at the practical level, since the replacement AT,iA0,i in the exponentiated radiator can be compensated by a corresponding redefinition of the factor δFNNLL. The equivalence of A~T,i and A~0,i does no longer hold if the NNLL terms are resummed in fully exponentiated form. Considering fully exponentiated logarithmic terms, we have already mentioned that the soft-gluon coupling A~0,i is particularly suitable in the context of threshold resummation and related observables, and its application to other classes of observables can be investigated. By modifying the δ-function constraints in Eqs. (13) and (14), other definitions of soft-gluon effective couplings can be introduced. Such definitions can possibly be of interest for resummation purposes [i.e., independently of relations such as that in Eq. (21)] of certain class of observables.

The soft-gluon coupling A~i controls the intensity of the spectrum of soft and collinear radiation in the Sudakov kernel. The Sudakov kernel has other dynamical components that, roughly speaking, are due to soft non-collinear (i.e., wide-angle) radiation and hard (i.e., non-soft) collinear radiation. Both components have to be included in a resummed calculation (see, e.g., Refs. [57] at NLL accuracy and Refs. [4, 8, 9] at NNLL accuracy), and their inclusion has to be properly performed (i.e., properly matched) according to the soft coupling (either A~T,i or A~0,i) that is specifically used in the soft-collinear component. However, we note that, at a given fixed perturbative order (say, αSn) in the Sudakov kernel, the soft-collinear component is logarithmically enhanced (by at least one power of log) with respect to the two other components. Therefore, the Sudakov kernel at NkLL accuracy requires the knowledge of the soft coupling Ai(αS) up to O(αSk+1) and the computation of the other components up to O(αSk) (i.e., one order lower than the soft coupling). For instance, to achieve NNLL accuracy in the Sudakov kernel, the third-order results in Eqs. (30) and (31) for the soft coupling have to be combined with the calculation at O(αS2) of the other dynamical components.

A final comment regards the process dependence of the Sudakov kernel. The soft couplings in Eqs. (13) and (14) are computed by considering soft-parton radiation from two hard partons in a colour singlet configuration. Soft-gluon radiation in processes that involve several hard partons is definitely more complex than in the case of two hard-parton processes. This complex structure of soft-gluon radiation has to be taken properly into account. However, this does not affect the soft coupling A~i, since A~i measures the intensity of radiation that is both soft and collinear to parton i. The complex structure of soft radiation in multiparton hard scattering only affects the soft wide-angle component of the Sudakov kernel (see, e.g., Refs. [57] at NLL accuracy).

We conclude the paper with a brief summary of its content. We have considered the all-order extension of the CMW effective coupling in the context of soft-gluon resummation beyond NLL accuracy. We have argued that there is no unique all-order extension, namely, no extension that shares all the universality (i.e., observable-independent) features of the CMW coupling at O(αS2). Starting from the emission probability of an arbitrary number of soft partons, we have introduced the definition in d=4-2ϵ space-time dimensions of two effective couplings, A~T,i(αS;ϵ) and A~0,i(αS;ϵ), which measure the intensity of the inclusive spectrum for soft and collinear radiation from a massless hard parton i (i=q,q¯,g). We have found that, to all perturbative orders, the two soft couplings are equal if they are evaluated at the d-dimensional point ϵ=β(αS), and they coincide with the (four-dimensional) cusp anomalous dimension Ai(αS). The limit ϵ0 is smooth and it can be used to define the four-dimensional (‘physical’) couplings AT,i(αS) and A0,i(αS). The coupling AT,i(αS) has originally been defined in Ref. [4], and its explicit relation with αS up to O(αS3) has been presented therein. We have computed both couplings, AT,i(αS) and A0,i(αS), up to O(αS3) and, in the case of AT,i(αS), our independent calculation confirm the result in Ref. [4]. In the case of A~0,i(αS;ϵ) we are able to compute its third-order contribution up to O(ϵ) and, in the four-dimensional limit, we obtain an explicit relation at O(αS4) between A0,i(αS) and the cusp anomalous dimension Ai(αS). Moreover, we have presented the explicit d-dimensional results (e.g., to all orders in the ϵ expansion) for both soft couplings up to O(αS2).


We would like to thank Bryan Webber for comments on the manuscript. This work is supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) under contracts 200020_169041 and IZSAZ2_173357, by MINCyT under contract SUIZ/17/05, by Conicet and by ANPCyT.

Data Availability Statement

This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: The research presented in this manuscript is of purely theoretical nature and does not have associated data which need to be deposited. All our results are provided in analytic form within the paper.]



Note that this ‘probability’ is not positive definite since it refers to the correlation part of the total emission probability.


The function wi(k;ϵ) in Eqs. (13) and (14) and the web function in Eq. (2.25) of Ref. [4] are directly proportional, and the proportionality relation includes the overall factor (kT2)-ϵ that makes A~T,i and A~0,i dimensionless in any number d of dimensions.


An equality between the soft anomalous dimension (which is related to the cusp anomalous dimension) and the d-dimensional rapidity anomalous dimension at the point ϵ=β(αS) is presented in Refs. [31, 32].


The expression in Eq. (37) is equally valid for the soft coupling AT,i(4) through the replacement A0[2](4)AT[2](4).


For comparison with the value 1.7157 in Eq. (43), we note that the numerical value of the third-order coefficient [see Eq. (30)] of the soft coupling AT,i(αS) is 0.49121 .


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This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: The research presented in this manuscript is of purely theoretical nature and does not have associated data which need to be deposited. All our results are provided in analytic form within the paper.]

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