DNA unwinding of 3’-long arm/5’-arm (n), (n = 0, in green open lower left triangle -◣-, n = 8 in green closed lower left triangle -◣-,5’-Cy3 labelled at the duplex), 5’-long arm/3’-arm (n), (n = 0, in red open lower right triangle -◢-, n = 8 in red open lower right triangle-◢-, 3’-Cy5 labelled at the duplex) fork DNA substrates with
SsoMCM WT. Experiments were simultaneously initiated with ATP and an unlabelled ssDNA trap oligo identical to the labelled strand as described in the Materials and methods. There is a decrease in total DNA unwound with n = 0 compared to n = 8 in 3’-long arm/5’-arm(n) fork substrate (grey arrow). Error bars represent standard error from 3 to 5 independent experiments and data was fit to
Equation 3.